




The wayfinder is a blend of artistry, magic, and technology. Reverse-engineered from half-understood artifacts, wayfinders combine the function of a mundane compass with magical utility and - a somewhat guarded secret - the power to enhance the function of ioun stones. Within each wayfinder is a fine lattice of wire, spun of silver, gold, or even more precious metals. This lattice channels and amplifies the natural energy of the ioun stone, extending its benefits to the owner as long as the wayfinder is held or kept close to the body. Inserting or removing an ioun stone is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Some wayfinders have multiple slots for ioun stones; these usually - but not always - function independently (an enhanced power from the first slot has nothing to do with the enhanced power of the second slot, whether or not another stone is present).
Though any spellcaster with the proper ability can create a new wayfinder, most are decades or centuries old, passed down from mentor to student or through family lines.
Contrary to popular belief, the basic version most associated with the Global Explorerers is not the only type of wayfinder.

出典:Pathfinder Chronicles Seekers of Secrets

ウェイファインダーとアイウーン・ストーン/Wayfinders and Ioun Stones





Within each wayfinder is a fine lattice of wires that serve to channel the power of ioun stones, allowing the owner of a wayfinder to benefit from a stone’s power without the attendant risk of having a valuable item orbiting around her head. In addition, the magic worked into the wayfinder amplifies the power of the ioun stone, usually (about 75% of the time) unlocking new abilities in addition to the stone’s normal power. Unfortunately, the energy required is such that the magical properties of the wayfinder itself are diverted to power the ioun stone, temporarily negating the wayfinder’s normal abilities. The mechanism of using a wayfinder to boost the power of an ioun stone is usually called augmenting, channeling, enhancing, or resonating.
The resonant aura of a wayfinder interacting with an ioun stone can be detected and identified with detect magic (or similar spells) and the Spellcraft skill, just like any other magic item.
The auras of multiple augmenting wayfinders tend to interfere with each other; a person with one who tries to hold or carry a second usually finds that both sputter out in just a few seconds, but activate again once the second one is set aside. Some advanced, expensive wayfinders may hold more than one ioun stone at the same time and still function (though another wayfinder can interfere if brought too close).
To determine what effect a wayfinder has on an ioun stone, select one of the following methods.
Method 1, The Static Assignment: All ioun stones of a particular color and shape react exactly the same way to all wayfinders. This is the easiest and fastest method, but lacks variety and allows the PCs to easily predict what a new stone or device will do when combined. For a listing of these combinations, see below.
Method 2, The Random Roll: Each combination of an ioun stone and a wayfinder requires a roll on a table to see what resonant power it gains. This methods allows for a lot of variety but requires bookkeeping to track each unique stone’s augmented power, and also makes it difficult for the PCs to predict what any particular combination may be. See the table on page 53.



Wayfinder (Standard)

オーラ 微弱・力術; 術者レベル 5;
スロット なし; 市価 500gp; 重量 1ポンド


A small magical device patterned on the design of ancient Azlanti relics, a wayfinder is a compact compass typically made from silver and bearing gold accents. While it serves as a badge of office for agents of the Pathfinder Society, a wayfinder is as much a handy tool as a status symbol. With a command word, the bearer can cause a wayfinder to shine (as per light). A wayfinder also acts as a nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost. All wayfinders feature a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants the bearer its normal benefits as if it was orbiting her head, and resonates its powers with the wayfinder, replacing its ability to shine with a different power?see Wayfinders and Resonance on page 149.

コスト 250gp

出典:Pathfinder Chronicles Seekers of Secrets


Wayfinder of Hidden Strength/秘められし力のウェイファインダー

市価 5,000gp; スロット なし; 術者レベル 5; 重量 1ポンド; オーラ 微弱・力術と変成術






This wayfinder is made of heat-treated bronze that seems to warp and shimmer in the light. It contains a single slot to store an ioun stone, and the wayfinder’s construction allows the bearer to overtax the ioun stone’s magical properties once per day to create a special, short-term resonance effect based on the stone’s shape. This process suppresses any other resonance effects the ioun stone might grant for 24 hours. The ioun stone is especially fragile during this time, crumbling to pieces if removed from the wayfinder of hidden strength before the 24-hour period has ended.
Ellipsoid: As an immediate action, the bearer can roll 1d6 after failing a saving throw against a spell or spell-like ability and add the result to the saving throw retroactively; if the bonus is high enough to turn the failure into a success, the save is successful. The bearer instead rolls 1d8+1 if the slotted ioun stone costs between 10,000 and 30,000 gp, or 1d10+2 if the ioun stone costs more than 30,000 gp.
Prism: As a free action before attempting any d20 roll, the bearer can roll two dice and choose which result to use.
Rhomboid: As a swift action, the bearer gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the slotted ioun stone’s market price divided by 1,000 (maximum 25 temporary hit points). These temporary hit points last 1 hour.
Sphere: As an immediate action, the bearer can roll 2d4 after failing a skill check and add the result to the check retroactively; if the bonus is high enough to turn the failure into a success, the check is successful. The bearer instead rolls 3d4 if the slotted ioun stone costs between 10,000 gp and 30,000 gp, or 4d4 if the ioun stone costs more than 30,000 gp.
Spindle: As a full-round action, the bearer can restore 1d4 points of ability damage to one of her ability scores. If the slotted ioun stone costs more than 15,000 gp, she instead restores 1d6 points of ability damage.

Cost 2,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells gallant inspiration, light

出典:Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Guide


Wayfinder, Hypnotic/催眠のウェイファインダー

市価 3,000gp; スロット なし; 術者レベル 5; 重量 1ポンド; オーラ 微弱・幻術



This wayfinder has a mother-of-pearl casing with perfect swirls of pink and green patterns covering the face of the device. It hangs on an 8-inch-long silver fob chain that makes it twirl slightly when held aloft.
In addition to the standard functions of a wayfinder (including the ability to create light), a hypnotic wayfinder can be used once per day to mesmerize weak-minded creatures that can see it. When dangled by its fob and swung gently in a pendulum-like motion, the hypnotic wayfinder seems to change colors as light plays off its pearlescent exterior. This replicates the effects of hypnotic pattern (Will DC 13 negates), centered on the hypnotic wayfinder, but creates no visible light aside from the illusory color-shifts on the wayfinder itself. The wayfinder’s wielder is immune to this effect, as are sightless creatures.
While the effect is active, the wielder must remain stationary or the effect immediately ends. Otherwise, the effect lasts as long as the wielder swings the wayfinder at the end of its fob (a standard action) and for 2 rounds thereafter.

Cost 1,500 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells hypnotic pattern, light

出典:Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer


Wayfinder, Shining/輝くウェイファインダー

市価 2,000gp; スロット なし; 術者レベル 3; 重量 1ポンド; オーラ 微弱・占術


A shining wayfinder appears as a polished silver compass.
In addition to the usual functions of a wayfinder (including the ability to create light) a shining wayfinder can be used to cast detect evil-when so used, its needle points not to the north but rather to the nearest source of evil within 60 feet. Once per day, a shining wayfinder can be used to cast protection from evil upon the wayfinder’s bearer. A shining wayfinder functions only for a creature that is good-aligned. When held by an evil creature, the shining wayfinder’s needle spins in a frantic circle. When held by any creature that is both nonevil and nongood, the needle does not point to anything in particular (not even to the north).

Cost 1,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells detect evil, light, protection from evil

出典:Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Guide


Wayfinder, Smuggler’s/密輸業者のウェイファインダー

市価 2,000gp; スロット なし; 術者レベル 9; 重量 1ポンド; オーラ 中程度・召喚術


This time-weathered wayfinder lacks any notable features.
Despite its routine appearance, a smuggler’s wayfinder has an additional ability generally known only to the person using it. When a command word is spoken, the compass’s interior is replaced with a small extradimensional space that can hold up to 10 pounds of material occupying no more than 1 cubic foot of space. This material must be able to fit through the 3-inch diameter opening in the compass’s face (such as a thin glass vial, coins, small jewelry, or a rolled-up piece of paper). While the extradimensional space is accessible, all other properties of the wayfinder cease to function, including any resonant ioun stone powers. While the extradimensional space is hidden, the smuggler’s wayfinder emits an aura of faint evocation, as a standard wayfinder.

Cost 1,000 gp; Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Spells light, magic aura, secret chest

出典:Pathfinder Player Companion: Pathfinder Society Primer


Wayfinder, Tireless/疲れ知らずのウェイファインダー

市価 5,000gp; スロット なし; 術者レベル 5; 重量 1ポンド; オーラ 微弱・召喚術



Tireless wayfinders have burnished copper cases and silver inner workings. In addition to the usual functions of a wayfinder (including the ability to create light), the bearer of a tireless wayfinder halves the Strength and Dexterity penalties for being fatigued or exhausted, and gains a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws made against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion. The tireless wayfinder must be in a creature’s possession for 1 full week before these benefits apply, and they are lost if it leaves the creature’s possession for more than 1 hour.

Craft Wondrous Item, light, lesser restoration; Cost 2,500 gp

出典:Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide



