


1988年の水の記憶は人を惹きつける魅力があるのか、ホメオパシーとは関係のないのに思い入れのある人々がいる。たとえば、"水の記憶"事件で、"ステージマジシャン"を斬ってたSTS学者がいたりする。Sokal and Bricmontの"Impostures Intellectuelles"(1997)のターゲットになったフランスの社会学者・哲学者・文化理論家・政治評論家・写真家であり、そしてポストモダニストであるJean Baudrillard (1929-2007)も、その一人だ。

The memory of water, along with the indivisibility of particles and the black hole hypothesis (there being a secret correspondence between all these things), is the greatest gift science has made to the imagination in recent times. Even if this function remains eternally improbable, it is true, from now on, as a metaphor for the mind. (p.5)
The memory of water hypothesis is more exciting from a poetic than a scientific point of view. But it will have revealed that the scientific event could be staged and ratified or approved like any sporting performance or product for mass consumption (as much on the part of Benveniste as on that of Nature with its parody of verification). Scientific immunity, which was linked to the experimental protocol, is at an end. Science is in a state of uncertainty, but this is quite normal, since it was science which defined the uncertainty principle. (pp. 12-13)

水の仮説の記憶は、科学的な観点より、詩的な観点でキサイティングである。しかし、それは、科学的な出来事が、(ベンベニストの部分と、Natureの部分と、その検証のパロディと同様に)スポーツパフォーマンスや大量消費製品のように、賞賛されたり裁可されたり承認されたりする可能性があることが明らかにする。実験的なプロトコルにリンクされていた科学は、無菌状態ではなくなった。 科学は不確実性の状態にあるが、これは不確定性原理を定義したの科学であるが故に、これはまったく正常である。

[ Jean Baudrillard: "Cool Memories II 1987-1990" (translated by Chris Turner), (1996)

SB: Art has been desacralised, but artists have been made sacred.

JB: Yes, and they've limited themselves to managing the catastrophe, which can't be expected to become an event either, since it is interminable, The death of art is endlessly diluted. I have the impression of a great dilution, like in Benveniste's theory about the memory of water; there isn't a single molecule left, yet the effect remains the same in the total absence of substance. The principle of art, its energy, the power of illusion, can all completely disappear, but we continue living in aesthetics as though it was immortal. People thought: when everything has been banalised, when art has been purged of all its ideological superstructures, superstitions and so on, then we'll touch its very reality, the pure artistic act -- but in fact we've fallen back on the same consecration. It's like an integrated circuit, entirely closed off; like politics, it is in a certain sense indestuctible (p.60)


[ "8 Cover Story - Interview with Serge Bramly" (originally in Galeries Magazine 53, Feb-March 1993), (translated by Brian Holmes) in Richard G Smith: "Jean Baudrillard: From Hyperreality to Disappearance" ]

We are used, particularly in art, to simulation en abyme (the copy of the copy, etc). Thus, example, Elisabeth D, literally copies Warhol's flowers. They sell as copies. and very expensive they are, too. From the aesthetic point of view, this is a total mystery. From the commercial viewpoint, there is no mystery at all. But what would flowers fetch if they were copied from Elisabeth D.'s by some unknown painter? Doubtless nothing. But they would perhaps regain value at the fourth generation. There would seem, then, to be periodicity of simulation, and highly diluted simulacra would produce the same effects as the originals -- as in the case of 'the memory of water', Borges is supposed to have said; if you translated a text into another language, then back into your own language, and kept on doing this an infinite number of times, your would inevitably get back at some point to the original text.

我々は、特に芸術の分野でシミュレーション広告(コピーのコピーなど)を見慣れてしまった。だから、例として、Elisabeth DはWarholの花をコピーする。それらはコピーとして売られる。そして同じく非常に高価だ。審美的観点からは、これはまったくの謎だ。商業的観点からは、まったく謎はない。しかし、もし、Elisabeth Dの花を無名の画家がコピーしたら、花はどのようなものになるのか? 疑う余地はない。しかし、それらはおそらく第4世代の価値を残すだろう。シミュレーションの周期性のように、高度に希釈されたシミュラクラがオリジナルと同じ効果を発揮するように、水の記憶の例のように。Borgesなら、こう言っただろう。テキストを別の言語に翻訳し、自分の言語に再翻訳することを、無限に繰り返せば、必然的に、元のテキストにもどることがある。

[ Jean Baudrillard: "Fragments: Cool Memories III, 1990-1995" (translated by Emily Agar), (1997) pp23-24. ]

If there is an ineradicable memory of cells, the way there is a memory of water, then will my cells in another life retain a trace of the soft grass of the ile Ste. Lucie on that June Afternoon? And will the molecules of the grass have also retained the electromagnetic trace of my epidermis? That fusion is already made anyway in the simple mental continuity of sensations. It is marvellous that every being in nature should remember all the others. The idea that, in the world of networks and artificial memories, everyone should remember everything -- and everything remember you -- is monstrous.


[ Jean Baudrillard: "Cool Memories IV: 1995-2000" (translated by Chirs Turner), (2003) pp.31-32 ]

The 'memory of water' saga (Benveniste) is exemplary: the absent molecules producing effects, the electromagnetic wave dissociated from their substance, no molecular message remaining. Only the medium is efficient. This is the last stage of the transfiguration of the world into pure information, and hence of the general movement of our universe: high dilution of reality, the disappearance of any real source, which has now become useless. From the virtual perspective, the real is only a vestige.


[ Jean Baudrillard: "Impossible Exchange" (translated by Chris Turner), (2001) p.42 ]

But it is perhaps better this way. On both sides. The masked societies (the Communist societies) are now unmasked. What face to they present? It is a long time since we shed our masks, a long time since we had either masks or faces. We have no memory either. We have reached the point of seeking in water a memory without traces, of hoping (I crave Benveniste's indulgence here) that something still remains when even the molecular traces have disappeared. It is the same with our freedom; we would be hard-pressed to produce any sign of it and we have reached the point of postulating its infinitesimal, impalpable, undetectable existence in a milieu of such high (programmatic, operational) dilution that only it spectre still hovers in a memory which now merely the memory of water.

しかし、おそらくそれはこのように優れている。両方で。仮面をつけた社会(共産主義社会)は今や仮面を外した。どのような素顔を見せるのか? 我々が仮面をはずして長い時間がたち、我々が仮面あるいは素顔でいたときから長い時間がたった。我々はもう記憶を持っていない。我々は、すべての分子が失われても何かが残っているという、痕跡の失われた水の記憶を探す段階に到達した。(私はここでベンベニストの寛容を渇望する。)それは我々の自由と同じだ。我々はその兆候を見せないように強く迫られ、我々は、水の記憶としてのみ記憶をとどめる(プログラム的に運用的に)高度に希釈された中にのみ、微小量で、触っても感じられない、検出不可能に存在する段階に到達した。

[ Jean Baudrillard: "Screened Out" (2002), pp.42-43 ]


“We do not want to take part in the scientific debate. We want to advocate for the freedom to search, which means freedom to think, for the right to ‘be heretical.’ It should not be so easy anymore to silence facts, ideas and men who disturb” (Baudrillard et al., 1994).

[Baudrillard, J. et al. (1994) “Personalities Give their Support to Dr. Benveniste,” Le Monde 1 March.]







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