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John G Westの"Darwin Day in America" (2015 Edition)

John G Westの"Darwin Day in America"の2015年版が出版された。これは、John G Westの「科学の名による人間性喪失」で紹介した初版に、新章が追加されたものであり、基本的な主張は変わっていない。

以下は、Discovery Instituteによる増補版の紹介記事である。

New Edition of Darwin Day in America Exposes the Rise of "Totalitarian Science" in the Age of Obama

Is America entering an era of "totalitarian science"? In the expanded paperback edition of Darwin Day in America (ISI Books, February 2015), political scientist John G. West describes the growing misuse of science to curtail basic freedoms, erode time-honored ethics, and circumvent democratic accountability. The paperback edition includes a brand new chapter titled "Scientism in the Age of Obama -- and Beyond."

"Our culture is witnessing the rise of what could be called totalitarian science -- science so totalistic in its outlook that its defenders claim the right to remake every sphere of human life, from public policy and education to ethics and religion," says West. "Science is a wonderful enterprise, but in the Obama era, it's being twisted in ways that are unhealthy for both science and society."

米国は「全体主義科学」の時代に入ったのか? Darwin Day in Americaの増補版で、政治科学者John G Westは、「基本的自由を奪い、伝統的倫理を蝕み、民主的説明責任を回避するための、科学の悪用の広まり」を、描いている。ペーパーバック版では、「オバマ時代のサイエンティズムとその後」という新章を加えてある。


Developments discussed in the new edition of Darwin Day include:
  • Human Experimentation in the Name of "Science." Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) used thousands of premature infants as human guinea pigs, subjecting them to dangerous experiments with oxygen that could cause blindness and death. When the research was exposed, NIH Director Francis Collins waged a PR offensive to defend the research and stifle criticism.
  • Government Secrecy in the Name of "Science." The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) repeatedly refused to disclose to Congress the scientific data the agency used to establish sweeping new pollution standards, claiming it was protecting the data "from those who are not qualified to analyze it."
  • Curtailing Free Speech in the Name of "Science." A growing number of politicians, professors, and journalists are advocating the forcible suppression of dissenting views about climate change, evolution, and other science issues. In the words of one journalist, climate change skeptics "should face jail. They should face fines. They should face lawsuits."
  • Bashing Religion in the Name of "Science." Atheist scientists are increasingly aggressive in evangelizing for their views in the media as well as the classroom. For example, last year's Cosmos television series hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson -- and introduced by President Obama -- portrayed religion as the enemy of science and claimed to show how life developed due to "mindless" processes.
  • Coercive Population Control in the Name of "Science." Evolutionary zoologist Eric Pianka at the University of Texas has urged the reduction of the Earth's human population by up to 90 percent and has called on government to confiscate all the earnings of any couple with more than two children.

Darwin Dayの新版では以下が論じられる:
  • 科学の名のもとの人体実験 NIHから研究資金を得た研究者たちは、何千もの未熟児を人間モルモットとして、失明や死亡の危険性のある酸素を使った危険な実験に使った。実験が明らかになると、NIH長官Francis Collinsは攻撃的なPRで、研究を擁護し、批判を黙らせた。
  • 科学の名のもとの政府の秘密主義 環境庁は、能力なき者による分析からデータを守るためと称して、新汚染基準制定に使った科学的データの議会への公開を繰り返し拒否した。
  • 科学の名のもとの言論の自由の削減 気候変動や進化論やその他の科学問題について、主流に反対する見方を強圧的に抑制しようとする政治家や教授やジャーナリストが増えている。あるジャーナリストは「気候変動懐疑論者は投獄すべきだ。罰金刑に処すべきだ。訴訟されるべきだ。」と述べた。
  • 科学の名のもとの宗教叩き 無神論科学者はメディアや授業で、自らの見方を広めることに、いよいよアグレッシブになっている。たとえば、昨年のテレビシリーズ"Cosmos"では、宇宙物理学者Neil deGrasse Tysonがホストし、オバマ大統領が紹介し、宗教を科学の敵として描写し、心なき過程で生命が発達したことを示したと主張した。
  • 科学の名のもとの強圧的な人口制御

Darwin Day in America tells the disturbing story of scientific expertise run amuck, exposing how an ideological interpretation of Darwinian biology and reductionist science have been used degrade American culture and fuel a relentless march from democracy to technocracy in criminal justice, welfare, business, education, and bioethics.

At the dawn of the last century, leading scientists and politicians giddily predicted that science -- especially Darwinian biology -- would supply solutions to all the intractable problems of American society, from crime to poverty to sexual maladjustment.

Instead, politics and culture were dehumanized as scientific experts in thrall to the assumptions of philosophical materialism began treating human beings as little more than animals or machines. In criminal justice, these experts denied the existence of free will and proposed replacing punishment with invasive "cures" such as the lobotomy.

"Darwin Day in America"は、科学的専門家の荒れ狂った行動の穏やかならぬ物語を語り、ダーウィン生物学と還元主義科学のイデオロギー的解釈は、アメリカ文化を堕落させ、犯罪司法と福祉と企業と教育と生命倫理における民主主義からテクノクラシーへの容赦なき歩みを加速した。



In welfare, they proposed eliminating the poor by sterilizing those deemed biologically unfit.

In business, they urged the selection of workers based on racist theories of human evolution and the development of advertising methods to more effectively manipulate consumer behavior.

In sex education, they advocated creating a new sexual morality based on "normal mammalian behavior" without regard to longstanding ethical and religious imperatives.




Based on extensive research with primary sources and archival materials, John G. West's captivating Darwin Day in America reveals how American politics and culture have been corrupted by a massive abuse of science. West's narrative explores the far-reaching consequences for society when scientists and politicians deny the essential differences between human beings and the rest of nature.

It also exposes the disastrous results that ensue when experts claiming to speak for science turn out to be wrong. West pleads for the restoration of democratic accountability in an age of experts.

一次情報や記録資料を使った精力的な研究に基づき、John G Westの魅力的な本"Darwin Day in Amarica"は、「科学の大規模な悪用により、アメリカの政治と文化がいかに蝕まれたか」を明らかにする。Westの物語は「科学者と政治家が人間とそれ以外の自然の本質的違いを否定するとき、その広範囲に及び社会的帰結」を探求する。







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