

Jonathan Wellsの"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism And Intelligent Design"批判第1章

統一教会の信者であり、インテリジェントデザインの本山たるDiscovery InstituteのシニアフェローであるDr. Jonathan Wellsが2006年7月30日に"The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism And Intelligent Design"[Amazon]という本を出した。

以下はBurt Humburgによる第1章のレビュー

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design Review: Why Should Words Have Meanings? (Chapter 1)
bhumburg 2006年8月26日

By titling his first chapter “Wars and Rumors”, Jonathan Wells invokes a snippet of scripture in which Jesus describes the end times

最初の章に"Wars and Rumors"(戦争とうわさ)というタイトルをつけることで、Jonathan Wellsは、イエスが終末の時を語る聖書の一節を引き合いにだす。

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet.(Matt 24:6)

戦争の騒ぎや戦争のうわさを聞くだろうが、慌てないように気をつけなさい。そういうことは起こるに決まっているが、まだ世の終わりではない。 [マタイによる福音書 / 24章 6節]

Wells uses such dramatic quotations and general martial language because the struggle between “intelligent design” and science is very much a culture war, at least to him and other creationists. In order to advance his thesis, Wells has to convey the idea that “Darwinism” pits itself against traditional Christianity: to allow pupils to learn it is to give them up to atheism, decadence, liberalism and to lose the culture war.


Note that Wells does not wage war against evolution. In fact, he is at pains to make it (somewhat) clear that he wages war against “Darwinism”, which in context might sound like the sort of thing any sensible Christian would want to guard against. Unfortunately, Wells isn’t exactly clear what he means by Darwinism as opposed to evolution. In this chapter and chapter fifteen, “Darwinism’s War on Traditional Christianity”, we find many references to “Darwinism”. Assuming that even creationist words have meaning, let us set those invocations in series while adjusting the language only to merge them syntactically. Presumably there is consistency of meaning, and this will hopefully help us gain a greater understanding of what this nasty Darwinism thing is.

ここで、Wellsが進化論と戦おうとしていないことに注目しよう。事実、彼はどんな分別のあるキリスト教徒でも警戒する類のもののように聞こえるコンテキストで、彼が"ダーウィニズム"と戦っているのだということを明確にしようと骨を折っている。残念ながら、Wellsは進化論と対立するものとしてのダーウィニズムが何も意味するものか、正確には明らかにしていない。この章と第15章"Darwinism’s War on Traditional Christianity"において、"ダーウィニズムへの言及が多くある。創造論者の言葉にも意味があると仮定して、それらの呪文を並べて、文法的につながるように言葉を調整してみよう。おそらく、意味の一貫性がある。そして、これはこの"汚いダーウィニズム"というものが何なのかを理解する大いなる助けになるだろう。

“[There] is a fundamental conflict here [but] it is not between religion and science, or even between Christianity and evolution, but between traditional Christianity and Darwinism. Although the latter may allow for the existence of a deity, [that deity would not be] the God of traditional Christianity” (p. 173). Darwinism differs from evolution because it explains “the origin of not just one or a few species, but all species after the first -- in short, all the diversity of life on Earth” (p. 3). Wells does not disagree with evolution itself or even its attendant conclusions of descent with modification or even perhaps common descent; his objection is that scientists haven’t found any direction to evolution (pp. 2,3,5). It is this failure to perceive direction in evolution that defines Darwinism, which might be considered unguided or undirected evolution (p. 6). This distinction between evolution and “Darwinism” is quite important because at some point after Darwin published his work, “Darwinism declared war on traditional Christianity” (p. 170).

「ここに基本的な対立があるが、それは宗教と科学の対立でもなければ、キリスト教徒と進化論の対立でもない。あるのは伝統的キリスト教とダーウィニズムの対立だ。後者がかにの存在を許容するが、それは伝統的キリスト教の神ではない。」(p173) ダーウィニズムと進化論が異なっているのは、「ひとつか、少しの種の起源ではなく、すべての種、端的に言って、地球の生物の多様性」を説明しているからだ。(p.3) Wellsは進化論そのものには同意し、"変化を伴う系統"に付随する結論にも同意し、おそらく"共通祖先"にも同意する、彼の異論は、進化に対する方向性(direction)を科学者が発見していないということだ。(pp. 2,3,5) 進化の方向性を理解しないという失敗こそが、指導されない(unguided)あるいは方向性のない(undirected)進化と考えられるであろうダーウィニズムを定義する。(p.6) この進化論とダーウィニズムの区別がとても重要なのは、ダーウィンが著作を出版した後のある時点で、「ダーウィニズムが伝統的キリスト教に宣戦布告した」からだ。(p. 170)

But Wells also writes, “[Intelligent] design is compatible with some aspects of Darwinian evolution” (p. 8). Note that he did not write “evolution” but “Darwinian evolution”, presumably “Darwinism”. According to the stated definition on page six, Darwinism requires a component of undirectedness or unguidedness -- the idea that any apparent design must be illusory -- to distinguish itself from mere evolution. So intelligent design, a philosophical perspective that makes evolution compatible with “Traditional Christianity” by imputing design and direction to its inputs or outcomes, is compatible with perspectives of evolution that declared war on “Traditional Christianity” and considers any perceived design in the outcomes of evolution illusory.

しかし、Wellはこうも書いている。「インテリジェントデザインはある点でダーウィンの進化論と両立する。」(p. 8) 注意すべきは彼が"進化論"ではなく、"ダーウィンの進化論"と書いており、これはおそらく"ダーウィニズム"を指していることだ。6ページに書かれた定義によれば、ダーウィニズムは無方向あるいは無指導という構成要素を持っているはずで、これは見かけのデザインが幻影であるはずだという考えであって、それこそが進化論と区別される点である。入力あるいは結果をデザインと方向性のせいのすることによって、進化論と伝統的キリスト教を両立させる、インテリジェントデザインという哲学的見方は、伝統的キリスト教に宣戦布告し、進化の結果である、いかなる認められたデザインも幻影だと考える進化論の見方と両立する。

Confused yet?

One gets the distinct impression that, despite the time Wells spent pondering the material in his book, a better working definition for Darwinism would have been, “everything about evolution to which creationists like me object”. This definition, unlike the one Wells offers, at least would have made sense in context.

Easily, one of the prominent faults of Wells’s screed is a pervasive confusion between terms. Words, like “Darwinism” and “Traditional Christianity”, seem to mean whatever Wells wants them to mean for that specific sentence. In many cases words are used without regard for his own stated definitions and usually without regard to usage elsewhere in his book. There are several possible reasons for this confusion in terms. First, Wells confusion may be by design. I have argued elsewhere that creationists intend to confuse their audiences when they argue. Second, if you review the acknowledgements page, you’ll read how Wells used many authors to help him prepare this text. It is possible that Wells’s editorship was so insufficient that he allowed a term that makes up part of the book’s very title to have a flexible meaning. My suspicion is that there was both disparity between the understanding of key terms by different authors as well as an intention to confuse.

Wells doesn’t spend a great deal of time defining intelligent design. This is in keeping with creationist strategy. As federal Judge John E. Jones III of the Middle District of Pennsylvania noted:



Wellsはインテリジェンデザインの定義には多くの時間を費やしていない。これは創造論者の戦略と合っている。ペンシルバニア中部の連邦判事Judge John E. Jones IIIが注記したように:

ID’s backers have sought to avoid the scientific scrutiny which we have now determined that it cannot withstand by advocating that the controversy, but not ID itself, should be taught in science class.


[ Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District ]

Wells does not actually define “intelligent design” and thus does not lock “intelligent design” down into a form that could actually be scrutinized. Instead he chooses to list to list a few things “worth noting” about “intelligent design”. Throughout chapters one and fifteen, Wells defends ID creationism as the sort of thing that “traditional Christians” should support. But in this section, presumably in an effort to accommodate the obvious imperfections in biological structures or the lack of justice or beneficence in competing organisms, Wells writes, “ID does not claim that the design must be optimal; something may be designed, even if it is flawed. When automobile manufacturers recall defective vehicles, they are showing that those vehicles were badly designed, not that they were undesigned” (p. 8). We here at the Thumb support Wells’s freedom to believe in a God or gods of his choosing, but we aren’t so sure that the consideration of God as incompetent is a feature of “Traditional Christian” beliefs. This is yet another example of words meaning whatever Wells wants them to mean.

The real meaning of “intelligent design”, for the most part, is left unclear. Again, this is likely by design, since it is in keeping with creationist strategy:

Wellsは実は"インテリジェントデザイン"を定義せず、従って、"インテリジェントデザイン"を実際に詳細に調べられるような形に固定しない。その代わりに彼は"インテリジェントデザイン"について"注目すべき"幾つかの点をリストすることを選んだ。1章から15章までを通して、Wellsはインテリジェントデザイン創造論を、"伝統的キリスト教"を支持するものとして擁護している。しかし、この節では、おそらく生物学的構造にある明らかな欠陥や、生存競争する生物における正義と慈善の欠如について、Wellsは「インテリジェントデザインはデザインが最適でなければならないとは主張しない。あるものは、それが出来損ないであっても、デザインされたかもしれない。自動車メーカーが欠陥車をリコールするとき、それらが設計(デザイン)不良だと示されても、設計(デザイン)されていないとは示されない。」(p. 8) Wellsがどんな神あるいは神々を信仰しようとかまわないが、神を役立たずだと考えることが"伝統的キリスト教"信仰の特徴なはずはない。これは、Wellsが意味したいことを意味するという用例のひとつである。


One consistency among the Dover School Board members’ testimony, which was marked by selective memories and outright lies under oath, as will be discussed in more detail below, is that they did not think they needed to be knowledgeable about ID because it was not being taught to the students.


[ Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District ]

Indeed a popular talking point by creationists is that they need not necessarily have an alternative to “Darwinism” in order to know that “Darwinism” is wrong. (c.f. Jeremy Paxman’s interview with Ann Coulter around 2:00: “I can be a restaurant critic without opening up a restaurant.”)

Darwin considered that the evolution that he was noting in organisms affected humans as well and that man had a phylogenetic history just like the beetles he was studying. It is instructive that this is likely Wells’s biggest objection against Darwin. Wells quotes Darwin as writing,

実際、創造論者の人気のある話のポイントは、ダーウィニズムが間違っていることを知るために、ダーウィニズムの代替理論を持っている必要性がないということだ。たとえば、Jeremy PaxmanによるAnn Coulterのインタビューの2:00あたりの“I can be a restaurant critic without opening up a restaurant”(レストランを開業しなくても、レストラン批評家になれる)。


There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings, and in the action of natural selection, than in the course which the winds blow. [Although] I cannot look at the universe as the result of blind chance, yet I can see no evidence of beneficent design, or indeed design of any kind, in the details.


The reader will recall Darwin’s previous intention to become a country pastor and his schooling in the ministry (short as it was) and impute sorrow to the words Darwin wrote above. Darwin mourned the lack of evidence of design in the evolution he discovered. Like all scientists with the courage to discard a favored hypothesis, Darwin had to admit to himself that which he would have preferred to not: there was no evidence of design in the world he was observing and measuring with the tools of science and what happened to the beetles and orchids was happening and had happened to humans and to our progenitor species as well.

読者は、ダーウィンがもともとは牧師になろうとしていて、短いとはいえ聖職者になる勉強をしていたことに思い至り、悲しみを上記のダーウィンの言葉のせいにする。ダーウィンは、彼が発見した進化に、デザインの証拠が不十分であることを嘆いた。すべての科学者と同じく、お気に入りの仮説を捨てる勇気をもって、ダーウィンは自らが気に入ったものがそうではないと認めざるをえなかった: 彼が観察し、科学の道具で計測した世界にはデザインの証拠はなかった。そして、カブトムシとランに起きたことは、同様に人間や我々の祖先の種にも起きたのだと。

The idea that man is an animal must be offensive to Wells, who appears not to tolerate any view of our specie’s emergence other than an immaculate conception. What was Darwin’s fault according to Wells? “He set out to explain the origin of not just one or a few species, but all the species after the first.” What a scoundrel that Darwin was! One can almost hear Wells saying to himself, “Had Darwin simply stopped at beetles or orchids, that would have been one thing. But to suggest that even humans share a deep kinship with all the living things on the planet or that man is an animal as well? That’s just beyond the pale.”

Perhaps instead of reading Genesis 1 so much, Wells should have read Ecclesiastes 3.

人間が動物であるという考えはWellsにとって不快であるはずだ。彼が、汚れなき概念以外の我々の種の出現についての見方に寛容だとは考えられない。Wellsによればダーウィンの誤りとは何だったのだろうか? 「ひとつか、少しの種の起源ではなく、すべての種についてを説明を試みた」ことだ。ダーウィンはなんと悪党なことか。Wellsが自らにこう言い聞かせていることがわかるだろう。「ダーウィンがカブトムシやランでとどまっていれば、それはひとつのことだっただろう。しかし、人間が惑星上のすべての生物と深い親類関係を共有しているとか、人間が動物と同じだと示唆したこと。それこそが、常軌を逸している」と。


Tune in tomorrow, when PZ Myers deals a mortal blow to Jonathan Wells’s thoughts on embryos and development. (How may mortal blows can one hack take?) Those who visit Pharyngula know that PZ has already posted this portion of the review over there and the Thumb is poised to simply re-air his essay. Now you know what life is like on the West Coast.

明日は、PZ MyersがJonathan Wellsの胚と発展についての考えに対して、致命的一撃を加える。(どれくらい致命的一撃を受けるのだろうか?) Pharyngulaを見ていれば、このレビューの一部は既にポストされている、Panda's Thumbはこれの再掲であると知っているだろう。今や、読者はウェストコーストで、生命がどのようなものか知っている。










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