
社会>関連ネタ>Hiroshima Revisionism

歴史学者Michael Kortの「広島歴史修正主義の興亡」

歴史学者Michael Kortによれば、「1945年8月の日本の降伏に原爆は不要」とか「トルーマンは軍事的理由ではなく、ソ連に対する外交手段として原爆を使用した」といった、まったく間違っている広島歴史修正主義者の主張が、1960年代半ばから1970年代初頭に学界内にあった。
[ "The Historiography of Hiroshima: The Rise and Fall of Revisionism" by Michael Kort, professor of social science at Boston University's College of General Studies.]

“Every now and then a notion or idea arises that is radically wrong.” In making this statement in Harry S. Truman and the Cold War Revisionists (2006), distinguished Truman scholar Robert H. Ferrell was taking to task a large cadre of academic historians who during the past half-century judged the foreign policy of Harry S. Truman as being primarily responsible for causing the Cold War. As the title of Ferrell’s book indicates, these historians are known as “revisionists,” in juxtaposition to the so-called “orthodox” historians who generally have defended Truman’s foreign policy. No aspect of the orthodox/revisionist debate has generated more controversy than Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan at the end of World War II. The “radically wrong” idea in this case is the revisionist contention that the use of the bomb was militarily unjustified. That judgment in turn has several component parts, although individual revisionist historians generally have not adhered to them all. The most important are that the atomic bomb was not necessary to force a Japanese surrender in August 1945; that Truman knew it; that he did not use the bomb for military reasons against Japan but rather as a diplomatic tool against the Soviet Union, which in turn played a major role in causing the Cold War; and that after the war he inflated the casualty estimates––from tens of thousands to several hundreds of thousands––for the projected American invasion of Japan to justify the use of the bomb.

Notwithstanding piles of books and reams of journal articles that have made all or part of this case in one way or another, there is no compelling evidence to support any of it and overwhelming documentary evidence demonstrating the opposite. Yet that judgment gained wide acceptance in academia between the mid-1960s and early 1970s and remained the conventional wisdom there––dogma is not too strong a word–– well into the 1990s, when a series of path-breaking books and articles, several by historians working outside academia’s cloistered ivory towers and ivied walls, demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt just how false it was. Still, it is probably the case that the discrediting of the revisionist critique of Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan comes as a surprise to many, if not most, of the readers of this article.

著名なトルーマン研究家Robert H, Ferrellは、「ハリーSトルーマンと冷戦歴史修正主義者たち」(2006)で、『冷戦を引き起こした主たる責任はハリーSトルーマンの外交政策にある』と半世紀にわたり断じてきた、学術歴史家たちの首魁について、「日々、根本的に間違った概念や考えが湧いて出る。」と書いた、Ferrellの本のタイトルが示すように、トルーマンの外交政策を擁護する、いわゆる「正統な」歴史家たちに対して、これらの歴史家たちは「歴史修正主義者」として知られる。正統な歴史家たちと歴史修正主義者たちの論争で、「第2次世界大戦末期に日本に対して原爆を使用したトルーマンの決定」以上のものはない。この霊での「全く間違った」考えとは、「原爆の使用は軍事的に正当化されない」という歴史修正主義者の主張である。この判定は幾つかの要素から構成され、個々の歴史修正主義の歴史家たちは、そのすべてを擁護するわけではない。最重要点は、「1945年8月に日本を降伏させるために原爆は必要なかった」と「トルーマンはそのことを知っていた」と「彼は日本に対して、軍事的理由ではなく、ソ連に対する外交手段として原爆を使用したのであり、それが冷戦を引き起こす主要な役割を演じた」と「戦後、彼は米軍の日本上陸における死傷者数予測値を数万から数十万に膨らませ、原爆使用を正当化した」である。


Robert H. Ferrell, Harry S. Truman and the Cold War Revisionists (Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 2006), vii.
Since 2007 the pace of publication of Hiroshima volumes has slowed, with only four works of any significance, two moderate revisionist and two orthodox, appearing between 2007 and 2011. The moderate revisionist works are very different in terms of structure and focus but share two common features: both are authored by former students of Barton Bernstein and, pretentions aside, neither does anything to resuscitate the revisionist case

2007年以降、広島に関する論文の量は減少しており、関連するものは4本で、うち2本が穏健な歴史修正主義者の、もう2本が正統な歴史家の論文で、2007〜2011年にかけて発表された。穏健な歴史修正主義者の研究は構造とフォーカスが大きく違っているが、共通するものが2つある。いずれも、かつてBarton Bernsteinの学生だったことと、疑わしい主張はさておき、歴史修正主義者の主張を蘇生させるものではないこと。

Atomic Tragedy: Henry L. Stimson and the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb Against Japan, by Sean Malloy, is a short monograph which argues that Secretary of War Henry Stimson betrayed his core values and his belief in moral statesmanship by acquiescing to the use of the atomic bomb against Japan. Malloy also snipes at Truman for using the bomb but offers nothing substantial or new to suggest practical alternatives to the bomb’s use. Hiroshima: The World’s Bomb (2008), by Andrew J. Rotter, is based almost exclusively on secondary sources and does little more than repeat, without any additional supporting evidence, arguments already made more competently by Bernstein and J. Samuel Walker. The last quarter of the book is a superficial survey of post-World War II nuclear weapons proliferation. It concludes with a cliché-ridden “epilogue” about the wrongs of attacking civilians that, along with other disturbing juxtapositions, comes perilously close to equating Nazi genocide with the British and American military measures, in particular the bombing of German cities, that were vital to winning the war and destroying the Nazi regime. [27]

Sean Malloyの「Atomic Tragedy: Henry L. Stimson and the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb Against Japan」は短いモノグラフで、「ヘンリー・スティムソン陸軍長官が、日本に対する原爆使用を黙認することで、自身の中心的価値観と道徳的政治手腕を裏切ったと論じた。Malloyはまた、原爆使用に変わる現実的代案を示す具体的あるいは新しいものを提示することなく、原爆を使用したトルーマンを批判している。Andrew J. Rotterは「Hiroshima: The World’s Bomb」(2008)で、ほぼ2次ソースだけを根拠としていて、新たな支持証拠もなく、BernsteinとJ. Samuel Walkerが行ってきた従来の主張を繰り返すばかりである。この本の最後の1/4は、第2次世界大戦後の核拡散についての表面的調査である。そして、決まり文句だらけの「エピローグ」で民間人攻撃の過ちに関して結論していて、他の不穏なものとともに、特に、戦争と勝利とナチ体制の打倒に不可欠だった、ドイツの都市への爆撃など、英国と米国の軍事手段を、ナチのジェノサイドと並置している。

Meanwhile, orthodox defense of the Hiroshima decision has been significantly reinforced. Hell to Pay: Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-1947, by D. M. Giangreco, is a groundbreaking study of how the United States and Japan were preparing for the American invasion of the home islands scheduled to begin in the fall of 1945. Giangreco demonstrates, once again, that Japan was not prepared to surrender prior to bombing of Hiroshima and that American casualty estimates for the upcoming invasion were in the many hundreds of thousands. He then makes use of heretofore unexamined American and Japanese operational and planning documents to demolish the notion that Japan’s military lacked the means to mount an effective resistance to the upcoming invasion. That invasion, had it taken place, would have resulted in a “disastrous confrontation” involving weapons of mass destruction and resulting in enormous loss of life on both sides.

Wilson Miscamble’s The Most Controversial Decision: Truman, the Atomic Bombs, and the Defeat of Japan is a superb scholarly overview of the events that culminated in the bombing of Hiroshima and the best short (150 pages) introduction to the subject in print. It is ideal for college and university classroom use and is available in paperback. In addition, along with clearly outlining how and why the United States arrived at its decision to use atomic weapons against Japan and refuting the main revisionist claims in the process, Miscamble in his chapter “Necessary, But Was it Right?” offers the best discussion of the morality of the Hiroshima decision this reviewer has encountered. [28]

一方、正統な歴史家たちの広島決定擁護は、顕著に強化されてきた。D. M. Giangrecoの「Hell to Pay: Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-1947」は、1945年秋に予定された米国の本土上陸作戦に対して、米国と日本がどのように準備してきたかのについての革新的研究である。Giangrecoは再度、広島原爆投下前に日本が降伏を準備しておらず、米国の上陸作戦の死傷者推定は数十万であることを示している。彼は、これまでの未調査だった米国と日本の作戦及び計画文書を使って、「日本の軍部は上陸作戦に実質的に抵抗する手段を欠いていた」という主張を撃滅している。上陸作戦が実行されれば、破滅的な戦いになり、大量破壊兵器が使用され、両軍に膨大な犠牲者がでただろう。

Wilson Miscambleの「The Most Controversial Decision: Truman, the Atomic Bombs, and the Defeat of Japan」は、広島原爆投下をクライマックスるとする出来事の素晴らしい学術的概観であり、この問題の最高の手短な導入(150頁)となっている。この本は大学の授業に最適であり、ペーパーバック版もある。さらに、「日本に対して米国が原爆を使うという決定が、どのように、何故なされたのか」を明確に概観し、その過程で、歴史修正主義者の主張を論破している。Miscambleは「Necessary, But Was it Right?」という章で、広島決定の道徳性についての最高の議論を提示している。

[27] Sean L. Malloy, Atomic Tragedy: Henry L. Stimson and the Decision to Use the Bomb Against Japan (Ithaca and New York: Cornell University Press, 2008); Andrew J. Rotter, Hiroshima: The World’s Bomb (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). See especially page 307. About half of a third volume, Campbell Craig and Sergey Radchenko’s The Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008), is devoted to the events that led to the bombing of Hiroshima, but the authors rely heavily and uncritically on bits and pieces of Sherwin, Bernstein, and Hasegawa, adding to that mix little more than unsubstantiated assertions and speculation to produce a discussion that is uninformed and often incoherent.
[28] D. M. Giangreco, Hell to Pay: Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-1947 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2009), 204; Wilson Miscamble, C.S.C., The Most Controversial Decision: Truman, the Atomic Bomb, and the Defeat of Japan (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011).



