

ISCIDのSpecified Complexityの定義


Complexity 複雑さ

Complexity is one of those terms for which it is difficult to give a precise definition. Intuitively, it is thought of as a property or feature that implies the opposite of simplicity. Complexity is often used to describe single sytems made of multiple interacting parts. However, complexity descriptions can be used for a large variety of applications.


Specification "指定"

A conditionally independent pattern that in the presence of complexity can be employed to draw a design inference.



Design デザイン

A four-part process by which a designer forms a designed object: (1) A designer conceives a purpose or goal. (2) To accomplish that purpose, the designer forms a plan. (3) To execute the plan, the designer specifies building materials and assembly instructions. (4) The designer or some surrogate applies the assembly instructions to the building materials. What emerges is a designed object, and the designer is successful to the degree that the object fulfills the designer’s purpose.

(1) デザイナーは、目的あるいは到達点を考える。
(2) 目的を達成するために、デザイナーは計画を立てる。
(3) 計画を実行するために、デザイナーは、構成材料と組み立て方法を指示する。
(4) デザイナーもしくは代行者が、組み立て方法を構成材料に適用する。

Designer デザイナー

An intelligent agent that arranges material structures to accomplish a purpose. Whether this agent is personal or impersonal, conscious or unconscious, part of nature or beyond nature are live possibilities within the theory of intelligent design. In particular, the designer need not be a creator.


Specified Complexity 指定された複雑さ

Specified complexity is William Dembski's dual-pronged criterion for objectively detecting the effects of certain types of intelligent activity without first hand evidence of the cause of the event in question. Dembski's notion of specified complexity is a rigorous theoretical formulation of the everyday distinction we make between natural events (i.e. natural death, naturally occuring rock formations) and events with intelligent causes (i.e. murder, Mount Rushmore).

"指定された複雑さ"は、問題とする現象の原因についての直接の証拠なしに、特定の型のインテリジェントな活動の効果を客観的に検出するための、William Dembskiの判別基準である。Dembskiの"指定された複雑さ"の概念は、自然現象(自然死や自然に形成された岩)とインテリジェントな原因による現象(殺人やMount Rushmore)を日常的な区別の厳密な理論的公式化である。

Specified complexity consists of two important components, both of which are essential for making reliable design inferences. The first component is the criterion of complexity or improbability. In order for an event to meet the standards of Dembski's theoretical notion of specified complexity, the probability of its happening must be lower than the Universal Probability Bound which Dembski sets at one chance in 10^150 possibilities.


The second component in the notion of specified complexity is the criterion of specificity. The idea behind specificity is that not only must an event be unlikely (complex), it must also conform to an independently given, detachable pattern. Specification is like drawing a target on a wall and then shooting the arrow. Without the specification criterion, we'd be shooting the arrow and then drawing the target around it after the fact.


Criticisms of Dembski's notion of specified complexity often target the notion of specification. Critics argue that it is a subjective concept, highly dependent on the observer's background knowledge and therefore not reliable as a scientific criterion.


Additional criticisms include the following:

-Too anthropocentric: it requires human-like intelligences -Limited application: more easily applied to events for which we already know the causes -Requires the elimination of all (known) random and lawlike causes -Determining probabilities of events involves incomplete knowledge of circumstances in which the event occurred -人間中心的:人間のようなインテリジェンスを必要とする。 -適用限定:原因が分かっている現象についても、適用できてしまう -(既知の)ランダムおよび法則性原因をすべて除外しなければならない。 -現象の確率の決定が、現象が起きた環境について、不完全な知識を含んでいる。






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