

Civilian Based Defense (市民力による防衛・市民的防衛)

Civilian Based Defenseは「市民力による防衛」と訳されている(軍人によらないという意味で「文民」がふさわしそうだが)。これは、政治学者April CarterAdam Roberts(1940-)が、1968年頃に提唱した政策概念である。

非暴力闘争の研究者である政治学者Gene Sharp教授(1928-2018)によれば、Civilian-based defense(市民力による防衛)とは..
A very different policy which uses nonmilitary means to deter and defend against attack is being developed, however. It is claimed that this policy can both reduce the likelihood of attacks and increase actual defense capacity, while not inviting a nuclear or conventional holocaust.

This book is mostly about that policy, called "civilian-based defense," and its relevance for meeting the security needs of the countries of Western Europe. In this policy, the whole population and the society's institutions become the fighting forces. Their weaponry consists of a vast of variety of forms of psychological, economical, social, and political resistance and counter-attack. This policy aims to deter attacks and to defend against them by preparations to make the society unrulable by would-be tyrants and aggressors. The trained population and the society's institutions would be prepared to deny the attackers, their objectives and to make consolidation of political control impossible. These aims would be achieved by applying massive and selective noncooperation and defiance. In addition, where possible, the defending country would aim to create maximum international problems for the attackers and to subvert the reliability of their troops and functionaries.

This policy is clearly unorthodox by contemporary military standards. However, military solutions to defense problems remain contemporary political orthodoxy only because people concerned with security questions ignore, dismiss, or belittle the long European experience of improvised civilian resistance using such methods against foreign aggression and domination and against internal take-overs. Civilian-based defence is rooted in such experience, both in Europe and elsewhere.




[ Gene Sharp: "Making Europe Unconquerable" (1985) ]

Gene Sharpによれば、"市民力による防衛"は軍人ではなく、市民による、市民的手段により、敵の攻撃を抑止・対抗する政策である。
This type of alternative policy is called civilian-based defense in the United States and usually civilian defense or social defense in Europe. The term indicates defense by civilians (as distinct from military personnel) using civilian means of struggle (as distinct from military and paramilitary means). This is a policy intended to deter and defeat foreign military invasions, occupations, and internal usurpations. The latter includes both executive usurpations and the more usual coups d'btat, that is, seizures of the physical and political control of the state machinery, often by an elite political, military, or paramilitary group from within or without the established government. Such coups may be conducted purely internally or may receive foreign instigation and aid.

この種の代替政策は、米国では"市民力による防衛"と呼ばれ、通常は欧州では市民防衛や社会防衛と呼ばれている。この用語は、(軍人とは異なる)市民による(軍事的および準軍事的手段とは異なる)市民の闘争手段を用いた防衛を指している。 外国軍隊による侵略や占領や国内の政権奪取を抑止し、撃退することを意図した政策である。国内の政権奪取には、簒奪と通常のクーデーターがあり、これらは物理的あるいは政治的な国家機構の制圧であり、確立された政府内あるいは外部の、エリートな政治家・軍人・議会グループによって行われる。そのような政権奪取は、純粋に国内勢力だけで行われることもあれば、外国の扇動や支援を受けて行われることもある。

[ Gene Sharp: "Civilian-based Defense: a post-military weapons system" (1990) ]

Civilian-based defense is meant to be waged by the population and its institutions on the basis of advance preparation, planning, and training. These in turn would be based upon the findings of basic research into nonviolent resistance, upon indepth analysis of the political system of the attackers, and upon intensive problemsolving research, such as how to increase the population's capacity to continue resistance in the face of severe repression or how best to maintain effective channels of communication when under attack. Understanding of the requirements to make these nonviolent forms of struggle as effective as possible and insights into the ways to aggravate the attackers' weaknesses are the foundations for developing successful strategies of civilian-based defense.

市民力による防衛は、事前準備・計画・訓練に基づいて、住民とその機関によって遂行される。これらは、非暴力抵抗の基礎研究や、攻撃者の政治体制の詳細分析や、重度の抑圧に直面して抵抗を継続する住民の能力を高める方法や、攻撃の際に効果的なコミュニケーションチャネルを維持するための最善の方法などの、集中的な問題解決の研究に基づいている これらの非暴力的形態の闘争をできるだけ効果的にするための要件を理解し、攻撃者の弱点を悪化させる方法を洞察することが、市民力による防衛の成功戦略を開発するための基礎である。

[ Gene Sharp: "Civilian-based Defense: a post-military weapons system" (1990) ]

For example, in April 1982 the Austrian Defense Minister Otto Rosch wrote: "The military portion of the national defense plan considers civilian resistance and therewith the forms of social defense as necessary complements to military national defense. In this context, these elements are systematically integrated in the ideological, civil, and economic areas of the Umfassende Landesverteidigung [General National Defense] and occupy a permanent position therein." The Austrian Landesverteidigungsplan (National Defense Plan), published in 1985, reaffirms that "civilian resistance is a necessary complement to the military national defense." It also states that in the event of a temporary occupation of portions of Austrian territory, "an organized civilian resistance," in full compliance with the international laws of war, could also be "effective" in supporting Austrian military fighting forces in the relevant area.

たとえば、オーストリアの国防相Otto Roschは1982年4月に「国防計画の軍事的部分は、市民による抵抗を考慮し、必要に応じて社会防衛の形態を軍事的国防の補完として考慮する。 これらは、Umfassende Landesverteidigung [全国防総省]のイデオロギー的・市民・経済の分野で恒久的な地位を占めている」述べた。1985年に発表されたオーストリアのLandesverteidigungsplan(国防計画)は、「市民の抵抗は軍事国防の必要な補完物である」と再確認している。 また、オーストリアの領土の一部が一時的に占領された場合には、戦時国際法を遵守した「組織化された市民の抵抗」も、当該地域のオーストリア軍の戦闘勢力を支援する上で「効果的」であるとしている。

[ Gene Sharp: "Civilian-based Defense: a post-military weapons system" (1990) ]

Abstract: Questions about the utility of force in the age of nuclear superpowers stimulate interest in alternative forms of conflict. One alternative is civilian based defense (CBD) which depends upon nonviolent resistance by an entire population to counter aggression rather than upon use of force by an armed elite. The concept differs from unilateral disarmament in that it emphasizes struggle rather than pacifism. It calls for 'transarmament' to a system of carefully planned and rehearsed demonstrations and interruptions of civil order, noncompliance with the enemy occupation authority and appeal to soldiers and officials of the opposition to disobey instructions from their superiors. The paper examines various forms of CBD and assesses their relevance to US security interests. The most significant finding of the analysis is the vulnerability of US forces to adroit application of CBD by a small opponent in a contingency operation.


[ Atkeson,Edward B: "The Relevance of Civilian Based Defense to US Security Interests", Military issues research memo (1976) ]



