

ホメオパシーは始祖Samuel Hahnemannのときに、生気論を背景に持っていた:
It is the morbidly affected vital energy alone that produces disease, so that the morbid phenomena perceptible to our senses express at the same time all the internal change, that is to say, the whole morbid derangement of the internal dynamis; in a word, they reveal the whole disease; consequently, also, the disappearance under treatment of all the morbid phenomena and of all the morbid alterations that differ from the healthy vital operations, certainly affects and necessarily implies the restoration of the integrity of the vital force and, therefore, the recovered health of the whole organism.


[ Samuel Hahnemann: "Organon" § 12 Sixth Edition ]

この生気論は、Samuel Hahnemann晩年から次第にゆらぎ始めて、半世紀ほどで消え去った。

The face of homeopathy was seriously disquieted when Stuart M. Close (1860-1929), founder of the Brooklyn Hahnemann Union in 1896, teacher at the New York Homeopathic Medical College from 1909 to 1913, and editor of the Department of Homeopathic Philosophy for the Homeopathic Recorder, observed that homeopathy had "simply stood marking time", carrying the legacies bequeathed by its ancestors. ....

Admitting that Hahnemann's teachings were difficult to explain in the language of modern bacteriology. Close nonetheless felt that scholars could easily discover in what manner the psora theory had anticipated the later discoveries of Robert Koch (1843-1910) and Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Unfortunately, the medical world had become so "obsessed" with bacteriology that it had "lost sight of the individual altogether", forcing therapeutic applications on patients that were "neither legitimate nor scientific". True, bacteriology was a factor in disease, but there were too many other elements that needed to be taken into consideration "Not to recognize these facts is to open the way to grave abuses and misapplications", warned Close.

Brooklyn Hahnemann Unionを1896年に設立し、1909〜1913年にはNew York Homeopathic Medical Collegeの教師をし、Department of Homeopathic Philosophy for the Homeopathic Recorderの編集者でもあったStuart M. Close(1860-1929)が、ホメオパシーは「ただ佇んで、時を刻み」始祖たちの遺産を継承しているだけだと見たとき、ホメオパシーは真剣に不安な状態にあった。...

Stuart M. CloseはHahnemannの教えが現代細菌学の言葉で説明することが困難なことを認めたうえで、マヤズム理論がどのような形でRobert Koch(1843-1910)やLouis Pasteur(1822-1895)の発見を先取りしていたかを学者たちが容易に解明できると感じていた。しかし、医学界は細菌学に執着し、「完全に個々人へを見ることなく」患者に対して「正統でも科学的でもない」治療法を強要した。実際、細菌学は病気のの一要素であるが、多くの要素を考慮する必要がある。「これらの要素を認識しないのは、濫用と誤用への扉を開くも同然だ」とCloseは警告した。

[ Haller & Flannery,pp.27-28]
Stuart Closeの意に反して、病原体理論の言葉でホメオパシーが説明されることはなかった。

The rush to establish medical colleges in nineteenth century America was a phenomenon common to all of the leading medical system -- regular, homeopathic, electic, and physio-medical. By the end of the nineteenth century, 162 schools of all grades and types were operating. Similarly, the closing of schools in the twentieth century became a national phenomenon as well. By 1937, only seventy-seven Class "A" schools remained in existence. In town and cities across the United States where homeopathic physicians had once practiced, homeopathy had become little more than a distant memory. Without colleges or hospitals, and with the passing of the older generation of doctors, homeopathy was relegated to an "almost forgotten and outmoded cult beyond the realm of serious consideration". Even in those schools where homeopathy lingered as a "voluntary" course, few students expressed sufficient interest to enroll.

By the end of the Second World War, the graduates of homeopathy's last remaining colleges who had served in the armed forces had learned the importance of antibiotics and were more than willing to accept the products of modern medicine.


[ Haller & Flannery,pp.32-33]

While academic homeopathy died an the hand of both conservative and progressive homeopaths -- each for different reasons -- classical, esoteric or Hahnemannian homeopathy continued its journey into twentieth century. Among proponents, classical homeopathy implied allegiance to an original and unwavering set of correct principles. It seems clear, however that aside from an adherence to the theory of vitalism, few principles remained intact for very long.
Along with a number of competing alternative and complementary medical systems in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, homeopathy affirmed the existence of a "vital force" or "vital energy" that pervaded the universe and which could be drawn upon activate, provoke, redirect, or protect a diseased or disordered organism. This force or energy was more than just physical or mechanical in nature; rather it was a "spiritual", "universal intelligence", "psychic", "innate", or "auric" power which in past times had variously been called the "vis medicatrix naturae", "anima", sensitive soul", "principe vitale" or "vital principle". It was a power unbounded by the laws of physics.


[ Haller & Flannery,pp.35-36]

たとえば、ホメオパシー情報サイトとして、最も知られているのが、インド人ホメオパスDr. Manish Bhatiaが主宰するHpathyである。個人サイトから始まり、現在は物販とアフィでサイト維持費を稼ぎつつ、Hahneannの著作を含む大量のコンテンツを公開している。ここにあるイントロなコンテンツに...
Theory of Vital Force

It is Homeopathy which stresses the existence and operation of the vital force in a living organism. The human organism is a triune entity consisting of body, mind, and spirit. This spirit which is responsible for different manifestations of life was termed by Dr. Hahnemann as ‘Vital Force’. Hahnemann speaks of the vital force in Aphorism 10 of his Organon of Medicine as : “The material organism without the vital force is capable of no sensation, no function, no self preservation; it derives all sensations, and performs all functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (the vital force) which animates the material organism in health and disease.”

ホメオパシーは生物におけるバイタルフォースの存在と働きを強調する。人間は、肉体とマインドとスピリットの一体存在である。このスピリットは生命の表れの違いの原因となるもので、Dr. Hahnemannのよってバイタルフォースと名づけられた。Hahnemannはバイタルフォースについて"Organon of Medicine"のAphorism 10で次のように語っている。「バイタルフォースな物質的生命は感覚・機能・自己保存の能力を持たない。すべての感覚と生命の全機能は非物質的存在であるバイタルフォースによって動かされ、物質的生命の健康と病気をつかさどる。

In the healthy condition, it is the vital force which maintains normal functions and sensations of the organism. But when the vital force is primarily dynamically deranged by morbific influence, it causes abnormal sensations and functions which are manifested outwardly through the material body as abnormal signs and symptoms, the totality of which constitutes the disease.


Again if a cure is to be established it is the vital force that must arouse itself or be abided to arise for the recovery. If the vital force is too debilitated and exhausted then no medicinal aid is of help.


[ Manish Bhatia: "Homeopathy Principles" (2009/10/01) on Hpathy ]




