

Steve FullerとWilliam Paleyとインテリジェントデザイン

STS学者Steve Fullerは指摘する。「インテリジェントデザイン支持者が自説擁護に引用するPaleyは、早くからMalthus支持に方向転換していたが、Malthusを嫌うインテリジェントデザイン支持者たちは、そのことを無視する」と。
Ironically, ID supporters tend to ignore that the natural theologian whom they most often cite in defence of their position, William Paley, viewed God as a rather cold and detached being who appeared to tolerate—if not outright promote—enormous misery in pursuit of divine ends. Not surprisingly, Paley was an early supporter of fellow cleric Thomas Malthus, whose proto-version of natural selection Darwin developed—and, in the process, left behind his faith in God. Put bluntly, ID does not justify the God of ‘compassionate conservatism’ and ‘family values’. On the contrary, it is the God of the Industrial Revolution and the Christian dissenters who consulted their consciences in the spirit of a calculation and saw nothing demeaning about conceiving of the deity as The Big Engineer in the Sky.

皮肉なことに、インテリジェントデザイン支持者たちは、自分たちの立場の擁護のために、しばしば引用してきた自然神学者William Paleyを無視してきた。彼は、神を、「目的の完遂にあたって、巨大な不幸を、公然とではないにせよ、容認するという冷たく、超然とした存在」として見ていた。彼が仲間の聖職者トマス・マルサスの初期の支持者であったことは驚くことではない。マルサスは神への信仰のあとに、ダーウィンが作り上げた自然選択の初期バージョンを残した。単刀直入に言えば、インテリジェントデザインは「思いやりのある保守主義」や「家族の価値」の神を正当化するものではない。逆に、それは産業革命の神であり、計算の精神で自分の良心に相談し、神を天空のビッグエンジニアと見ることに、何らの品位を落とすものと考えない、キリスト教の反対者である。

[ Steve Fuller: "Science Without Expertise: Defending My Defence of Intelligent Design (Nearly) a Decade Later" (2014/09/12) ]

確かに、William Paleyの"Natural Theology"(自然神学)には、人口論な記述がある。
[page] 505-6

The order of generation proceeds by something like a geometrical progression. The increase of provision, under circumstances even the most advantageous, can only assume the form of an arithmetic series. Whence it follows, that the population will always overtake the provision, will pass beyond the line of plenty, and will continue to increase till checked by the difficulty of procuring subsistence(Note: See a statement of this subject, in a late treatise upon population.). Such difficulty therefore, along with its attendant circumstances, must be found in every old country: and these circumstances constitute what we call poverty, which, necessarily, imposes labour, servitude, restraint.


It seems impossible to people a country with inhabitants who shall be all easy in circumstances. For suppose the thing to be done, there would be such marrying and giving in marriage amongst them, as would in a few years change the face of affairs entirely; i. e. as would increase the consumption of those articles, which supplied the natural or habitual wants of the country, to such a degree of scarcity, as must leave the greatest part of the inhabitants unable to procure them without toilsome endeavours, or, out of the different kinds of these articles, to procure any kind except that which was most easily produced. And this, in fact, describes the condition of the mass of the community in all countries: a condition unavoidably, as it should seem, resulting from the provision which is made in the human, in common with all animal constitutions, for the perpetuity and multiplication of the species.


It need not however dishearten any endeavours for the public service, to know that population naturally treads upon the heels of improvement. If the condition of a people be meliorated, the consequence will be, either that the mean happiness will be increased, or a greater number partake of it; or which is most likely to happen, that both effects will take place together. There may be limits fixed by nature to both, but they are limits not yet attained, nor even approached, in any country of the world.


[ Paley, W. 1809. Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. 12th edition London: Printed for J. Faulder. ]

さらに、STS学者Steve Fullerは指摘する。
William Paley, the historic standard-bearer for intelligent design theory – largely because of the negative example he provided for Darwin – proves to have been a transitional figure in the history of design thinking. To be sure, Paley retained the ancient Aristotelian typological perspective, which presumes that every normal member of a recognised species is designed (or ‘pre-adapted’) for its environment. However, Paley supplemented this with a populational perspective, indebted to his fellow cleric Malthus, which justified differential rates of survival – especially amongst various nations and classes of Homo sapiens – as providing at least indirect lessons in the conduct of life.

おおよそDarwinに対する否定的な例の故に、インテリジェントデザイン理論のスタンダードな担い手となっているWilliam Paleyは、デザイン思考の歴史における遷移の存在を証明している。念のため言うなら、Paleyは古代アリストテレスの分類学的認識を持っていた。それは、認識された種の正常なメンバーはすべて、環境に適応するようにデザインされている(あるいは事前適応している)と考える立場である。しかし、Paleyはこれに、仲間の聖職者Malthusによる、人口の視点を加えた。これは、少なくとも、処世術の間接的な教訓を提示する形で、特にホモサピエンスの多様な国々や階級よって異なる生存率の違いを正当化する。

[ Steve Fuller: "The Dissent over Dissent over Descent"(2010) ]

そして、「環境に適応するようにデザインされている」ことは、神の存在証明となるとも、慈しみ深き神の証明にならないことは、William Paleyも書いている。
[page] 482-3
The capacities, which, according to the established course of nature, are necessary to the support or preservation of an animal, however manifestly they may be the result of an organization contrived for the purpose, can only be deemed an act or a part of the same will, as that which decreed the existence of the animal itself; because, whether the creation proceeded from a benevolent of a malevolent being, these capacities must have been given, if the animal existed at all. Animal properties, therefore, which fall under this description, do not strictly prove the goodness of God: they may prove the existence of the Deity; they may prove a high degree of power and intelligence: but they do not prove his goodness; forasmuch as they must have been found in any creation which was capable of continuance, although it is possible to suppose, that such a creation might have been produced by a being whose views rested upon misery.


[ Paley, W. 1809. Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. 12th edition London: Printed for J. Faulder. ]

だからこそ、William Paleyは神義論を語る。同様に、インテリジェントデザインにも神義論が必要なのであり、Steve Fullerも神義論を語る






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