THE MIMIC-Snowman University - 最近の話ばかり Blah Blah Blah Blog

もし間違っているところに気づきましたらこちらの掲示板に書き込みお願いしますm(_ _)m

If you find any mistakes, please let me know them.

Hi, how’s it going?
This is my new voice blah blah in all my videos.
Just kidding!
I don’t really have anything to make a video about today, so I’m just going to talk about my hair.
Um…I cut my hair and the reason I cut my hair is because it’s raining every day.

We are amidst the rainy season here in Japan and that means that we just get crazy...inexplicable random rainfalls and the thing about hair is you just cannot have good hair in the rainy season.
It’s impossible.
You feel like sweaty and gross even though you haven’t done anything like all I’ve done today is walk from like here to here to here.
It’s just because it’s bad humid all the time during the rainy season.
Oh my god!
So come to Japan!
It’s awesome.
Luckily the rainy season isn’t supposed to last that much longer.
I think it’s supposed to stop being rainy in like a week, so yeah…
That’s right and the pictures from this video…the photoshoot that we did in Asakusa are up on the website and if you want to check that out, you can click the link in the description.
They post different pictures of cute girls every day, so check it out!
Yeah…so modeling… that’s something that I do not professionally at all.
I get asked all the time ever since I graduated uh… college like what am I doing for work and it’s like I don’t even know I don’t even know.
I have no idea.
What I do one day doesn’t necessarily define what I’m doing the next, so it’s like…yeah…I did this modeling thing, but I’m not a model.
Yeah… I’m doing voice narration but that’s not what I do for…all the time or I teach English once a week but I’m not an English teacher, I don’t think.
It changes all the time and that’s a good thing and a bad thing because you never know how much money you are going to have, you don’t know what you going to be doing in 5 or 10 years.
But (the upside being??) that you know…every time is a different job and you know (your?) job that I have is fun and exciting... almost every job I have is fun and exciting.
And I’m really excited because because of work I get to…go to Tokyo this week and next week, too.
And …um…that’s really fun…and I like it when jobs allow me to travel.
Oh…and I’m moving out of this apartment soon which I’m really really excited for…
Renting an apartment anywhere in Japan is just extremely complicated and expensive.
You pay a lot of money and you go through all these checks.
If you look like me, they know you’re not Japanese.
That can be a problem sometimes, too.
It’s a whole can of worms that I would like to open in another video someday.
(??tweeters ??) I was moving and like people like…she must mean she’s going back to Canada because she’s (wai?).
I’m moving like in Fukuoka from one spot in Fukuoka to another spot in Fukuoka.
I really really really really really want a dog.
I’m working on making all my dreams come true.
All right!
So I hope you are having a good week and I’ll talk to you soon.
OK bye.
