

 ・・・secularists tend to be more ethical than religious people. On average, they are more commonly opposed to the death penalty, war and discrimination. And they also have fewer objections to foreigners, homosexuals, oral sex and hashish.
 The most surprising insight revealed by the new wave of secular research so far is that atheists know more about the God they don't believe in than the believers themselves. ・・・
 ・・・In the states of South Carolina and Arkansas, those who deny the existence of a supreme being are not even permitted to hold public office.・・・

 ・・・in all of its history, America has elected only three black senators and two black governors.・・・
 Recalling some of the criticisms of America’s past made by Mr. Obama’s former pastor・・・Reverend Wright・・・, (著者の)Mr. Kennedy writes with feeling about his own father, who put each of his three of his children through Princeton but who “never forgave American society for its racist mistreatment of him and those whom he most loved.”
 His father distrusted the police, who had frequently called him “boy,” and rejected patriotism. Mr. Kennedy’s father “relished Muhammad Ali’s quip that the Vietcong had never called him ‘nigger.’ ” The author places his father, and Mr. Wright, in sympathetic historical light.
 “Many Americans suspect that, in general, African-Americans are less patriotic than whites,” Mr. Kennedy observes. He suggests that African-Americans have never been especially fond of the Fourth of July, for example, partly because the framers of the Declaration of Independence tolerated slavery and partly because the day could be menacing. Whites sometimes “took offense at the sight of blacks celebrating,” he says, “as if they were members of the American political family.”・・・

 ・・・ new business realities usher in the need for a new leadership model, one that replaces command and control with transparency and inclusion. This will increasingly highlight the value of a more feminine approach.・・・
 ・・・stress seemed to increase the capacity for empathy in women while reducing it in males.・・・
 ・・・women (from fifth grade to adulthood) had superior scores in accurately judging messages communicated by facial expressions, body movement and voice quality.
 And not only are women more adept at identifying nonverbal cues, they are better at expressing them―employing more animation, gesture, vocal variety and emotion in their communication behavior.・・・


 ・・・When Estonians were recently asked whether religion played an important part in their life, only 20% said yes. It suggests the Baltic country is, statistically, the least religious country in the world.・・・



 :対社会の人間主義→世界各地のすべての社 会及び自然環境が対象。

 :対社会の人間主義→自分の社会のみが対象 (ただし、つい最近まで、自分の社会の支配的人種ないし支配的階級のみが対象)







 ・・・tens of millions were exposed, for instance, to famine and early death in India and Ireland when the British turned them into laboratories for experiments in unfettered free trade.
 These were not “genocides” or “holocausts”, as some leftwing critics of empire allege. But, perpetrated by British free traders, they were certainly the first of the modern era’s uniquely ideological crimes, for which the central planners of communist regimes are more commonly blamed. ・・・
 ・・・the rulers of the British empire will one day be perceived to rank with the dictators of the 20th century as the authors of crimes against humanity on an infamous scale・・・
 Nehru’s inveterate Anglophilia did not water down his analysis in 1936 that British imperialism was the “twin brother” of Nazism, with the “variation” that the former “functioned abroad in colonies and dependencies” while the latter presumed to function the same way in Europe.・・・

 Black people are being systematically and intentionally excluded from jury service in parts of Alabama almost 140 years after the practice was outlawed in the US, a lawsuit lodged with the federal courts alleges.・・・
 Racial discrimination in jury selection was banned under the 1875 Civil Rights Act, but prosecutors in many southern states continued to achieve all-white juries through the use of pre-emptive ruses that excluded black people through the application of seemingly non-racial criteria.
 ・・・racial discrimination was still rampant in courtrooms across Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee.・・・
 ・・・though 24% of the population in the two Alabama counties was black, only 5% of the jurors sitting on death penalty cases prosecuted by Valeska and his team in those areas was African American.
 It further alleges that the prosecutors intentionally struck off 82% of the eligible black jurors in death penalty cases between 2006 and 2010, leading to juries that were all white or had only a single black juror.・・・

 Mafia State・・・
 ・・・the Putinistas have two main motives. One is grudge-bearing nationalism, allied to a deep conviction that other countries operate in the same way, even if their rulers suborn courts and elections more neatly. As he notes, those nationalistic instincts don't stop some senior apparatchiks stashing their assets and in some cases their families in London.
 The other, more important motive is personal enrichment. On the face of it, this is a paradox: why pillage a country that you want to flourish? Though Harding doesn't explore it, the reasoning of the ruling class seems to go like this. In theory, and eventually, Russia must be great (ie, feared by others; the welfare of its citizens is not a big consideration). But this particular Russia, the one we have inherited, is a contemptible mess -- and if we don't plunder it, someone else will.・・・
 ・・・ in Russia, there are no politics or business stories: "There are only crime stories."・・・


 ・・・An estimated 50 percent of all extended black and Hispanic families in the United States have had a member incarcerated in the past 35 years. For the poorest in both groups, the figure approaches 100 percent. Drucker points out that black males between 21 and 44 are 40 times more likely to be incarcerated for drug offenses than white males of the same age group. In light of numerous studies showing that people of all races are about equally likely to use and sell illegal drugs, this is a telling statistic, to say the least.・・・
 ・・・an epidemic that first broke out as slavery and later as Jim Crow, and now has mutated, resurfacing in a new form. ・・・
 ・・・40 percent of African American kids still attended schools that were almost completely segregated. ・・・
 ・・・“Dolphins are among the smartest creatures on the planet ― fully conscious, creative, and highly communicative, with an intelligence rare in nature,” writes Diana Reiss in “The Dolphin in the Mirror.” Now Director of Dolphin Research at Baltimore’s National Aquarium・・・
 Reiss, who served as an adviser on the Oscar-winning 2009 film “The Cove,” which documented bloody dolphin hunts in Tajii, Japan, writes passionately about the need to protect these sentient creatures who she believes are capable of empathy. ・・・


  IT’S a puzzle: one dispossessed group after another -- blacks, women, Hispanics and gays -- has been gradually accepted in the United States, granted equal rights and brought into the mainstream.
 At the same time, in economic terms, the United States has gone from being a comparatively egalitarian society to one of the most unequal democracies in the world.
 The two shifts are each huge and hugely important: one shows a steady march toward democratic inclusion, the other toward a tolerance of economic stratification that would have been unthinkable a generation ago. ・・・
 Other nations seem to face the same challenge: either inclusive, or economically just. Europe has maintained much more economic equality but is struggling greatly with inclusiveness and discrimination, and is far less open to minorities than is the United States. ・・・
 “I do think there is a trade-off between inclusion and equality,” said Gary Becker, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago and a Nobel laureate. ・・・
  Of the European countries, Britain’s politics of inequality and inclusion most resemble those of the United States. Even as inequality has grown considerably, the British sense of economic class has diminished. As recently as 1988, some 67 percent of British citizens proudly identified themselves as working class. Now only 24 percent do. Almost everybody below the Queen and above the poverty line considers himself or herself “middle class.”
 Germany still has robust protections for its workers and one of the healthiest economies in Europe. Children at age 10 are placed on different tracks, some leading to university and others to vocational school -- a closing off of opportunity that Americans would find intolerable. But it is uncontroversial because those attending vocational school often earn as much as those who attend university. ・・・
  From the 1930s to the 1960s, the income of the less affluent Americans grew more quickly than that of their wealthier neighbors, and the richest 1 percent saw its share of the national income shrink to 8.9 percent in the mid-1970s, from 23.9 percent in 1928. That share is now back up to more than 20 percent, its level before the Depression.
 Inequality has traditionally been acceptable to Americans if accompanied by mobility. But most recent studies of economic mobility indicate that it is getting even harder for people to jump from one economic class to another in the United States, harder to join the elite. While Americans are used to considering equal opportunity and equality of condition as separate issues, they may need to reconsider.・・・


 ・・・ G. K. Chesterton・・・said that nowhere on earth does an Englishman feel as much a stranger as in the United States.・・・
 Religion aside, political differences between the countries have been formed by profoundly diverse historical experiences. If we still use the vocabulary of left and right, then the veteran observer William Pfaff is correct to say that there is no important political party in Western Europe today that does not stand to the left of the Democrats on social issues. Despite all their demographic challenges, European countries are not going to abandon their welfare systems. Nor are they going to lose their aversion to war. ・・・

 ・・・the West's "killer apps." ・・・competition・・・the growth of science・・・property rights defined by law・・・the triumph of Western medicine・・・the development of consumer society・・・West's work ethic・・・
 ・・・the most successful non-Western polities are those that have "downloaded" the six apps. At the top of the class is Japan,・・・<a> smaller, but no less spectacular, example is Israel・・・
 When Japan vanquished Russia in 1905, its victory was widely understood by Westerners, not least by President Theodore Roosevelt, as the triumph of constitutionalism over autocracy.・・・


 ・・・work ethic・・・The school year in South Korea is 220 days long, compared with 180 days here. ・・・
 consumer society・・・26 of the 30 biggest shopping malls in the world are now in emerging markets, mostly in Asia? Only three are in the United States. ・・・
 Modern medicine・・・ life expectancy in the U.S. has risen from 70 to 78 in the past 50 years, compared with leaps from 68 to 83 in Japan and from 43 to 73 in China.・・・
 ・・・rule of law・・・ take a look at the latest World Economic Forum (WEF) Executive Opinion Survey. On no fewer than 15 of 16 different issues relating to property rights and governance, the United States fares worse than Hong Kong. Indeed, the U.S. makes the global top 20 in only one area: investor protection. On every other count, its reputation is shockingly bad. The U.S. ranks 86th in the world for the costs imposed on business by organized crime, 50th for public trust in the ethics of politicians, 42nd for various forms of bribery, and 40th for standards of auditing and financial reporting.・・・
 ・・・science・・・statistics from the World Intellectual Property Organization show that already more patents originate in Japan than in the U.S., that South Korea overtook Germany to take third place in 2005, and that China is poised to overtake Germany too.・・・
  ・・・competition・・・the WEF has conducted a comprehensive Global Competitiveness survey -every year since 1979. Since the current methodology was adopted in 2004, the United States’ average competitiveness score has fallen from 5.82 to 5.43, one of the steepest declines among developed economies. China’s score, meanwhile, has leapt up from 4.29 to 4.90.・・・


 ・・・Britain's relationship with constitutional writing is not quite what it may appear. Its rulers have resisted a codified constitution at home, but their behaviour overseas has been rather different. With regard to territories outside their own islands, British actors have proved hyperactive constitution-writers. They have drafted constitutions for international organisations such as the League of Nations; for other countries, including postwar Germany; and, from the 1790s onwards, and on hundreds of occasions, for different parts of their one-time empire. As one politician admitted chirpily in the 1960s: "We in Britain have no constitution of our own, but we have quite a lot of experience of writing constitutions for other people."・・・



 ・・・s antisemitism was a unifying factor for far-right parties in the 1910s, 20s and 30s, Islamophobia has become the unifying factor in the early decades of the 21st century・・・
 Parties touting anti-immigrant and Islamophobic ideas have spread beyond established strongholds in France, Italy and Austria to the traditionally liberal Netherlands and Scandinavia, and now have significant parliamentary blocs in eight countries. Other nations have seen the rise of nationalist street movements like the English Defence League (EDL). ・・・

 The House voted 396-9 this week to reaffirm as the national motto the phrase "In God We Trust" and encouraged its pronouncement on public buildings and continued printing on the coin of the realm.・・・
 It's time to drop the God talk and face reality with a steely-eyed visage of the modern understanding of the origin of freedom on which the United States was founded and continues to be secured. God has nothing to do with it. If you want freedom and security, you need the following:
 The rule of law; property rights; a secure and trustworthy banking and monetary system; economic stability; a reliable infrastructure and the freedom to move about the country; freedom of the press; freedom of association; education for the masses; protection of civil liberties; a clean and safe environment; a robust military for protection of our liberties from attacks by other states; a potent police force for protection of our freedoms from attacks by people within the state; a viable legislative system for establishing fair and just laws; and an effective judicial system for the equitable enforcement of those fair and just laws.・・・
 ・・・the more of these components that are in place, the more citizens trust one another. ・・・a 15% increase in the proportion of people in a country who think others are trustworthy raises income per person by 1% per year for every year thereafter. For example, increasing levels of trust in the U.S. from its current 36% to 51% would raise the average income for every man, woman and child in the country by $400 per year. Trust pays.・・・


・・・In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion in the prosperous democracies. The United States is almost always the most dysfunctional of the developed democracies, sometimes spectacularly so・・・


 ・・・Roughly 1.25 million Russians have left the country in the last 10 years・・・
 ・・・the exodus is so large, it's comparable in numbers to the outrush in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution.・・・
  Among 18- to 35-year-olds, close to 40% of respondents say they'd like to leave.・・・






 ・・・ Since June 2010 governments have fallen in the Netherlands, Slovakia, Belgium, Ireland, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia, Greece and Italy.・・・
 Under E.U. law, it would be much easier for Britain to leave the European Union than for Greece to leave the euro zone. ・・・
 The breakdown of the European Union is now more likely than the collapse of the single currency that was supposed to bind it together.・・・
 the thing that could cause the European Union to topple, or at least shrink in size, would be the outright withdrawal of Britain. And that has started to look quite possible.









 ・・・The real problem America faces is political・・・
 Just look at the numbers: In 2010, barely 40 percent of the voting eligible population bothered to cast a vote・・・.
 The 2006 midterm, which brought the Democrats to power in the House and Senate, drew almost exactly the same rate -- 40.4 percent. (In Obama’s 2008 election, by comparison, Americans turned out in “record-setting” turnout amounted to 61.6 percent).・・・
 The tendency of midterm elections to produce a factions that don’t reflect mainstream opinions --empowered ignorance, if you will -- only deepened the fatal flaw・・・
 ・・・the radical solution was to cut the politicians out of the picture. In both <Greece and Italy>, governments of technocratic experts -- each, importantly, led by an economist -- were formed・・・
 Such a solution is more difficult in a presidential system -- but not impossible.・・・



 ・・・In a survey of the top 100-grossing movies of 2009 -- including "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" and "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" -- researchers found that 32.8% of the 4,342 speaking characters were female and 67.2% were male, a percentage identical to that of the top-grossing movies of 2008.・・・
 ・・・women were still far more likely than men to wear sexy clothing in movies, such as swimwear and unbuttoned shirts (25.8% versus 4.7%), to expose skin (23% versus 7.4%) and to be described by another character as attractive (10.9% versus 2.5%).・・・
  ・・・only 3.6% of the directors and 13.5% of the writers on the top-grossing films of 2009 were female・・・


 ・・・between 3 and 5 percent of the U.S. population―or more than 9 million people―could meet the criteria for <sex> addiction. Some 1,500 sex therapists treating compulsive behavior are practicing today, up from fewer than 100 a decade ago・・・
 ・・・about 90 percent―are male・・・That’s partly because women are more apt than men to be stigmatized by association with sex addiction・・・


 ・・・a majority of French people now say they favor something their Yankee cousins may have yet to consider: giving legal aliens the right to vote in some elections. ・・・
  61% of respondents favoring foreigners getting the right to vote in France's local elections. ・・・


 ・・・It's true that on the road to the White House all sorts of things can happen, and usually do. No campaign can avoid its share of slip-ups, blunders and embarrassments. Yet this time around, it's just not that funny anymore. In fact, it's utterly horrifying.
 It's horrifying because these eight so-called, would-be candidates are eagerly ruining not only their own reputations and that of their party, the party of Lincoln lore. Worse: They're ruining the reputation of the United States.
 They lie. They cheat. They exaggerate. They bluster. They say one idiotic, ignorant, outrageous thing after another. They've shown such stark lack of knowledge -- political, economic, geographic, historical -- that they make George W. Bush look like Einstein and even cause their fellow Republicans to cringe. ・・・

 ・・・even with an ageing population, Russia’s gross domestic product could overtake that of France, the UK and ultimately Germany by 2030. ・・・





 ・・・it was only in 1980 that the California Legislature made it illegal for a husband to rape his wife. As late as the 1950s, the right of a husband to take his wife by force was enshrined in the laws of every state. As legal authority Rollin Perkins put it in 1957: "A man does not commit rape by having sexual intercourse with his lawful wife, even if he does so by force and against her will."・・・
 ・・・early English courts took pregnancy as proof that the sex was consensual. The idea was that both the man and the woman needed to experience sexual pleasure to conceive a child, so a pregnancy showed that the woman enjoyed the encounter. And this contemptible theory is not found only in history books. In 1995, North Carolina legislator Henry Aldridge, when arguing against a law to aid pregnant rape victims, said: "The facts show that people who are raped, who are truly raped, the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work, and they don't get pregnant."
 Particularly galling to Western readers of the Gulnaz story was the idea of pushing a rape victim to marry her ravisher. But the Afghan judge who told her she could escape from jail by marrying the rapist was in line with Judeo-Christian tradition. Deuteronomy 22:28-29 lays out how if a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed and "seizes her and lies with her," then "she shall be his wife." The Afghan judge would also have found friendly company in the courts of Renaissance Italy, which viewed rape as a kind of mating ritual. In one case in Venice, a rapist was given the choice of going to jail for six months, paying a fine or marrying his victim. The man chose marriage.・・・


 No so long ago, France was the political driver and Germany the economic motor of the European Union. "Now," remarked former European Commission president Romani Prodi in February, it is Merkel "that decides and Sarkozy that holds a press conference to explain her decisions." This searing image could be embellished with the 24 EU members cowering in the press room -- and Britain now watching through the window. ・・・

 European leaders say 26 out of 27 EU member states have backed a tax and budget pact to tackle the eurozone debt crisis.
 Only the UK has said it will not join. Prime Minister David Cameron said he had to protect key British interests, including its financial markets.
 The 17 countries that use the euro have all agreed to the deal.・・・

 How long will Britain stay in the EU?・・・


 アラブの春、欧州南部の冬〜夏に引き続き、今度は一周遅れのロシアの冬が到来? モスクワを始め、ロシア各地で反プーチン派のデモ。

 ・・・Great Britain is an EU member that never truly wanted to be part of the club. It was more of an observer than a contributor and it always had one eye on Washington. Indeed, it is telling that the country never joined the border-free travel regime known as Schengen -- Britain still checks everybody who enters the country from the other side of the Channel. The political establishment was likewise extremely skeptical of the common currency from the very beginning.・・・



 UK's Clegg attacks Conservative allies over EU・・・


  ・・・Cameron behaved as though his priority was to save the City, and he arrived with demands. As an even more undiplomatic diplomat told me, “He cares more about those spivs(=様々なうさん臭い方法でお金をもうける無職の人) in the City than he cares about us.”・・・


 ・・・57 percent of voters approved of Cameron's use of the veto and just 14 percent opposed it -- but also that 56 percent also agreed that British influence within the European Union would be diminished. ・・・


 ・・・nearly 60 percent of American women between 18 and 24 are sometimes or always completely bare down there, while almost half of women in the U.S. between 25 and 29 reported similar habits. Herbenick's numbers show a clear-cut trend: More women lack pubic hair than ever before.・・・


 ・・・The median age for marriage is now at its highest level as more young people put off tying the knot or cohabitate instead. And last year, only 9 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds were married, a big drop from 45 percent a half century ago.・・・

 ・・・Nearly one-fifth of U.S. women have been the victim of a sexual assault at some time in their lives・・・
 In addition, one in four has been the victim of severe physical violence by a boyfriend or husband・・・
 The survey also found that one in six has experienced a stalking that made her very fearful or believed that someone close to her would be harmed or killed.・・・




 ・・・His mother's death in Athens, killing herself in a suicide pact with her lover・・・
 Christopher supported a war・・・the 2003 Iraq war・・・that he suggested would stop Saddam Hussein using the country as "his own personal torture chamber".・・・
 In・・・God is Not Great<(2007)>・・・he argued that religion is "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and tribalism and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry",・・・
 ・・・In the 1990s, he wrote a book attacking Mother Teresa, then did the same to Bill Clinton, whom he considered "pathological as a liar." He was an equal opportunity critic, taking on Henry Kissinger, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Palin and Gore Vidal. Among his role models? Thomas Paine・・・<and> George Orwell・・・


 Turkey threatened President Nicolas Sarkozy of France with retaliation if he signs into law a bill that would make it a crime to deny that Armenians suffered genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915・・・
 The French state has recognized the Armenian genocide since 2001, but criminalizing its denial would stir deep anger in Turkey. Germany has a similar law making it illegal to deny the Jewish Holocaust.


 ・・・some 40 percent of Americans engage in some form of religious activity, whether going to a mosque, a synagogue, or a church. And in turn, they feel better all around about their place in the larger civic community.
 ・・・these individuals are more trusting of others, are more optimistic about their impact on their community, think more highly of their community, are more involved in more organizations of all kinds, and devote more time to the groups to which they are active, in comparison to those who do not engage in religious activities.・・・


 ・・・Between 1991 and 2010, the homicide rate in the United States fell 51 percent, from 9.8 per 100,000 residents to 4.8 per 100,000. Property crimes such as burglary also fell sharply during that period; auto theft, once the bane of urban life, dropped an astonishing 64 percent. And・・・the trends continued in the first half of 2011. With luck, the United States could soon equal its lowest homicide rate of the modern era: 4.0 per 100,000, recorded in 1957. ・・・



 フリーダム・ライダーズ 人種隔離バスへの抵抗



 現在、共和党大統領有力候補の一人であるロン・ポール(Ron Paul)が、1980〜90年代に、なお、どんな黒人差別的発言を行っていたかを知って欲しい。↓
 A December 1989 newsletter・・・predicted "Racial Violence Will Fill Our Cities" because "mostly black welfare recipients will feel justified in stealing from mostly white 'haves.' "
 Another letter said "I think we can assume that 95 percent of the black men in that city [Washington] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
 An August 1992 edition of the Ron Paul Report labeled former Rep. Barbara Jordan (D) of Texas "the archetypal half-educated victimologist," ・・・

 ・・・Westmoreland's disdain for the Vietnamese forces, his feuds with the Marine Corps and Air Force, and his unwavering belief that the war could be won with overwhelming U.S. firepower. He took credit for victories and sidestepped responsibility for defeats.
 Westmoreland assigned the ground combat missions to U.S. forces while the South Vietnamese were deprived of sufficient support and "relegated to support pacification," which he felt to be a mission of little importance.・・・

 ・・・by 2003, Satter writes, 53 percent of Russians approved of Stalin and his actions―up from 19 percent in 1998―thanks largely to the Kremlin’s glorification of the USSR’s World War II victory, via a revival of grand military parades on Red Square and a new generation of state-sponsored war movies. Putin later ordered a rewrite of Soviet-era textbooks to present Stalin as “a good manager.”・・・




 The mathematician and second world war codebreaker Alan Turing・・・ was convicted of gross indecency in 1952, when homosexual acts were illegal in the UK, and sentenced to chemical castration(化学的去勢). He killed himself two years later by taking cyanide. ・・・
 In 2009, the then prime minister Gordon Brown issued an unequivocal apology on behalf of the government to Turing, describing his treatment as "horrifying" and "utterly unfair". Brown said the country owed him a huge debt.・・・















トップ争いを繰り広げているテキサス州下院議員のロン・ポール候補(76)は2日、在日米軍の撤退を公約した。 ・・・」


 喜ぶべきもなにも・・・単純にその高齢(仮に大統領就任した場合はレーガンの69歳でのそれを大幅に上回る)と生粋のThe Republicanぶりにひいた・・。



 ・・・It is・・・libertarian・・・ideology coupled with・・・Ron Paul<'s> staunch antiwar pose that attracts so many young people and, when you take another look, some not so young people as well.・・・
 Paul’s old newsletters have (once again) surfaced, and their smarmy racism is downright repellent.・・・

 ・・・I hope that I am wrong, but I fear that Ron Paul may win Iowa.・・・

 そのアイオワ州での「中間選挙」は、primaryじゃなくて 党員集会(群)(caucuses) という。↓
 ・・・Iowa caucuses are different and the rules vary in the roughly 1,800 state precincts that hold them. There isn't necessarily a secret ballot; sometimes there's no ballot at all.
 After everyone gets a chance to express their opinions, the vote can be on paper, with a show of hands or, for Democrats, just by congregating into groups corresponding to the different candidates and seeing who has the biggest group.・・・
 ・・・winning Iowa doesn't predict much because with just three million people, the state is so small, so rural, so white and, these days, so affluent.
Its agriculture-based economy is doing well enough to be spared the worst of America's economic downturn.・・・
 So maybe it's no surprise that, looking back over the decades, the most popular candidates in Iowa don't tend to get their party's nomination or the presidency.・・・
 The Democratic caucuses that year were more telling. Barack Obama did win them, the start of a long and surprising campaign that ended in the White House.・・・









 在韓米軍 北朝鮮は貧乏でまともな空軍もない。
 在日米軍 日本はGDPは世界第三位の国なんだから、自分の身は自分で守れ。
 NATO   WWII終了直後なら、必要意義はあるが、今は自力で出来るだろ。





 ・・・the terms ‘liberal Republican’ or ‘moderate’ Republican’ have practically become oxymorons,”・・・. Now, cooperating with Democrats and deviating from conservative orthodoxy is electoral suicide for a Republican leader. ・・・
 With the personal discrediting of Nixon came the political discrediting of the centrist branches of the Republican Party in which Nixon had roots as Eisenhower’s vice-president. Similarly, Ford’s loss in 1976 to moderate Democratic governor Jimmy Carter in the quest for the presidency left open the door to right-wing icon Ronald Reagan’s ascension.
 Many other factors interceded, of course・・・<t>he rise of the neoconservative and Christianist movements, a backlash against the civil rights movement and the welfare state, and a suburban middle class terrified of crime and disorder are among them.・・・
 <In addition,> when Southern Democrats defected to the Republicans in response to their old party’s embrace of black equality, each party essentially became ideologically monolithic. ・・・


 ・・・Europe is undergoing not one but two simultaneous economic crises. The first is a rapid, obvious one ― all about sovereign debt, a collapsing currency and austerity measures ― that we hear about all the time. The second is insidious but more important. After decades of trying, Europe as a whole still can’t quite figure out how to be flexible enough to compete in the global economy. ・・・


 Is the U.S. Still a ‘Land of Opportunity’?・・・
 ・・・Higher levels of economic inequality are associated with lower rates of mobility. But children are more upwardly mobile in some nations than in others. How do countries like Canada, with above-average inequality and above-average child poverty rates, do so well on mobility outcomes compared with the United States? Canada has more effective public investments in education, including nearly universal preschool, effective secondary schools and high rates of college completion. And the Canadians are much more generous to low- and middle-income families, including child allowances and tuition breaks for university education.・・・
 ・・・If I were a child born in the top 10 percent, my odds of staying in the top 10 percent as an adult would be better than 1 in 4. I’d have a better than 50 percent chance of staying in the top third. In Canada, only 1 in 7 kids born to top-earning parents become top-earning adults, and almost 10 percent fall to the very bottom, something that happens to only 3 percent of rich American children.
 A rich kid does well in the U.S., but a poor kid does not.・・・
 If my parents lived in the U.S., I would have more than a 1 in 5 chance of being stuck in the bottom 10 percent of the earnings distribution and a 50 percent chance of staying in the bottom third. In Canada I’d be less likely to remain in the bottom, and would have a 50 percent chance of reaching the top half. ・・・

 ・・・ As many people were quick to point out, this portrait of the president as radical redistributionist was pure fiction. What hasn’t been as widely noted, however, is that Mr. Romney’s picture of himself as a believer in a level playing field is just as fictional. Where is the evidence that he or his party cares at all about equality of opportunity? ・・・

 ・・・never ahead of the times but also trying not to be fatally far behind them.・・・
 ・・・her inscrutability and avoidance of controversy・・・


 ・・・ The French minister Sully (1560-1641), when dreaming up his “Grand Design” for a “Very Christian Council of Europe,” objected to Russia’s inclusion in his scheme: “[T]here scarce remains any conformity among us with them; besides they belong to Asia as much as to Europe. We may indeed almost consider them as a barbarous country, and place them in the same class with Turkey.”・・・
 The most expansive vision of Europe was one of many expounded by the founder of the Pan-European Union, the Austrian count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, in 1935. It solved the problem of finding an adequate geographical boundary to Europe by substituting a political one – all of the Soviet Union would be considered part of Europe. Asia would be to its south. ・・・


 ハンガリー政府が起草した新憲法は文字通りのファシスト憲法なりと糾弾するコラムだ。ハンガリーはEU追放へ? だけど、これこそ欧州の本質なんだわさ。↓
 ・・・ On Monday, the government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, leader of the highly conservative Fidesz party, introduced its controversial new constitution allowing itself discretionary authority over the media, courts, the central bank and even personal conscience.
 There is to be no division of powers in Hungary between the executive, legislative and judiciary; no guaranteed freedom of the press, nor judicial impartiality; no freedom of worship. Abortion and same-sex marriages are outlawed. And echoing other horrific moments from Europe’s dark past, Orban proposes to offer ethnic Hungarians living in neighboring countries Hungarian citizenship, rather as Hitler did for ethnic Germans in Poland and Czechoslovakia.・・・
 Altogether, Enlightenment values are not the reason why the West has advanced so far so fast for the last two centuries and more; rather, they are why the West’s economies are in crisis and its societies are fragmenting.・・・
 This is very much the position of South African President Jacob Zuma’s faction in the African National Congress (ANC) as the party celebrates its 100th anniversary. Once one of the great forces in the African liberation struggle・・・


 ・・・anxiety disorders(不安障害) now affect 18 percent of the adult population of the United States, or about 40 million people. By comparison, mood disorders -- depression and bipolar illness, primarily -- affect 9.5 percent. That makes anxiety the most common psychiatric complaint by a wide margin, and one for which we are increasingly well-medicated.・・・
  The anti-anxiety drug alprazolam -- better known by its brand name, Xanax -- was the top psychiatric drug on the list, clocking in at 46.3 million prescriptions in 2010.・・・












 漱石の 『私の個人主義』では、確かに他人の個人主義も尊重するように書かれているけれど、それは漱石の解釈した個人主義であって、ヨーロッパのとは違う可能性が大いにあるのではないかな。

 太田さんのコラム#5236<(未公開)>で「個人の神との直接的な関係」という言葉が出てきたし、 ルイ・デュモンの『個人主義論考』でもそうだけれど、個人主義が、まだ誕生して数百年以内のキリスト教の神との関係の中で出現したということが否定されるのは、きいたことがない。





 「イギリスは、「1563年から1601年にかけて救貧法(Poor Law)が制定され・・・、それとほぼ同じくして、1597年から1601年にかけて慈善法(Charitable Uses Act)も制定され」たという人間主義的な社会(コラム#1577。#54、601、1212も参照)である」 <(コラム#3711)>




1 イギリスの個人主義と欧州の個人主義


2 ααΒΒΒクンが示唆しているように、イギリスにおける個人主義は自由主義(ないし立憲主義/人権の確保)と裏腹の関係にある。(コラム#90

3 αΒαΒΒクンの書いてくれたことを参照。







 Friday was the 70th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, when senior Nazis coordinated plans for the Holocaust.・・・
 On Jan. 20, 1942, high-level members of the Nazi party and other bureaucrats met at the villa to orchestrate large-scale plans for the extermination of Jews. At the time, hundreds of thousands of Jews had already been murdered, but many historians believe that the conference was the point at which Adolf Hitler's plans for their industrialized killing were laid out explicitly for his top officials.
 These men included Nazi party members and members of the SS, the party's military force, which was to oversee the plans. ・・・

 Voltaire・・・<the> icon of French writing profited financially and intellectually from・・・<the> two years spent・・・in England in the 1720s early in his literary career・・・.
 They include a signed acceptance from the 18th Century writer for a £200 grant from the Royal Family.・・・


 ・・・The typical British shipwreck, Shaw wrote, had three "romantic demands" in particular: that the cry "Women and children first" should be heard, that all men aboard ("except the foreigners") should be heroes, and the captain a superhero, and that "everybody should face death without a tremor".
 Shaw traced the origins of these expectations to the wreck of the Birkenhead, a troopship (and one of the Royal Navy's earliest steamships) that had hit a rock and foundered off the coast of South Africa in 1852.
 While the few women and children on board were being loaded into the boats, the troops held ranks at attention on deck, even though the ship was breaking up beneath them. Hundreds died, including all the senior naval officers. A story of self-sacrifice and stoicism set a pattern for behaviour in Britain's merchant and military navies that enhanced, and sometimes confused, a captain's traditional responsibilities for the welfare of his ship and crew. The "Birkenhead drill" meant a seafarer stared death in the eye while the weaker sex was rowed to safety. In the 18th century, a captain could be both a patriarch and a tyrant, a drinker and flogger. Now, as he took his seat among his passengers at that new Victorian social arrangement, the captain's table, he became a kindlier and nobler father figure. Still a patriarch, but one who would place your needs and life above his own even to the ultimate sacrifice; or so the story went.
 Chivalry at sea became an essential British ideal, and proof of the superiority of Anglo-Saxons (a category that included North Americans and most northern Europeans) over more panicky peoples from the south and east. ・・・



 Britain once looked down on the tribal divisions of other countries. It held up its own identity as that of a people united not just by language, history, and geography, but by high ideals of civic life・・・a shared civic life, rooted in a commitment to rights, freedom, and elected government, can be a powerful unifying force.
 Those enduring ideals create a social glue. They challenge the ancient notions that a country must be monocultural or that “self-determination” is only for people of like race or ethnicity.・・・


 A mysterious Russian cargo ship limped into the Cypriot port of Limassol, this month, forced to seek shelter from a violent storm.
 Hidden on board the MS Chariot were four containers packed with 60 tonnes of ammunition for AK-47s and for rocket launchers. The shipment had come from Moscow's state arms company, Rosoboronexport; its shadowy purchaser was none other than the Syrian government.
 Cyprus, an EU member since 2004, was supposed to seize the cargo. The weapons flagrantly breached the EU's strict embargo on military supplies to the Syrian regime, which since last year has been violently engaged in shooting and killing its own citizens and anti-regime protesters.
 Instead, Cypriot officials allowed the ship to leave after receiving vague assurances it would alter its route. The captain refuelled, left and then set a brisk course for the Syrian port of Tartus, where he delivered his dubious cargo.
 Critics say the murky episode is further evidence of Cyprus's unwillingness to displease -- and "embarrassing subservience" to -- Moscow. The case is reminiscent of when a Cypriot court in 2010 bailed Christopher Metsos -- the alleged leader of a bungling Russian spy ring exposed in the US that included the glamorous Anna Chapman. Metsos promptly escaped.・・・
  More than 25% of bank deposits and about one-third of foreign investments come from Russia.
 Typically, Russian investors create "brass-plate" companies to take advantage of Cyprus's low 10% corporate tax rate. Many of these funds are reinvested back in Russia -- ¤1.4bn in 2008 -- avoiding Russian tax. ・・・
 Cyprus's president, Demetris Christofias, heads the communist Akel party. He was educated in Soviet Moscow and is a fluent Russian speaker.・・・
 Britain's support for Turkey's EU accession, by contrast, makes it a more problematic ally, despite the presence on the island of two British military bases, at Akrotiri and Dhekelia.・・・


 ・・・the crimes committed by the German police state in its various manifestations -- among them the SS, its intelligence operation the SD and its military arm the Waffen-SS -- were all Himmler’s crimes, because “he to all intents and purposes united in his own person all the instruments of violence belonging to the Nazi state.” ・・・
  “Himmler was the complete opposite of a faceless functionary or bureaucrat, interchangeable with any other,” Longerich writes. “The position he built up over the years can instead be described as an extreme example of the almost total personalization of political power.”・・・


 ・・・the distinction between conservatives and liberals is philosophical. Conservatives like Edmund Burke “have always seen society as a kind of inheritance we receive and are responsible for; we have obligations toward those who came before and to those who will come after, and these obligations take priority over our rights.” But liberals like John Stuart Mill “assume that societies are genuinely constructs of human freedom, that whatever we inherit from them, they can always be unmade or remade through free human action.”
 Given this understanding, however,・・・in current America politics, everyone is a liberal・・・
 But we also tolerate and even support various forms of inequality, which amount to different degrees of political power. Differences in wealth, education, job, gender, race and age all in fact correspond to differences in power. Hardly anyone thinks all of these differences are bad, but conservatives on the whole think we have gone far enough or even too far in eliminating them, while liberals think that we are still far short of a proper distribution of power.
 Many claim that the liberal-conservative division is over the role of government, with liberals supporting government intervention and conservatives opposing it. But the real issue is not so much whether government should intervene as it is on which side it should intervene. For the most part conservatives are, for example, quite in favor of government’s regulating the behavior of labor unions and limiting the ability of consumers to sue businesses, whereas liberals are generally opposed to these sorts of government interference.
 In an important sense, history is on the side of liberals. They can point to a continuing trend in the redistribution of power — favoring, for example, workers, women, minorities — that conservatives originally opposed but now generally join liberals in accepting. But there is no basis for assuming that any and all redistributions of power are appropriate (should we, for example, lower the voting age to 16 or even to 12?) or that a particular way of achieving a needed redistribution of power is sound (is reverse discrimination a good way of overcoming racial and gender inequalities?). To this extent, there may always be room for conservative critiques of liberal proposals.・・・

 ・・・More than half of those who identified as conservative Republicans said they reached climax almost every time they had sex, compared with just 40 percent of liberal Democrats.・・・
 ・・・when it comes to romance, men may fit the female stereotype more closely than their own.・・・
 A full 50 percent of women say that “bad sex” would be a deal-breaker in a relationship, compared with just 44 percent of men. ・・・
 Thirty-one percent of men said they’d be willing to commit to somebody who “has everything they are looking for in a partner” but with whom they weren’t in love, and 21 percent said they’d commit to somebody they were not sexually attracted to. ・・・


 ・・・Prisoners do matter when analyzing the severity of racial inequality in the U.S. Yet because they are out of sight and out of mind, it is easy to imagine that we are making far more racial progress than we actually are.・・・


 ・・・The central message of Thinking the Twentieth Century is what <Tony >Judt calls “the intellectual sin of the century: passing judgment on the fate of others in the name of their future as you see it”. If Lenin, Hitler, Stalin and Mao were abominable gangsters and tyrants, the intellectuals who defended them were also culpable.
 “It’s terribly important for an open society to be familiar with its past,” says Judt. “It was a common feature of the closed societies of the 20th century, whether of left or right, that they manipulated history. Rigging the past is the oldest form of knowledge control.”・・・


 ・・・fewer than one in 10 adults reported attending a classical concert in 2008, according to a periodic survey conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts, a 28 percent drop since 1982. ・・・
 In the past two years, the Honolulu, Syracuse, and New Mexico orchestras closed up shop entirely; the Philadelphia Orchestra, long revered as one of the five best in the country, filed for Chapter 11 protection in April.・・・
 Of Asian-Americans ages 18-24 responding to the same survey, 14 percent reported attending a classical concert in the past year, more than any other demographic in that age group. ・・・
 Every Jewish kid grew up wanting to play the violin. Now it’s true among Asians.・・・
 Asians make up just over 4 percent of the U.S. population, but 7 percent of U.S. orchestra musicians are Asian, and the figure rises to 20 percent for top orchestras such as the New York Philharmonic. At the elite Julliard School for music, one in five undergraduates—and one in three Ph.D. students—is Asian.・・・
 Its presence in the region goes back little more than a century, to the military bands brought to Japan by Commodore Perry’s opening. The early association of Western music with military discipline and modernization set a precedent. Classical music became an aspirational totem for both newly industrializing Asian countries, whose governments subsidized music schools and orchestras, and parents, for whom having a musician in the family was marker of success.・・・
 Asian and Asian-American performers gravitate almost exclusively to strings and piano: Those instruments which, within a genre that symbolizes class mobility in Asia, are at the top of the heap. Rarely does one encounter an Asian conservatory student playing the bassoon or trombone, or any instrument that does not afford the possibility of soloist superstardom.・・・
 One area in which Asians do not dominate, Yoshihara notes, is orchestra management, which remains overwhelmingly white. ・・・
 Asians haven’t made much headway into conducting or composing. Asian music education is not famous for its music theory. The Suzuki method, Asia’s most successful classical music export, is a highly mechanical training regimen based on drills and rote memorization, with no emphasis on “feeling” the music. It lends itself best to the equally mechanical works of the Baroque period, less to the Romantic era and not at all to contemporary classical.・・・


 ・・・ Keynes came from the heart of a Cambridge tradition (later continued in that other Cambridge in Massachusetts) that saw economics as a humane discipline or moral science, providing tools for earnest attempts to do good in the world. Hayek, by contrast, with his background in the Austrian school, was absorbed in a quest to understand the abstract beauties of the price mechanism, with some impatience for restless advocates of quick-fix solutions.・・・
 The most damning thing that Keynes said about Hayek's work was that it was "an extraordinary example of how, starting with a mistake, a remorseless logician can end up in Bedlam". His logic was thus an irrelevant abstraction, its beauty purely formal. The most damning thing that Hayek later found to say about Keynes's general theory was that it was "a tract for the times".・・・

 ・・・In 2001, homicide killed more than twice the number of people worldwide who died in wars (an estimated 557,000 people versus total war deaths of around 208,000). But just as in the United States, violent crime rates have been falling across a large part of the planet. The data is patchy, but in 2002, about 332,000 homicides from 94 countries around the globe were reported to the United Nations. By 2008, that had dropped to 289,000. And between those years, the homicide rate fell in 68 reporting countries and increased in only 26. ・・・
  ・・・typical homicide rates in Europe dropped from about 32 per 100,000 people in・・・the 13th century・・・down to 1.4 per 100,000 in the 20th century. (Sadly, of course, for all of their decline, U.S. rates are still more than three times that -- a rate above・・・the Western average for the 1700s.)・・・


 ・・・Saddest of all is the last chart in the sequence: Back in 1970, more than 45% of affluent Americans described themselves as "very happy." More than 35% of affluent Americans still do so, regardless of race. In 1970, more than 35% of working-class whites—and nearly 35% of all working-class people—likewise described themselves as very happy. Today, only a little more than 15% of working-class people describe themselves as happy, and working-class whites are actually slightly less likely to do so than working-class people generally.・・・


 ・・・ the income achievement gap (defined here as the income difference between a child from a family at the 90th percentile of the family income distribution and a child from a family at the 10th percentile) is now nearly twice as large as the black-white achievement gap. Fifty years ago, in contrast, the black-white gap was one and a half to two times as large as the income gap. ・・・


 ・・・The collapse of the British and European orders in the 20th century did not produce a new dark age—though if Nazi Germany and imperial Japan had prevailed, it might have—but the horrific conflict that it produced was, in its own way, just as devastating. ・・・
 <Obama said,> "Anyone who tells you otherwise, anyone who tells you that America is in decline or that our influence has waned, doesn't know what they're talking about," he continued. "America remains the one indispensable nation in world affairs—and as long as I'm president, I intend to keep it that way."・・・
 President Bill Clinton left office believing that the key task for America was to "create the world we would like to live in when we are no longer the world's only superpower," to prepare for "a time when we would have to share the stage." ・・




 ・・・ roughly speaking the Anglo/American countries, North America, and parts of Europe are playing free trade. Most of Asia, much of South America, the Middle East, Germany and parts of Europe are playing neo-mercantilism. ・・・


 Where Have All the George Washingtons Gone?・・・
 ・・・since FDR, the greatness of consistent and incomparable achievement has eluded all of his successors.・・・
 Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt were America's greatest presidents・・・


 ・・・ in the months and years after 9/11, the US collaborated closely with Syria, which became an ally in the war on terror and a frequent destination for victims of extraordinary rendition. Syrian torturers worked hand in hand with US interrogators.・・・
 ・・・in the chilling words of former CIA agent Robert Baer, in 2004: "If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria."・・・
 These days, however, US politicians from across the spectrum piously condemn the Syrian regime for its crimes against humanity; two weeks ago, a bipartisan group of senators introduced a resolution condemning Assad for "gross human rights violations" and the use of "torture". Who says Americans don't do irony, eh?・・・

 Campaigners who believe that dolphins and whales should be granted rights on account of their intelligence are to push for the animals to be protected under international law.・・・


 ・・・During the 1960s, the FBI illegally wiretapped and spied relentlessly on the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.and other civil rights leaders, convinced they were under Moscow'sdirection, but ignored the predatory Ku Klux Klan, the most violent U.S. terrorist group of the century. Hoover balked at investigating the Mafia, but happily built voluminous files on the sex lives ofJohn F. Kennedy and others.・・・
 The FBI and the CIA had not been on speaking terms for most of the past 40 years.・・・


 ・・・ Psychological studies of confessions that have proved false show an overrepresentation of children, the mentally ill or mentally retarded, and suspects high on drugs or drunk on liquor. They are susceptible to suggestion, eager to please authority figures, disconnected from reality or unable to defer gratification. Children often think, as Felix did, that they will be jailed if they keep up their denials and will get to go home if they just go along with the interrogator. Mature adults of normal intelligence have also confessed falsely after being manipulated. ・・・


 ・・・Salye investigated Putin's work as head of the committee for external relations in the office of the Leningrad mayor, Anatoly Sobchak, just before and after the 1991 coup that precipitated the USSR's collapse. In those days Moscow, lacking money to support the basic functions of society, handed out chits to local authorities that gave them the power to grant export licences. The idea was that licensed Russian firms would export raw materials – oil, nickel, diamonds – in exchange for food and medicine, or the money to buy them.
 According to Salye, Putin signed off on a billion dollars' worth of export licences. Less than one-tenth of that, $92m, was documented; although Putin was a trained lawyer, the contracts were legally invalid, the exporting firms were hand-picked by him, the commissions they earned averaged more than a third of the value of the contracts, and none of the food arrived. As for the other $900m, it simply disappeared. Salye recommended Putin's dismissal and a criminal investigation, but nothing happened and, six years later, she fled to the mud and silence of the deep Russian countryside in the face of a threat so terrifying that she refuses to tell Gessen what it was.・・・
  The assassination body count in general is high, and can't be tied directly to Putin. When poison replaces bullets, the suspicion of state involvement becomes higher. The dissident journalist Anna Politkovskaya was poisoned before she was shot dead (on Putin's birthday); the candidate Moscow wanted to lose Ukraine's 2004 election was poisoned with dioxin; Yuri Shchekochikhin, the liberal MP and investigative journalist, was poisoned and died; Gessen suggests that the death of Anatoly Sobchak may also have been poison.
With the case of a defector from the Russian secret service murdered on foreign soil, using an isotope of a radioactive metal called polonium only produced in tightly controlled conditions in Russian state factories, Gessen argues there is no room for doubt: Putin, she says, must have personally sanctioned the poisoning in London of Alexander Litvinenko.・・・


 ・・・ a survey conducted by a secular group found that almost a half of those identifying themselves as Christians had attended no church services over the past year — heated or not — other than those for weddings, funerals and baptisms. Many were not familiar with the Bible, the survey found, and the proportion of Britons identifying themselves as Christians had slipped from around three-quarters to just over a half. ・・・




 英デイリー・ミラー紙のスティーヴン・グローヴァー(Stephen Glover)は、部分的にでもこんな男にまだ敬意を払う国は問題を抱えている、と記す。







 ・・・Other countries negotiate very aggressively with the providers and set rates that are much lower than we do・・・. They do this in one of two ways. In countries such as Canada and Britain, prices are set by the government. In others, such as Germany and Japan, they’re set by providers and insurers sitting in a room and coming to an agreement, with the government stepping in to set prices if they fail.
 In America, Medicare and Medicaid negotiate prices on behalf of their tens of millions of members and, not coincidentally, purchase care at a substantial markdown from the commercial average. But outside that, it’s a free-for-all. Providers largely charge what they can get away with, often offering different prices to different insurers, and an even higher price to the uninsured.・・・
 ・・・health is a business in the United States in quite a different way than it is elsewhere,・・・It’s very much something people make money out of. There isn’t too much embarrassment about that compared to Europe and elsewhere.”・・・
 Two of the five most profitable industries in the United States — the pharmaceuticals industry and the medical device industry — sell health care. With margins of almost 20 percent, they beat out even the financial sector for sheer profitability.・・・
 In 2009,・・・the health insurers<'s>・・・profit margins were a mere 2.2 percent. That’s a signal that the sellers have the upper hand over the buyers.
 This is a good deal for residents of other countries, as our high spending makes medical innovations more profitable. “We end up with the benefits of your investment,” Sackville says. “You’re subsidizing the rest of the world by doing the front-end research.”・・・
 But the drug companies spend only 12 percent of their revenues on innovation. So yes, some of that money goes to innovation, but only 12 percent of it.・・・


 ・・・Barnard College president Debora Spar・・・said・・・“We have fallen into what I call the 16 percent ghetto, which is that if you look at any sector, be it aerospace engineering, Hollywood films, higher education, or Fortune 500 leading positions, women max out at roughly 16 percent,” Spar said. “That is a crime, and it is a waste of incredible talent.”
 Seventeen percent of United States Senators are women, and only 16.8 percent of the House of Representatives. The Supreme Court has three women justices out of nine, and six women governors out of 50, or 12 percent. In state legislatures, 23.6 percent of elected representatives are female, and only nine percent of mayors are women in the 100 largest cities.・・・
 “Over half of college graduates but less than a quarter of full professors and a fifth of college presidents are female,” reported Deborah Rhode and Barbara Kellerman in their book Women and Leadership. “In management, women account for about a third of M.B.A. classes, but only 2 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs, 6 percent of top earners, 8 percent of top leadership positions, and 16 percent of board directors and corporate officers. In law, women constitute about half of new entrants to the profession, but less than a fifth of law firm partners, federal judges, law school deans, and Fortune 500 general counsels. Half the students in divinity school are women, but they account for only 3 percent of the pastors of large congregations in protestant churches that have been ordaining women for decades.”・・・
 “In the financial services industry, 57 percent of the workers are women—but only 1.5 percent of the CEO’s are female,”・・・
 Among this year’s Academy Award nominations, 98 percent were given to movies directed by men, 84 percent went to movies written by men, and 70 percent to movies starring men. In the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, as elsewhere in American society, the important decisions continue to be made by men: 77 percent of Oscar voters are male.・・・
 Nor are such imbalances improving; in most areas, women’s advancement has flatlined in recent years.・・・
 ・・・the <US> actually ranks 71st in female legislative representation, behind Bangladesh, Sudan and United Arab Emirates. ・・・


 ・・・McKinley justified, in part, the United States becoming an imperialist power in the Philippines by the need to "uplift and Christianize them," completely ignoring the fact that the country was 90 percent Catholic.・・・
 In October 1941, Roosevelt warned the American public that Hitler planned to abolish all religions, telling his audience, "The god of Blood and Iron will take the place of God of Love and Mercy." American churches rallied around the war effort, combining faith with patriotism, only to doubt its morality in the wake of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.・・・

 ・・・the top 20 percent・・・in income, education and powe・・・strongly uphold “distinctively American” values of hard work, honesty, support for marriage and religious faith, whereas the lower 30 percent do not.
 He goes on to assert that the decrease in industry, honesty, religion and marriage among the lower 30 percent has resulted in a serious loss of “social capital,” defined as “neighborliness and civic engagement.” Citing further data, Murray then claims that “people living in places with weak social capital generally lead less satisfying lives than people who live in places with high social capital -- they are less happy.” Therefore, people in the lower 30 percent are significantly less happy than people in the higher 20 percent.・・・
 His argument is that any government intervention to improve the lot of the lower 30 percent decreases the responsibility of the people helped and thereby decreases their happiness. ・・・


 ・・・John Dee・・・was actively involved in affairs of state, frequently consulted by influential politicians and courtiers, and had a connection to Queen Elizabeth herself.
 Dee's patrons were the great men of state: William Cecil, later Lord Burghley, who was the queen's chief minister; the earls of Warwick and Pembroke; and the queen's favourite, the Earl of Leicester. He had close relations with Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Walsingham. All these men appear to have had a serious interest in alchemy and astrology, and it is Parry's intention to show that magical practices permeated political and social life in later Tudor England, and that the currency of such practices has been largely overlooked.
 Certainly, the belief that knowledge and power could be enlarged by celestial assistance was ingrained in the mentality of the age.・・・
 It was widely believed that the alchemical quest would lead to the attainment of the philosophers' stone(賢者の石). The "stone" was thought to be a powder that would aid in the transmutation of ignoble metals into gold, while the "great elixir(万能薬)" that would be created in the final passages of the quest would cure all disease and be an antidote to corruption. The processes of alchemy required the co-operation of the stars, and on occasion, the aid of spirits. The ministers of state desperately needed gold to enlarge the navy, maintain the war against Spain in the Low Countries, support the expeditions to Ireland and develop a British empire – a phrase coined by Dee. Success in alchemy would be the answer to their prayers.・・・


 ・・・Winston Churchill's speech to Westminster College, in Fulton, Missouri, on 5 March 1946, launched phrases such as the "special relationship" and the Iron Curtain.・・・
 He hadn't attended university, which was something he regretted all his life; although he retrospectively exaggerated his scholarly limitations, he'd never been a happy or particularly successful schoolboy at Harrow; and in many ways he later educated himself. ・・・
 ・・・he came to regret that that he hadn't done more while in power to promote science, technology and engineering in Britain, and he continued to lament that there was no British equivalent to MIT. ・・・
 The scheme to establish Churchill College, Cambridge, was duly launched in 1958, the first undergraduates were admitted three years later, and the appropriately modernistic buildings were completed in 1968. In accordance with Churchill's wishes and concerns, the statutes required that 70% of the undergraduates should be studying science or technology.
 But the college has also become a monument to its originator in another way, for in 1974 the Churchill Archives Centre was opened, which has since become the greatest British repository for the papers of major 20th Century figures, including not only scientists and technologists, but also generals and civil servants - and politicians. Margaret Thatcher's papers are housed there, and so, too, are Churchill's own. ・・・


 Dante's medieval classic the Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, antisemitic and Islamophobic by a group calling for it to be removed from classrooms.・・・
 Inferno's 34th, which tells of Judas, endlessly chewed in the teeth of Lucifer, and 28th, in which Mohammed is depicted torn "from the chin down to the part that gives out the foulest sound", as well as Purgatorio's 26th, which shows homosexuals under a rain of fire in purgatory. The work, it says, slanders the Jewish people, depicts Islam as a heresy and is homophobic.・・・


 ・・・In all, 31 states are holding elections for their top court this year — multicandidate races and “retention” votes for a total of 73 judgeships nationwide. Requiring would-be judges to cozy up to party leaders and raise large sums from special interests eager to influence their decisions seriously damages the efficacy and credibility of the judiciary. It discourages many highly qualified lawyers from aspiring to the bench. Bitter campaigns — replete with nasty attack ads — make it much harder for judges to work together on the bench and much harder for citizens to trust the impartiality of the system.・・・

 ・・・Judge・・・Learned Hand・・・dominated the federal courts in the first half of the 20th century. If any judge occupied a similar place during the second half, it was Judge Henry Friendly, who joined the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 1959—just as Hand was leaving it—and remained there until his suicide in 1986. ・・・
 As a history student at Harvard, he was personally recruited to Harvard Law School by Professor (later Justice) Felix Frankfurter. He presided over the Harvard Law Review and earned arguably the best grades in the law school's history. (Louis Brandeis scored higher marks but only under an inflated scoring system.) ・・・
 Friendly won acclaim because of his modest conservatism: At the height of the Warren Court's liberal judicial activism, he attempted to pare back the court's excesses, to make them more palatable and practical. In so doing, he won over not just the court's most aggressive conservative critics but also the broad base of moderates who, like Friendly, criticized the court's overreach while approving of its premises. Friendly largely succeeded in avoiding political labels, which made him more palatable to judges and scholars on both sides of the political aisle.・・・

 ・・・Americans reacted to Hitler rather as any other nationality did. First they ridiculed him, then they expressed grudging admiration for the order he brought to Germany. Later, they turned a blind eye to his anti-Semitism, excused his craving for territorial expansion and doubted his appetite for war. A few warned of Hitler’s threat, but they were largely ignored.
 Most Americans tolerated German racism precisely because it was directed at Jews. ・・・


 Russia’s Scandalous ‘It Girl’ Remakes Herself as an Unlikely Face of Protest・・・
 During the first years of Mr. Putin’s presidency, Ms. Sobchak (her full name is pronounced KSAIN-ya sub-CHACK) made herself into an avatar of Moscow’s over-the-top, oil-fueled high life. She dated millionaires, posed topless for Playboy and lustily embraced the materialism of the age, making no attempt to hide her distaste for the poverty of ordinary Russians.・・・
 ・・・<now> she <i>s at the vanguard of the protest movement, standing before 80,000 demonstrators who had been chanting “Russia without Putin.”・・・





 ・・・The first attack came on March 11, when a man responded to an online advertisement by a French soldier selling a motorcycle. But, authorities believe that instead of buying the bike, the man shot the soldier in cold blood. Four days later, a man wearing a motorcycle helmet attacked three off-duty military paratroopers as they withdrew cash from a bank machine in the town of Montauban, near their base, some 35 miles from Toulouse. That attack killed two soldiers and left a third struggling for his life. The three dead soldiers are all of North African descent, while the gravely injured survivor is from a French territory in the Caribbean. They are all dark-skinned.
 Barely a dozen hours after the Jewish school attack, authorities concluded that the seven killings were the work of the same man using at least one of the same guns and who rode the same motor scooter・・・


 ・・・Florida is a Stand Your Ground state. Stand Your Ground laws do away with the longstanding legal concept that there’s a “duty to retreat” -- that the sane and sensible thing to do when confronted with a “suspicious” situation is to get the heck out of there. In Florida and a number of other states, if running for safety is an option you don’t have to take it. You can meet perceived danger with deadly force; and if you end up making a dodgy situation worse, you can fire your gun and claim self-defense. Then it’s up to the prosecution to disprove that claim.・・・
 The Tampa Bay Times reported in 2010 that “justifiable homicides tripled after the law went into effect” and that it “has been invoked in at least 93 cases with 65 deaths.”・・・

 ・・・ 21.6% of Americans ages 25 to 34 now live in multigenerational households. The figure has risen steadily since 1980, when it measured at just 11%, and it spiked, unsurprisingly, starting in 2007.・・・
 ・・・There are some who say that the current situation, in which high percentages of young Americans are underachievers living in their parent’s basements, will be the norm for some time to come. The New Yorker‘s James Surowiecki doesn’t agree with this take, however. He sees the rise in extended stays in the nest as a cyclical change in response to the economic downturn, not a permanent change・・・
 ・・・since the 1980s, the likelihood of an American in his or her 20s moving out of state has declined by more than 40%. ・・・


 ・・・When alcohol regulation was handed back to individual states, many local communities voted to keep the restrictions in place, particularly in the southern Bible Belt.
 Today there are still more than 200 "dry" counties in the United States・・・






 ・・・Although often targeted, France had seen no major attack materialize on its soil since 1996・・・
 Anti-Semitism in France has steadily declined in recent decades, and anti-Semitic acts, which had brutally increased in the first half of the 2000s, have subsided. ・・・
 ・・・as late as 2010, he was still trying to enlist in the French armed forces, and was rejected by the Foreign Legion. Other details of his killings (he apparently caught his killings on video by a camera attached to his gear) hint at how similar his profile is to deranged serial killers or teenagers engaging in shooting sprees. ・・・
 ・・・the Arab Spring has disorganized the terrorist networks, bringing a handful of Westerners to the training camps of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and it has reintegrated most Islamists -- even the Salafists -- into the political game, thereby isolating the jihadists further. It has also shown a different path to popular empowerment and dignity.
 Toulouse, in other words, appears like the annual update to a bound encyclopedia subscription -- an insert to an era that is already passing.


 ・・・Some commentators have sought to liken Martin’s killing to the 1955 murder of Emmett Till・・・
 When Till was killed in Mississippi at 14 — accused of flirting with a white woman — this was a different country. State-sanctioned terrorism and assassination were official policy throughout the South. ・・・



 ・・・while Americans value freedom of religion, the French value freedom from religion.
 In practice, French secularism, or laicite, means that you don’t express your religious beliefs in public: That means in public schools, Muslim girls can’t wear their veils, Jewish boys can’t wear their kippot, and Christians can’t draw attention to their crosses. It also means that when a state exam falls on your religious holiday, well, tant pis, because laicite means you’re supposed to be French before anything else.・・・
 Interestingly, no one knows with certainty how many people in France practice different faiths: The Republique doesn’t keep official stats. It is only by approximation that we estimate that largely atheist France is also home to the largest Jewish and Muslim populations of Europe, with roughly 600,000 Jews and 5 million Muslims.・・・
 ・・・the country’s nearly religious devotion to secularism is at least a partial explanation for the country’s latent racism and anti-Semitism.・・・
 True, the number of anti-Semitic acts in France has decreased recently--there were 466 in 2010 and 389 last year--but the number of violent attacks have increased over the same time.・・・


 ・・・Why are there so many great British theatre actors? I have a few theories. First, Shakespeare is the DNA of our theatre and we have a living relationship to his work -- it's not just part of heritage Britain. Thanks to Shakespeare, British actors tend to have a sense of history as well as great verbal dexterity and literacy.
 And then so many of the characteristics of theatre coincide with the features of our nation: dressing up, processions, ceremonies and social rituals. Adversarial conflict is the stuff of our parliamentary and legal system, and theatre depends on it. British actors, like British politicians, are entirely pragmatic, with a genius for adapting to all conditions and resources. And theatre is concerned with role-playing, which is second nature to a nation obsessed with class distinction and inured to the necessity of pretending to be what you aren't.
 Third, our publicly funded not-for-profit theatre has nurtured our great actors.・・・
 We produce great actors because we're repressed as a nation. We're introverted and need to be licensed to express ourselves publicly. ・・・

 ・・・Today, wives in dual-earner families contribute, on average, 47 percent of family earnings. In 2009, nearly 38 percent of employed wives outearned their husbands.・・・




 ・・・“We have Chinese plants and European plants,” said Forrest, of the New York Botanical Garden, “but if you subtracted any geographic source, none would be so missed by American gardeners as Japanese plants.”

 ・・・about 2,000 French Jews are currently resettling in Israel each year, and a total of 100,000 have already made the move. ・・・
 ・・・there are already "hundreds of anti-Semitic incidents" a year, committed mainly by Arab immigrants・・・
 ・・・almost one in two French Jews maintains a residence in Israel. It's a sort of insurance policy, just in case the situation in France gets even worse.・・・


 ・・・More whites are killed by blacks than blacks killed by whites (or "white Hispanics"). And far, far more blacks are killed by other blacks.・・・
 ・・・black males age 14 to 24 commit homicides at a rate nearly 10 times higher than that of young white and Latino males combined.・・・


 ・・・The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that police sources say Martin was the aggressor on Feb. 26, knocking Zimmerman to the ground with a single punch and then climbing on top of the 28-year-old neighborhood watch captain and slamming the back of his head into the ground. Police say this account, given by Zimmerman, is supported by eyewitnesses, according to the Sentinel's report.
 One such witness reportedly told police that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, striking the man, while Zimmerman cried out for help. The attack left Zimmerman bloodied, police sources told the Sentinel, and led him to fire at Martin in self-defense.
 Police say Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a fat lip and confirm that the back of his head was cut. He received first aid at the scene but refused to go to the hospital and received medical treatment the following day, according to the Sentinel's sources.・・・
 Zimmerman told police he he'd lost sight of Martin and was heading back to his car when the youth suddenly stepped into his path. According to the Sentinel, Martin asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cellphone. Martin then said something like, "Well, you do now" and punched him, according to the Sentinel's sources.・・・
 At the time, Martin was suspended from high school after he was found to be in possession of an empty marijuana baggie・・・

 ・・・The research on marijuana and violence shows clearly that the drug either reduces aggression or has no effect・・・
 If Martin’s school had not suspended the boy under its “zero tolerance” policy for drug use -- one that punishes students for possession of an empty plastic baggie with trace amounts of marijuana as severely as for possession of heroin or a gun -- he probably would never even have crossed paths with the man who shot him. Martin was serving his suspension on Feb. 26, when he was killed.・・・
 ・・・black children are 3.5 times more likely than whites to be suspended from school for drugs and that 70% of all youth referred by school authorities to police for prosecution are black, even though they make up only 18% of the school population in the U.S.・・・
 ・・・the nation’s vehement antidrug rhetoric is rooted in explicit racism. For example, the first state laws banning cocaine were passed in response to media reports about how the drug made black men homicidal, prone to raping white women and, worst of all to the police, impervious to bullets. An article about the issue in the New York Times in 1914 was headlined “Negro Cocaine ‘Fiends’ Are a New Southern Menace.”
 Similarly, the first state legislation banning opium was linked to fears of Chinese men allegedly using the drug to seduce white women.
 The campaign for national marijuana prohibition, which came in the 1930s, involved racism against both African Americans and Mexicans. ・・・
 ・・・in the U.S., African Americans and whites take drugs at about the same rate, but black youth are twice as likely to be arrested for it and more than five times more likely to be prosecuted as an adult for drug crimes.・・・

 An independent panel set up by the government to study the causes of last summer's riots・・・concluded that・・・the riots were fuelled by a range of factors including a lack of opportunities for young people, poor parenting, a failure of the justice system to rehabilitate offenders, materialism and suspicion of the police.・・・


 ・・・None of the witnesses have said they saw the beginning of the altercation. None said they saw the shot that ended it. ・・・
 Sanford police marched a handcuffed George Zimmerman into police headquarters the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, and a video shot by a security camera picked up no obvious sign of injury to the Neighborhood Watch volunteer.・・・
 ・・・Friends and family have said that Zimmerman, who is half-Peruvian, has black friends and even family members, and was not motivated by prejudice.
 A portrait is emerging of a man whose life, though pocked with allegations of aggressive behavior, was also marked by the kind of neighborhood-level engagement -- he helped plan block parties -- that social scientists have argued are key to combating the atomization and alienation of suburban life.・・・
 ・・・Fla., police department・・・<'s> explanation bears an eerie resemblance to cases brought under the Fugitive Slave Law・・・of 1793・・・during the Antebellum period. ・・・
 That law authorized slave owners residing in one state to enter another state to recapture their property.・・・


 ・・・Even with improving employment figures, Mr Obama has struggled to win voters’ trust on the economy. Despite this, over the past month he has turned a slight deficit with voters in 12 battleground states into a nine-point advantage, according to a poll by USA Today, largely on the basis of a surge in support from women. The US president leads Mr Romney by a margin of nearly two-to-one among women, the survey found, more than wiping out the Republican’s advantage with white male voters.・・・
 The contraception debate might have had the effect of baking a lot of support in for Mr Obama and could make it difficult for Mr Romney to make inroads with women from hereon in・・・


 ・・・It is estimated up to 12 million Roma, Travellers and Gypsies live in Europe.
 ・・・Discrimination is one of Europe's most pressing human rights concerns・・・the Roma and Traveller populations of Europe "suffer more than most・・・



 ・・・Former Mossad director Meir Dagan, for example, shares the same opinion as Gunter Grass. He is also opposed to an Israeli attack on Iran. He talks about it almost every day. ・・・
 Meir Dagan has never been accused by anyone in Israel of being an anti-Semite. And it has been a long time since people in Germany were not able to criticize Israel -- even if some in the Israeli government might regret that fact. Grass's argumentation is very apolitical. If Dagan were to publish a poem, I would find it just as embarrassing as when Grass publishes a nuclear analysis. I don't think one can take it very seriously.・・・
 He is truly a great writer, but being a great writer doesn't mean that he also understands nuclear strategy.・・・
 ・・・what Grass has written is an anti-Semitic pamphlet compressed into pseudo-poetry.・・・
Grass was recruited into the Waffen-SS as a teenager toward the end of World War II. It was against his will, as he explains in his autobiography "Peeling the Onion."・・・At it happens, I have just read the book, and I was shocked by how he played it down. At the age of 17, one certainly does possess a political consciousness. Grass is simply incapable of self-criticism. Apart from that, he himself also writes in his "Onion" book that he had volunteered for the Navy and would have also been happy to join a tank regiment. Not his parents, however.・・・
 ・・・he is using the murmuring tone of a moralist to disseminate just one thing: politically correct anti-Semitism. He's trying to qualify the guilt of Germans by turning the Jews into perpetrators."・・・


 正当防衛ならぬ正当攻撃を認めたStand Your Ground法を導入した米国の州がどこか、及びこの法の普及に伴ってどんなに正当殺人が増えてきたか、が一目で分かるよ。


 ・・・<British> army psychiatrist・・・Dr Henry Dicks <visited the detained>・・・Germany's Deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess・・・"The first impression is undoubtedly of a schizoid psychopath," Dicks wrote in the notebook, which has only recently been made public by his family.・・・
 As their talks progressed, Dicks was struck by Hess and Hitler's admiration of the English, despite Germany having the upper hand in the war at that time.
"I believe they are trying to frighten us but are themselves frightened of us," he wrote.
 "They have always envied us and aped us in their life forms, dress, correctness etc... They are at least, in part, ambivalently in love with us. We are that elusively superior race they so frantically want to be themselves."
 Dicks thought an affection for the British may have been why Hess chose to make his solo flight to Scotland on 10 May 1941, in what he said was a peace mission.
 Hitler said he had no knowledge of what Hess was trying to do and the Nazi Party soon declared him insane. ・・・
 Following his arrival in Scotland, Hess was furious he'd been kept as a prisoner instead of being treated as a peace envoy. He had demanded to meet a senior British official and eventually the government decided to play along, sending the Lord Chancellor Sir John Simon on 10 June 1941.
 Dicks recorded Hess's intense anxiety prior to the meeting and attributed it to his unconscious feelings of inferiority around the British. After Lord Simon had rejected Hess's proposals, Dicks worried his patient would spiral out of control. His fears proved correct.
 Days later Hess threw himself over the banister(階段の手すり) of the staircase in the building where he was being held. He demanded to see Dicks in the early hours of the morning then rushed towards him, jumping over the banisters and breaking his leg, according to the psychiatrist.・・・



 ・・・ Nearly four years into the Age of Obama, many Americans are coming to the conclusion that choosing a black man as commander in chief has done little to speed up racial progress or soothe racial tensions. In fact, some even suspect that Obama’s presence in the Oval Office may be slowing us down—and pushing us farther apart.・・・



 George Zimmerman to face second-degree murder charge・・・
 Trayvon, who was returning to the home of his father's girlfriend with a soft drink and some sweets. ・・・
 The parents of Trayvon Martin, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, hold hands as they watch coverage of special prosecutor Angela Corey's announcement in Sanford, Flordia that George Zimmerman is to be charged. ・・・


 ・・・Sybrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin's mother, told・・・that she did not think Mr Zimmerman had intended to kill her son.
 "I believe it was an accident," she said on Thursday. "I believe that it just got out of control and he couldn't turn the clock back," she said, joined by Trayvon's father and their lawyer Benjamin Crump.・・・
 In a later interview・・・, Ms Fulton said she meant the meeting between her son and Mr Zimmerman was the accident.
 "That was the accident," she said. "Not the actual act of him shooting him. That was murder... They were never supposed to meet."・・・




 Financial Times columnist Edward Luce has written a new book called Time to Start Thinking: America in the Age of Descent・・・
 ・・・ America's share of the global economy is diluting. In 2000, America had about 31 percent of the global economy, so just under a third. And by 2010 it was down to 23.5 percent, just under a quarter. That is a remarkable shift.・・・
 ・・・declining incomes for the median wage earner.・・・
 ・・・93 percent of the gains in the 3 percent growth America got that year went to the top 1 percent, but also that the top 0.01 percent, namely the top 15,600 families, took 37 percent of the growth. That's the top one in 10,000 people. Even in 2002-2007 inequality was getting much worse. ・・・
 As America's inequality is growing to Latin American levels, social mobility has fallen to sub-European levels. ・・・
 ・・・core industries like manufacturing are shrinking. ・・・
 ・・・egalitarianism・・・The sense that people essentially treat each other as equals outside of their jobs, that there is this instinctive social egalitarianism・・・pragmatism・・・
  I think you could get a paradoxical one in the short term, and you might already be seeing it in Asia, which is that the more America's punch declines, and the more China's reach extends, the more popular America's going to get in that neighborhood. ・・・
 ・・・when America says it seeks to sustain its global footprint, it's not talking about closing down bases. Indeed, it's setting up new bases in places like Australia. It's going to find it hard to afford this indefinitely. It's very expensive.・・・

 ・・・The king’s son-in-law・・・is a suspect in a corruption case, accused of using his position to embezzle several million euros in public contracts through a not-for-profit foundation he ran.
 The king is an honorary president of the Spanish branch of the World Wildlife Fund ― which could raise questions about why an alleged conservation enthusiast is killing some of the most intelligent animals on the planet.・・・
 ・・・ according to the website of the company that he travelled with, would cost $59,500 for 14 days. ・・・
 ・・・it has come out that at least one person who should have had the perspicacity to dissuade the king from indulging in an expensive holiday involving the killing of endangered animals knew about the trip: Rajoy, Spain's prime minister.・・・
 ・・・upon hearing of her husband's accident, Queen Sofia, a noted animal lover and vegetarian, did not cancel a planned weekend trip to Greece, and thus was not scheduled to visit her husband in the hospital until her return to Spain on April 16.・・・


 ・・・Argentinian・・・President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner announced that the oil company YPF would be nationalised. ・・・
 Coming two months after King Juan Carlos had personally phoned Fernandez to lobby against such a move, the seizure enraged Madrid・・・
 Renationalisation is aligned in the minds of Fernandez supporters with the renewed demand for sovereignty over the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic claimed by Argentina as "Las Malvinas".・・・


 ・・・Even the king's private life, where rumours of lovers have always been rife, is no longer out of bounds -- and neither is his friendship with a German aristocrat whose name is widely available in Spain and Germany・・・
 The failure of his marriage to Queen Sofia, from whom he is practically separated, is public knowledge・・・

 ・・・One might also now divide the postwar years, in Britain and elsewhere, into two almost equal parts: the social democratic consensus that dominated political thinking from 1945 to 1979; and the capitalist kickback that began with Thatcher’s election and may perhaps be beginning its retreat.・・・
 ・・・the almost frighteningly hot summer of 1976. Drought, dog days, downpours, drizzle, dismal, deathly. ・・・



 ・・・On the island of Mallorca, where the royal family has its summer residence, there were rumors of a love affair between the monarch and a local decorator. Residents of the Spanish capital whispered that their rey, or king, would often drive his motorcycle through the streets at night, unrecognizable in his black leather outfit and helmet, to disappear into the garage of a former beauty queen.
 The macho man on the throne filled most Spaniards with pride.・・・
Juan Carlos is alleged to have had 1,500 lovers.・・・
 Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy, and that she intended to file a paternity suit. Juan Carlos is even said to have had a flirtation with Princess Diana・・・
 After his hunting accident, journalists openly revealed the name of his German companion for the first time: Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, nee Larsen, 47, a woman who has had two failed marriages and has two children.・・・


 ・・・California・・・state had spent the previous decades implementing laws that extorted the Chinese with the goal of expelling them. A Foreign Miner’s Tax directed at Chinese miners had siphoned off roughly one-half their earnings; a Chinese Police Tax had been charged to most persons “of the Mongolian race.” Chinese adults were prohibited from testifying against whites in criminal or civil cases and Chinese children denied access to the state’s public schools. The Chinese, it was said, were arriving in overwhelming numbers to take jobs that, however low-paying, back-breaking, and life-threatening, belonged to Americans, and their “alien” language and culture threatened American morality and civilization.・・・


 The end of austerity? The rise of nationalism? Angry voters wrestle with EU’s future・・・
 In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the architects of the EU’s response to the financial crisis, is in danger of being turned out of office in next month’s runoff with Francois Hollande -- a Socialist who is promising not to cut, but to increase public spending by €20 billion ($26.3 billion) by 2017.・・・
 And the Netherlands’ 18-month-old conservative coalition resigned this week after it failed to agree on cutting its own budget deficit to meet the EU limits it had demanded so fiercely of other countries.・・・

 ・・・Kirill's public support of Putin in the country's recent presidential election, as well as a scandal over a $30,000 wristwatch that appeared in a photo of the patriarch -- and then mysteriously disappeared -- have raised concern that the church is out of touch with ordinary Russians, and too cozy with the nation's leaders.・・・
 Soon after the watch episode, the patriarch, who is a monk by status and is not supposed to own real estate, was recently found to have a lavish apartment worth millions overlooking the Kremlin and Christ the Savior Cathedral.・・・
 For centuries the church was an obedient servant of Russia's rulers, and that deference became more pronounced after Stalin's ferocious repression. Critics・・・say that hasn't changed in the two decades of a democratic Russia.・・・


  ・・・from the 1930s to the 1970s, the American middle class grew while the poor and rich classes shrunk as a percentage of the population. Around the early 1970s, however, this development reversed. “Median income, which more than doubled between 1947 and 1973, would rise by less than one quarter between 1973 and 2004,”・・・
 Though women’s increased presence in the labor force has obviously been a boon to women, social justice, and society in general, it has destabilized the middle class.
 Now families depend on two incomes, and so are at twice the risk of job losses. High-income women and men are marrying, while those of low income are doing the same. Finally, the rise of single parenthood has made the two-parent family twice as economically sound.
 ・・・immigration is a contributing factor, as illegal and legal immigrants drive down wages and take jobs that would otherwise go to unskilled American workers. The failure of the American public school system, and the increased cost of college, has exacerbated the problem. Offshoring, the process by which American companies opt to use cheap labor in foreign countries, has devastated American manufacturing. Computerization of many formerly middle-class jobs, government policies that remove tax barriers to the rich, and the growth of the financial sector have all strongly contributed to economic inequality・・・


 ・・・ The overly ambitious Hermann knew about Albert's activities, yet did nothing to stop him. Albert later testified that his brother had told him it was his "own business" if he wanted to protect Jews, so long as he didn't get Hermann in "endless trouble." Albert, meanwhile, had a nearly schizophrenic relationship with Hermann, trying to keep the private person and the politician separate. "As brothers, we were close," he said.
 But as time passed, Albert Goring abandoned the caution his brother had demanded of him. In late 1939, the younger Goring himself took an influential position, becoming export manager for the Skoda automobile factory in the Czech city of Brno. From this position, he also supported the Czech resistance, activists later testified. If their statements are accurate, Albert Goring revealed not only "the exact location of a submarine dockyard" but also the plan to break the non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. This sensitive information, the Czech resistance fighters stated, was successfully passed on to Moscow and London.
 But even that isn't the whole story. Goring is also believed to have saved prisoners from the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1944. "He said, I'm Albert Goring from Skoda. I need workers," Jacques Benbassat, the son of an associate of Albert's, later related. "He filled the truck with workers, and the concentration camp director agreed to it, because he was Albert Goring. Then he drove into the woods and released them."・・・
 Multiple times, Hermann Goring had to intervene on Albert's behalf, all the while warning him that he wouldn't do so forever -- with every German plane shot down, the once untouchable head of the Luftwaffe found his star was on the wane. Shortly before the end of the war, Albert fled to Salzburg, Austria.
 These two very different men met just once more in an American detention center in Augsburg. "You will soon be free," the war criminal Goring is said to have told the younger Goring who saved Jews, on May 13, 1945. "So take care of my wife and my child. Farewell."
 While Hermann Goring, sentenced in Nuremberg, escaped execution by committing suicide in October 1946, the Americans remained suspicious of Albert Goring. His name had become a burden for him. Although the last of a series of caseworkers did recommend his release, Goring was turned over to the Czech Republic and tried in Prague for possible war crimes, because Skoda had also manufactured weapons.
 Only after many former Skoda employees testified on Goring's behalf were the charges dropped, and Goring was acquitted in March 1947. He died in 1966 in a Munich suburb, an impoverished and bitter man. Despite being a highly qualified engineer, he had been unable to find work in postwar Germany. Being Hermann Goring's brother, a fact that had saved his life in years past, ultimately became a curse.


 ・・・at the time of American Revolution. In that era, which is so often invoked in today’s political and social battles, the United States was the world’s most egalitarian society -- and proud to be so. ・・・
 Slavery is America’s original sin and was the great global injustice of that age. But on a purely economic basis, even when slaves are included in the calculation of inequality, America comes out as the most egalitarian. ・・・
 Alexis de Tocqueville returned home to France to report that “nothing struck me more forcibly than the general equality of conditions among people.”・・・


 ・・・What interests Mount is the way that this business class has managed to seize control of companies and extract such vast rents from them, almost irrespective of the wishes of their owners. The answer, he suggests, is to be found in a basic flaw of shareholder capitalism. The inevitable dispersal of ownership that occurs in widely-held listed companies leads ineluctably to the entrenchment of management power.・・・
 Just as shareholders have lost their grip on companies, the voters have become disconnected from politicians. The decline of interest in party politics is everywhere evident. Mass membership of political parties has collapsed. In the 1950s, Britain’s two main parties had more than 7m members between them. Now it is perhaps 400,000. Turnout in elections has slumped.・・・
 ・・・the problem is more that power has become “separated from the electoral process”. It operates at such a remote level -- through the European Union, “sofa government” and a parliament utterly dominated by the executive・・・


 ・・・You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths of the population・・・










 ・・・If, as she has promised, the 47-year-old journalist keeps her contract with the magazine Paris Match and continues to work, it would be the first time a president's partner has held down a regular job and salary. ・・・
 Trierweiler, a twice-divorced mother of three teenage boys who comes from a modest family in eastern France, said during the campaign she had to keep working to support her children, saying she does not want to be paid for by the state.・・・





 ・・・Sarkozy has warned of instant market turmoil if Hollande wins. But the social-democrat’s deficit targets echo Sarkozy’s, and many of Hollande’s more radical pitches are softened in the fine print. He wants to hire 60,000 new educators? A public-sector hiring cap means cuts elsewhere. Renegotiate the European fiscal treaty? He’ll settle for an add-on to boost growth. Tax the rich at 75 percent above a million euros earned? A folly, although in fact the rate would hit far fewer than “the 1 percent.” Cause for stockpiling staple goods in case Hollande wins? Not really. ・・・
 ・・・ France is going to have to borrow about EURO180 billion ($240 billion) before the end of the year. Under Sarkozy it already lost its AAA credit rating. If borrowing rates start to climb dramatically, the hope of clawing out of the slump will fade very quickly.・・・
 ・・・the man Hollande will name as prime minister is Jean-Marc Ayrault, a veteran politician who, not insignificantly, is a former professor of German. ・・・
 ・・・Hollande・・・will bitterly disappoint many of his supporters as a result. Hollande will be the president of an economically ailing country. Public debt amounts to 90 percent of GDP, France hasn't had a balanced budget since 1974 and, at almost 57 percent, it has the highest ratio of government expenditures to gross national product of any of the 17 euro-zone countries. What's more, unemployment stands at roughly 10 percent, and there is an entire generation of children of migrants that has grown up in ghetto-like suburbs and hardly has any contact with the labor market.・・・
 ・・・an economist who once taught at the elite Sciences Po university,・・・
 The right-wing camp is now threatened with breaking apart into a conservative-liberal faction, which was upset by Sarkozy's campaign tactics, and a faction on the right that could even join forces with the National Front. This has been the great dream of Marine Le Pen, who has already declared herself the "leader of the opposition."・・・

 ・・・Syriza, a coalition of radical left and green groups that took 16.6% of the vote -- the second largest share.・・・
 The conservative New Democracy party came in first but with 18.9% of the vote・・・
 Pasok, the socialist party led by Evangelos Venizelos, the former finance minister who had been the architect of many of the unpopular policies, won 13.4%, compared to 40% in the last national poll, in 2009.・・・
 ・・・Syriza itself is very critical of the European Union. But it does not support withdrawing from the euro as do the communists. On the contrary, Tsipras said that Greece must "remain a link in the chain." Only then "can it secure the support of Europe." In other words, he is hoping for additional billions from Europe or even a kind of "Marshall Plan" to promote economic growth.
 Tsipras has also declined to throw his support behind the structural reforms demanded by Europe. He has even called for hiring more civil servants.・・・




1 借金の棒引き
2 貧乏人の追放
3 貧乏人を鞭で働かせること。



 ・・・Greek exit from the euro – rated as a 50-75% probability by Citigroup – will have a domino effect on Portugal, Spain and Italy.
 Jason Conibear, director of foreign exchange firm Cambridge Mercantile, said the euro was currently as attractive to investors as a toxic derivative during the sub-prime crisis: "There's every chance the euro will go into freefall in the weeks ahead against all the major currencies. Investors are waking up to the fact that the once-ridiculous notion the euro could collapse is increasingly the most likely outcome."・・・

 ・・・For Europe's elected political leaders, the debt and currency crisis has taken an extraordinarily heavy toll. Of 17 governments in the eurozone using the single currency, 10 have been drummed out of office in little more than a year・・・


 The parties that gained in the elections―especially the radical-left Syriza, which ended in second place―do not simply oppose austerity measures. What Syriza opposes is any kind structural reform of the economy that will boost competitiveness. The party has, for example, consistently opposed teachers' evaluations or other overhauls to the ailing education system. It has vehemently opposed reducing state bureaucracy or reforming the inflexible Greek labor market.
 At the same time, Syriza―which began negotiations yesterday to lead the next government―has remained silent on the need to combat the widespread graft and corruption that characterizes the Greek civil service. Its only prescription for Greece's economic problem is that the country should refuse to pay its debt, expropriate the rich and staff the bloated public sector with even more people. Its leader, Alexis Tsipras, has suggested hiring 150,000 more people in the civil service as a way of reducing Greek unemployment.
 The Greek left today does not represent an industrial proletariat that wants a bigger share of the economic pie. Syriza represents all the groups that have been able to grow and flourish under Greece's political system and who now feel threatened by reformed. It derives its support from various professional interest groups―lawyers, teachers, journalists and civil servants―who feel that their jobs and special privileges are at risk if Greece is forced to open up its economy to competition.・・・


 ・・・two German cabinet ministers for the first time spoke publicly of the possibility of the Balkan country having to quit the eurozone.・・・
 The leader of the leftist coalition which came second in Sunday's election, asked to meet Francois Hollande, France's growth-supporting president-elect, in what looked liked a gambit to drive a wedge between the French and the Germans.
 His request was rejected in what might be seen as the first sign that Hollande will elect on balance to align himself with Germany rather than with the Mediterranean debtors' club in the eurozone.・・・


 英国人小説家(Philip Kerr。1956年〜)が、オルブライト元米国務長官の自伝に英国への敬意が見られない、とクレームをつけている。
 ・・・ if I have a criticism of Albright, it’s this: Having read it very closely, I can’t help feeling she doesn’t like the English very much. She takes Britain to task for a number of failings, not least for not standing up to Hitler at Munich in 1938 (although it seems to me that since France, not Great Britain, was Czechoslovakia’s ally under the Little Entente treaty of 1924, and had the greater duty) as well as for the small-minded, comical way we English went about the defense of our country, not to mention our rather condescending behavior toward Czechs in exile. Just how condescending could we really have been, I wonder, when the king and queen took the trouble to invite Czech independence movement leader Edvard Benes and his wife to lunch in the summer of 1940? I’ve lived here for 56 years, and I’ve never even been through the gates of Buckingham Palace. My father was wearing clogs to school in Edinburgh while Albright was attending a private school in Walton-on-Thames and living in a nice big house in Kensington.
 “Few sentiments,” says Albright, “are expressed more often than gratitude,” but in “Prague Winter” this gratitude doesn’t run to the least amount of thanks to a country that came to her family’s aid ― twice. Without the sanctuary provided by Great Britain, Albright would almost certainly have died in Theresienstadt or Auschwitz like many of her family members.
A simple expression of gratitude would have been nice. But I looked for a kind word about my fellow countrymen and found none ― no, not even about Churchill. ・・・





 ・・・he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.
 “He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” an incensed Romney told Matthew Friedemann, his close friend in the Stevens Hall dorm, according to Friedemann’s recollection. Mitt, the teenage son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, kept complaining about Lauber’s look, Friedemann recalled.・・・
 ・・・they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors.・・・
 In a subsequent interview・・・Romney said he didn’t remember the incident but apologized for pranks he helped orchestrate that he said “might have gone too far.”
 After the incident, Lauber seemed to disappear. He returned days later with his shortened hair back to its natural brown. He finished the year but ultimately left the school before graduation -- thrown out for smoking a cigarette.・・・
 Lauber died in 2004・・・
 After Cranbrook asked him to leave, he finished high school, attended the University of the Seven Seas for two semesters, then graduated in 1970 from Vanderbilt, where he majored in English.
 He came out as gay to his family and close friends and led a vagabond life, taking dressage lessons in England and touring with the Royal Lipizzaner Stallion riders. After an extreme fit of temper in front of his mother and sister at home in South Bend, he checked into the Menninger Clinic psychiatric hospital in Topeka, Kan. Later he received his embalmer’s license, worked as a chef aboard big freighters and fishing trawlers, and cooked for civilian contractors during the war in Bosnia and then, a decade later, in Iraq. His hair thinned as he aged, and in the winter of 2004 he returned to Seattle, the closest thing he had to a base. He died there of liver cancer that December.
 He kept his hair blond until he died, said his sister Chris. “He never stopped bleaching it.”・・・

 ・・・On the one hand he had an embarrassingly famous father, the governor of Michigan, whom he idolized as the youngest child. On the other he was the sole Mormon, a member of what was definitely seen as a creepy, stigmatized cult in that world of bland Episcopalian Wasps (we had Episcopalian services at chapel three mornings a week).
… No wonder he became a daring and even violent prankster. He who worried about his own marginal status couldn’t bear the presence of an unapologetic sissy like Lauber, with his long bleached hair (the Mormons, then as now, have insisted on a neat, traditional, conservative appearance, especially in their young missionary men whom they send out all over the world). In scorning and shearing a sissy student and leading a gang of five other boys in this “prank,” Romney may have felt popular and in the right for the first time.・・・






http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18021714 上掲




 ・・・If the capture of US policy-making by financial institutions effectively rules out any serious attempt to tackle the country's economic problems for the foreseeable future, a still greater obstacle is the incapacity of elites to face the realities of America's situation in the world.・・・

 ・・・At the end of the day Europe is a Greek word,・・・
 Mr. Tsipras<'s>・・・message that Greece can stay in the euro and reject Europe’s budget-cutting terms has struck a chord, however contradictory that may seem.
 New polls show that his support has increased from the 16.7 percent that he garnered at the last election to 27 percent -- a figure that, if borne out in an election, would make him the country’s top vote-getter. ・・・
 ・・・An opinion poll published on Sunday, seven days after Greece's electoral earthquake, suggested voters were bent on sending further tremors through the political landscape. The survey・・・showed support for Syriza climbing from 16.8% to 20.5%.
 New Democracy would be projected to win 18.1% of a new vote, and Pasok 12.2%, their lowest ratings in the nearly 40 years that they have dominated Greek politics.・・・


 ・・・The best option・・・would be a strategy to achieve a primary balance by 2013 and then to default on all outstanding foreign debt, public and private. It would not be popular outside Greece but it would be hard to push Greece out of the eurozone.
 I consider Mr Tsipras’s approach too risky. But I can see why Greek citizens would vote for him. His position is certainly more rational than that of the austerity centre-ground establishment, which can offer no perspective of an economic turnround. This is Germany in the early 1930s all over again.
 This leaves us with a choice between default later and default now. I would prefer default later because it would make for a smoother fiscal adjustment, bring a few sensible reforms and increase the probability that Greece could stay in the eurozone.
 Sadly, the political momentum is swinging the other way.

 ・・・What was clear from the beginning, and shocked me deeply, was that there was no feeling of European solidarity. Germans were not willing to understand that we benefit from Europe, even from the crisis itself.・・・
 Then・・・Greek politicians・・・identified the old enemy again: the force of German colonisation.・・・
 Everything is beginning to splinter along traditional national and ethnic lines, which is completely tragic. Dark forces have taken over.・・・

 ・・・It was silly four years ago to argue that Barack Obama was unsuited for the presidency because he smoked pot and snorted cocaine once upon a time. It is silly to reach the same conclusion about Romney now・・・
 Lou Vierling, a scholarship student who boarded at Cranbrook for the 1960 and 1961 academic years, was struck by a question Romney asked them when they first met. “He wanted to know what my father did for a living,” Vierling recalled. “He wanted to know if my mother worked. He wanted to know what town I lived in.” As Vierling explained that his father taught school, that he commuted from east Detroit, he noticed a souring(無愛想)omney’s demeanor.
 Romney was bowled over by the wealth of some of his friends. He briefly dated Mary Fisher, the daughter of the philanthropist and diplomat Max Fisher, who acted as a finance chairman to George Romney’s political campaigns. At her house, he watched the James Bond film Goldfinger in the family’s private theater before it was widely released. He reported excitedly back to [close friend Matthew] Friedemann about the theater, noting that the seats even had numbers.・・・
< http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9F%E3%83%83%E3... >
  Certainly one can argue that embedded in these stories are flecks of the ambition toward great wealth that drove Romney to corporate success.・・・

 ・・・We had the Eurovision Song Contest; they had... the Intervision Song Contest.・・・
 It was not a Communist party functionary, though, who had come up with the idea - it was a Polish pianist. Wladyslaw Szpilman・・・


 ・・・Because of the democratic endeavors of Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, the G-7 welcomed Russia in 1997. But because Russia is no longer a democracy by any stretch of the word, the basis for Russia's membership in the G-8 has evaporated.・・・

 ・・・This is where it gets maddening. First, his explanation is not credible. One of the witnesses・・・said to the Times, “Certainly, for the other people that were involved, nobody has forgotten.” Second, what Romney seems to be implying ― that bullying of effeminate-seeming boys didn’t happen in prep schools in the 1960s ― is preposterous.・・・
 On same-sex marriage, Romney has shown a similar kind of willful amnesia. Over the weekend, Romney assured his commencement audience at Liberty University that marriage has long been, and will always be defined as “a relationship between one man and one woman.”
 Except, in the case of his great-grandfather Miles P. Romney, whose idea of marriage was between one man and five women. Or his great-great grandfather Parley Pratt, one man who married twelve women.
 Call them sexual outlaws, Biblical originalists, or just guys who liked a renewable supply of young women, but Romney’s not-so-long-ago ancestors were anything but practitioners of the kind of marriage Romney claims has been enshrined since the dawn of civilization.・・・
 ・・・on health care, Romney is in a weasel world all his own. He can’t deny being the intellectual father of Obamacare, after coming up with a fair system in Massachusetts that requires freeloaders to get health insurance so that everyone else won’t have to pay for them.
So he continues to act as though there’s some difference between the two plans. Romneycare works in Massachusetts, in the same way that Obamacare will work for the rest of the nation if given a chance. Romney knows that.・・・


 Young billionaire Eduardo Saverin has always had clever lawyers. He famously sued his Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg to win official co-founder status. Now, just ahead of Facebook’s IPO and the expected pop in the value of his shares, Saverin has renounced U.S. citizenship. On advice of counsel, he’s established residency in Singapore, where there is no capital-gains tax.・・・
 ・・・far greater number of Americans who, in deed and mind-set, are shedding obligations to their country: wealthy individuals who park income in offshore havens, U.S. corporations that use paper subsidiaries to book profits in foreign jurisdictions. All these forms of opting out feed a norm that says, in effect, America’s for suckers.・・・



 ・・・ the real, ideal solution is to get Germany out <EURO>・・・

 The faith’s sacred text, the Book of Mormon, describes the United States as “a land of promise . . . a land which is choice above all other lands.”・・・
 Garden of Eden is in Missouri・・・
 Romney, a former bishop and devout Mormon,・・・
 Seventy-four percent of Mormons say they identify with or lean toward the Republican Party, the highest percentage of any faith group.・・・


 ・・・three-quarters of the ministers are new -- 20 out of 28 -- and the cabinet will be dominated by middle-aged liberal technocrats with high qualifications.
 The old cabinet was stacked with ministers considered highly corrupt, including former KGB officers and Putin cronies from his days in the St. Petersburg city government.・・・
 Surprisingly, given his diminished standing, this looks almost entirely like a Medvedev cabinet. ・・・
 In short, this is a highly competent, technocratic council of ministers seemingly chosen by Medvedev rather than Putin. If it is only allowed to do so, this government could carry out the social and economic reforms that Russia so badly needs. This cabinet suggests a much greater and more positive political change than one could have hoped for.・・・


 ・・・Greece is not Lehman Brothers. Lehman's failure triggered a global crisis because Lehman was at the center of the global financial network. Greece, in contrast, is at the periphery of this network. Global crises don't start in the periphery. While a Greek collapse would certainly be devastating for Greece and some of its neighbors, the rest of the world is likely to escape with minor disruptions to their economies.


 Peter Clarke・・・is highly critical of the way that Churchill “unthinkingly talked up the extent to which a common ancestry was actually the experience of a large proportion of American citizens”, underplaying the huge role played by non-Wasp immigrants in American life. He sees Churchill’s view of Anglo-American amity, let alone unity, as a “sentimental vision”, while the Americans based their views of Britain on a harder calculus of national self-interest.・・・
 Although Churchill’s profession was literature, Clarke points out that his vocation was always in politics・・・
 Churchill’s parliamentary salary only accounted for 2.5 per cent of his income before the second world war, with the lion’s share coming from his literary endeavours.・・・


 ・・・corporate” or “managerial” capitalism・・・<v.> state capitalism・・・
 ・・・ in the United States, state capitalism never really caught on, but there were three new models vying to replace the old corporate capitalism.・・・
Entrepreneurial capitalism・・・worker capitalism・・・shareholder capitalism・・・financial capitalism・・・
 Mitt Romney now offers the country is a mix of shareholder and financial capitalism. Romney rejects the managerial capitalism of his auto executive father, considers all forms of state capitalism to be illegitimate and dismisses worker capitalism as naive and unsustainable.・・・
 ・・・the president is drawn to the equality and stability of managerial capitalism, perhaps with a swirl of worker capitalism and the occasional sprinkle of state capitalism mixed in. He views shareholder capitalism as morally cramped and financial capitalism as both economically and socially destructive. ・・・


 ・・・there was an undeniable difference between her attitude and that of Margaret Thatcher on the question of apartheid. ・・・
 At no time was that support more clear than her delight at Nelson Mandela’s release from prison in 1990. Three years before Mr. Mandela became president, Queen Elizabeth II did not hesitate to invite him to a meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government group, signaling her belief that he was, at least in a moral sense, already the country’s leader.
 Nor did she delay making a state visit to South Africa once he was elected in 1994 -- congratulating the South African Parliament on the country’s transformation and Mr. Mandela on his role in bringing it about. To make her admiration and endorsement even more clear, she later awarded him the country’s highest honor, the Order of Merit. ・・・

 ・・・ More than a century ago, the great New York financier JP Morgan reckoned that the head of a company should never earn more than 20 times those at the bottom. ・・・
 For 60 years after the first world war, the gap between Britain's rich and poor steadily narrowed -- the decades when, in Mount's words, "the slow amelioration of inequality was tacitly understood as a collective purpose, shared by all political parties". Then in the 1980s it began to widen, and went on widening no matter what happened to the economy by way of booms and busts. ・・・

 ・・・The new・・・Miklos Horthy<(1868〜1957年。ハンガリー王国摂政:1920〜44年)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikl%C3%B3s_Horthy>・・・cult<(崇拝)> and the attempted・・・Jozsef Nyiro<(1889〜1953年。ルーマニアに割譲されたトランシルヴァニア生まれのハンガリー人)http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyir%C5%91_J%C3%B3zse... http://budapost.eu/2012/05/the-failed-reburial-of-...>・・・reburial<(=遺骨の故郷トランシルヴァニアへの埋葬)> are part of a populist-nationalist renaissance in Hungary, which right-wing extremists have successfully been promoting in the country for years. Now Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his right-wing conservative Fidesz party are also eagerly pushing it. ・・・

 ・・・ Hungary’s dark 20th-century history -- the 1920 Trianon treaty, when Hungary lost a huge chunk of territory, the 1930s dictatorship, collaboration with the Nazis, the legacy of 1956, and the awkwardly incomplete end of communist rule. Neither the political right nor the left come out of this story with much credit.・・・


 The gap in life expectancy between black and white Americans is smaller than it has ever been, thanks largely to a decline in the number of deaths resulting from heart disease and HIV infection・・・
 That's the good news. The bad news is that the gap is still large: A black baby boy born today can expect to live 5.4 fewer years, on average, than his white counterpart, and a black baby girl will die 3.7 years earlier, on average, than her white counterpart.・・・


 ・・・Tarzan is variously set against Germans, Ant-Men, Russians, dinosaurs, a lost city of Roman legionnaires, a lost city of medieval knights, a lost city of Atlanteans, a film crew and the inhabitants of Pellucidar, the world inside our hollow Earth (and the subject of another six Burroughs novels). In Tarzan and the Foreign Legion, he joins the RAF and is shot down over Sumatra, where his jungle education comes in handy in seeing off the invading Japanese.・・・

 ・・・It’s often forgotten that the Great Depression, like a soccer match, was a game of two halves. If the first half was dominated by the U.S. stock-market crash, the second was kicked off by a European banking crisis. It began in May 1931, when the biggest bank in Austria, the Creditanstalt, was revealed to be insolvent. The lethal blow was the collapse two months later of the Danat Bank, one of the biggest in Germany.
 As economic confidence slumped, unemployment soared to unprecedented heights. At the peak in July 1932, 49 percent of German trade-union members were out of work. We all know what the political consequences were. All over Europe, the extremists of the right and the left―fascists and communists―surged in popularity. Hitler came to power in 1933. Six years later Europe was at war.・・・


 ・・・ Royal, who is the mother of Hollande's four children and was his long-term partner before he moved in with Trierweiler in 2007, is facing a difficult fight for a parliamentary seat in La Rochelle.
 She topped the poll in the first round but another local Socialist, Olivier Falorni, who came second, has refused to stand aside and is fighting on a dissident ticket in the final runoff this weekend.
 The Socialist party, which backs Royal, had pressured Falorni to quit the race.
 Hollande was quoted saying Royal was "the only candidate" with presidential support in Royal's latest campaign leaflet, issued on Tuesday morning as the Socialist party leader, Martine Aubry, arrived in La Rochelle to support her.
 But just before noon, Trierweiler, or @valtrier – who was once dubbed "Tweetweiler" for her use of the social network – tweeted: "Good luck to Olivier Falorni who has proved himself worthy, who has fought alongside the people of La Rochelle for so many years with selfless commitment."・・・
 On stage at La Bastille after his election victory, footage showed that after Hollande gave Royal a kiss on the cheek, Trierweiler demanded of him: "Kiss me on the mouth."
 Royal had backed Hollande during the presidential campaign and had been hoping to win the La Rochelle seat in order to be made speaker of parliament as a reward for her loyalty.・・・

 The Irish government is to pardon more than 4,500 former soldiers who deserted the Defence Forces during World War II to fight with the Allied Forces.
 Irish Defence Minister Alan Shatter said the government apologised for the manner in which the deserters were treated by the state after the war.
 Mr Shatter said the government recognised the importance of their contribution to the Allied victory.・・・
 During World War II the Irish Defence Forces had approximately 42,000 serving personnel.
 Over the course of the war, it was estimated that more than 7,000 members deserted.
 Of these, about 2,500 personnel returned to their units or were apprehended and were tried by military tribunal.
 More than 4,500 deserters were the subject of dismissal under the Emergency Powers (No. 362) Order, 1945.

 ・・・ 64% of parents were not reading with their babies at seven months, and that 57% did not own a single book until they received their pack of free titles from Booktrust's Bookstart programme. ・・・
 Booktrust gives free books to almost 3 million children a year in the UK, with 30m titles given away by Bookstart since 1992 to promote the benefits of reading aloud to young children. The government-funded charity is fighting for its survival, having weathered a 50% cut last year and a 20% cut in 2012. It is now "urgently" seeking to sustain its grant of £6m a year, with its current Department for Education funding contract running only until the end of March 2013. ・・・


 No political leader has yet dared to put the founding father of Russian communism six feet under. Will Vladimir Putin?・・・
 An April opinion poll suggested that 56% of Russians were in favour of removing the corpse, compared to 46% six years ago.・・・


 ・・・In 1965, 93% of all American births were to women with marriage licenses.・・・
 Today, 41% of all births are to unmarried women. And for mothers under 30, the rate is 53%.
 Though other Western countries also concluded that it was OK for the unmarried to have kids, what they had in mind as the substitute for marriage was something similar to it: a stable arrangement in which two partners, cohabiting over the long term, would raise their children together. The embrace of "lone motherhood" ― women bringing up kids with no dad around ― has been an American specialty.・・・


 ・・・there may be as many Buddhists as Muslims in the United States by now.・・・
 Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the United States. More Americans convert to Buddhism than to Mormonism.・・・


 ・・・According to official projections on Sunday evening, conservative New Democracy looked set to finish first with 30.6 percent of the vote, followed by the left-wing Syriza party with just over 26 percent. The center-left Socialists (PASOK) were expected to come third with 12.8 percent.・・・
 The party that finishes first gets a 50-seat bonus, meaning that -- if the projections are correct -- New Democracy and the Socialists would win at least 160 seats in the 300-seat Greek parliament between them. They could form a coalition government which would broadly support the EU-IMF bailout.・・・

 The French Socialist Party won a historic majority in Parliament on Sunday, providing recently elected President Francois Hollande with a free hand to govern.・・・
 In the coastal town of La Rochelle, Hollande's former partner and mother of his four children, Segolene Royal, was defeated by a dissident candidate who was expelled from the Socialist Party for running against her.・・・
 The elections also marked the return of France's far-right National Front to Parliament for the first time in 24 years. Early counts suggested that party President Marine Le Pen had lost her election bid in the industrialized heartland of northern France. However, her niece, 22-year-old Marion Marechal-Le Pen, won in Provence. She immediately became the youngest lawmaker to enter the French Parliament since 1791.・・・


 スパコン「京」世界一から転落 米「セコイア」が首位に・・・
 ・・・IBM was the first to a petaflop, with its “Roadrunner” machine at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico hitting the milestone in 2008. In 2010, however, China took the lead, an ignominy that prompted hand-wringing from the president himself in last year’s State of the Union address. Obama can now sleep soundly, though perhaps not for long, since Moore’s Law―which predicts a doubling of processing power every two years or so―seems to be holding strong. ・・・
 ・・・Although the US's efforts helped secure it the lead, its overall tally of three computers in the top 10 was worse than six months ago when it had five.
China and Germany both have two supercomputers, while Japan, France and Italy have one.・・・
 ・・・it was unlikely that another manufacturer would overtake IBM in the next year.・・・


 ・・・countries that inherited their legal systems from British common law were far more likely to have laws against homosexual bevior:
 Indeed, almost six out of every ten countries in which homosexual activity is illegal (the largest group in our dataset) have Common Law systems. Conversely, of the countries in which anti-sodomy laws were not on the books since at least 1970, over 80% have Civil Law as their legal system. ・・・
 Common Law system that criminalized buggery in Great Britain in 1533. ・・・
 British criminal law didn't drop capital punishment for "buggery" until 1861. Homosexual acts weren't decriminalized until 1967. By contrast, same-sex sexual relations have been legal in France, or at least not specifically prohibited, since 1791, and former French colonies are less likely to ban them today. ・・・


 ・・・The regime that Zhukov served all his adult life was brutal, repressive, authoritarian, and at times terroristic. . . . But compared with the old tsarist regime it offered people like Zhukov unprecedented and previously unimaginable opportunities for social mobility.”・・・
 Russians・・・paid almost the entire ‘butcher’s bill’ for [defeating Nazi Germany], accepting 95 per cent of the military casualties of the three major powers of the Grand Alliance.・・・
  For real or imagined infractions of military discipline, tens of thousands of Russian soldiers were sent to their deaths by their own officers, a practice Zhukov apparently condoned. ・・・
 <ジューコフが先の大戦における最高の将軍だというが、戦いらしい戦いを行わずして人口最大の国の権力を奪取する基盤を固めた毛沢東の方が上じゃあないの? ま、毛はスターリンと比較すべき政治家、ということかもしれないけどね。↓>
 ・・・while Zhukov did not excel as ‘the best ever’ in any one field of military endeavor, he was the best all-around general of the Second World War. He combined prowess and courage in battle with ambitious strategic vision, determination, and organizational ability. ・・・


 ・・・the chief justice was the only justice who cast a vote on the individual mandate that was contrary to the political position of the party of the president who appointed him.
 Why did he do it? Quite simply, to save the court.・・・

 ・・・Shortly after Jesus’ death, his followers had a disagreement over the nature of his message. Some acolytes argued that he offered salvation through Judaism, so gentiles who wanted to join his movement should circumcise themselves like any other Jew. The apostle Paul, however, believed that faith in Jesus was the only requirement for salvation. Paul wrote that Jews who believed in Christ could go on circumcising their children, but he urged gentiles not to circumcise themselves or their sons, because trying to mimic the Jews represented a lack of faith in Christ’s ability to save them. ・・・
 The early compromise that Paul struck―ethnic Jewish Christians should circumcise, while Jesus’ gentile followers should not―held until Christianity became a legal religion in the fourth century. At that time, the two religions split permanently, and it became something of a heresy to suggest that one could be both Jewish and Christian. As part of the effort to distinguish the two religions, circumcisions became illegal for Christians, and Jews were forbidden from circumcising their slaves.
 Circumcision has also been part of Islam since the early days. In fact, societies in North Africa and the Middle East circumcised their sons at least as early as the first century, long before the birth of Islam. Muslim circumcisions, unlike their Jewish counterparts, do not always happen shortly after birth. Some Muslim communities wait for several years or even until puberty.
 Historians haven’t worked out exactly why circumcision was so common in the ancient Near East in the first place, although many believe it had something to do with fertility.・・・


 ・・・Socialism meant the emancipation of the working class and its transformation into the middle class; it championed social justice and a progressive tax system, and in that sense has largely done its job. As the industrialized working class gets smaller and smaller, socialism seems to have less and less to say.・・・
 Belief in the centrality of the state to run, regulate and innovate remains a core belief of French socialism・・・



 ・・・If you believe Will McAvoy, the news anchor on Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom, the United States is tops in just three things: "number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending." Actually, McAvoy is forgetting a litany of other horrible metrics in which the United States ranks first. There’s also obesity, divorce, illegal drug use, pornography, student loan debt―the list goes on.・・・

 ・・・By 1775, the British government was consuming one-fifth of its citizens' GDP, while New Englanders were only paying between 1 and 2 percent of their income in taxes. British citizens were also weighed down with a national debt piled up by years of worldwide warfare that amounted to £15 for each of the crown's eight million subjects, while American local and colonial governments were almost debt-free. Against this backdrop, Americans watched as the British monarchy attempted to raise taxes on the colonists to pay down its war debt and pay for the 10,000 British soldiers barracked in the colonies.・・・
 American colonists were both paid more and taxed less than the British. American taxes, in fact, were low and going lower, but the very idea that they had been raised and could be raised again by a distant power was enough to send Americans into the streets to engage in civil disobedience. ・・・




・・・after the court’s ruling, Obama’s lead over Romney has slipped from four percentage points to just one point (43-42)・・・


 米国では株主資本主義(shareholder capitalism)はもはや機能していないとさ。
 ・・・In the 1950s, a stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange was held, on average, for seven years, Fox and Lorsch write. Today, it’s six months. As much as 70 percent of the daily volume on the NYSE comes from high-frequency traders who hold a stock for roughly the same amount of time it takes a Higgs boson to disintegrate. ・・・
 The eclipse of the long-term shareholder has been accompanied by the eclipse of the individual shareholder. In the ’50s, more than 90 percent of the shares in U.S. corporations were held by individuals. Today,・・・individual shareholders own 30 to 35 percent. ・・・
 German corporations are thriving, even though (or more likely, because) their CEOs are paid radically less than ours and their workers command a higher share of gross domestic product than ours.・・・

 ・・・Twenty years ago, the Catholic Church played a major role in the fall of communism in Poland. Today, with the country changing rapidly, the church's influence is quickly waning. Once considered the most Catholic country in Europe, the faithful are vanishing.・・・


 スティーグリッツは、非対称的情報(asymmetric information)・・この概念で彼はノーベル経済学賞を受賞・・を活用してしこたま儲ける、「一流」弁護士や独占企業家等のレント・シーカー(rent seaker)達・・を激しく批判する。↓
 ・・・Stiglitz is one of a growing band of academics and economists, among them Paul Krugman, Michael J Sandel and Raghuram Rajan, who are trying to inject morality back into capitalism. He argues that we are reaching a level of inequality that is "intolerable". Rent-seekers include top-flight lawyers, monopolists (Stiglitz refers to the illusion of competition: the US has hundreds of banks but the big four share half of the whole sector), financiers and many of those supposed to be regulating the system, but who have been seduced and neutered by lobbyists and their own avarice.・・・
 Stiglitz writes: "Paying attention to everyone else's self-interest -- in other words to the common welfare -- is in fact a precondition for one's own ultimate wellbeing… it isn't just good for the soul; it's good for business."・・・

 Debate rages in Congress, public over U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China・・・
  98 percent of clothing sold in the United States is manufactured overseas. ・・・
  Many publicly traded Americana brands -- Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan and Michael Kors -- have long manufactured their lower-priced diffusion lines in Asia and high-priced lines in Europe.・・・
 Congress has not yet suggested burning Spalding basketballs, Adidas leotards, Nike shoes or the Acer computers that the Olympic Committee will be using courtesy of their sponsors, all of whose products are manufactured abroad.・・・

 ・・・ During World War II, an orphaned brown bear went from being a cuddly pet to an officially enlisted soldier in the Polish army, and reportedly saw fierce combat in Italy. Decades after the war and his death, "Wojtek" continues to be honored.・・・


 The Average Canadian is Now Richer than the Average American・・・
 In 2011, the average net worth of a Canadian household was $363,202,compared to $319,970 in the U.S.・・・




 ・・・ The German word for debt - schuld - is the same as the word for "guilt" or "sin".・・・



 ・・・The United States is a less violent country than it was two decades ago. The homicide rate, which hit a peak in the early 1990s at about 10 per 100,000 people, has been cut in half, to a level not seen since the early 1960s.
But there has been no corresponding decline in mass murder ― these sudden, stunning eruptions of violence with multiple victims,・・・
 The United States experienced 645 mass-murder events ― killings with at least four victims ― between 1976 and 2010, according to Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox. When graphed, these incidents show no obvious trend. The numbers go up and down and up again. The total body count: 2,949. ・・・
 The U.S. homicide rate of roughly five per 100,000 people is about three times that of Canada, about four times that of Australia, nearly five times Britain’s rate and about 12 times the rate in Japan. The U.S. rate is also roughly five times that of China.・・・


 ・・・U.S. companies made big profits ― but invested in the local communities where their products were made. The rich paid their fair share in taxes without complaint.
 Barlett and Steele can pinpoint the moment this America began to disappear: June 1979. More people were employed at U.S. factory jobs at that time than during any month before or since. At about the same time, the share that the wealthiest Americans paid in taxes began to fall sharply.・・・

 ・・・As for the oft-invoked relationship between Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, even that began on an unpromising note, to say the least. The two men first met at a banquet in London in 1918, at which F.D.R. -- then assistant secretary of the Navy -- was a speaker. Not long before they became reacquainted two decades later, Roosevelt would remember that Churchill, who was serving as Britain’s minister of munitions, “acted like a stinker … lording it over all of us” and was one of the rudest people he had met in public life. (By then, Churchill apparently had forgotten the meeting entirely, which perhaps proved Roosevelt’s point.)・・・
 Since the 1960’s the United States and Britain have grown increasingly culturally removed. This is a result, I believe, in part of the de-Christianization of Great Britain. ・・・


 ・・・anthropologist Richard Sosis and his colleagues studied 200 communes founded in the United States in the 19th century. If shared religious beliefs really did foster loyalty, they reasoned, then communes formed out of religious conviction should survive longer than those motivated by secular ideologies such as socialism. Their findings were striking: Just 6 percent of the secular communes were still functioning 20 years after their founding, compared with 39 percent of the religious communes.・・・
 But the same logic that makes religious and sacred beliefs more likely to endure can make them impervious to compromise. ・・・
 Although surprisingly few wars are started by religions, once they start, religion -- and the values it imposes -- can play a critical role. ・・・
 ・・・the more antagonistic a group's neighborhood, the more tightly that group will cling to its sacred values and rituals. The result is enhanced solidarity, but also increased potential for conflict toward other groups.
 ・・・groups that experience the highest rates of conflict (warfare) endure the costliest rites (genital mutilation, scarification, etc.). Likewise, research in India, Mexico, Britain, Russia, and Indonesia indicates that greater participation in religious ritual in large-scale societies is associated with greater parochial altruism -- that is, willingness to sacrifice for one's own group, such as Muslims or Christians, but not for outsiders -- and, in relevant contexts, support for suicide attacks. ・・・


 In less than 100 days since he returned to the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin has further curbed Russian civil liberties and dissenters. But this is risky. As political dialogue no longer becomes an option, radicals on both sides are emboldened and the threshold for violence is lowered.・・・


 ・・・ Any self-respecting young conservative knows the names you’re supposed to spout: Hayek, Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Albert Jay Nock. There are some older thinkers too--Edmund Burke, for instance--but for the most part the favored thinkers come out of the movement’s mid-20th century origins in opposition to Soviet communism and the New Deal.
 Liberals, by contrast, have been moving in the other direction over the last half-century, abandoning the idea that ideas can be powerful political tools.・・・


 ・・・Republicans call for deep cuts to the safety net, their districts rely more on government support than their Democratic counterparts.・・・
 ・・・economically struggling Americans professing a robust individualism and self-determination, frustrated with their failures to achieve that ideal.・・・

 ・・・“neo-liberal” ideology first found appeal in Augusto Pinochet’s Chile, and, shortly afterwards, in Margaret Thatcher’s Britain and Ronald Reagan’s US. In subsequent decades it achieved ascendancy in most parts of the world.・・・
 Davos, the Swiss mountain village where the world’s leading businessmen and pro-market politicians meet every January. ・・・

 CORRUPTION in Russia is so pervasive that the whole society accepts the unacceptable as normal, as the only way of survival・・・








 ・・・Summers told Orszag over dinner in May 2009: “You know, Peter, we’re really home alone ... I mean it. We’re home alone. There’s no adult in charge. Clinton would never have made these mistakes [of indecisiveness on key economic issues].” On issue after issue, according to Suskind, Summers overruled the president. “You can’t just march in and make that argument and then have him make a decision,” Summers told Orszag, “because he doesn’t know what he’s deciding.”・・・
 In Tokyo in November 2009, the president gave his boilerplate hug-a-foreigner speech: “In an interconnected world, power does not need to be a zero-sum game, and nations need not fear the success of another ... The United States does not seek to contain China ... On the contrary, the rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations.” Yet by fall 2011, this approach had been jettisoned in favor of a “pivot” back to the Pacific, including risible deployments of troops to Australia and Singapore. ・・・



 ・・・in the US, since 2005:
・the number of people who consider themselves religious has dropped from 73% to 60%
・those who declare themselves atheists have risen from 1% to 5%・・・
・Worldwide, 59% of those polled consider themselves religious; 23% consider themselves non-religious and 13% say they are atheists
・Top three atheist countries: China: 47%, Japan: 31%, Czech Republic: 30%
・Top four religious countries: Ghana 96%, Nigeria 93%, Armenia and Fiji, 92%・・・



 It is time to bury the Obama administration's pivot to Asia. This reallocation of military and diplomatic resources was supposed to guarantee stability in a region seeking to balance China's rise. In reality, this strategic shift is less than it appears. It won't solve Asia's problems and may even add to the region's uncertainty by over-promising and under-delivering.・・・





 ・・・"Germans have a melancholic, a pessimistic streak, which cultural historians trace back to the thirty years' war [a series of wars between 1618 and 1648 that devastated much of Europe including large parts of Germany]. There are these beautiful comparisons of German, English and French soldiers' war songs, and the English and French ones, they're all about hope and victory, and the German soldiers' songs are all about losing comrades, or imminent death. This pessimism I think leads people to ask now: 'Have we had it too good?'"・・・
 "I remember one of the nicest things a colleague of mine in the United States said when he introduced a lecture of mine: that he had never met a German in academia in the United States who so little tried to hide that he's German," he says ・・・
 ・・・even my two granddaughters [aged four and eight] will still have to cope with it. When they go abroad and go to Britain and see all these movies that still deal with 'bad Germans' with it・・・
 "They will have to learn where this anger comes from, that it comes from real wounds that still torment people."


 Why does Britain hold firm against issuing guns to officers on the beat?・・・
 All major police forces in Europe, as well as the US, Canada and Australia routinely carry firearms・・・. The exceptions are Britain, the Irish Republic, and New Zealand. In Norway officers carry arms in their cars but not on their person・・・
 When Robert Peel formed the Metropolitan Police there was a very strong fear of the military - the masses feared the new force would be oppressive.・・・
 Arming the force would, say opponents, undermine the principle of policing by consent - the notion that the force owes its primary duty to the public, rather than to the state, as in other countries.・・・
 A 2006 survey of 47,328 Police Federation members found 82% did not want officers to be routinely armed on duty, despite almost half saying their lives had been "in serious jeopardy" during the previous three years.
 It is a position shared by the Police Superintendents' Association and the Association of Chief Police Officers.
 The British public are not nearly so unanimous.
 An ICM poll in April 2004 found 47% supported arming all police, compared with 48% against. ・・・


 ・・・In a closed-door meeting with European Commission President Jose Manuel Durao Barroso in Bonn last Thursday, Merkel explained her proposal to develop a separate budget for the euro zone. Her advisors envision that the money will be earmarked for targeted measures to promote growth in euro-zone countries. If Merkel's idea prevails, it will be a reflection, in terms of fiscal policy, that there are now two European communities under the umbrella of the EU.・・・
 German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, together with his counterparts in France and Poland, is determined to promote cooperation on security policy in the EU. Last fall, the British blocked an attempt by the other 26 EU member states to establish a joint headquarters for military missions. Now the plan is to be revived and implemented, even against London's resistance, if necessary.・・・
 At the end of September, Cameron announced, almost as an aside, that his government intends to withdraw from a Europe-wide system of cooperation among judicial and police authorities. The decision affects more than 130 regulations, which also include the European arrest warrant. ・・・
 Euro Group President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Commission President Barroso had already planned to do so, but on completely different terms. They wanted to convene a constitutional convention, which they hoped would ultimately lead to something like a United States of Europe. The visionaries wanted to create the position of euro finance minister, and they also imagined a shared foreign and security policy, even to the point of combining all of the member states' military forces. ・・・
 Greece's financial problems are no longer at the top of their list, but rather the possible departure of one of Europe's largest countries. ・・・


 Corruption Continues Virtually Unchecked in Greece・・・
 Greece has all the right conditions for corruption: plenty of bureaucracy, no functioning justice system, laws with numerous loopholes -- and economic pressure. ・・・


 ・・・the dismal statistics on child poverty, declaring it an outrage that of the 35 most economically advanced countries, the United States ranks 34th, edging out only Romania. He might take on educational achievement, noting that this country comes in only 28th in the percentage of 4-year-olds enrolled in preschool, and at the other end of the scale, 14th in the percentage of 25-to-34-year-olds with a higher education. He might hammer on infant mortality, where the United States ranks worse than 48 other countries and territories, or point out that, contrary to fervent popular belief, the United States trails most of Europe, Australia and Canada in social mobility.
 The candidate might try to stir up his audience by flipping a familiar campaign trope: America is indeed No. 1, he might declare ― in locking its citizens up, with an incarceration rate far higher than that of the likes of Russia, Cuba, Iran or China; in obesity, easily outweighing second-place Mexico and with nearly 10 times the rate of Japan; in energy use per person, with double the consumption of prosperous Germany. ・・・


 ・・・the first minister <of Scotland> said that Friday's decision by the Scottish National party conference that it would remove Trident from Scottish soil while still seeking membership of Nato was non-negotiable. Salmond said: "Nobody seriously believes that Scotland, a country of 5.25 million people, would want to be in possession of nuclear weapons. That would be a bad thing for Scotland. I think that would be a bad thing for nuclear proliferation around the world."・・・
  ・・・a series of opinion polls have shown that support among Scots for leaving the UK has slumped to about 30%, with support for remaining rising to 58%.
 Salmond, the SNP and the Yes Scotland pro-independence campaign have reacted by trying to reposition themselves to the left of Labour, attacking recent speeches by the Scottish Labour leader, Johann Lamont, in which she questioned the affordability of universal services such as free prescriptions and free university tuition. A poll by Panelbase for the Sunday Times suggested this strategy could be popular. It showed that backing for independence surged sharply from 37% to 52% if voters thought the Tories would win the next UK general election -- turning a deficit in support into a 15-point lead.・・・


 ・・・A full 51 percent of Americans explicitly express anti-black prejudice, up from 48 percent in 2008・・・
 When an implicit racial attitudes test is used the number increases to 56 percent, compared to 49 percent four years ago. ・・・
 ・・・in 2011, 52% of non-Hispanic whites expressed anti-Hispanic attitudes. That figure had risen to 57% in the implicit test in 2012.・・・
 ・・・racial prejudice against Obama could cost him five points in the current election campaign.
 However, conversely pro-black sentiment could see him scoop an extra three points, meaning a net loss due to racial attitudes of 2%.
 The survey also found that some 79% of Republicans expressed explicit racial prejudice compared to 32% of Democrats.
The implicit test too showed that 64% of Republicans had racial prejudice compared to 55% of Democrats, while independents came in at 49%.・・・
 ・・・from 2009 to 2012 median annual household income for blacks dropped by 11.1%, compared to a drop of just 5.2% for whites and 4.1% for Hispanics.・・・

 ・・・Smith views 1978 as a pivotal year. First, Congress revised bankruptcy laws to allow troubled corporations to restructure rapidly by abrogating union contracts and other employee agreements. Second, lawmakers enacted a little-noticed tax-code provision designed to let workers supplement existing pension plans with individual retirement accounts. Corporations unexpectedly seized upon the new plans as an excuse to eliminate expensive, professionally administered, lifetime pensions. The result: Employees’ share of retirement costs went from 11 percent in the 1950s to 51 percent by the mid-2000s; insufficient or badly managed retirement investing by individual workers has given rise to predictions that perhaps half of aging boomers may end their lives in poverty. (Employers also took a parallel path in health insurance, shifting costs to employees via higher premiums and deductions.)
 Finally, a 1978 Supreme Court decision permitted banks to offer high-interest, low minimum-payment credit cards, even to Americans with bad credit histories ― sowing the seeds for a massive credit card debt bubble. That process, followed two decades later by a residential real estate boom and bust, eventually bankrupted millions of middle-class Americans. ・・・


 ・・・The question of why poor people vote Republican is not simply an issue of income but primarily race and partly region and gender. Poor people may be more likely to vote Democrat; poor white people are not.・・・
 In Republican states, rich and poor have similar views on social issues・・・
 But in Democratic states, the rich are quite a bit more socially liberal than the poor. ・・・
 If poor states voting Republican is a paradox then the fact that 9 out of 10 states with the highest median income vote Democrat is no less so.・・・
 In a country where social mobility is assumed -- even if it has in fact stalled -- and class consciousness is week the poor may vote in the interests of an imagined, but not necessarily imaginary future, rather than solidarity based on shared economic hardships. ・・・
  ・・・the truly shocking thing about income and voting patterns in the US isn't the number of poor people who vote Republican but the number who don't vote at all. ・・・
 All that said, there are still some basic facts to contend with that do suggest many Republican voters believe things that are either misinformed or absurd or both. Since the last election the number of Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim has doubled; in 2010 a poll showed that about two-thirds of Republicans either believe or are not sure that Obama is "a racist who hates white people", and more than half believe or are not sure that he was not born in the US and that he wants the terrorists to win. Earlier this year a Dartmouth poll revealed that 63% of Republicans still believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. A poll last year revealed that a quarter of Republicans believed a community rights organisation called Acorn would try to steal the election for Barack Obama, while 31% weren't sure whether it would or not. ・・・


 ・・・Although parts of New York City, especially the island of Manhattan, are only a few meters above sea level, the city still has no extensive system to protect itself against storm surges, despite the fact that the sea level has been rising for years and the number of storms is increasing. In the case of Sandy, the weather forecasts were relatively reliable three or four days prior to its arrival, so that the time could have been used to at least make improvised preparations, which did not happen. The only effective walls of sandbags that were built in the city on a larger scale did not appear around power plants, hospitals or tunnel entrances, but around the skyscraper of the prescient investment bank Goldman Sachs.
 Large parts of America's biggest city and millions of people along the East Coast could now be forced to survive for days, possibly even weeks, without electricity, water and heat. Many of the backup generators intended for such emergencies didn't work, so that large hospitals had to be evacuated.・・・
  ・・・the United States would have to invest some $225 billion a year between now and 2050 to regain an adequate, modern infrastructure. That's 60 percent more than it invests today. It isn't hard to predict that this won't happen. ・・・
 The sad fight for more high-speed rail in America is a case in point. ・・・
 ・・・since 2007 Republican lawmakers have tried to torpedo more than 70 percent of all bills before they were even put to a vote. This applied to only 27 percent of proposed legislation in the 1980s, and only 8 percent in the 1960s.・・・
 This obstructionism is largely attributable to the group within the Republican Party known as the Tea Party.・・・
 Although many American universities are still among the world's top institutions, they have become unaffordable for many Americans.・・・
 American college and university graduates owe a total of $1 trillion in student loan debt, which exceeds total American consumer credit card debt. The prospect of incurring such massive debts deters prospective students, especially those from poorer families, from attending colleges and universities in the first place. ・・・
 About a third of the students in every graduating class at Harvard University accept jobs in investment banking and consulting, or with hedge funds -- that is, industries that produce one thing above all: fast money.・・・
 A person's socioeconomic background now plays a stronger role in America in determining his of her social and educational opportunities than it does in Europe, whose class society the founders of the United States once set out to leave behind.
 In the fall of 2012, America is a country filled with such dead ends.
 The fight against climate change is one of them. Impending environmental threats were a major theme in Obama's first election campaign, but then they were dropped at the first sign of Republican resistance and remained a non-issue in the current campaign・・・
 The United States Army is developing a weapon that can reach -- and destroy -- any location on Earth within an hour.
 At the same time, power lines held up by wooden poles dangle over the streets of Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey. Hurricane Sandy ripped them apart there and in communities across the East Coast last week, and many places remain without electricity. That's America, where high-tech options are available only to the elite, and the rest live under conditions comparable to a those of a developing nation. No country has produced more Nobel Prize winners, yet in New York City hospitals had to be evacuated during the storm because their emergency generators didn't work properly.
 Anyone who sees this as a contradiction has failed to grasp the fact that America is a country of total capitalism. Its functionaries have no need of public hospitals or of a reliable power supply to private homes. The elite have their own infrastructure. Total capitalism, however, has left American society in ruins and crippled the government. ・・・
 Romney, the exceedingly wealthy business man, and Obama, the cultivated civil rights lawyer, are two faces of a political system that no longer has much to do with democracy as we understand it. Democracy is about choice, but Americans don't really have much of a choice. ・・・
 Obama didn't close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, nor did he lift immunity for alleged war criminals from the Bush-era, or regulate the financial markets, and climate change was hardly discussed during the current election campaign.・・・
 We want to believe that Obama failed because of the conservatives inside his own country. Indeed, the fanatics that Mitt Romney depends on have jettisoned everything that distinguishes the West: science and logic, reason and moderation, even simple decency. They hate homosexuals, the weak and the state. They oppress women and persecute immigrants. Their moralizing about abortion doesn't even spare the victims of rape. They are the Taliban of the West.
 Still, they are only the symptom of America's failure, not the cause. In reality, neither the idealists and Democrats, nor the useful idiots of the Tea Party have any power over the circumstances.
 From a European perspective, it doesn't matter who wins this election. Only US foreign policy is important to us -- and Obama is no dove and Romney no hawk. The incumbent president prefers to wage his wars with drones instead of troops, though the victims probably don't care if they're killed by man or machine. Meanwhile, despite all the criticism, his challenger says he wouldn't join Israel were the country to go to war with Iran because the US can now no longer afford such a thing. ・・・
 The downfall of the American empire has begun. It could be that the country's citizens wouldn't be able to stop it no matter how hard they tried. But they aren't even trying.
 ・・・Perhaps it is already merely a question of controlling the problem and making preparations for the post-American age.・・・
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/divided-... 前掲


 A burgeoning $100 million corruption scandal claimed Russia’s defense minister Tuesday, as President Vladimir Putin sent Anatoly Serdyukov packing. It appeared to be the first time a top government official here has been fired for graft since the era of Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev in the 1980s.・・・
 One thing analysts agreed on was that corruption was the pretext and not the underlying reason for the firing.・・・
 Serdyukov, 50 and the onetime head of Russia’s tax service, has been carrying out a thorough reshaping of Russia’s defense forces since his appointment in 2007. He was extremely unpopular among senior officers for his cuts and his open disdain for them. Perhaps more damaging, he also is estranged from his wife, who is the daughter of Viktor Zubkov, the chairman of energy company Gazprom and one of Putin’s most trusted senior colleagues.・・・


 ・・・Lincoln・・・would have to develop a constitutional rationale for emancipation・・・
 That rationale would turn out to be the doctrine of military necessity, which would allow Lincoln to act against slavery not as president but as commander-in-chief. If slaves were being used to support the Confederate war effort, freeing them would bolster Union war operations by depriving the rebels of a significant resource. Lincoln stressed the double benefit of emancipation--denying the Confederacy of the slaves’ labor and gaining it for the Union.・・・
 Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862. The decree announced that on Jan. 1, 1863, three months away, he would free the slaves in Confederate areas still in rebellion. The loyal slave states of Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky would not be affected, nor would designated rebel areas under Union control.・・・
 Of the 4 million slaves in the United States, the proclamation applied to roughly 3.2 million people. ・・・
 ・・・because of his own ambivalent attitudes toward African-Americans. Being anti-slavery was one matter; embracing equal citizenship rights quite another. Up until the promulgation of the final Proclamation, he supported the voluntary colonization of blacks outside of the United States to Africa and Central and South America. ・・・

 The world's largest museum of Jewish history opened in Moscow Thursday, marking an extraordinary turnaround for a community that once seemed to have almost vanished from Russia -- a country that was notorious for its official anti-Semitism until barely two decades ago.・・・
 In the last three decades of the 20th century, more than 1 million Russian Jews voted with their feet by emigrating, leaving behind little of what was once the world's biggest Jewish community.・・・

 ・・・ Some 70 percent voted for President Obama -- a proportion that was nearly the mirror image of public opinion polls indicating that Israelis backed Mitt Romney by a 2 to 1 margin.・・・
 American Jews vote primarily on economic and social issues, while considerations about Israel and foreign policy are secondary. By contrast, Israelis focus on a more narrow view of candidates' approach to the Middle East and don’t focus on domestic policy, which they think has no impact on them. ・・・
 Back in the 1990s, <t>he most popular US figure was President Bill Clinton, who moderated peace negotiations that would have required significant territorial concessions. The floundering of the peace process and the outbreak of a Palestinian uprising have made Israelis more cautious about diplomatic compromise.・・・


http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/nov/20/church...  「男女の峻別・女性蔑視は…キリスト教原理主義的社会の特徴」(コラム#5855)の通り。

 ・・・It is a matter of shame that millions of women have lived and died as practising Christians while being told from the pulpit that they, as the inheritors of Eve, were responsible for all the sin in the world.・・・
 ・・・this vote has been a disaster for the Church of England, one we will undoubtedly recover from, but one that further perpetuates the commonly held view that our society is better off without the contribution of the Christian church. ・・・


 Looking at Europe from this side of the English Channel, Peter Reeve doesn't see a "cuddly" continent of biscotti, Burgundy and BMWs. He sees the evil specter of Soviet Russia.
 Only this time, it's Brussels, not Moscow, at the center of an expanding, metastasizing super-government bent on turning independent nations like France and Germany into vassal states. Instead of the Soviet Union, it's the European Union that scares him.
 Reeve, a local councilor with the UK Independence Party, wants Britain to pull out of the EU while it still can, before it's trapped in such a thick web of European regulation and control that escape becomes impossible and the country winds up as an offshore outpost of a totalitarian EU regime.
 "I genuinely believe this is a Marxist revolution happening," said Reeve. "This country is part of it, but balking on it" -- an impulse he heartily encourages.
 Reeve's dystopian view lies on the more extreme end of "Euroskepticism" here in Britain. But dissatisfaction and downright hostility toward the European Union is undeniably on the rise, making British withdrawal from the 27-nation club a more real prospect than it has been for years and creating a massive headache for the Conservative-led government.・・・
 <このような見方の中心的存在の英独立党(UK Independence Party)が自由民主党に代わって英国の保守、労働に続く第三党になる勢い。↓>
 The・・・UK Independence・・・party has yet to win a seat in Britain's own Parliament. Yet its colorful leader, Nigel Farage, has high hopes that UKIP will eclipse the tanking Liberal Democrats to become Britain's third-strongest political force, behind the Conservatives and Labor.・・・


 People of Jewish heritage are a "security risk" and should be registered on a nationwide list, according to right-wing extremist Hungarian politician Marton Gyongyosi. His comments, made in the country's parliament, have sparked widespread outrage. But the government was slow to distance itself.・・・


 ・・・Julia Ward Howe's "The Battle Hymn of the Republic"
< http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwkCtuIauIE ↑
was inspired by a tune sung by Union troops as they tramped southward that contains the memorable words: "John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave, / But his soul is marching on."・・・
 Thoreau, who had formerly espoused nonresistance but who came to realize that only violence could uproot an institution so deeply entrenched as slavery. ・・・
 ・・・the novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe, who had formerly gained fame for her portrayal of the nonresistant slave Uncle Tom, signaled a turnaround when she praised Brown for attacking slavery "with fire and sword."・・・


 ・・・last month・・・<f>ive hundred and twenty years after the start of the Inquisition, Spainopened the door to descendants of Sephardic Jews whose ancestors had fled the Iberian Peninsula, forced, in order to live in Spain or its colonies, to choose between exile or conversion to Christianity. Or worse.・・・


 ・・・first, fewer Americans believe that our culture is superior to others (49% now, compared with 60% a decade ago); second, a rising share of young Americans support activist government. ・・・
 Americans are far less likely than Europeans to believe that success is the result of circumstances beyond our control. And though young Americans believe more than their elders that government should help the needy, Americans overall believe that much less than Europeans do. We are still far more religious than Europeans, and far more likely to support military intervention and doubt the value of multilateralism and the U.N.
 In other words, the U.S. in its attitudes generally remains an outlier nation, ruggedly committed to rugged individualism (even when it costs us). ・・・
  The U.S. is always going to be the land of liberty. But as we mature, we can cherish liberty and responsibility, the individual and community. And we can wear our unparalleled appeal with confidence, not cockiness. That’s an exceptionalism to aspire to.

 ・・・In 2001, white people accounted for 91% of the total population. In the latest census, that figure is down five points to 86%. Those who define themselves, in the ugly parlance of the census, as "white British" now account for just 81% of the people.・・・
 Ten years ago 72% identified as Christians; now it's just 59%. ・・・
 Non-believers now form the second-biggest denomination, dwarfing the number of Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and Buddhists combined. It confirms our place as perhaps the most godless country, the least "churched", in the industrialised world, setting us apart from the US, obviously, but also from much of continental Europe.・・・
 more than a third of Londoners are born overseas.・・・

 ・・・Typhus had been present in Poland and Russia for many years, but it had gotten worse since the Russian army had devastated Poland while retreating from Napoleon’s forces. A lack of sanitation combined with the unusually hot summer made an ideal environment for the spread of lice. Typhus is caused by the organism Rickettsia prowazekii. It would be an entire century after the 1812 campaign before scientists realized that typhus is found in the feces of lice.・・・


・・・Former Chief Justice Warren Burger, in retirement, called the gun rights movement and its reliance on the Second Amendment “one of the greatest pieces of fraud... on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime.”・・・





 米国在住の日本人(?)が書いた、完璧にNRAの論理にのっかったブログ(12月21日付)を発見! オモロイから読んでみ。↓

 ・・・We watch their movies, we eat their fast food. Their culture has become global culture. So it always comes as a shock to realise how different Americans are from everyone else.・・・
 When outsiders hear that the right to bear arms is enshrined in the second amendment of the US constitution, I suspect many imagine this is like saying it's "protected by law", something that can easily be changed, as it would be in their own countries. But this is to underestimate what the constitution means to Americans.
 It is indeed a sacred text. Despite, or perhaps because, the US is a country animated by faith, the "founding fathers" are treated as deities, their every word analysed as if it contained gospel truth. ・・・
 Change is possible even within the constitution. It's worth remembering that it was only by a 5-4 margin that the nine judges of the supreme court ruled in 2008 that the second amendment applied to individuals at all; until then, the court held for decades that the constitution protected only the right of a "well-regulated militia" to bear arms.・・・








 ・・・Assault weapon is a broad term commonly used to refer to semi-automatic or automatic weapons that can fire multiple bullets rapidly. From 1994 to 2004 certain assault weapons and ammunition clips of more than 10 bullets were illegal.・・・

 ・・・violent video games may increase bullying or physical fighting in schools, but not mass gun violence.・・・

 ・・・people with guns in the home are at greater risk than those without guns in the home of dying from a homicide there. There is no reason to think schools would be any different: the more guns there are, the more opportunities there are to use them.・・・



 ・・・The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) shields the gun industry even when it makes guns that are unnecessarily dangerous and sells them recklessly.・・・


 ・・・ what historian Richard Hofstadter called “America as a Gun Culture.” ・・・started with New England Indians trying to drive out settlers in King Philip’s War, 1675-76. Some 5 percent to 10 percent of settler men of fighting age were killed. Laws soon required settlers to keep firearms in their homes. ・・・
 In 1941, a Florida Supreme Court justice wrote an opinion that a gun-control law had been “passed for the purpose of disarming the Negro laborers and… was never intended to be applied to the white population.”・・・
 British redcoats try<ed> to seize American guns at Concord, Mass.・・・
 In the 19th century, Samuel Colt brought the gleaming modernity of mass production to gunmaking. The slogan had it that God created man and Samuel Colt made them equal. Cowboys carried Colts the way noblemen carried swords, as blazons of their status. Dime-novel writers invented the quick-draw duels that almost never happened.・・・


 ・・・A new USA Today/Gallup poll taken shortly after the Sandy Hook massacre shows 58 percent of respondents saying they now favor stricter gun laws, up from 43 percent in October 2011.
 Similarly, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll (also taken right after Sandy Hook) finds 55 percent agreeing that that gun control laws should be made more strict, 13 percent said they should be made less strict, and 27 percent said there should be no change.・・・
 At the same time, however, most respondents (51-44 percent) say they’re against any law making it illegal to manufacture, sell, or possess "semi-automatic guns known as assault rifles.” And a very large majority (74-24 percent) opposes greater restrictions on the possession of handguns.・・・
 a record-high 74 percent oppose preventing anyone but the police or other authorized officials from owning a handgun.”・・・
 ・・・Even after a harshly panned press conference about the Newtown, Conn., school massacre, 54 percent of Americans still say they have a favorable view of the National Rifle Association.・・・


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