

is the material that most Aneros models are made from (the Progasm is made from polystyrene). All Aneros models are made from FDA approved materials. Acetal is a crystalline polymer with a high melting point. It offers a high modulus of elasticity combined with great strength, stiffness, smoothness, natural lubricity, and resistance to abrasion. Moisture has no effect on it. Also see Anatomy of the Aneros.
アセタールは、ほとんどのAnerosモデルが作られている材料です(Progasmはポリスチレン製です)。 すべてのAnerosモデルは、FDAが承認した材料で製造されています。 アセタールは、高い融点を有する結晶性ポリマーである。 これは、高い弾性率、優れた強度、剛性、滑らかさ、自然な潤滑性、耐摩耗性を備えています。 水分はそれに影響を与えません。 また、Anerosの解剖学(http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Aneros_B...を参照してください。


These are acronyms that are sometimes used as shorthand terms on the General Discussion Forum (For other terms that are occasionally also used you may wish to consult the Urban Dictionary):
AKA - Also Known As.
ATM - At The Moment.
BTW - By The Way.
DIY - Do It Yourself.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.
FWIW - For What It's Worth.
FYI - For Your Information.
HF(M)O - Hands Free (Multiple) Orgasm, see "hands-free orgasm" Glossary definition below (aka HFWO - Hands Free Wet Orgasm).
HTH - Hope That Helps
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
IM(H)O - In My (Humble) Opinion.
KSMO - see "KSMO" Glossary definition below.
LMAO - Laugh(ing) My Ass Off
LOL - Laugh(ing) Out Loud.
OM(F)G - Oh My (Fucking) God
PDQ - Pretty Damn Quick.
POV - Point Of View.
SPN - Soft Palate Nursing.
TBH - To Be Honest.
TMI - Too Much Information.
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary.

acupressure point

In the context of the Aneros, these are areas in which erogenous nerves are near the surface of the skin where they are responsive to direct stimulation. One such potent acupressure point, also called the "sweet spot", is located in the lower part of the perineum and is stimulated by the Aneros’ P-tab. A second acupressure point between the anus and tailbone is stimulated by the K-tab on the Progasm. (Another erogenous acupressure point can be found 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up the penis from the scrotum.)
アネロスの文脈では、これらは、性的な神経が直接刺激に反応する皮膚の表面近くにある領域です。 そのような強力な指圧ポイントは、「スイートスポット」(http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=Understa...とも呼ばれ、会陰の下部に位置し、AnerosのPタブによって刺激されます。 肛門と尾骨との間の第2の指圧ポイントは、ProgasmのKタブによって刺激されます。 (もう1つの性的指圧ポイントは、陰嚢から陰茎の上の1/4〜1/3まで見つけることができます。)


(a.k.a. 'Anerosless', 'A-less' or simply '-less') is any session where you have any type of prostate orgasm(s) without an Aneros massager inserted. (also see earlier identified phenomenon known as chairgasm)
アレス (Anerosless、A-less、または単にA-less)は、Anerosマッサージャーが挿入されていないタイプの前立腺のオルガスムがあるセッションです。 (また、以前にチェアガズムと呼ばれた現象を参照)

anal contraction

A contraction, either voluntary or involuntary, of the anal sphincter. This is the contraction that drives the motion of the Aneros. Successful use of the Aneros often entails the use of voluntary anal contractions, which may to lead to involuntary contractions as well. All of these serve to increase stimulation of the perineum, prostate, anus and rectum, and their erogenous nerves.
肛門括約筋の自発的または非自発的な収縮。 これは、Anerosの動きを駆動する収縮です。 Anerosの成功した使用は、しばしば、自発的な肛門収縮の使用を伴い、不随意の収縮にもつながる可能性がある。 これらのすべては、会陰部、前立腺、肛門および直腸、およびそれらの性的な神経の刺激を高めるのに役立つ。

anal orgasm

A non-ejaculatory orgasm centered on the muscles of the anus and rectum. This is analogous to a vaginal (as opposed to clitoral) orgasm in women.

anal play

A non-specific term that refers to any kind of anal stimulation for the purposes of sexual gratification. Such activity may take the form of masturbation, sexual foreplay with a partner or intercourse.
性的満足のための肛門刺激の種類を指す非特定用語。 そのような活動は、マスターベーション、パートナーまたは性交との性的前妻の形を取ることができる。

anal sphincter

The ring of muscles surrounding the anus. There are two rings, the outer and the inner. The outer is under voluntary control. The inner is not (it is controlled by the autonomic nervous system but can be trained to relax therapeutically with biofeedback). To identify this muscle, squeeze your anus as though you are holding back gas. This is the muscle that primarily drives the motion of the Aneros.

肛門周囲の筋肉の輪。外側と内側の2つのリングがあります。外側は随意に制御できます。 内側はできません(自律神経系によって制御されるが、バイオフィードバックによって治療的に弛緩するように訓練することができる)。

anal vet (anal veteran)

A person who is well experienced in anal play.

anal vet(肛門ベテラン)


is a line of patented male sex toys that are anal sphincter driven and anatomically designed to massage and stimulate the prostate for sexual pleasure. The Aneros was originally developed as a device for prostate massage, intended as an alternative means to treat a variety of prostate problems like prostatitis and BPH. Users of the device for health reasons noticed palpable sexual benefits as well.


Aneros patent

The patent awarded to the Japanese urologist who invented the Aneros, specifically for the design of an anal sphincter driven prostate massager. Patent Description(https://www.google.com/patents/US6802850)

この特許は、Anerosを発明した日本の泌尿器科医、特に肛門括約筋駆動の前立腺マッサージ器の設計に授与されました。 特許の説明 https://www.google.com/patents/US6802850

Aneros horny

A condition where the areas stimulated by the Aneros seemingly develop their own urges for stimulation and release.


Aneros session

A period of time spent with the Aneros ranging from 1 to 4 hours (or more in some cases) that is dedicated to exploring the non-ejaculatory pathway.


The external opening of the rectum.


An excited physical and mental state marked by physiological and emotional changes that normally occur in preparation for sexual activity. Physical changes may include: elevated heart rate and blood pressure, increase in respiration, trembling, hot flashes and erections. Mental changes may include: strong sexual desire, giddiness, the persistence of erotic fantasies, etc.
性的活動の準備において通常生じる生理学的および感情的変化によって特徴付けられる興奮した身体的および精神的状態。 身体的変化には、心拍数や血圧の上昇、呼吸数の増加、震え、まばたきや勃起などがあります。精神的な変化には、強い性的欲望、ぎこちなさ、エロチックなファンタジーの存続などが含まれます。

arousal amplification

Techniques other than direct penis stimulation that increase physical arousal. They include touching of secondary erogenous zones (nipples, anus, thighs, etc.), deep or valley breathing, KSMO and held contractions of pelvic floor muscles, mental focus and visualization. When used skillfully they lead to a cycle of increased arousal culminating in non-ejaculatory orgasm.


A term describing the movement of the Aneros as a result of continuous involuntary anal contractions, inducing the distinct and very pleasurable sensation of receptive sexual intercourse, sometimes to the point of non-ejaculatory orgasm.

bearing down

A contraction of the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm, that results in a "downward" (outward) force on the pelvic floor and rectum. As it relates specifically to the Aneros, bearing down can be combined with anal contractions to control the movement of the device and increase arousal. Bearing down is most commonly observed as one is "pushing" to eliminate a stool or when one is trying to increase the speed of a urine stream. Bearing down is often thought of as being the "opposite" of anal sphincter, PC or kegel contractions as it pushes outward as opposed to closing off and drawing inward. (Also see rectal contraction)
腹部と横隔膜の筋肉が収縮し、骨盤底と直腸に「下向き」(外向き)の力が生じます。 それは特にAnerosに関連しているので、デバイスの動きを制御して興奮を高めるために、息みを肛門収縮と組み合わせることができます。 ベアリングダウンは、排便を排除するために、または尿流の速度を増加させようとするときに、「押す」ことが最も一般的に観察される。 ベアリングダウンは、しばしば、肛門括約筋、PCまたはケーゲルの収縮の「反対」であると考えられ、閉鎖および内方への押し返しとは対照的に、外側に押す。 (直腸収縮も参照)


is an acronym for benign prostate hypertrophy or hyperplasia. A non-cancerous enlarging of the prostate common in middle aged and older men, often causing urinary symptoms. BPH is one of the prostate ailments that the Aneros was originally developed to help treat. See High Island Health.
BPHは良性の前立腺肥大または過形成の略語である。中高年男性に共通する前立腺の非癌性拡大でしばしば泌尿器症状を引き起こす。BPHはAnerosが元来を治療するために開発されました前立腺疾患の1つです。High Island Healthを参照してください。

butt buzz

is persistent, even insistent, energy in your anus, rectum, prostate, perineum, scrotum/testicles area, sometimes experienced spontaneously apart from an Aneros session. Faint to mild muscle spasms leading up to an orgasm may also occur.
butt buzzはあなたの肛門、直腸、前立腺、会陰、陰嚢/睾丸領域の永続的で根強いエネルギーです。Anerosセッションとは別に時折自発的に経験されます。ゆるやかで微弱な筋肉痙攣はオルガスムにつながることもあります。

butt flutters

Spastic involuntary contractions of the anal sphincter that are typically intermittent, fast and shallow. Such contractions may be accompanied by gentle P-waves.

calm seas of orgasm

A metaphor to describe where one is in a state of ongoing non-ejaculatory orgasms yet very relaxed at the same time, avoiding the usual muscular tension typically involved in high intensity arousal. Rather than vocalizing, thrusting, contracting or convulsing towards the orgasms, one gently keeps all muscles relaxed, letting the pleasure freely flow as if breathing it in and allowing the orgasms to come to you.

chain reaction orgasms

Non-ejaculatory orgasms coming successively often with little rest for up to a half an hour or more.

chairgasm (chair + orgasm)

A non-ejaculatory orgasm induced without the Aneros as occurs while seated in a desk chair. Chair orgasms are a sometimes-unexpected phenomenon observed by Aneros users who have recently become multi-orgasmic (and who are occasionally beset by them when they should be working, etc). They may be produced by deep breathing, vocalizing and/or concentrating on growing P-waves.

机の椅子に座っているときに発生するように、Anerosなしで誘導された射精を伴わないオルガズム。チェアオルガスムは、最近オルガスムになっている(そして、彼らが仕事をしなければならない時に時には嫌がらせをしている)Anerosユーザーによって観察される時々予期せぬ現象です。 それらは、深呼吸、発声、および/または成長するP波に集中することによって生成され得る。

clean out

To cleanse or rinse out the rectum with a simple enema in preparation for an Aneros session.


condom method

Lubricating and sheathing the Aneros in a condom prior to insertion. This method is believed (by some) to enhance mobility of the Aneros inside the anus and rectum, limit the migration of the lubricant and provide for a quicker cleanup after use.


Ongoing involuntary semi-rhythmic large muscle group contractions that have been experienced by some Aneros users. These may be localized or in some cases involve much of the body. Even though they occur as a result of ongoing arousal, they may or may not produce pleasure. They are also known to accompany intense orgasms. Individuals with a history or predisposition to having seizures may want to consult with their doctor prior to using the Aneros.

いくつかのAnerosユーザーによって経験されている進行中の非自発的なリズミカルな大規模な筋肉群の収縮。 これらは、ローカライズされている場合もあれば、体の大部分を占める場合もあります。 たとえそれが進行中の覚醒の結果として起きたとしても、喜びを生むことができないかもしれません。 彼らは強烈なオルガスムに付随することも知られています。 発作を罹患した人や歴史がある人は、Anerosを使用する前に医師に相談したいかもしれません。


The muscle covering the testes that controls the raising and lowering of the scrotum. It works involuntarily in response to temperature (contracting when cold to bring the testicles closer to the body or relaxing when warm). During ejaculation the cremaster constricts, drawing the testicles close to the body.

cremaster exercises

Also called "testicle elevations." Exercises in which the cremaster muscle is brought under voluntary control and strengthened. Because the drawing up of the testicles is a prelude to ejaculatory orgasm, voluntarily doing so may induce a noticeable sense of arousal in and around the testicles. To perform these exercises, one must start by identifying the muscles. Place your finger and thumb gently around your scrotum above the testicles. Then try to draw up the testicles. Your fingers should detect a very slight movement. At first you will involve your abdominal muscles but with practice you can isolate the cremaster itself, and considerably increase your ability to voluntarily draw in your testicles.

「睾丸隆起」とも呼ばれます。 精巣挙筋が自発的に制御され、強化される練習。 睾丸の引き上げは射精オルガズムへの前奏であるので、自発的にそうすることは、睾丸内および周りの顕著な覚醒感を誘発し得る。 これらの演習を行うには、筋肉を特定することから始める必要があります。 あなたの指と親指を睾丸の上の陰嚢の周りに静かに置きます。 その後、睾丸を結んでみてください。 あなたの指は非常にわずかな動きを検出するはずです。 最初は腹筋を巻き込むことになりますが、練習では精巣挙筋自身を隔離することができ、睾丸を自発的に描く能力がかなり向上します。


The process of becoming multi-orgasmic (Super Orgasmic). When one has a Super-O, they are said to have crossed-over, from the traditional penile-centered, ejaculatory pathway to the alternate, non-ejaculatory, multi-orgasmic pathway.

マルチオーガズム(スーパーオルガスム)になるプロセス。 Super-Oがあるとき、伝統的な陰茎中心の射精経路から交互の非射精的なマルチオルガスム経路に交差していると言われています。

deep breathing

Breathing slowly and deeply from the abdomen. Deep breathing encourages a state of deep physical relaxation and allows one to concentrate on the sensuous feelings your body can produce. It also facilitates the building of arousal, whereas shallow breathing and holding ones breath can frustrate the arousal. To learn deep breathing, lie down in loose garments with one hand on your chest and one on your belly button. As you inhale, draw air in by making your abdomen expand (i.e., by expanding your diaphragm) and exhale by letting it recede. Your chest hand should stay relatively stable while your belly hand should rise and fall with your breath. Also see valley breathing.


  腹部からゆっくり深く行う呼吸。深呼吸は深い身体の弛緩の状態を促し、身体が作り出すことができる感情的な感情に集中することを可能にします。 また、覚醒の構築を容易にする一方で、浅い呼吸と息を抱かせることは、興奮を邪魔することがあります。 深呼吸を学ぶには、胸に片手を、腹に片手でゆるい服を着てください。 あなたが吸うにつれて、あなたの腹部を拡張させる(すなわち、あなたの横隔膜を拡張することによって)空気を引き込み、それを後退させることによって吐き出す。 あなたの胸の手が比較的安定したままで、腹の手があなたの息をして立ち上がり、落ちるはずです。谷の呼吸も参照してください。

do nothing

technique The idea is to dispense with thinking about holding contractions, controlling your breathing, conscious relaxing, or anything else for that matter, in favor of just lying there and letting the pleasure and Aneros do their thing.


A medium intensity non-ejaculatory orgasm, one that is neither a mini-O nor a Super-O.

dud session

An Aneros session which doesn't produce the desired level of sexual satisfaction.
ダウセッション(dud session)

Echo Effect™(Jack Johnston)

or after effect Spontaneous body sensation(s) felt after an Aneros session, these may include chair orgasms, mini-o's, butt buzz or other minor sensations.


The practice of stimulating the penis so as to stay on the brink of ejaculation for a protracted time, (such as a quarter hour, half hour or more), with the goal of making the eventual orgasm more powerful. Doing this solo is good training for ejaculation control during intercourse. With respect to the hands-free orgasm it has also been used in the context of bringing oneself to the point of ejaculation by penile manipulation then quickly transitioning at the last moment to anal/prostate stimulation, (as from the Aneros) to trigger a climax.
陰茎を刺激して、最終的なオルガスムをより強力にする目的で、長時間(例えば、15分や30分以上)射精の瀬戸際にとどまるようにする練習。 このソロを行うことは、性交中の射精管理のための良い訓練です。ハンズフリーオーガズムにおいては、ペニスの操作によって射精直前のポイントまで自分自身を高め、最後の瞬間に(Anerosにされるように)肛門/前立腺刺激に素早く移行してクライマックスを引き起こすという文脈でも使用されています 。


A small amount of water introduced into the rectum by means of a bulb syringe, siphon pump (Higginson syringe) or gravity bag with the purpose of cleaning the rectum prior to an Aneros session. (Optional, a personal preference). The key to an effective cleansing of this sort is to use a small amount of water, just enough to loosen and transport any fecal matter that may be present. In order to avoid cramping it is important to keep the water as close to body temperature as possible.
アネロスセッションの前に直腸を洗浄する目的で、バルブ注射器、サイホンポンプ(ヒギンソンシリンジ)または重力バッグによって直腸内に少量の水を導入する。 (オプション、個人的な好み)。この種のクレンジングを効果的にするには少量の水を使用すること、残っているかもしれない糞便を緩めて輸送するのに十分な量だけです。 腹痛を避けるため、できるだけ水温を体温に近づけることが重要です。

erection cycling

When using the aneros, sometimes the penis suddenly goes from soft to very erect and then some minutes later becomes flaccid again, cycling over time in response to changes in internal stimulation.

"ESO: Extended Sexual Orgasm"©,

the name of a book by Brauer and Brauer that was among the first to popularize scientifically based sexual techniques that significantly enhance arousal and orgasm.
erogenous zone An area of the body that is particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation.

floor tone

The tone of the muscles of your pelvic floor muscles. (See PC muscles).

full body orgasm (whole body orgasm)

An orgasm that includes pleasure and muscular contraction throughout the body.


A reference to sensations that occur all over the body.


Chemically, a sugar alcohol and the active ingredient in most water-based personal lubricants. Glycerin is water-soluble and has a high degree of lubricity, yet it has been known to cause a purgative effect (producing the urge to move the bowels) with some individuals. Glycerin is also an ingredient in suppository laxatives.

hands-free orgasm (aka HFWO)

An ejaculatory orgasm that does not involve any direct or indirect stimulation of the penis, either from purposeful stroking, or incidental rubbing of bedding etc. An ejaculation that is produced by anal, rectal, nipple, prostate stimulation (as in the Aneros) and mental focus alone. Some skilled Aneros users have presented a method involving a scrotal stretch and while not a true hands free orgasm it achieves the end with relatively limited stimulation.


High Island Health™

The company that manufactures and distributes the Aneros. High Island Health has their own website, where many of the same massagers are sold for therapeutic purposes (to promote circulation and relieve congestion in the prostate).

Hitachi method

Applying the Hitachi™ `Magic Wand`™ vibrator to the perineum to induce an Aneros driven non-ejaculatory orgasm. This may only work for users who are near orgasm (and seek to go over the top). Avoid using any vibrator for more than a few minutes at a time as it may produce temporary numbness.

日立™Magic Wand™バイブレータを会陰に適用し、Aneros駆動の非射精性オルガズムを誘発する。 これは、オルガスムに近い(そして上を行くように努めている)ユーザーにのみ有効です。 一時的な麻痺を引き起こす可能性があるため、バイブレータを一度に数分以上使用しないでください。

internal lube (prelubrication)

Lubrication applied into the rectum in advance of inserting the Aneros. A typical quantity is 4-6cc applied with a lube syringe (sold as a lubrication applicator) or Marksman™ pre-filled disposable applicators, both available on the Aneros site. (Caution: avoid the use of oil-based lube in a syringe applicator as it will degrade the plunger gasket, resulting in it becoming stuck.

involuntary contraction

The contraction of a muscle or muscle group that occurs without voluntary control. Involuntary muscular contraction is an integral part of various vital processes in the human body. An example is peristalsis, the involuntary contractions of the small intestine and colon that moves food and later waste through the digestive system. Many involuntary contractions occur without notice.
自発的な制御なしに生じる筋肉または筋肉群の収縮。 不随意の筋肉収縮は、人体における様々な重要な過程の不可欠な部分である。 一例は、蠕動、小腸および結腸の不随意収縮であり、食物を移動させ、消化器系を介して後で廃棄する。 多くの不随意収縮は予告なしに起こる。
In a sexual context, it takes place in the form of ejaculation or orgasm, and also as spasms, jerks, twitches, shaking, quivering, fluttering, etc. The Aneros design takes advantage of the natural ability of the anal sphincter and other pelvic floor muscles to involuntarily contract in response to particular forms of sexual excitement. These (and other pelvic) contractions cause the Aneros to pivot forward and back, amplifying the stimulation by providing simultaneous engagement of the prostate, anus and perineal acupressure spot. The manufacturer's suggested technique of voluntarily holding light contractions is a method of inducing involuntarily rhythmic contractions by fatiguing the anal sphincter (much as your arm will shake when exhausted from lifting a heavy weight).
性的な状況では、射精やオルガスム、痙攣、痙攣、けいれん、震え、震え、羽ばたきなどの形で起こります。Anerosのデザインは、肛門括約筋や他の骨盤底の自然な能力を活用します 性的興奮の特定の形態に応答して非自発的に収縮する筋肉。 これらの(および他の骨盤の)収縮により、Anerosは前方および後方にピボット運動し、前立腺、肛門および会陰の指圧スポットの同時係合を提供することによって刺激を増幅する。 自発的に軽い収縮を維持するためのメーカーの推奨技術は、肛門括約筋を疲労させることによって非自発的に律動的な収縮を誘発する方法です(重い重量を持ち上げて疲れたときに腕を振るのと同じくらいです)。


An abbreviated form involuntary contraction that specifically relates to the twitching of the anus as a result of arousal and/or muscle fatigue.


isolation exercises

Pelvic floor muscle exercises that attempt to work particular subgroups of the pelvic floor independently from the others. The goal is to gain fine control over the interaction of those muscles in the context of involuntary contractions, in order to amplify pleasure. Exercises that may be practiced in isolation are: kegels (PC), rectal, anal sphincter, and cremaster.

(the) journey

A metaphor that describes the process of exploration and discovery that one undergoes as they travel from the realm of the traditional (ejaculatory) experience to the alternate or non-ejaculatory pathway. Crossing-over (becoming multi-orgasmic) is not an end to the journey by any means, but a new beginning in a world of evolving sensual pleasures. As there are many paths to the Super-O, each journey is unique to the individual. All users are encouraged to turn away from the model of instant gratification and come to see all of their sessions within the larger context of the journey, a process of growth, understanding and achievement over time.

kegel exercise

Exercises of the PC muscle, in general and in particular the subset in the anterior of the pelvic floor. To identify the anterior PC muscles, start by making a contraction, as you would normally do to stop the flow of urine. Alternatively, notice the muscular action used to make an erection move up and down and throb (you must be erect to try this). If you make a strong or sudden contraction you will likely get an anal contraction at the same time. This is because the PC muscle begins around the anus and runs up to the urinary sphincter. Strong contractions will improve anal and PC muscle tone. However, slow, gentler contractions will produce a more isolated action of the anterior PC muscles, that when properly engaged can provide for a very subtle movement of the Aneros inside the rectum. A program of kegel exercises can significantly improve many facets of male sexual response, including: strength of erection, number and intensity of ejaculatory contractions, ejaculatory force, sensations of arousal and pleasure, as well as intensity and control of the Aneros action. The anterior PC muscles are specifically involved in ejaculatory and prostate orgasms.
Is a shortened acronym for "The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol"™, a specific method of using vocalization to drive arousal amplification leading to multiple hands-free non-ejaculatory orgasms, in both men and women. Also see KSMO and multiples.com for further information.
男性と女性の両方で、複数のハンズフリー非射精オルガズムにつながる覚醒増幅を駆動するために発声を使用する具体的な方法である、「キーサウンド複数オルガズムトリガープロトコル」の頭字語です。 さらに詳しい情報は、高度なスキルKSMO、multiples.comを参照してください。


The "Kundalini" tab on the Aneros Progasm , which is the tab that rests above the anus between the buttocks and puts pressure on an acupressure spot there. Named after the yoga concept that there is a serpent of power located at the base of the body's trunk. The K-tab and the arm that it extends from has taken the place of the handle seen in other Aneros models.


The emissions from the Cowper's gland (precum) or prostate gland (semen/prostatic fluid) due to massage or contractions.


male deer exercise (extended)

Massage techniques of Taoist origins that are used to generate a state of orgasmic bliss. The original exercise was conceived for the purposes of maintaining male sexual health and vitality. It involves placing the palm of the hand on the scrotum and pushing gently down, while the thumb exerts pressure on the base of the penis and pubic bone, on the topside of the penis. The other hand performs a slow circular massage of the region between the pubic hair and navel. The extended variation has the circular massage extend up the body, to the sternum or further, then returning and swapping hands for the next cycle. It continues for as long as it takes to get into an orgasmic state. This is an unexpectedly powerful way to get into a state of bliss. (Can be done with or without the Aneros)

male G-spot

is the prostate and is homologous to the G-spot (paraurethral glands) in women. An area that when properly stimulated causes an intense sexual response often leading to a distinct kind of orgasm.


is the term coined to describe an inverted penis wherein the penile shaft is pushed back inside the body cavity with most of the penile skin still exposed outside the pubic mound.

Maximus™ lube

Maximus is a high quality water based, glycerin-free, sexual lubricant, containing propylene glycol. It is slippery, long lasting, and of medium viscosity, somewhere between KY© liquid and jelly in thickness. (Not to be confused with the Aneros product of the same name.)

mental arousal (visualization)

The component of arousal that involves emotional reactions such as lust to the presence or anticipation of real, portrayed or imagined sexual situations. Mental arousal is an important but often times overlooked complement to the physical arousal provided by the Aneros. Intense mental arousal can drive intense physical arousal (and vice versa).

mental focus

In the context of the Aneros this involves the process of amplification of sensation through concentration and attentiveness. With attentiveness one becomes aware of subtle previously hidden sensations and with concentration such sensations are amplified.


Are progress indicators in ones journey with the Aneros. It is important to note that each journey is a unique and personal experience. All of the milestones may not apply to everyone. Every man’s pace with this is different. See also milestones for the list.
mind noise Distracting thoughts of any nature which draw focus of attention away from enjoying the pleasures of Aneros usage.


A less intense non-ejaculatory orgasm, typically experienced in the early stages of developing non-ejaculatory orgasm skills. They are often focused in the pelvic area and involve a mild but distinct orgasmic contraction and sense of climax.

MMO (Male Multiple Orgasm)

Repeated non-ejaculatory male orgasms with a frequency greater than would be possible with ejaculation, because of the absence of the refractory period, (sometimes also reffered to as Multiple Male Orgasm).


Changes made to the Aneros to improve its fit or responsiveness. Common modifications include: a slight repositioning of the P-tab (abutment tab) to afford better contact with the "sweet spot", augmenting the size of the P-tab, polishing the surface of the Aneros to a gloss for better mobility, and, removing the handle to permit sitting and to provide better contact with the prostate (this allows the unit to pivot forward more freely).


A man or woman who can have multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms.


In the context of the Aneros, one who is a fairly recent Aneros user or is new to anal play in general.

next-gen Aneros

The second and third generation Aneros models: the Maximus, Helix, Eupho and Progasm.

nipple orgasm

An orgasm localized to the nipple and surrounding muscles as a result of directed nipple stimulation. Nipple orgasms have a uniquely wonderful feeling. This is an advanced form of a non-ejaculatory orgasm.


nipple stimulation

Stroking the nipple or nipples. In the context of the Aneros, nipple stimulation can be very useful. For some men it is one of the most powerful ways of actively building arousal that does not involve penile stimulation. Users have reported a wonderful tickling sensation that can be felt on the nipple and the surrounding areas of the chest that often extends down deep into the pelvis and into the prostate. Other users have described it differently, as bringing pleasure up from the pelvis and into the chest, taking the mental focus off of the pelvis, essentially allowing the Aneros to react more freely and naturally to the body’s involuntary responses. Nipple stimulation may include the nipple itself, the areola or the surrounding skin. Because the nipples can become easily over-stimulated and desensitized, it is best to vary stroke, intensity and location over time or as soon as sensation begins to fade. Men who are particularly responsive to nipple stimulation have reported that it can facilitate pelvic, whole-body and even nipple orgasms in some cases.

nipple training

A program of stimulation intended to awaken the nipples as an erogenous zone. Nipple sensitivity varies widely among men. Through regular stimulation however, even men with previously unresponsive nipples can find these areas becoming wonderfully alive and responsive to touch. The process should be approached gradually, introducing stimulation over a period of days and weeks. Very often other forms of stimulation (penile, anal, prostate) are combined with nipple stimulation. Doing so has the benefit of allowing the body to make a neural connection with these other pleasure centers. In time, nipple play alone will produce sensation locally and very often in these other areas as well.

乳首を目覚めさせるための刺激プログラム。 乳首感度は男性によって大きく異なります。 しかし、定期的な刺激によって、以前は反応しなかった乳首を持つ男性でさえも、これらの領域が素晴らしく生き生きとなり、触感に反応することが分かった。 このプロセスには、徐々にアプローチし、数日間および数週間にわたって刺激を導入する必要があります。 非常にしばしば他の形態の刺激(陰茎、肛門、前立腺)が乳頭刺激と組み合わされる。 そうすることは、身体がこれらの他の喜びの中心と神経のつながりを作ることを可能にする利益をもたらす。 時間が経てば、乳首の遊びだけでは、これらの他の領域においても、局所的に、そして非常に頻繁に感覚が生じるであろう。

non-ejaculatory orgasm

A male (or female) orgasm in which there is no ejaculation. Although it is commonly assumed that ejaculation and orgasm are one in the same, they are in fact two distinct physiological events. When a man learns to have orgasm without ejaculation, he is able to effectively bypass the refractory period that limits his sexual performance. Many men have reported different types of non-ejaculatory orgasms (prostate orgasms, anal orgasms and full-body orgasms). These categories are often thought of as describing the source or main focus of these experiences.

射精がない男性(または女性)のオルガスム。 射精とオルガスムは同じものであると一般的には考えられていますが、実際には2つの異なる生理学的事象です。 男性が射精することなくオルガスムを得ることを学ぶと、性行為を制限する不応期を効果的に回避することができます。 多くの男性がさまざまなタイプの非射精性オルガスム(前立腺オルガスム、肛門オルガスム、全身オルガスム)を報告しています。 これらのカテゴリは、しばしば、これらの経験のソースまたは主な焦点を記述していると考えられます。


lube A sexual lubricant that is made from or formulated with oil. Oil based lubricants are non-water soluble and are derived from different sources: vegetables, plants, nuts, petroleum distillates (jelly, mineral oil), and/or waxes. Oil-based lubes have the ability to degrade and dissolve rubber, silicones and some plastics. Consequently, they should never be used with condoms or adult toys made of silicone or certain types of plastic. The Aneros is composed of a material called acetal that can be used safely with most oil-based preparations. These products are particularly well suited for use on exterior parts of the body because, unlike most water-based lubes, they do not dry out and become sticky upon exposure to air. Some men favor oil-based lubes for internal use as well, while others have speculated about the regular use of the petroleum distillate variety producing a laxative effect. (Mineral oil (liquid petroleum jelly) was once used therapeutically as a laxative. It functions by blocking the reabsorption of water in the colon and rectum).


Slang for "orgasm zone", i.e., being in the state of continuous orgasms.

PC muscle

The pubococcygeus muscle, one of a number of muscles in the pelvic floor. It is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx (tail bone) forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs. The PC muscle is largely involved in sexual response and contracting during orgasm. It is believed that strengthening leads to longer, more powerful orgasms.


The term used for a sexual practice in which a woman penetrates a man's anus with a strap-on dildo.


A product designed to offer progressive resistance and biofeedback for kegel exercises. The "M" denotes the model made specifically for men.

pelvic floor muscles

The set of muscles that span the area beneath the pelvis, supporting the pelvic organs.

pelvic motion

Rhythmic motion of the pelvis (undulation), either voluntary or involuntary that helps drive the motion of the Aneros.

penis stimulation (penile stimulation)

Direct or indirect contact with the penis for the purpose of sexual arousal. Some examples are stroking (manipulation by hand or contact with inanimate objects), pulling or tugging of the foreskin or scrotum, oral contact and copulation. In the context of the Aneros, penile stimulation is often counter-productive, particularly for the newbie and those who have had no previous experience with non-ejaculatory orgasms. For such individuals penile stimulation will generally overwhelm the subtle pleasures produced in the perineum, anus, rectum and prostate and lead toward ejaculation and away from the non-ejaculatory orgasm.

penis trigger

An acupressure spot on the penis that significantly augments pelvic pleasure, possibly leading to non-ejaculatory orgasm. The trigger spot is on the underside of the penis, one to two inches up from the scrotum. It is likely on the center ridge or just off-center. To find it, wait until you are aroused (not necessarily erect), and press gently in that region. The trigger spot will cause a subtle tingling from the head of the penis, through the shaft, testicles and anus, up into the rectum (similar to the "sweet spot"). To stimulate the penis trigger press very gently on it. Do not stroke or otherwise engage in standard penile stimulation.

ペニスの指圧スポットで骨盤の喜びを大幅に増強し、非射精オルガズムにつながる可能性があります。 トリガースポットは陰茎の下側にあり、陰嚢から1~2インチ上にあります。 中央の尾根に位置しているか、中心からずれている可能性が高いです。 それを見つけるには、興奮するまで待ってください(必ずしも起立しているとは限りません)、その地域を静かに押してください。 トリガースポットは、陰茎の頭部、シャフト、睾丸、および肛門を通って、直腸まで(「スイートスポット」と同様に)、微妙なうずきを引き起こす。 陰茎を刺激するにはトリガを押してください。 脳卒中や標準的な陰茎刺激に従事しないでください。


A PC sphincter muscle driven device which induces involuntary, peristaltic contractions of the anal canal for use by men and women.


The area between the scrotum and anus. The perineum provides external access to the prostate and a pudendal nerve acupressure spot.

perineal acupressure spot

The "sweet spot", pudendal nerve acupressure spot.
peristalsis is a series of wave-like, involuntary muscle contractions passing along the walls of a hollow muscular structure (as the esophagus, intestines or rectum) and forcing the contents onward.
physical arousal Sexual arousal induced by physical stimulation or expressed by physical changes such as an erect penis, erect nipples, swollen prostate, pre-cum secretions, salivation, heart rate increase, shortening of breath, vocalization and muscular contractions.

pleasure wave (P-wave)

A feeling of sexual excitement and pleasure that normally originates in the lower abdominal and/or pelvic regions. P-waves may be localized or spread out all over the body. Some have suggested that the sensation feels like butterflies in the stomach (but lower in the abdomen) or as the feeling of sexual electricity associated with ones first touch from the first encounter with a lover. As the body becomes more sensitized with arousal amplification, pleasure waves become more common and can be produced by the Aneros or by other arousal amplification techniques. P-waves may be very subtle or intense.

身体が覚醒増幅によってより敏感になるにつれて、快楽波がより一般的になり、Anerosまたは他の覚醒増幅技術によって生成され得る。 P波は非常に微妙なものでも強烈なものでもよい。


A clear, colorless, semi-viscous fluid secreted by the Cowper's Glands in response to sexual arousal. Men have wide variability in the amount of pre-cum they produce as a result of various stimuli. Aneros use often leads to pre-cum secretions that are of significantly higher volume than in traditional sexual encounters.

pre-ejaculatory orgasm

A non-ejaculatory orgasm that occurs in anticipation of an ejaculatory orgasm, such as in anticipation of or during sexual intercourse.
prelubrication Applying lubrication directly into the rectum prior to inserting the Aneros (see internal lubrication). As so much lubrication is "squeezed off" off of the Aneros in its passage through the anal canal, prelubrication is highly recommended in order to optimize the Aneros’ mobility and responsiveness.


A third generation Aneros model, the largest in the product line and the first to introduce a K-tab in place of the handle. In another Aneros first, the Progasm features tabs with ball ends as opposed to the flat tabs seen in earlier models. Progasm is also an abbreviation for a physical response, prostate orgasm.

prostate (Male G-spot / P-spot)

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra and is located just below the bladder. Its main purpose is the secretion of a milky fluid that makes up 30% of the volume of semen (ejaculate). It is comprised of several areas or lobes. Only the posterior lobe of prostate is accessible to direct contact and only then through the tissue that lines the wall of the rectum. The prostate is served by a plexus (bundle) of nerves that control everything from the sphincter that regulates the flow of urine to male sexual arousal (erection, ejaculation, orgasm (ejaculatory and non-ejaculatory)).

prostate massage

Massage of the prostate by way of the anus and rectum, or the perineum, either for therapeutic or sexual purposes. Prostate massage was the primary form of treatment for prostatitis prior to the advent of antibiotics. In Eastern traditions it has a history that dates back thousands of years as a means of promoting male vitality and virility and as a method for achieving transcendent orgasms. The Aneros was originally developed for therapeutic purposes as a way to allow men to self-administer prostate massage safely and conveniently. The sexual application of the Aneros became clear as a side effect when some of the early users reported experiencing powerful orgasms while in the process of massaging their prostates with the device.

prostate orgasm (progasm)

A non-ejaculatory orgasm focused in and around the prostate. These may be among the most intense non-ejaculatory orgasms. In a certain sense every orgasm is a prostate orgasm on account of the fact that so many sensory nerves are associated with the prostate (either directly or indirectly) and that these same nerves are the ones that are responsible for male sexual arousal. The term prostate orgasm relates to the physical sensation of this kind of orgasm being centered in the prostate. While it may begin there, these orgasms typically branch out and can even turn into a whole-body experience.


Inflammation of the prostate. Although there are many suspected causes, (bacterial infection, auto-immune response and neuromuscular tension), prostatitis remains an intractable disease which is often times unresponsive to traditional forms of treatment. Before the advent of antibiotics prostate massage was the first line form of treatment. In recent years with many people turning to holistic and homeopathic forms of medicine, prostate massage has been enjoying resurgence.


Prostate specific antigen. A chemical produced in the prostate and measured in the blood as an indication of cellular activity in the prostate. Abnormally high levels of PSA may indicate health concerns such as inflammation or cancer. The PSA measurement may be elevated by ejaculation, and any form of anal play, including the Aneros. Ask your doctor for a recommended period of abstention prior to taking this test (the Aneros manufacturer suggests a few days to a week).


Also known as the "sweet spot" or perineal acupressure spot.



Perineum tab/abutment tab is the tip of the abutment arm of the Aneros that presses on and stimulates the perineal acupressure spot. The P-tab functions as a fulcrum, the spot upon which the Aneros pivots, allowing the body and head of the unit to drive forward into the anus and rectum. The stimulation produced by the P-tab is an essential component to the arousal amplification produced by the Aneros. It is a part of a positive feedback loop that is engaged whenever the Aneros is in use, where sensations are passed back and forth between the perineal acupressure spot, the anus and prostate. P-tab contact has been a topic of considerable discussion in the forum: too much, too little, and not stable enough. Most of these issues are generally dealt with by selecting one of the seven Aneros models that are currently available. For those that are not, modification is sometimes possible.

pudendal nerve

A nerve in the pelvic region that innervates the external genitalia of both sexes, as well as sphincters for the bladder and the rectum. The pudendal nerve is stimulated directly by the Aneros’ P-tab.


An abbreviation for pleasure wave.

rectal contraction/bearing down

A contraction of the pelvic floor muscles that control the rectum. One of several muscle contractions that can control the movement of the Aneros. Rectal contractions result in a shortening of the rectum and are commonly thought of as being opposite (outward movement) to that of anal contractions (squeezing inward). Rectal contractions facilitate the opening of the anus during defecation. Some users have reported interesting sensations occurring as a result of the simultaneous use of anal and rectal contractions. Rectal contraction may be effected voluntarily and may occur involuntarily during ejaculatory and non-ejaculatory orgasms. Some users have discussed losing the Aneros during an orgasm when it is involuntarily thrust out of the rectum and anus on account of this kind of contraction.
直腸を制御する骨盤底筋肉の収縮。Anerosの動きを制御することができるいくつかの筋肉収縮の1つ。直腸収縮は、直腸の短縮をもたらし、一般に、肛門収縮(内側を圧迫する)とは反対の(外向きの動き)と考えられている。直腸収縮は排便中の肛門の開放を促進する。一部のユーザは、肛門および直腸収縮の同時使用の結果として生じる興味深い感覚を報告している。 直腸収縮は自発的に起こり、射精および非射精のオルガズム中に自発的に起こることがある。一部のユーザーは、この種の収縮のために直腸と肛門の中から不意に突っ張られたときに、オルガスム中にAnerosを失うことについて議論しました。


The final length of the large intestine (colon). The rectal reflex indicates to us our need to move our bowels. The rectum is self-cleaning and is generally empty. (Enemas may increase one's level of confidence in cleanliness.) The rectum offers the most direct access to the posterior portion of the prostate.

大腸の最後の部分(結腸)。 直腸反射は、私たちに、私たちの腸を動かす必要があることを示している。 直腸は自己清浄であり、一般に空である。 (浣腸は、清潔さに対する自信の度合いを高めることができる。)直腸は、前立腺の後部に最も直接的にアクセスできる。

refractory period

is the recovery period that immediately follows an ejaculation during which there is a total loss of arousal such that no further orgasm or erection is possible. This period varies from one individual to the next and may last from several minutes to hours. Non-ejaculatory orgasms have no refractory period.

この期間は個人によって異なり、数分から数時間続くことがあります。 非射精性のオルガスムには不応期がない。


Slang for the distinctive changes that one's body undergoes through the use of the Aneros. In particular: (1) becoming permanently responsive to non-penile forms of stimulation, as associated with the prostate, perineum, nipples, anus and rectum; (2) a vivid sense of tingling well-being in the pelvic region, most noticeable when not in sexual situations; (3) an overall increase in sexual sensitivity; (4) an overall improvement in sexual performance, including ejaculatory control and erectile function; (5) increased skill at arousal amplification techniques such as the Aneros, KSMO, E-Stim, and secondary erogenous zone stimulation, among others, so that spontaneous pleasure and non-ejaculatory orgasm become increasingly easy to achieve.


scrotal stretch

Manually or otherwise stretching the scrotum from the body. In Aneros use, executing a scrotal stretch by trapping the testicles behind the thighs (with legs bent to the chest) and then straightening the legs has been known to lead to a form of hands-free ejaculation. A variation on this technique traps the penis as well behind the thigh. The scrotal stretch induced ejaculation is something of a paradox. In traditional advanced sexual practices scrotal stretches are used to suppress an imminent ejaculation (as ejaculations ordinarily require the testicles to be tightly drawn to the body by the cremaster reflex).



The period of time that one dedicates to exploring non-ejaculatory arousal with the Aneros. Generally, sessions last an hour or more. Some users have reported sessions of 4 to 8 hours in length. The duration of a session is ultimately determined by ones patience, level of enjoyment and stamina.

Anerosとの非射精性覚醒の探索に専念する期間。 一般的にセッションは1時間以上続きます。 一部のユーザーは、4〜8時間のセッションを報告しています。 セッションの期間は、最終的には、忍耐、楽しみのレベルとスタミナによって決定されます。

Slightest Touch™

An electronic device that stimulates the pudendal and hypogastric nerves enhancing arousal levels in both men and women. Also see E-stim for further information.

soft palate nursing

A simple yet unexpectedly powerful arousal amplifier. Place the back of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and suck with a nursing action.

stuck on ON orgasm

A name given to a state of continuous or consecutive orgasms with peaks occurring close together.


An abrieviation of Super orgasm. An overwhelmingly strong non-ejaculatory orgasmic event. Orgasms that have no refractory period allowing them to be repeated multiple times. See also the Super-O page for further information.


A super traditional orgasm. An ejaculatory orgasm from traditional penile stimulation (copulatory, manual or oral) but occurring with the Aneros inserted and characterized by: deep and intense ejaculatory contractions; more ejaculatory contractions; a greater volume of ejaculate; and other responses similar to those in a Super-O. Such orgasms are common as the end point to a Super-O session when one "finishes off" with an ejaculation. Also a traditional orgasm brought on by edging and the Aneros.

超伝統オルガスム。伝統的なペニスの刺激(copulatory、manualまたはoral)からの射精オルガズムが、挿入され特徴付けられるAnerosで起こる:深くて強い射精収縮; より多くの射精収縮; 射精容積が大きい。 スーパーOの応答と同様の応答が返されます。 そのようなオルガズムは、射精で「仕上げ」をするときのスーパーOセッションの終点として一般的です。 伝統的なオルガスムは縁取りとアネロスによってもたらされました。

sweet spot (P-spot, perineal acupressure spot)

The acupressure point centered in the perineum that is stimulated by the Aneros P-tab. Proper contact with the sweet spot is a very important component of successful Aneros use. Also see "sweet spot" for further information.


In the Aneros context, either a syringe-like liquid medicine dispenser (typically 5cc and often used for small children) used for prelubrication of the rectum; or, a rectal syringe used to deliver a cleansing enema.

testicle orgasm

An orgasm focused on the testicles. This has been reported to result from exercising the cremaster muscles and applying to them the same light contractions that are used in the anal sphincter to drive the Aneros.


The process of the body learning to control and respond to the Aneros through practice. This may be a short or protracted period. With increasing muscle tone and responsiveness, one is able to have greater control over the Aneros, and with that, increased sensitivity to this kind of stimulation. For instance, it is not uncommon for the sensations produced by the Aneros to evolve (through training) over time; such that what was once uncomfortable becomes highly pleasurable.

traditional orgasm

An ejaculatory orgasm.

valley breathing

Breathing deeply so as to feel an expansion of your abdomen and particularly your pelvic floor. This kind of breathing can significantly amplify arousal.


A form of arousal that entails the use of mental imagery for an erotic explanation of the Aneros’ stimulation. Typically these are fantasies that involve some kind of internal stimulation or penetration such as a white glowing light, a partner's finger, the tip of the Aneros, your own (eleventh) finger, a penis, or a strap-on dildo. The use of visualization can often times generate voluntary and involuntary responses that would be difficult to coordinate by means of conscious control alone.


voluntary contraction

A contraction of a muscle or muscle group as a result of conscious effort.



See "rewired."



