

Project Long Shot (1965)

Project VELAは部分的核実験禁止条約(1963)及び地下核実験制限条約(1974)の遵守検証のための米国エネルギー省とDARPAのプロジェクトであり、3つの計画から構成された。VELA Hotelは人工衛星のペアを使って、宇宙空間及び地表の核爆発を、VELA Uniformは地震はを使って地下及び水中の核爆発を、VELA Sierraは地表の機器で大気圏内と宇宙空間での核爆発を探知する(Schwartz 2011,p.219)。

Vela Uniformでは、7回の地下核実験が、米国本土及びアラスカで、1963年10月から1971年7月にかけて実施された。
Test nameDateLocationYieldTest series
Shoal1963/10/26Sand Springs Range12 ktNiblick
Salmon1964/10/22Salmon Site5.3 ktWhetstone
Long Shot1965/10/29Amchitka Island80 ktFlintlock
Sterling1966/12/03Salmon Site380 tLatchkey
Scroll1968/04/23Nevada Test Site< 20 ktCrosstie
Diamond Dust1970/05/12Nevada Test Site< 20 ktMandrel
Diamond Mine1971/07/01Nevada Test Site< 20 ktGrommet
[ wikipedia: Vela Uniform ]

これらのうち、ShoalとLong Shotは、地下核爆発による地震波の挙動と特徴を知り、自然な地震との違いを識別するための核実験である。(Project Baseline Report, 1998

Long Shotは1965年春まで公式には公表されなかったが、1964年2月に、Bob Bartlett連邦上院議員とErnest Gruening連邦上院議員とRalph J. Rivers連邦下院議員及びWilliam A Eganアラスカ州知事には通告された。この時点では誰も懸念を示さなかったが、1964年3月27日のアラスカ大地震が起きたため、国防省は住民の反応を怖れて、同じメンバーとコンタクトした。しかし、Egan知事以外は特に懸念を示さなかった(Dean Kohlhoff, 2011、p.60)。

このLong Shot解説動画が...

[ declassified u.s. nuclear test film #39 ]

動画では放射性物質の漏洩はなかったと言っているが、実際には検出されている。1966年の春と秋に、Lawrence Radiation Laboratoryによる掘削とサンプリングで、(H2O及びCH4の形で)トリチウムと、ヨウ素131とクリプトン85が検出されている。原子力委員会の「アンコントロール」の基準値よりずっと小さいが、バックグラウドよりは明確に大きい値だった(Dean Kohlhoff, 2011、p.62)。


0:46 D-day, October 29 1965
0:50 D-day, on one of the most remote and isolated segments up the entire United States.
0:56 This steel building now deserted, caps a slender shaft nearly half a mile deep,
1:02 At the bottom, is a nuclear device which in a few moments will detonate with a predicted yield up 80 kt.
1:09 this is project long-shot.
1:14 The operations site is Amchitka Island, close to the western end of the Aleutian island chain.
1:21 More precisely it is about 2215 kilometers southwest of Anchorage, Alaska, and some 800 east to the Kamchatka Peninsula.
1:31 After World War II, Amchitka was largely forgotten.
1:38 160 square miles a barren tundra, bearing the scars and decaying installations left by the thousands of American GI's, who served here during the war years.
1:51 Then, long-shot reawaken the island.
1:53 Long-shot was an important experiment, in the Vela Uiform program which the Advanced Research Projects Agency, as directed for the Department of Defense
2:03 The objective of Vela uniform is to increase the United States capability to detect, identify and locate underground nuclear detonations/
2:13 The primary objective long-shot was to investigate possible travel time anomalies.
2:21 Associated with seismic events occurring in island arc structures, such anomalies could seriously affect the accuracy of locations, made by long-range seismic measurements.
2:33 Another objective was to compare the seismic signatures man-made versus natural events occurring in such complex geologic structures.
2:42 Amchitka was chosen for a long shot for several important reasons.
2:50 It is one of the most seismically active regions of the circum- Pacific island arc.
2:55 Its geology appear to be suitable for the experiment.
2:58 Finally it is the only uninhabited island in the Aleutian chain, which has a usable harbor and also possesses an airstrip capable of meeting Long shot requirements.
3:10 Careful scientific studies of the island geologic structure, verfied that the event of the desired substantial yield could be fully contained and would present no hazard to humans or to the wildlife population
3:26 the exploratory core drilling for this investigation underlying strata was carried out during calendar 1964.
3:34 The findings indicated that there were no zones have significant permeability, that is no channels open holes or major fractures
3:43 The nuclear explosive was positioned at a dept at 2300 feet, in the long shot shaft, well into a layer of andesite
3:54 This rock is more closely related to Granite, then to alluvium, tuff or salt, the media in which most previous underground nuclear shots have been fired in other areas.
4:06 Above the andesite, the various layers were predominately volcanic issues with some soapstone, graywacke, tuff and mixtures
4:17 Combined cavity and chimney height of 940 feet was predicted.
4:24 Leaving 1460 feet rock between the chimney tops and the surface.
4:27 milestones in the evolution a project Longshot were as follows:
4:25 On 6 July 1965, installation of about 165 feet height drill rig was completed
4:42 20 days later a six foot diameter shaft had been drilled to a depth 260 feet.
4:49 At this point, the shaft diameter was reduced to 52 inches and the drilling continued.
4:55 It was completed on 15 September and the depth is 2346 feet.
5:01 The first joint over 32 inch steel casing consisting of two 40 foot sections welded together, was lowered to the bottom of the shaft on 17 September.
5:12 Four days later on 21 September, the last joint was placed at the top of the shaft.
5:19 On 23 September, cementing a space between the casing and shaft wall, was begun.
5:28 The cement was poured in 400-foot stages with a 24-hour hardening period following each stage,
5:35 This phase of the project was completed on 2 October.
5:40 After cleaning and checking of hole, the drill rig was dismantled and removed,
5:45 This was been finished on 5 October,
5:49 Erection of a technical building over the shaft entrance began immediately.
5:53 The tech building was designed to provide working space and facilities for the team, who assemble then placed and arm the device, and also to provide protection from the elements during this critical time period.
6:05 Completion date was 10 October.
6:09 On 14 October, the nuclear device was flown in from Los Alamos New Mexico, and taken to the tech building for preparation and in placement.
6:18 As soon as assembly and final checkout were accomplished, the device mounted inside this container was ready.
6:26 It was lowered into a Longshot shaft on 17 October.
6:30 Attached to the electronic and suspension cables of the device, were a series of sniffer cables and time of arrival gauges, to record shockwave progress within the shaft.
6:43 Following this stemming operations in the shaft are started on 18 October.
6:49 Stemming involve filling the shaft with alternating layers of gravel and sand and bentonite mixture
6:55 During stemming, 10 foot expanding cement plugs were placed at the 700 foot and 30 foot levels, and 10 foot plastic plug was placed near the surface.
7:06 This phase was completed on 26 October
7:11 All that remained were a series of dry runs and a final check of the timing and firing circuitry linking the device to tech building, to the command post and to the recording trainers, and onsite instrument stations.
7:26 In addition to items already discussed, the close-in measurement programme included seven surface stations containing velocity gauge used to record earth motion at varying distances from Ground Zero.
7:40 Three offshore stations were used to measure over pressures in water and the depth of 60 feet.
7:46 These underwater stations were composed of self leveling velocity meters, pressure gauges sealed in cannisters, and four ball pressure gauges, attached to each of the cannisters.
7:59 All reminded either on a 3600 pound block concrete used to anchor each station, or on the cable leading up to the marker buoy for each station
8:09 In June 1965, 12 downhole stations containing vertical velocity gauges and accelerometers were placed in the shaft produced by the early exploratory drilling program.
8:23 These gauges measured ground shock to determine the efficiency of explosive energy coupling to the earth.
8:29 The major instrumentation effort on Longshot was embodied in the long-range seismic measurement programme.
8:37 Participating in the program in alaska when three major permanent seismograph stations and a number of temporary portable stations in Canada, recordings were made by the Canadian seismological network, and buy a temporary Vela Uniform portable station, installed and operated by US personnel.
8:57 Southward in the United States, recordings were made by LASA, large aperture seismic array, in Montana, by the five Vela Uniform observatories, by the US Coast and Geodetic Survey stations out the worldwide network, and by Vela Uniform portable stations and a number of university stations,
9:22 In other portions of the globe, additional recordings were obtained by a majority of the worldwide standard seismograph network stations at favorable up a simple distances from the event, and by a number of other stations not affiliated with the network.
9:37 This long range measurement programme was the heart of the Longshot project
9:44 During final preparations for the shot, three concentric range of remote air monitors and two of air samplers were mounted around zero area.
9:54 Their function was to detect and measure anything trace of radioactivity that might sweep or vent from the buried explosion, though no such a pact was anticipated.
10:05 Additional air sampling stations were operated along the Aleutian chain and in mainland Alaska.
10:15 On the 29th of October at 20:59 hours, the countdown for a long shot reached minus one minute.
10:22 As is customary for any nuclear event any area, the island site was evacuated except for key parties.
10:30 Among the aircraft, airborne and shot time were H-21, C-54, and P-3, orbiting to handle photography, surveillance, and other routine test requirements.
10:46 At 1100 hours the longshot device was detonated 2300 feet below the surface of the island.
10:52 Within milliseconds, shockwave drove spread into the air from surface ponds.
11:04 At Whittier, California 4464 km from Amchitka, the first motion was recorded at 8 minutes and 37.9 seconds, after 0 time which was at 2100 zulu hours
11:19 The recording is here playback at twice the real-time speed.
11:24 An average derived from body wave recordings at many stations gave a magnitude of 6.0 on the Richter scale for the Longshot event.
11:34 On Amchitka,there were a few visible indications that the power of the detonation.
11:39 Sensitive hand instruments of rad safe man in a reentry party, verified remote monitor readings, finding no evidence of radioactivity above background level.
11:51 Minor cracks appeared in the road filed up to a distance of 7000 feet.
11:56 No trace above normal radioactivity was detected from any of these shallow fissures
12:03 Very little damage was noted to any island installations, including even the tech building at surface zero.
12:10 Extensive surveys detected no damage to wildlife on or in the waters surrounding Amchitka.
12:18 The sea otters were unharmed.
12:28 Close-in instrumentation function well.
12;30 The great massive data derived from temporary and permanent seismic stations around the world.
12:36 After reduction and analysis will provide a much firmer basis for interpretation of seismic events in the pacific island arc structures.
12:46 Longshot was a highly successful project in the Vela Uniform program of the advanced research project agency.



