

Collins et al(2017)のSTSは科学か政治か

英国の社会学者Harry Collimnsたちは、STSは科学よりも政治であり、科学を外側から観察するSTSもまた、一つの政治的アクターだと論じた(via ...and Then There's Physics)。

Harry Collins, Robert Evans and Martin Weinel: "STS as Science or Politics", Social Studies of Science, 2017

In a recent editorial for this journal, Sismondo makes two claims. First, he states that STS bears no responsibility for the emergence of post-truth politics. Second, he claims that debates about the nature of expertise that take place within STS are irrelevant in this context. In contrast, we argue that whether or not STS had a causal influence on the emergence of post-truth politics, there is a clear resonance between the two positions and that the current political climate makes empirically informed and scientific analyses of expertise and the form of life of science more important than ever. We argue that treating STS’s contribution to these matters as essentially political rather than scientific surrenders any special role we have as experts on the organisation and values of science and leaves STS as just one political actor among others.


Sismondo (2017) re-packages the history of STS for the post-truth era. His claim is that STS is not to blame for post-truth because the arguments never pointed in that direction. Thus the ‘science warriors’ must have been mistaken because STS had never threatened scientific truth. This distorts the history of our field. The logic of symmetry, and the democratising of science it spawned, invites exactly the scepticism about experts and other elites that now dominates political debate in the US and elsewhere.


Sismondo S (2017) Post-truth? Social Studies of Science 47(1): 3–6.

[ Collins et al. 2017 ]

社会学者Harry Collimnsたちは、それに対処する学術は社会学だと論じる。
Oreskes and Conway’s (2010) detailed empirical study shows how the appearance of continuing scientific controversy can be misleadingly maintained for the consumption of policy makers and the public even though the consensus within the scientific community is strong. Ceccarelli’s (2011) analysis of ‘manufactured controversies’ and Weinel’s (2010) idea of a ‘counterfeit scientific controversy’ work in the same way. Collins, Bartlett and Reyes Galindo (2017,forthcoming) show how the social practices of fringe sciences can be distinguished from those of the mainstream. In other work, it is the improper marginalisation of sound knowledge, typically from low status social groups, that is the focus (e.g. Arksey, 1998; Carson, 2000; Epstein, 1996; Harding, 2006; Irwin, 1995; Ottinger, 2013).

Oreskes and Conway(2010)の詳細な実証研究で「科学界におけるコンセンサスが強いにもかかわらず、政策立案者や大衆のために、科学論争が継続してるように見せかけることが可能である」ことを示した。Ceccarelli (2011)の"manufactured controveries"(製造された論争)と、Weinel (2010)の"counterfreit scientific controversy"(ニセ科学論争)の考えも同じように分析する。 Collins, Bartlett, Reyes Galindo (2017)は、フリンジサイエンスの社会的実践をどのようにしメインストリーム科学とて区別できるかを示している。他の研究では、それは「型的には、ステータスの低い社会集団からの、正しい知識の不適切な過小評価」であり、それが焦点である (e.g. Arksey, 1998; Carson, 2000; Epstein, 1996; Harding, 2006; Irwin, 1995; Ottinger, 2013)。

In all these examples, understanding who can legitimately contribute to expert debate requires social scientists to use their special understanding of the formation of knowledge to reject the misuse of expertise by certain elite experts and give credit to the work of low status, experience-based experts.


None of this says anything about how the scientific truth of the matter will eventually settle out but policy-making is a short-term business and has to deal with expert knowledge as it exists in real-time. Expert knowledge, and particularly the substance and degree of consensus between experts, needs to be properly understood so that it can be, and will be, fairly and accurately presented to public and policy-makers. This is one place where social scientists can use their expertise – we are experts on the nature of consensus, not the substantive findings of science.


Oreskes N and Conway EM (2010) Merchants of doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. 1st U.S. ed. New York: Bloomsbury Press.

Ceccarelli L (2011) Manufactured Scientific Controversy: Science, Rhetoric, and Public Debate. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 14(2): 195–228.

Weinel M (2010) Technological decision-making under scientific uncertainty: preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in South Africa. PhD, Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University. Available from: http:orca.cf.ac.uk/55502/.

Arksey H (1998) RSI and the experts: the construction of medical knowledge. London ; Bristol, PA: UCL Press.

Carson R (2000) Silent spring. Reprinted. Penguin classics, London: Penguin.

Epstein S (1996) Impure science: AIDS, activism, and the politics of knowledge. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Harding SG (2006) Science and social inequality: feminist and postcolonial issues. Race and gender in science studies, Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Irwin A (1995) Citizen science: a study of people, expertise, and sustainable development. Environment and society, London ; New York: Routledge.

Ottinger G (2013) Refining expertise: how responsible engineers subvert environmental justice challenges. New York: New York University Press.

[ Collins et al. 2017 ]
Hard questions for STS were posed long ago but were largely ignored in the relatively politically benign years before the recent terrifying outburst of populism. Sismondo argues that these questions are based on a misunderstanding of what STS claimed and that, to the extent it has a duty to respond, the exemplary methods are activities such as blog posts and data archiving that support political campaigns against post-truth. This would be right if STS was a political movement for promoting democracy but it is not. STS is an academic/scientific discipline aimed at understanding the nature of knowledge.


Although politics is not the core work of STS, the work can and does have political consequences. By explaining the nature of knowledge STS provides an answer to the long-standing and now urgent problem of how to use expert advice without either promoting technocracy or giving comfort to undesired populist sentiments. Unless we want to engage in post-truth activities ourselves we should not be pretending that our major contribution to this new understanding of knowledge – recognising the role of social and cultural factors in the creation of scientific knowledge – does not have the potential to give comfort to post-truth politicians and their supporters. We need to face up to the fact that it does, and find new ways to justify a choice between the knowledgeclaims competing to inform public opinion and policy. It is ironic that the one place this is not recognised is in the heartlands of STS.


[ Collins et al. 2017 ]






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