


核攻撃前から核攻撃直後、そしてその後の地方行政について、英国内務省は地方自治体に一連の通達を出している。これらは、英国内務省の本来の民間防衛政策を反映するもので、住民に見せるProtect and Surviveとは異なる面を見せている。

この一連の通達を、ECOROPA(European Network for Ecological Reflection and Action)のDr Paul Rogers, Dr. Malcolmdando, Dr. Peter Van Den Dungenがまとめた、As Lambs to the Slaughter (1981)に引用されている。

ES 1/1981

... Changes in strategic thinking mean that we must be prepared for conventional as well as nuclear attack on this country, and for the possibility of hostilities occurring at short notice. In future, emergency plans will have to be maintained at a higher state of readiness and be capable of dealing with a variety of forms of attack, ranging ... to the devastating consequences of strategic nuclear attack ... the basic essentials of plans should be capable of implementation within 48 hours.

戦略的思考の変化は、この国に対する通常攻撃と核攻撃、および短期間で敵対行為が発生する可能性に備える必要があることを意味している。将来的には、非常時計画をより高い準備状態に維持し、戦略的核攻撃の壊滅的な結果に至るまで、さまざまな形態の攻撃に対処できるようにする必要がある。...計画の基本的に必要不可欠の部分は 48時間以内に実装する必要がある。

そして、The War Game (1965)にもある、10の地域長官に全権限を委ねる措置。
ES 7/1973
^~ In any future war involving the widespread use of nuclear weapons, it would be impossible to rely on the exercise of powers of government from the capital. The basis of the wartime machinery of internal government is therefore the decentralisation and concentration of all functions within 10 home defence regions. . . . Wartime regional government would be headed by Commissioners having full authority to govern ...


Post-attack decisions. . . should not be compared with the more deliberate and often prolonged, peacetime planning and decision-taking process of government. Inevitably post-attack plans would be crude and simple. The urgent decisions of the County Controller would be arbitrary and, to some people, would appear harsh and inequitable ...


ES 3/1973

. . . the scale and pattern of attack cannot be determined with precision but, whatever the scale, an attack by thermo-nuclear weapons directed against civil and military installations and against centres of population, with the attendant threat of widespread radioactive fall-out, would result in enormous casualties and extensive damage . . . solely for the purpose of survival planning, it can be assumed that the population survival rate would range from 60% in the worse affected areas to 95% in the least affected areas. On the other hand loss of essential services and productive capacity due to installation damage, loss of power supplies and lack of raw materials could be as high as 80% ... .

... 攻撃の規模とパターンを正確に予測できないが、規模によらず、民間及び軍事施設と人口集中域に対する、広範囲の放射性降下物の付随する脅威を伴う熱核兵器による攻撃は、莫大な死傷者と広範囲な被害をもたらす。... 生存計画のみを目的とする場合、住民の生存率は、最も影響を受けた地域の60%から、最も影響を受けない地域の95%に及ぶと想定できる。 一方、施設の損傷、電源の喪失、原材料の不足による必要不可欠なサービスと生産能力の喪失は、最大80%と想定される。

ES 10/1974

It is predicted from various possible patterns of nuclear attack on the United Kingdom that there would be extensive and overlapping areas of heavy fall-out in which the early radiation intensity (measured as the dose-rate in air) might be in the order of thousands rather than hundreds of roentgens per hour. . . . Whereas it used to be considered that the areas of high intensity would be relatively small and surrounded by large tracts of comparatively unaffected territory, the present assumption is that over a large part of the country there would be no such areas readily accessible to those who found themselves in the worst affected places . . .


ES 5/1974

It is envisaged that, in the period immediately following nuclear attack, fire fighting would be undertaken only when the return was judged to be worthwhile and where the survival of organised fire service resources would not be prejudiced. Planning should therefore be directed towards the preservation of the fire service for its role in the longer survival period.


ES 1/1977

During a period of crisis and when so directed, Health Authorities should arrange for all patients in hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes, whose retention was not medically essential, to be sent home . . .


... Discharge should not... be held up merely because home conditions were not ideal or could not be checked and it must be accepted that the crisis would entail hardship. Criteria for selecting patients for discharge should be based on those which would have to be adopted, following an attack with many casualties . . .

... 退院は、家庭の状況が理想的ではないとか、確認できないといった理由だけで保留してはならない。危機は困難を伴うことを受け入れなければならない。退院する患者を選択する基準は、攻撃後に多くの犠牲者が出た際に採用される基準に基づかなければならない。...

. . . After a nuclear attack, radioactive fall-out, either in the area or drifting towards it, might be at lethal or near lethal levels. It would be essential that staff, vital to the long-term recovery of the country, should not be wasted by allowing them to enter areas of high radioactivity and no staff should leave shelter until authorised to do so . . .


... In general, hospitals should, initially, accept only those casualties who, after limited surgical procedures, would be likely to be alive after seven days, with a fair chance of eventual recovery. The more complete the recovery that could be expected, the higher the priority for admission ...


ES 6/1976

... It can be said with absolute assurance that any widespread nuclear attack would quickly disrupt the distribution system for domestic and industrial water... Outside the areas of total destruction close to the burst of the weapon, particularly vulnerable elements of many systems are water towers, surface reservoirs and pumping stations whether dependent on mains electricity or regular deliveries of fuel ...


... for planning purposes it should be assumed that in all areas there would be prolonged disruption of piped drinking water supplies . . .


... Human survivors should, for planning purposes, be deemed to have access to sufficient water to keep them alive for at least 14 days after attack ...


... immediate post-attack domestic consumption might be based on a litre per person per day, it would be important to raise the public allocation to ten litres per person per day . . .


ES 1/1979

... After nuclear attack food would be scarce, lacking in variety and unevenly distributed throughout the country. It would be prudent to plan on the assumption that no significant food imports would be received for some time, that peacetime systems of food processing and distribution would cease to function and all areas, even where no physical damage had been suffered, would have to rely on emergency feeding arrangements. It should be assumed that in general any more sophisticated system for feeding the population would be impractical for some time.

... 核攻撃後、食料は不足し、多様性がなく、英国全体に偏って存在する。しばらくの間は大量の食料輸入は行われず、平時の食料加工と流通体制は機能せず、物理的損害を受けていない地域であっても非常用食料に頼らざるを得ないという仮定に基づいて、計画するのが賢明であろう。しばらくの間は、住民に食料を提供する洗練された体制は、実用とならないと想定しなければならない。...

... Having regard to the likely consequences of nuclear attack it is probable that for a considerable time food distribution would have to be confined to maintaining supplies to emergency feeding centres for the provision, initially, of simple meals. As time went on and as supplies, organisation and facilities improved it should be possible to introduce at the centres a variety of cooked food and supplements to take home.


ES 1/1979

... the second aim (for agriculture) would entail a reorientation towards subsistence agriculture growing more food crops, particularly cereals.


Plans for the control of agriculture are based on groupings of agricultural holdings. As a national average, each group would comprise about 800 agricultural holdings ...

農業の管理計画は、農場のグループ分けに基づく。 全国平均で、各グループは約800の農場で構成される。...

Agricultural radioactivity officers would be deployed in each region to divisional office level ...


ES 8/1976

... if nuclear weapons are used to any significant extent, the breakdown of these services, on which most of the public unquestionably rely, would be inevitable over much of the country. Water would not flow from the tap or into the sewerage system. Electricity would be cut off. Refuse collection would cease. Large numbers of casualties would lie where they died. In such conditions, certain diseases could spread rapidly ...

... 核兵器が大規模に使われれば、国民が疑いようもなく依存している大半のサービスは、国の大半の地域で、機能停止することは避けられない。水は蛇口から出てこず、下水にも流れていかない。電気は止まる。ゴミ収集は止まる。大量の死体が、死亡した場所に放置される。そのような状況下では、病気が急速に広がる。...

The drainage of urine and the burying of faeces into the ground, provided these do not lead to an immediate contamination of drinking water, would be infinitely preferable to allowing random distribution over the surface of the ground. . . . Some communal facilities would be essential in all areas, for living conditions would not be conducive to bowel control and regular habits ...

尿の排水と糞便の埋設は、飲料水への直接の汚染につながらない限り、ランダムにまき散らされるより格段に好ましい。... 生活環境が排便管理や日常習慣の助けとならなくなるため、あらゆる地域で共同施設が必要となる。...

ES 8/1976

The whole subject of the burial of the dead is surrounded by a reluctance to discuss the matter, overlain with different religious susceptibilities. The unpalatable fact of a nuclear war involving large numbers of civilian casualties is that the religious rites and personal wishes, previously expressed by the deceased or now by the next-of-kin, would have to be ignored. Many of the bodies could not be identified, even with scientific assistance, from the remains. It would not be practicable to devote scarce resources to the separate registration and burial of those who could be identified.


ES 5/1976

It may be assumed that no petrol or other fuel rationing scheme of the type operated in World War II could be introduced. . . . There could be no equitable distribution of available supplies to individual consumers. . . . Generally speaking, only official transport would be allowed on the roads . . .

第二次世界大戦で運用されたタイプのガソリンやその他の燃料配給スキームは導入できないと想定する必要があるだろう。... 個々の消費者への利用可能な燃料供給の公平な分配は不可能だろう。... 全体として、公的輸送機関のみが道路を利用可能となるだろう。

ES 2/1975

In the aftermath of a nuclear attack, in order to conserve transmitting and battery receiving power, broadcasting would be confined strictly to the dissemination of essential information at certain set times. It must be assumed that, of the mass information media, only sound broadcasting could continue. There would be no television, and the national and local newspapers would not be produced . . .


For some time after an attack the district service would find it impossible to deal with specific inquiries about the fate of individuals in the seriously affected areas. . . local nominal rolls of survivors could be prepared and built up into local registers although, for as long as the death toll from injuries and radiation effects continued at a high level, the effort involved in compiling nominal rolls would not be justified. Until national postal services were restored, there would be no way, except on a very limited territorial basis, of helping to allay grave public anxiety as to the fate of relatives.


ES 5/1976

Many of the energy forms on which modern society has come to depend are relatively recent innovations and are not essential. . . . For example, electricity and gas were unknown in many rural parts 40 years ago and water came from a well, not from a tap at the end of public supply ...

現代社会が依存するようになったエネルギー形態の多くは、比較的最近の革新であり、必要不可欠ではない。... とえば、40年前の農村部の多くでは電気とガスはなく、水は、水道の蛇口からではなく、井戸から供給されていた...

. . . after a significant nuclear attack and the attendant problem of radioactive fallout, energy production everywhere would be considerably reduced and may be brought to a halt.

... 重大な核攻撃とそれに伴う放射性降下物の問題の後、あらゆる場所でのエネルギー生産が大幅に減少し、停止する可能性がある。...

Electricity: there would be widespread damage to the national grid and area board distribution systems most of which are above ground and therefore vulnerable to damage by blast. . . . Many generating stations could be destroyed or inoperable . . . overhead power lines would be sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP). . . . Induced voltages could produce electrical damage to sub-stations, control equipment, switching centres and communication systems . . .

電力:全国グリッドおよび地方配電システムに広範囲にわたる損傷がある。これらの大半は地上にあるため、爆風による損傷に対して是弱である。... 多くの発電所が破壊されるか、動作不能になる可能性がある。...架空送電線は、電磁パルス(EMP)の影響を受けやすくなうる。... 誘導電流が、変電所や制御機器や交換センターや通信システムに電気的損傷を与える可能性がある。...

Gas: . . . Surface installations, communications, telemetering, computerised and other control systems would suffer not only blast and fire damage but also the added effects of EMP and the loss of electricity mentioned in the previous paragraph . . .


Coal: Some pit installations might be destroyed and many, if not all, others would be immobilised through lack of power to operate winding gear, lighting, pumping. . . . Pits, particularly those which are liable to flooding, which are left unworked and without adequate maintenance soon deteriorate to a point where working faces collapse and equipment is lost . . .

石炭:いくつかのピット設備は破壊される可能性がある。それ以外も、すべてではないにしても多くは、巻取り装置や照明やポンプを操作する電力の不足により、稼働停止する特に洪水の影響を受けやすいピットは、作動させずに適切なメンテンナンスも行わずに放置すると、すべてではないにしても多くは、巻線ギア、照明、ポンプを操作するための電力の不足により固定されます。 、 、 、ピット、特に洪水の影響を受けやすいピットは、作業せずに適切なメンテナンスを行わずに放置すると、切り羽が壊れて、機器が喪失するところまで劣化する。

Oil; Quite apart from the possible cessation of deliveries of crude oil to refineries and even the destruction of some refineries, there would be losses of crude and particularly refined products in tanks at refineries and, in the case of products, at other storage and distribution depots. The destruction of the pipeline terminals from the North Sea oil fields and the off-shore installations themselves would result in the almost total loss of domestic production . . .


General: . . . For planning purposes it may be assumed that, after a nuclear attack, all energy production and supply would soon cease and it could be several weeks and certainly longer in the case of oil before even the most irregular and intermittent supply could be started.

全般:... 計画の目的上、核攻撃の後、すべてのエネルギーの生産と供給はすぐに停止し、最も不規則で断続的な供給が開始されるまでに、石油の場合は数週間か、確実にそれ以上になる可能性があると想定する。

ES 11/1974

... it may be assumed that units of the armed forces would be deployed on those tasks for which their discipline, skill and training have befitted them. . . . Examples which spring to mind include armed guards for food depots, ports, warehouses, factories and armed escorts for convoys of essential supplies.

...軍部隊は、その規律とスキルと訓練が適合しているタスクに配備されると想定されるだろう。... 思い浮かぶ例としては、食料品倉庫、港、倉庫、工場の武装警備員、および必需品の輸送隊の武装護衛がある。

The War Game (1965)でも取り上げられた、即決死刑裁判もまた想定の範囲内だが、陪審はつける想定。
ES 3/1976

In conditions in which death, destruction and injury were commonplace, such penalties as probation, fines or sentences of imprisonment would no longer be effective ... in the case of flagrantly anti-social behaviour there might be a need for harsher penalties than would be generally acceptable in peacetime . . .

死亡と破壊と負傷がありふれたものになっている条件下では、保護観察や罰金や懲役刑は効果的ではない。... 甚だしい反社会的行動については、平時に一般に認められているよりも厳しい刑罰が必要となるかもしれない。

... It would ... be possible to hold an emergency court anywhere in a region, where radiological conditions permitted movement. . . . In capital cases, where practicable, there would be a jury of not more than five, empowered summarily, or a court consisting of not less than three commissioners. In other cases, commissioners would sit with or without a jury as they saw fit . . .

,,, 放射線強度が移動可能な条件となっていれば、地域のどこでも非常時法廷を開廷可能である。... 死刑事件では、5人を超えない範囲で陪審員による即決裁判を行うか、3人以上の委員で構成される裁判を行うことになる。それ以外の事件では、委員が適切だと判断すれば、陪審員の有無によらず参加する。

ES 7/1976

... Some householders may be willing to take in homeless people, others may have to be persuaded by a representative of the controller or by those needing shelter . . .

ES 4/1975

As regards work, these powers would enable the various Ministers or Commissioners to recruit and direct labour, to control all building and civil engineering undertakings and operations and to bring them under a single Emergency Works Organisation ...


ES 2/1976

‘Community’ is a term with many meanings; in this memorandum it describes a group of people of no predetermined number, who live (or possibly work) in a particular locality and share a recognised identity and common interests ...

「コミュニティ」は多義的単語である。 この覚書では、特定の地域に住み(または働く可能性がある)、認識されたアイデンティティと共通の利益を共有する、事前に人数を定められない人々の集団について説明する。

... Some local authorities, in response to local demands, have nominated and briefed wartime community leaders or advisers for this purpose (community organisation) in normal peacetime, and in some cases have vested in them some semblance of wartime authority ...


... Such leaders should not act in war independently of the district controller. Only in the absence of any evidence that the district controller and his key staff had survived the attack should these leaders ... act as if they held a district controller’s powers ...


ES 7/1973

A number of local government peacetime services would not be regarded as essential in the post-attack period and some redeployment of staff would be possible. For example, schools, libraries and parks would not be operating as in normal times. County and district plans should provide for the mobilisation and redeployment of local government staff ...


以上は、Protect and Surviveから受ける印象とは大きく異なり、厳しい状況と強権的対応を想定している。それが、英国内務省の民間防衛政策の実体と思われる。



