


インテリジェントデザイン運動は、通常科学を「証拠に対してオープンマインドではなく」「何があっても超越存在を否定する」ものと位置付ける。たとえば、Discovery InstituteのシニアフェローでもあるJay W. RichardsとGuillermo Gonzalezは...
The dogmatic response is that scientists may appeal only to impersonal causes. According to this view, scientists may deal with intelligent agents but only natural ones. Thus, leading ID critic Eugenie Scott argues that attempts to detect design in the form of extraterrestrial radio signals "is indeed a scientific project" because "it seeks natural intelligence" while "any theory with a supernatural foundation is not scientific."

But this is a red herring, since the issue is simply whether the activities of an intelligence, whatever their source, are detectable. The question doesn't require "a theory with a supernatural foundation." Whether the black monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey was designed by aliens or a transcendent god, one still could tell it was designed, and on precisely the same grounds.

Scott's position means that scientists must adopt something like the following rule: Assume that no intelligence had anything to do with the origin, history and workings of the universe, and that no design from such intelligence can be detected empirically. But what if intelligence did play a role and its effects are detectable? If we want science to give us knowledge about nature, scientists must be open-minded and not apply materialist blinders to their investigations.

科学者は非人格原因にのみ言及するというのがドグマ的反応だ。この見方によれば、科学者はインテリジェントエージェントに取り組んでもよいが、それは自然なインテリジェンスに限る。したがって、インテリジェントデザインの指導的批判者であるEugenie Scottは、地球外電波信号にあるデザインの検出しようとする試みは、自然のインテリジェンスの探求であるので、科学的プロジェクトだが、超自然に基礎を置く理論は非科学である」と論じる。


[ Jay W. Richards & Guillermo Gonzalez: "SCIENTISTS SHOULD KEEP MINDS OPEN" (2005/11/21) ]






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