


これらのセーフガードにもかかわらず、システムは誤って、1971年2月20日、東部標準時9:33にアクティベートされた。3 テレタイプオペレータのWS Ebenhardtがテストの時に「間違ったテープを流し」、それにより、通常番組を中止し、国家危機の警告の放送を要請する、アクティベーションメッセージ認証コード"hatefulness"が、全システムに流れた。4 これをキャンセルするメッセージは東部標準時9:59に流されたが、それには誤った認証コードが使われた。正しい認証コード"impish"つきのキャンセルメッセージは東部標準時10:13まで流れなかった。4 40分が経過し、6回の誤ったキャンセルメッセージが流れて、アクティベーション事故は終わった。

誤警報は、EBSの大きな欠陥を顕わにした。多くの放送局は警報を受け取っていなかった。さらに重要なことは、大半の放送局がこれを無視したり(予定されたテストの時刻に入ってきたので)、緊急時に何をしていいのかわからなかったことだ。4 アクティベーションの手順に従ったラジオ局の一部は、早々に緊急放送をキャンセルした。アクティベーションを受信し、手順に完全に従ったラジオ局は20%程度と推定される。3 いくつかの局が放送を中止する中で、もっとも記憶に残るのは、インディアナ州フォートウェインのWOWOである。1971年のときの録音がここで聞ける。ミネソタ州ミネアポリス・セントポールのWCCO-AMの録音が、RadioTapes.comで聞ける。

[ wikipedia: False alarm of 1971 ]






WOWOのTranscript by Kumicit

This station has interrupted its regular program at request of Unite States Government to particpate in the emergency broadcast system serveing the Fort Wayrne area.

During thie period, many radio stations remain on the air, broadcasting news and official information for areas assinged to them.

This station will remain on the air, and will serve the Fort Wayne area.

If you are not located in the Fort Wayne area, you should now tune your radio, to other station utill you hear one which is broadcasting news and infromation for you area.

You are listening to the emergency broadcast system serving the Fort Wayne area.

Studio, awaiting further information.

WOWO receive this emergency announcement just moments ago.

We have to verify, we did verify, the special message and code, and this, ah, is a emergency action, directed by emergency network and directed by the president.

You heard Bob Chase tell you that you are to tune to he emergency station in you area, that is remaining on the air.

WOWO will remain on the air, here in the Fort Wayne area, ah, to broadcast any emergency information that is coming in.

At this point, at the microphone, I know of nothing to cause this. We are waiting for Stuart Dan in the WOWO news room, to bring us some information from any of our wire services.

We have been asked to broadcast this emergency information immediatly. We will bring you other emergency information at the moment we receive it, and this time I would personally like to urge all members of the WOWO news staff, are any in the area and listening to report to us immdediatly.

Ah we do not know the cause of this emergency notification, but we ask you to stay tune to, this is Bob Sievers, I'm checking the wires, I'll be with you the moment we have further information.

We will seize all commercial message at this time also.

Again ladies and gentlemen, we ask you please please do not call us to what is the matter, We are endeavring to find out ourselves.

We have received this official emergency action notification with the proper identification indicating a national emergency. We know nothing now, We are watching our wires.

You probably will find that you own radio stations, unless they are so authorized, will be off the air. This includes the television stations.

Now please if you are in your area and your radio station is still on, they have chances are .. are the emergency station for your area.

WOWO is now broadcasting to its own immediate area, possibly with reduced power of your geting our signal weaker. We are to be the information service for this area.

This is Bob Sievers, I know of nothing yet. We receive this emergency message about 10 minutes ago. We are continually watching our wires, urge to WOWO news men to report to out station immediately, to help us, and please do not call us to ask what is the matter. We do not know, We have received offical notification.

We invite you to stay tune to this station WOWO in Fort Wayne, Indiana, for information, as it is received we hope momentarily

Now this information is just in. This information is just in from the AP wire, attention news directors and all bureaus, regarding the emergency broadcast message, which was sent by the Air Force on this wire about 9:30 this morning eastern standard time and I am quoting directly completely honest.

It says AT&T advises the AP that Air Force at Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado, put the wrong message on tape. Put the wrong taped message. The normal tape explains the message is merely a test. This is one we always receive, at this time on Saturday morning. It say you will be further advices and addtional infomation is available.

And so, hahaha, if you think hasn't been something heard in the sudio, the Air Force evidently then, at Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, put the wrong message taped on the wire,

This concludes operations under the Emergency Broadcast System. All broadcast stations may now resume normal broadcast operations.



