½é¤á¤Æ¤Î¥¤¥É¸ì - exercaro_000

¥Ü¡¼¥Õ¥í¥ó¤ÎÎý½¬Ä¢ ¡ÊEXERCARO da L.de BEAUFRONT (1924)¡Ë

Some Words of Advice to Students.

³Ø½¬¼Ô¤ËÂФ¹¤ë½õ¸À¡ÊKonsili a la Studianti.¡Ë

On povas, mem sen pre-studio di la gramatiko, uzar ica Exercaro, nam en l¡Çunesma pagini ni separis l¡Çelementi kompozanta di la vorti.
This set of exercises can be used even without a previous study of the grammar, because in the earlier pages we have separated the component parts of the words.

Tale, per simpla sercho en la lexiki Ido-nacional, on havos la valoro di la parti formacanta, e fine la significo di la tota vorto.
Thus, by simply referring to the Ido National Dictionaries or the Guide manuals, the force of the component parts will be arrived at and finally the meaning of the word.

Tamen on agos plu saje, se, ante komencar l¡Çexerci, on aquiros kelka konoco gramatikala aparte pri la finali -o, -a, -e, -i, -as, -is, -os, -us, -ez, -ar, -ir,-or, -ant, -int, -ont, -at, -it, -ot.
It would be more prudent, however, before making a start on the exercises to pick up some grammatical knowledge, particularly as regards the terminations -o, a , e, i ; -as, -is, -os, -us, -ez ; -ar, -ir, -or ; -ant-, -int-, -ont- ; -at-, -it-, -ot-.
¤·¤«¤·¡¢Îý½¬Ä¢¤ò»Ï¤á¤ëÁ°¤Ë¡¢¸ìÈø¡Ê-o, -a, -e, -i, -as, -is, -os, -us, -ez, -ar, -ir,-or, -ant, -int, -ont, -at, -it, -ot.¡Ë¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ¤ÎʸˡŪ¤ÊÃ챤òÆÀ¤Æ¤¤¤¿¤Ê¤é¤Ð¡¢¤â¤Ã¤È»×θ¿¼¤¯¡¢¹ÔÆ°¤Ç¤­¤ë¤Ç¤·¤ç¤¦¡£

Per ta procedo on plufaciligos a su la kompreno e la traduko di l¡Çexerci (A la Franci ed a la Italiani ni tre konsilas komencar per ¡ÈIdo, Petit Manuel¡É da L. de Beaufront, e ¡ÈManualetto della lingua Ido¡É da P. Lusana, qui esas kompozita precise por preparar a l¡ÇExercaro).
Proceeding in this way the comprehension and translation of the exercises will be rendered easier to the student.
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Ante omno ni dicos: Evitez la hasto: konsiderez tre atencoze mem la maxim mikra detali. La linguo internaciona devas esar extreme facila, e fakte Ido esas tala; ma ica facileso divenas danjero pro la neatencanti.
At the outset we would say : avoid hurry. Consider very attentively even the smallest details. The international language should be extremely easy, and as a matter of fact Ido is such ; but this fact that it is easy becomes a source of danger in the case of the inattentive.

Pro ke li komprenas sen esforco nek peno, li erore imaginas, ke la formi e vorti rivenos en lia kapo kun egala facileso, kande li volos parolar o skribar la Linguo internaciona.
For the very reason that they understand it without effort or trouble, they erroneously imagine that the forms and words will recur to them with like facility when they want to speak or write the international language.

Ma, pro ke li ne sate atencis li montras lore, e sentas ipsa, ke li ne posedas bone la linguo.
Now in consequence of having paid insufficient attention such people then show and themselves perceive that they have not got a firm grip of the language.

Ido substitucas expresuri justa e logikala a multa idiotismi e stranjaji di nia lingui, pro ke nur l¡Çexpresuri justa e logikala povas esar komprenata da omni.
Ido substiti~tes reasonable and logical expressions for many idioms and oddities which occur in our modern languages, and does so for this reason, that only those expressions which are of this nature can be universally understood.

Ma, se on ne donos ad oli atenco suficanta, on ne aquiros li, ed on transportos en Ido l¡Çexpresuri nelogikala e nekomprenebla di la lingui nacional.
If, however, sufficient attention be not paid to these substitutes, they will not be learnt, with the result that the illogical and incomprehensible expressions of modem national languages will be introduced into Ido.

L¡Çexperienco konsilas la sequanta procedo:
The following procedure is recommencIed as being the result of experience :

1ª Pronuncar laute (se on povas) la vorti di la texti, tre atencante pozar sur la kunvenanta silabo l¡Çacento tonika, qua esas plu-fort-igo di la voco sur ta silabo.
(1) To pronounce aloud if possible the words of the text, taking great care to put the tonic accent on the proper syllable, i.e., to emphasize or stress such syllable in the utterance.

Tale la orelo kustumeskos la soni di la linguo, e la vorti penetros e restos plu facile, plu bone en la memorado.
In such a way the ear will grad, ually get accustomed to the sounds of the language and the words willsink deep into, and be better retained by the memory.

2ª Skribar la traduko di l¡Çexerci, quin on facos sen ula omiso.
(2) To write out the translation of the exercises studied without making any omissions, and compare it with the translation printed on another page.

3ª Atinginte la 12ª exerco (ma ne plu frue), on rikonstruktos kun grand avantajo (per la tradukuri quin on facis en sua linguo nacional) la texto di l¡ÇExercaro.
(3) After reaching the twelfth exercise, but not earlier, the text of Exercaro may (with the help of the translations in English which the student will find in this book), be with great advantage retranslated into Ido.

Por ica laboro on sequos tre fidele l¡Çordino di la numeri ed on ne rikonstruktos, me supozas, la 3ª exerco ante la 1ª o la 2ª.
For this tack the order of the exercifes should be rigidly followed. Thus, for instance, exercise No. 3 should not be taken before Nos. 1 and 2.

4ª Samtempe on finos tradukar en la linguo nacional la restanta duimo di l¡ÇExercaro; e kande ta traduko esos finita, on rikonstruktos anke en Ido ica duesma parto.
(4) When the student has finished translating the remaining exercises of Bxercnvo into his own vernacular, and when the written translation has been completed, the student should also retranslate this second part into ldo.

Komparante ta rikonstrukto kun la texto, on facile povos vidar la kulpi facita ed emendar oli.
On comparing the translation with the text the student will readily see the mistakes he has made and correct them.