Attack on the personne! by stunning seo guys
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index by stunning seo guys
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It's all sad, that much I know. There's always been lots of people on the periphery, but half of them have never been deep into the Zone and there aren't enough artifacts for everyone. They even tore out and took away everything that they could from the laboratories and factories. Soon there won't be anything left to do here but open a restaurant...with an exotic view and cuisine.
俺には、悲惨な話だってことしかわからない。周辺地域にはいつもたくさんの人がいたが、Zone の奥深くに入るやつなど半分もいないし、それじゃみなを満足させるだけのアーティファクトはありっこない。研究所や工場ですら、とれるものは手当たり次第奪われてった。いまじゃここでできるのはレストランを開くことくらいさ…… 奇妙な景色と、奇形動物のヘンテコ焼きでも売りにしてな。


I don't even know what to tell you...There's always something going on here, but within the bounds of reason. Although they don't think so on the Big Land, but you and I are, so to speak, in an anomalous zone now.
何を話せばいいのかもわからんが…… ここじゃいつも何かが起きてるが、それだって常識の範囲内さ。もっとも外の世界じゃそう思ってないらしいが、おまえと俺は今、言ってみれば特異な地域にいるんだから。


The eggheads are sniffing something out. A hell knows that secret they've already stumbled upon, but they're certainly got the troops wrapped around their little finger. And those are searching all over the Agroprom and the Dark Valley already, searching, searching, trying to find something...
インテリどもは何かを探し出そうとしている。奴等がこれまでにどんな秘密を発見したか知りたくもないが、大勢の連中を操っているのは確実だ。そしてすでに Agroprom と Dark Valley をくまなく探索させている。探して、探して、何かを見つけ出そうとしている……。


With every day there's more and more crap coming out of the Scorcher, and the guys from Duty and Freedom decided to bitch around again. So they'll kill each other off, and then what? How long can we hold the border all by ourselves?
Scorcher が垂れ流すゴミ屑は日増しに増えている。それに Duty から来たやつらと Freedom の連中はまた騒ぎを起こすことに決めた。お互いに殺し合い、次は何だ? 俺たちだけでいつまで境界を守っていられる?


The mutants are trying harder and harder to get past the barrier. Lately it's been really hard. If some people had put an end to their retarded ways, we would have had more success!


The Duty keeps on screaming about their super-heroic deeds on the barrier. If only someone believed them...We began this deal, and we're the ones that keep it going, and on top of that many of the soloers like yourself willingly stayed behind. But those guys from the Duty....the assess..to hell with them!
Duty は防壁での自分達の"超英雄的行為"をがなり続けている。もし誰かが連中を信じたりするなら…… 俺達は決断しなきゃならない、そして進むべき道は1つだ。そしてそれを先頭に、お前のような、沢山の Loner が喜んで後に続くだろう。だが Duty に続く連中は…… そいつらの判断は…… 連中を地獄に堕とすだろう!


I heard that Duty has totally sold out. They keep on saying something like "We're all volunteers who want to establish safety and order in the Zone"...yeah right, volunteers! Some sponsor gave these so-called volunteers so much ammo, such guns, that you'd die from envy. Yeah they sold out big time.
俺は Duty は完全に終わってるって聞いたぜ。連中、こんな風に言い続けてるようだな「我々は、Zone の安全と秩序を確立するためのボランティアである」…… あっそう、ボランティアね! 一部のスポンサーはこのボランティアとやらに、お前が妬んで死んでしまいそうなくらい大量に武器弾薬を与えている。まったく終わってる連中だぜ。


What rumors are going around? I'll tell you without any rumors: Soon there'll be more order. We'll purge the Zone from all sorts of beasts, and from certain asses too...
一体どんな噂が広まってると言うんだ? 噂抜きでお前に言っておく、もうすぐこの辺りは治安が良くなる。俺達は Zone から色々な獣を一掃するだろう、そしてあのアホ共も……。


Did you hear what the guys from Duty are saying they'll do to us? The bastards start getting state-of-the-art equipment so now they want to fight us.
Duty から来る連中が、俺達に一体何をしようとしてるか聞いたか? 「連中を灰燼に帰せ」それでいてこれは全くの最低限だそうだ。こいつらは一々俺を悩ます…… 特に、連中は最新技術の結晶の装備で再武装した、なんて噂話を聞いた後だしな。


What news? We sit here, the animals come at us, we shoot them off, then they come again, only stronger. Granted, a few times the military propellers came by, and it seems they flew even past the Scorcher.
ニュースだと? 俺達はここに居座り、獣が俺達に向かってくる。俺達はそれを撃ち殺す。そしてあいつらは再び襲ってくる、より強くなってるだけだ。ああ、確かに、何度か軍のプロペラ音を聞いたよ、何かそいつらは Scorcher を飛び越したようだったがな。


What news can there be...same old, same old. Mutants, Freedom...although recently soldiers started flying by on choopas. They could have at least used some of their guns to shoot some beasts around here...
一体どんなニュースがあると言うんだ…… 何も変わらず、以前と同じだ。ミュータント、Freedom ……だけど最近、兵士共がヘリで飛び回り始めたな。少なくとも以前は、連中は獣共を撃ってたんだが……。


News? Who cares what they say! You can't believe everything everyone says. For example, they say that some experienced stalker called something like Sherlok came from the inner areas, brought something nobody's ever seen before, impressed a ton of chicks...Well I can make up a hundred stories like that myself!
ニュース? 一体そんなの誰が気にする! お前は誰も、何も信用するべきじゃない。例えば、ある経験者のストーカーが中心地から来て、今まで誰も見たこともなかった何かを持ち帰り、ひよっこ共に大変感銘を与えたらしい…… なんて、俺が勝手に100はこんな物語をでっち上げることが出来るからな!


I saw some military choopers. They flew overhead and headed past the old Brain Scorcher. Well, I'm thinking, they're gonna crash now. Hung out there for a while, twirled around, and then headed back. I don't know what are they up to...
何機か軍のヘリを見かけたんだ。想像してみろ、それは頭上を通り過ぎ、Scorcherがあった場所までも通り過ぎて飛んでいった! ああ、墜落するだろうと思ったよ。だが何も起こらなかった… 連中普通に飛んでいった。しばらく向こうに止まり、辺り一帯を旋回し、そして戻ってきた。型どおりに、な。


Oh now that there's a way to the center - there must be so much treasure that it can be lying right under your feet!
ああ、今や中央への道がある…… 足下には間違いなく大量の宝物が眠っているに違いない!


Now that there are ways of getting to the center of the Zone relatively safely, stalkers are drawn to it like flies to honey. Yeah... Greed really isn't humanity's greatest quality.
現在は比較的安全な Zone 中央への道がある。ストーカー共は砂糖にたかるアリの如く、そいつに引き寄せられている。ああ、全く貪欲さというのは人類の品位として素晴らしいとは言えないな。


Now this is the life! While all those from the bar and the perimeter are still trying to get here, we'll get all the best stuff! We'll gather all the best goodies, and let the others pick up the little junk after us.
さあこれが人生だ! バーとその周辺部から連中が来る前に、俺達で最高のブツは全部いただきだ! 俺達が全部最高のブツを集めちまったら、他の奴はその後じゃショボいガラクタ拾いするしかねえよな。


Well they say that it worked - the Granter of wishes. Somebody even managed to get to it already, but the idiot wasted his wish by asking to see his family again or something stupid like that. Hahaha. Well since military dropped it at the garbage, it won't work anymore. Monolith power is low now, i hope those bastards can be beaten now.


Listen, buddy, I know that anything can happen in the Zone. Saw it myself. But these stories about the immediate granting of wishes about a private hotel on the Carribeans is complete bullshit and nothing else.
いいか兄弟、Zone 内では何が起こっても不思議じゃない。俺自身も見てきた。だが、カリブ海の民宿なんていう望みがすぐ叶えられたという物語…… こいつだけは完全にデタラメ以外の何物でもない。


Don't you know? Two of our guys - some of the very first who made it to the center - Actually got to the Granter of wishes. Their whole life they dreamed about islands in a warm sea, so now they must be sunbathing somewhere in the tropics.
まだ知らないのか? 俺達の仲間の2人、本当に早期に中央にたどり着いた内の2人だが、実は、「望みを叶えるモノ」に辿り着いて、願い事をしたらしい! 暖かい海に囲まれた島で余生を過ごしたい、ってな。今頃、あいつらは熱帯地方のどこかで日光浴をしているに違いない。


We found a hero - The main guy from Freedom. Everyone thought that he went back to the Big Land, but actually he took a small team and somehow made it past the scorcher. Now there's a man.
英雄が居たぞ…… Freedom の主軸の男だ。誰もが彼は外の世界に帰ると考えたが、実際には彼は小さなチームを組んで、何とか Scorcher を通り越してやり遂げたらしい。今、ここに漢がいる。


In the formerly inaccessible zone one of the Freedom detachments was discovered. How did they manage to get through unharmed and survive a few weeks there? I guess we underestimated those guys.
Freedom の分隊が発見した、以前は行けなかった地帯の1つだが、どうやって無傷で通ってしかもそこで数週間も生きていられたのか? 想像すら出来ない。俺達はあいつらを侮っていたと思う。


Imagine this - they found our Mikluha, and the guys that were with him also survived! They sneaked past the brain eraser thing, and then spent a month just killing time, since couldn't get back out.
想像してみろ、連中は仲間の Mikluha を発見した! そして彼と一緒にいた奴らも同様に生きていた。あいつらは脳消し機をこっそりやり過ごし、そしてそこから出られなくなってひと月時間を潰した。


There's something sticky brewing. Rumors are going around that the leader of the Duty faction, the head honcho, didn't just leave the Zone on business, but made a deal with the Freedom faction. Well they couldn't have made the same deal in the open, because now everything's a muddle. Things don't look good. On the other hand, the experienced guys say that they started fighting back in the day for no good reason. Just hope the cabinet freaks from the Big Land don't drag us all into another meat grinder.
何か不愉快な事が始まっている。広まっている噂では、Duty 派閥のリーダー、親分長だが、仕事で Zone を去らずに、何か Freedom 派閥と取引をしたらしい。以前は同じような取引はちゃんと公開していたのに、今回はゴタゴタしてハッキリとは分からないんだ。他方、事情通が言うには、連中はその日から理由無く反撃を始めたと言う。まったく、外の世界のいかれたお偉いさんが、俺達を全員挽肉機に放り込もうとしないことを願うよ。


You heard?! The troops made it. They'll be here soon! They found out that the scorcher broke down, and decided to take all the goods for themselves!
聞いたか?! 準備万端だったのか、軍隊がもう辿り着いた。連中、すぐここに来るぞ! あいつら Scorcher が壊れたのを知って、ブツを全部てめえで取っちまおうと決断したんだ……!


New information has just come in: There's going to be a massive-scale landing of army troops at the station. My advice for you is this: If you want to snag at least a bit of the goodies, you better hurry.
新しい情報がたった今入った。軍の部隊の大規模な着陸が電波局にありそうだ。お前に出来るアドバイスはこれだ: お宝に少しでもあやかりたいなら、急げ。


It's a complete chaos, that's what it is! But you see, the corridor has opened, they purged the station from all kinds of shit - and there you have it, the military is ready to take advantage of it! No shame and no conscience.
完全に大混乱だな、全く何だこれは! だがお前も知っての通り、通路は開いた。あいつらはこの区域からありとあらゆるクソを一掃した…… それでこれを知っておけ、軍はそこの主導権を握ろうとしている! 全く、恥も外聞もねえ。


I don't get one thing: how could the members of the Freedom faction hold out for a month here? Do they have invisible cloaks or something? There's no way!
1つ分からないことがある。Freedom のメンバーはどうやってここにひと月も留まることが出来たんだ? 透明になれるマントか何か持っているのか? 全くどうにもならないはずだ!


Did you understand what's going on here? Well I just gained new respect for Mikluha! Imagine - to survive four weeks in this shit, and not to lose any guys!
一体ここで何が起こってるか理解しているか? ああ、俺は Mikluha に新たに敬意を持ったぜ! 想像してみろ…… あのクソの中で4週間も耐え抜いて、しかも仲間の誰も失わなかったんだ!


Here some of them went crazy, and they all used to be pretty tough guys, but now are slobbering like the biggest retards. Scary.


The closer you get to the station, the stronger the unknown telepathic force becomes. Some have started going insane, others are traumatized and are seeing things. Maybe this is a good time to retreat a bit..


Listen, people here are really losing their minds. Somebody sees a stone and begins hollering that it is his damned artifact, that he saw it first, and that everyone should go south. Another one sees Dja on a cloud embracing his buddies who disappeared years ago...No, there's definitely some sick shit going on here.
いいか、ここにいると、皆本当に気が狂ってしまう。誰かが石ころを見てこれは俺の糞アーティファクトだと叫び始めた、それが始まりで、全員南下するのを余儀なくされた。他には、Dja が夢うつつで数年前姿を消したそいつの仲間を抱きしめていたのを見たと…… いや、ここに留まると間違いなく何かおかしな病気になるようだ。


The troops are bustling about - searching, digging. Before the propellers used to fly only to Yantar - protected the scientists, carried supplies and technology. But now they're practically invading - planning all sorts of expeditions, driving around on APC's. Already saw them on the Agroprom and in the Dark Valley. It Doesn't make any sense.
軍隊はせわしなく動いている…… 探索して、掘り返して…… 以前はヘリは科学者を守り、物資と技術を運ぶために Yantar へ飛ばすだけだったのだが、しかし今や連中は侵略していると言っても過言ではない。ありとあらゆる探検を予定し、装甲車で周辺を徘徊している。すでに Agroprom と Dark Valley でそいつらを見た。全く解せねえ。


Listen, people here are really losing their minds. Somebody sees a stone and begins hollering that it is his damned artifact, that he saw it first, and that everyone should go south. Another one sees Dja on a cloud embracing his buddies who disappeared years ago...No, there's definitely some sick shit going on here.


Here, besides the bandits, the troops started roaming around for some reason. Before you'd see a helicopter once a week, but now they're flying around the whole Zone, practically. Did they lose something or what?
ここは、Bandit 以外に、軍が何かの理由でうろつき始めた。一週間前までは連中のヘリを見るのも珍しかったが、しかし今は実質的に Zone 全域を飛び回っている。連中、何か探し物でもしたのか、それとも何だ?


I want to warn you, soldier. The soldiers here lately seem to have gone mad. Before they used to calmly and quietly protect the scientists, but now it's as if their tail got burned or something. I bet they would shoot their own brothers, and us they've wounded two men in the last week.
ストーカー、お前に警告しておく。ここにいる兵士共は、最近気が変になったかのようだ。以前は科学者達を穏やかに、そっと保護してただけなのだが、しかし今は、まるで自身の尻尾に火がついたかのようだ。辺りをせわしなくかけずり回っている…… 一切平和的な雰囲気はない。もう俺らの兄弟が撃たれたのは一度や二度ではない。奴らのせいで、先週2人負傷者を出した。


Thank you very much.


What are you doing, walking around without any protection? Tired of living, is that it? There's an anomaly behind every bush - whack, and you're a goner! Here they don't even pee without protection. If you aren't careful You'll get a dose of radiation and start saying "duurrr" before you know it.
お前は一体何をやってる、防護無しで歩き回ってるのか? もう人生に疲れたから、って事か? アノーマリーがあらゆる茂みの向こうにある。バシッ、そしてお前はあの世行きだ! ここでは防護無しではションベンも出来んぞ。お前はすぐに被曝しちまうだろう。


Seems like you don't know your way around well yet, so I'll warn you as a friend: Have nothing to do with the military. They have no brains and would... Wait... Your one of them aren't you? Well, at least you now know what most of us think about you guys...
お前はまだ自分の道程の周りに何があるかよく分かってないようだから、友人として警告しよう: 軍とは関わるな。一旦連中に見つかったらすぐに逃げろ、連中は脳味噌なんかねえ。最初に一発か十発か知らんがお前に弾を叩き込んできて、その後でお前の名前を書類で確認するだろう。


Here the Duty guys rule. Our dear beloved police force, or something like that. Keep this in mind to avoid trouble.
ここいらは Duty の連中が支配してる。我らが愛すべき親愛なる警察機構、といったところだよ。トラブルを起こさないよう肝に銘じておくことだな。


Good day.




I wish you well.


Hey dude!


Whats up.


Oh hey!






Hello, soldier.


Greetings, soldier.


You're located in an area where order is maintained by the Duty group. Every demand of the patrol must be carried out without any resistance; all the necessary explanations will be given if need arises. The code of behavior here is simple: treat everyone with common courtesy, and everything will be good.
お前は、Duty のグループによって秩序が維持されている地域にいる。哨戒活動で必要な全ては、どんな抵抗もなく実行しなくてはならない、と言うことだ。もし必要があるなら、必須事項の説明をしよう。ここでの行動規準は単純だ。全員を普通に礼儀正しく扱えば、全ては上手くいくんだ。


Hey you, soldier!




Well who have we got here?!


And who is this we have here?


Hello, man.


If you have questions, then head straight for the bar and don't bother me. They'll tell you all about it there, and answer your questions, and ask their own. Sorry I'm tight on time.


First time here? Then I suggest you go to the bar: There your colleagues will tell you all the latest news.
ここは初めてかい? だったら、まずバーに行くこったな。お仲間たちが最新の情報を教えてくれるぜ。


Try not to get too close to zombies, and don't go to the laboratory, got it?


I don't recommend you to get near the laboratory: Too many quasilives, yeah zombies...


You know, I would suggest that you keep your distance from the laboratory complex.


You watch out for zombies - they're dumb, aren't afraid of anything. I wonder how they can stay kicking for so long. I wonder what goes on in their heads...


You watch out for zombies - they're dumb, aren't afraid of anything. I wonder how they can stay kicking for so long. I wonder what goes on in their heads...

ゾンビ共に気をつけろ、 奴らは口もきけず、それでいて何も恐れない。また研究所にも行かない方が良い、奴らの温床か何かがそこにある……。


Watch out - if you don't want to lose your brains, don't go any further north from here.


Be careful when you get past the bridge, got it? There are too many wondering dogs there. If you don't pay attention, they'll tear you apart in no time.
橋を過ぎたら慎重になれよ、いいか? そこには変な犬がえらく沢山居る。もし注意を払わないと、奴らはすぐお前をバラバラにするだろう。


You watch out for zombies - they're dumb, aren't afraid of anything. I wonder how they can stay kicking for so long. I wonder what goes on in their heads...


It's as if we’re walking through a mine field, only worse. You can't even relax for a second without looking both ways.
悪いことに、まるで俺達は地雷地帯の中を歩いているかのようだ。悪魔のみが、ここで何が起こるか知っている…… 少しも気を抜けない。


I suggest you heighten your attention, and once you heighten it, keep it alert and don't relax. The minute you relax, Death will take you on the spot.
注意を研ぎ澄ませるように提案するぞ。一旦注意力を高めたら、それを維持して気を抜くな。気を抜いたりしたら、お前は死人だ…… 死は、その場でお前を捕まえるだろう。


Here you have to be on your toes all the time! Sleep with one eye open! Shit can happen to you any minute here.
ここでは、お前は常につま先立ちして歩かないとならねえ! 片目を開いて眠れ! どんな瞬間でも、クソな事が起こるからな。


Be careful with the dick heads! They're like cockroaches here, tons of them!
タコ頭連中に気をつけな! 連中はまるでゴキブリのようにいる、大量にな!


Kill the so-called monolithians as soon as you see them. They would bite your balls off if they think the Monolith said so!
いわゆる Monolith 信者を見かけたらすぐにぶっ殺せ。奴らが「Monolith様がお前のタマを食いちぎれと言っている」とか言い出す前にな!


There are some dumb asses here, they call themselves Monoliths sometimes you might find them praying to a big statue. They are such big fanatics that they don't even care for the world around them while they pray. So, if you see one, don't think twice about it and fire right away.
ここいらにキチガイ共が居る。連中は自身を Monolith と呼んでいる…… もしくは他の誰かがそう呼び始めたか…… いや、どうでもいいな。基本的に、連中は痛みを恐れない。連中もし弾が尽きたなら、自分でお前に飛びかかって、文字通り喉笛を噛み切ろうとするだろう。だからもし1人でもそいつらを見かけたら、考え込んだりせずにすぐに撃て。


Listen here. If you see a tunnel, don't go in. I'm telling it to you straight, cuz not everyone has the brains to listen. They won't even be able to carry you out afterwards - you'll be left splattered in pieces on the walls. That's life in the Zone, understand?
いいか聞け。もしトンネルを見かけたりしても、絶対入るな。ストレートに言っておくが、脳味噌を持っている誰もが、その糞の中に入っていったりはしない。その後そこから出られた者は居ない。壁の上にバラバラにぶちまけられた跡を残すだけだ。これはもう既に Zone だ。分かったか?


Why are you empty? Did you also run into the freaks under the bridge? The bitches! They almost killed me just now. Had to give them almost all of my goods! And they're sitting around, patrolling. Be it bandits, be it these troops on the checkpoints, makes no difference.
何故お前は無知なんだ? お前も橋の下の異常者に出会ったのか? 畜生が! 俺は連中についさっき殺されかけた。俺の物を殆ど全部献上しなけりゃならなかった! あいつらはあの辺に居座って周辺を哨戒している。それが Bandit だったり、例の検問所の軍隊だったりする、この二つに違いはない。


Why are you going all alone? There are lots of razor heads here, can catch you at any moment! Lately, I heard, they completely lost it - now they're even attacking the security checkpoints!
何で、お前はいつも1人でいるんだ? キレた連中が沢山居るんだぞ、いつ何時お前は捕まるかもしれない! 最近聞いたんだが、連中は完全に我を忘れている…… 今や連中は、警備検問所さえ攻撃している!


You better be up to date. The Bandits have started pissing us off for some reason. I think they've already sent six loners to the other side, and I don't mean the other side of the fence.
もし最新情報を聞いていないなら、お前に教えてやろう、最近、Bandit がこの辺りに移動してきた。既にたった一週間で二度も連中と銃撃戦が起こった。既に連中に対抗し、Loner 6人を送り込んできたようだ。警告する、慎重に、気をつけろよ……。


Did you by any chance hear what the troops needed in the Research Institute wing? Why have they become so active?
お前はもしかして、研究所棟で軍隊が何を探しているか聞いたりしたか? 何で連中はそんなに活発に動くようになったんだ?


You be more careful here. The limitless are hiding out in the main building. In one word, they're jackals - no conscience, no mercy...they would have killed everyone off.
ここじゃより慎重に行かなきゃならない。中央棟に無制限に隠れている。一言で言って、連中は野犬だ…… 良心も、慈悲もない…… 連中は誰でも殺すだろう。


You shouldn't go into the Dark Valley alone. There's a nice tight bandit nest here in one of the buildings - still can't smoke them out of there. Be careful not to run into them, man.
単独で Dark Valley に進入すべきじゃないぞ。全くやっかいな Bandit の巣窟が、ここの建物の1つにある…… 未だ連中をそこから追い出せていない。連中に出会わないように注意しろよ、な。


Help friend!


Somebody help!
誰か! 助けてくれ!


Guards! I'm wounded! Come here!
衛兵! 負傷した、来てくれ!


Help! I'm dying!
助けてくれ! 死んじまう!


Guys, bring the first aid kit!


Bring the first aid kit!


If I don't get a first aid kit soon, I think I might die...
誰か、救急キットを…… 死んじまう……。


The first aid kit, men!


Somebody, give me a first aid kit!


Friend, the first aid kit...the kit!
友よ、救急キットを…… キットを!


Help, dude!


Hey friend, can you share a first aid kit, can you?


Soldier, the first aid kit...the kit!
軍人さん、救急キットを…… キットを!
2008年08月30日(土) 14:12:27 Modified by ID:a7qMshS+jw
