Serif社開発・販売しているMac向けグラフィックソフト「Affinity Designer」の非公式Wikiです。

ベクターの線・シェイプの編集(Edit vector lines and shapes)

Vector lines and shapes are easily edited using either:
  • The cmd key as you draw your line or shape.
  • The Node Tool.

Use the former for fine tuning and line adjustment as you draw, the latter for more prolonged editing operations.

あなたが描いた線を編集するには(To edit lines as you draw)
  • Press the to move nodes and adjust direction handles when fine tuning of your line is needed.
  • Color and opacity can also be altered from the Color panel.
With cmd pressed, you can edit other lines in the same way by clicking them.

セグメントの曲げ率を変更する(To change curvature of a segment)
Do one of the following:
  • Select the node and then drag the control handles.
Drag control handles(画像)
  • Drag on the line directly to pull it into position.
Drag on curve(画像)
Modifier keys When using the Node tool, the following modifier s can be used to speed up the workflow: -The constrains the control handle so that it can only be extended or shortened. It cannot alter direction. -The changes the node type to a sharp node to create a cusp in the line. -The Node Tool can be used in conjunction with the Transform panel to position or scale selected nodes precisely.

ノードの追加(To add nodes:)
  • With the path selected, click at the point where you want the node to be added.

To delete nodes:
  • Select the node and press the

Close Curve To close curves:
Do one of the following:
  • Select the path and click Close Curves on the context toolbar.
  • Drag the end node and drop on top of start node when the pointer changes.

Break Curve To break (split) curves:
  • Select the node at the point at which you want the curve to break and click Break Curve on the context toolbar.

Join Curve To join curves:
1. With the Node Tool (hold down the if using the Pen Tool), hold down with the and select both curves.
2. Click Join Curves on the context toolbar.

Reverse Curve To reverse curves:
  • Click Reverse Curves on the context toolbar. The start node becomes active, ready for further drawing from the opposite end of the curve.

Sharp Corner Smart Corner Smooth Corner To convert nodes to a different type:
Do one of the following:
  • Select the node(s) you want to change and click one of the node types, Sharp, Smart or Smooth, on the context toolbar.
  • Hold the and click on the node to convert it to a Sharp node.






  • 1.A
  • 2.B
  • 3.C
















