忘却からの帰還〜Atomic Age - Eniwetok環礁での核実験報道(1950)


1945年のTrinity, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, 1946年のビキニ環礁でのOperation CrossroadsのAbleとBakerの続き、1948年に米国はエニウェトク環礁でOperatin SandstoneのX-rayとYorkとZebraの核爆発を実施した。
NameDate time UTLocationYield
X-ray1948/04/14 18:16:59Enjebi (Janet), Enewetak Atoll37 kt
Yoke1948/04/30 18:08:59Aomon (Sally), Enewetak Atoll49 kt
Zebra1948/05/14 18:04:00Runit (Yvonne), Enewetak Atoll18 kt


[ Atom bomb test, Eniwetok atoll - Newsreel, December 1950 ]


0:03 A chain of 40 tiny coral islands surrounding lagoon is Eniwetok atoll at mid-pacific, part of Marshall island, free from Japan in World War II.
0:14 Now, historic films made in the spring of 1948 and just released shows Eniwetok atoll preparing for every guarder and still largely secret tests of new atomic weapons.
0:23 The test's purpose is to measure atomic affects on thousands of different materials, thirteen thousand tons of them, not as Bikini to prove military effectiveness.
0:41 In special towers, automatic cameras will record the explosions.
0:45 There are no news men, and foreign observers present.
0:48 As members of the ten thousand men task force team leave just before the explosion of American 6th atom bomb at Eniwetok atoll, now Atomic Energy Comnission's permanent proving ground.
1:04 Robot planes take off for atmospheric measurements.
1:08 Bombs are not dropped from the air.
1:11 Control stations always ready now
1:21 This is bomb number six, a new atomic weapon, not an improvement on old design.
1:26 Five bombs set off at new mexico, over japan and Bikini are in scientific terms, already into history.
1:34 The precious bomb number six is seen by ship-board observers
1:45 Here is bomb, number seven
1:49 Scene from different angle, it's death dealing radioactive clouds spread miles above the pacific
2:00 This is bomb, number eight.
2:11 Eniwetok atoll the world mightiest destruction presents its unspoken and unanswerable argument for peace and for preparedness