THE MIMIC-Snowman University - 壱岐アイランドバケーション Iki Island

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

It’s summer here in Japan.
And while most people use the holidays to go back to their families, Ryuhei and I we had (our??) plans.
I don’t think we can lie down anywhere here.
It’s going to...

So it’s like 9 AM.
We’re going to 壱岐 island this morning.
To go swimming!

Do you eat dolphins?
Never eat dolphins?
Can you talk to them?

We stayed in a quiet little place that was only minutes away from the ocean.

Wait for me!!!
We learned that a bad weather forecast had caused many tourist to cancel their reservations last minute, leaving the island bare and spacious for us.

And back at the SATSUKI HOUSE, it’s time for dinner.
I’m eating たこね.
(I haven’t bitten it yet?)
It’s got fins on it.
I’m going to punch you!
I am going to punch you in the face!
At 8 o’clock in the morning, we are already late for breakfast.
We’re served a healthy meal of いき納豆, fish, eggs and 豆腐 and then it’s back to the beach.
壱岐island is only 2 hours away from Fukuoka by boat.
But it’s actually a part of 長崎 prefecture.
We came to 壱岐island looking for an inexpensive getaway.
Sometimes living in a big city you forget that it’s possible to have fun without spending any money at all.
And in any case we can’t wait to come back.
So we are on our way home from 壱岐island.
That was fun.
So now we’re heading to the ferry and we’re going to back to Fukuoka.
