ASKS メニュー
EntryLite by kitchenstude
EntryLite by sunhomeengla
MenuBar1 by Wendy
EntryLite by american casino
EntryLite by american casino
EntryLite by american casino
EntryLite by american casino
EntryLite by american casino
EntryLite by american casino
EntryLite by american casino

S2 マニュアル 7.1.3 クラス


目次 - Table of Contents

  • Color Class - 色を表現します。
  • Comment Class? - A comment to a journal entry, or to another comment.
  • CommentInfo Class? - Information about comments attached to something.
  • Date Class? - Represents a date.
  • DateTime Class? - Represents both a date and time.
  • DayPage Class? - View entries by specifc day
  • Entry Class? - A journal entry
  • EntryLite Class - ジャーナルエントリとコメント、両方の親クラス。
  • EntryPage Class? - A page with a single journal entry and associated comments.
  • Friend Class? - Represents a friends or friendof list
  • FriendsPage Class? - Friends most recent entries
  • Image Class? - Represents an image.
  • int クラス - 整数値。これは、小文字でのクラス名が表す様に、正確にはクラスではない。ちゃんとしたクラスだと引数渡しの際、参照で渡すが、string型の引数の場合は値で渡される。代わりに、この疑似クラスは便利なメソッドを提供する。また、他の疑似クラスとして string がある。
  • ItemRange Class? - Represents a range of items which optionally contain items.
  • Link Class - リンクとかボタン
    A link or button
  • MonthDay Class? - Summaries of posts on a given day on the MonthPage.
  • MonthEntryInfo Class? - A month the user has journal entries, along with information to link to it.
  • MonthPage Class? - A page which contains a list of posts made in that month
  • Page Class - 全てのビューの基本となるテンプレート
  • PalItem Class - A specification for a numbered palette index in a GIF or PNG to be changed to a certain color
  • RecentNav Class? - Navigation position within a RecentPage or FriendsPage and URLs to move about.
  • RecentPage Class? - Most recent entries page, formally known as the LASTN view in the previous style system
  • Redirector Class? - A redirector makes either a GET URL which redirects to a pretty URL or an HTML form which posts to a URL that redirects to a pretty URL. This class exists because it's often desirable to use a form to end up at a URL, instead of doing a GET request. It's also used in cases where finding the previous or next URL would incur database overhead which would be wasteful, considering most people don't click previous/next links. Instead, the system will give you a Redirector object which has a URL that'll do the lookup for you later, followed by a redirect.
  • ReplyForm Class? - This class will be used more in the future to set options on the reply form before it's printed out by the system. The system has to print it since it contains sensitive information which can't be made available to S2.
  • ReplyPage Class? - A page to reply to a journal entry or comment
  • string クラス - 文字列の一種。これは、小文字でのクラス名が表す様に、正確にはクラスではない。ちゃんとしたクラスだと引数渡しの際、参照で渡すが、string型の引数の場合は値で渡される。代わりに、この疑似クラスは便利なメソッドを提供する。また、他の疑似クラスとして int がある。
  • TagDetail クラス - タグを表現するクラス
  • User クラス - 詳細版ユーザ情報構造体
  • UserLite クラス - 簡易版ユーザ情報構造体
  • YearDay Class? - Information on how to link to a day in the year archive
  • YearMonth Class? - A month on the YearPage.
  • YearPage Class? - Entire calendar page for a single year.
  • YearWeek Class? - Represents a week on the YearMonth on the YearPage.
  • YearYear Class? - Information on how to link to a year in the year archive
2006年09月21日(木) 04:51:53 Modified by gay_shinshi
