


1952年6月21号でCollier'sは、ネバダ核実験場に最も近い学校Indian Springs Schoolを取り上げている。

Several months ago, the people of the nation learned with some interest that for the first time combat troops were to witness an atomic bomb test from close up. But to the youngsters at Indian Springs Public School near Las Vegas, Nevada, such an experiment was old-hat. They already had seen, from less than 25 miles away, more atomic bomb blasts than anyone in the world except for the handful of nuclear scientists and technicians who set them off.


Starting last October, when the influx of atomic, military and construction personnel brought more than 200 families into the area, the Indian Springs school had become an unplanned experiment in the indoctrination of young children to atomic bombs.


"The children at this school, by their sheer proximity to the tests, are getting the same type of psychological indoctrination .ve are giving some of our combat troops," an Atomic Energy Commission spokesman commented recently. "If all the school children in the nation could witness an A-bomb blast, it would do much to destroy the fear and uncertainty which now exist."


Eighth-grader Dick Bower, thirteen, says he was once told at an atomic bomb drill in a southern California school that there was a possibility the whole earth could be blown up if enough such bombs were exploded. "I was really scared when we moved up here," Dick says. "but I have seen a couple of bombs go off now and its just ordinary."


[quoted by glasstone ]
Indian Springs Schoolは、当時、リアルにダック&カバーをやった唯一の学校ということになる。雑誌掲載時期からすると、現地撮影はOperation Tumbler Snapper (1952/4/1 - 6/5)の頃と思われる。

Indian Springs Schoolは現在もあり、確かにネバダ核実験から遠くない。核実験ツアーの人々がいたラスベガスよりも、はるかにフレンチマン平原やユッカ平原に近い。

[ google maps ]

そして、Collier'sはそのIndian Spring Schoolの生徒たちのスケッチを掲載している。



