最終更新:ID:Ccoxj6ddjQ 2015年06月11日(木) 12:48:27履歴
A line is an open path that has distinct start and end points, called nodes, with one or more nodes placed along the line. It generally has a stroke applied. The path between nodes can be straight (A) or curved (B) and is known as a segment or curve. Complex paths are created from multiple curves (C).

A line is an open path that has distinct start and end points, called nodes, with one or more nodes placed along the line. It generally has a stroke applied. The path between nodes can be straight (A) or curved (B) and is known as a segment or curve. Complex paths are created from multiple curves (C).

The type of node controls the curve of the path between segments. There are three basic types of node:
Sharp (A)―path abruptly changes direction between segments creating a point.
Bézier (smooth) (B)―path creates a continuous curve between segments.
Smart (C)―path creates a continuous curve but uses a line of best fit.
A shape is a closed path―it has no discernable start or end―made up of multiple curves.

Close path
You can also easily create geometric type shapes using the Shape tools. These have special properties that enable you to quickly create otherwise difficult to draw shapes, such as circles, rectangles and polygons.
Paths used to create lines and shapes can be given stroke and fill properties.

Close path
You can also easily create geometric type shapes using the Shape tools. These have special properties that enable you to quickly create otherwise difficult to draw shapes, such as circles, rectangles and polygons.
Paths used to create lines and shapes can be given stroke and fill properties.