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Columnist: Dramane Babache Isaac

Writer Isabelle Langlois
User ratings 7,7 of 10 Actors Sacha Charles Audience score 39 votes genre Comedy Merci pour tout papa. Merci pour toutes nos visiteurs. Merci pour tout les categorie. Merci pour tout youtube. ???? 31 ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ????? 31 ???????. Merci pour tout le. By E. E. Cummings II. EN ROUTE. I PUT the bed-roll down. I stood up. I was myself. An uncontrollable joy gutted me after three months of humiliation, of being bossed and herded and bullied and insulted. I was myself and my own master. In this delirium of relief (hardly noticing what I did) I inspected the pile of straw, decided against it, set up my bed, disposed the roll on it, and began to examine my cell. I have mentioned the length and breadth. The cell was ridiculously high; perhaps ten feet. The end with the door in it was peculiar. The door was not placed in the middle of this end, but at one side, allowing for a huge iron can waist-high which stood in the other corner. Over the door and across the end, a grating extended. A slit of sky was always visible. Whistling joyously to myself, I took three steps which brought me to the door end. The door was massively made, all of iron or steel I should think: It delighted me. The can excited my curiosity. I looked over the edge of it. At the bottom reposefully lay a new human t.. d. I have a sneaking mania for wood-cuts, particularly when used to illustrate the indispensable psychological crisis of some out-worn romance. There is in my posses- sion at this minute a masterful depiction of a tall, bearded, horrified man who, clad in an anonymous rig of goat- skins, with a fantastic umbrella clasped weakly in one huge paw, bends to examine an indication of humanity in the somewhat cubist wilderness whereof he had fancied himself the owner... It was then that I noticed the walls. Arm-high they were covered with designs, mottoes, pictures. The drawing had all been done in pencil. I resolved to ask for a pencil at the first opportunity. There had been Germans and Frenchmen imprisoned in this cell. On the right wall, near the door-end, was a long selection from Goethe, laboriously copied. Near the other end of the wall a satiric landscape took place. The tech- nique of this landscape frightened me. There were houses, men, children. And there were trees. I began to wonder what a tree looks like, and laughed copiously. The back wall had a large and exquisite portrait of a German officer. The left wall was adorned with a yacht, flying a number ??13. 'My beloved boat' was inscribed in German under- neath. Then came a bust of a German soldier, very ideal- ized, full of unfear. After this, a masterful crudity??a doughnut-bodied rider, sliding with fearful rapidity down the acute back-bone of a totally transparent sausage-shaped horse who was moving simultaneously in five directions. The rider had a bored expression as he supported the stiff reins in one fist. His further leg assisted in his flight. He wore a German soldier's cap and was smoking. I made up my mind to copy the horse and rider at once, so soon that is as I should have obtained a pencil. Last, I found a drawing surrounded by a scrolled motto. The drawing was a potted plant with four blossoms. The four blossoms were elaborately dead. Their death was drawn with fearful care. An obscure deliberation was exposed in the depiction of their drooping petals. The pot tottered very crookedly on a sort of table, as near as I could see. All around ran a funereal scroll. I read: 'Mes dernières adieux à ma femme aimée, Gaby. ' A fierce hand, totally distinct from the former, wrote in proud letters above: 'Tombé pour désert. Six ans de prison??dégrada- tion militaire. ' It must have been five o'clock. Steps. A vast cluttering of the exterior of the door??by whom? Whang opens the door. Turnkey-creature extending a piece of chocolat with extreme and surly caution. I say 'Merci' and seize chocolat. Klang shuts the door. I am lying on my back, the twilight does mistily bluish miracles through the slit over the whang-klang. I can just see leaves, meaning tree. Then from the left and way off, faintly, broke a smooth whistle, cool like a peeled willow-branch, and I found myself listening to an air from Pétrouchka, Pétrouchka, which we saw in Paris at the Châtelet, mon ami et moi... The voice stopped in the middle??and I finished the air. This code continued for a half-hour. It was dark. I had laid a piece of my piece of chocolat on the win- dow-sill. As I lay on my back, a little silhouette came along the sill and ate that piece of a piece, taking some- thing like four minutes to do so. Then he looked at me, I then smiled at him, and we parted, each happier than before. My cellule was cool, and I fell asleep easily. (Thinking of Paris. )... Awakened by a conversation whose vibrations I clearly felt through the left wall: Turnkey-creature: 'What? ' A mouldily mouldering molish voice, suggesting putre- fying tracts and orifices, answering with cob-webbish pa- tience so far beyond despair as to be indescribable: 'La soupe. ' 'Well, the soup, I just gave it to you, Monsieur Savy. ' 'Must have a little something else. My money is chez le directeur. Please take my money which is chez le directeur and give me anything else. ' 'All right, the next time I come to see you to-day I'll bring you a salad, a nice salad, Monsieur. ' 'Thank you, Monsieur, ' the voice mouldered. Klang! ??and says the t-c to somebody else; while turn- ing the lock of Monsieur Savy's door; taking pains to raise his voice so that Monsieur Savy will not miss a single word through the slit over Monsieur Savy's whang-klang: 'That old fool! Always asks for things. When supposest thou will he realize that he's never going to get anything? ' Grubbing at my door. Whang! The faces stood in the doorway, looking me down. The expression of the faces identically turnkeyish, i. e., stupidly gloating, ponderously and imperturbably tickled. Look who's here, who let that in. The right body collapsed sufficiently to deposit a bowl just inside. I smiled and said: 'Good morning, sirs. The can stinks. ' They did not smile and said: 'Naturally. ' I smiled and said: 'Please give me a pencil. I want to pass the time. ' They did not smile and said: 'Directly. ' I smiled and said: 'I want some water, if you please. ' They shut the door, saying 'Later. ' Klang and footsteps. I contemplate the bowl, which contemplates me. A glaze of greenish grease seals the mystery of its contents. I induce two fingers to penetrate the seal. They bring me up a flat sliver of choux and a large, hard, thoughtful, solemn, uncooked bean. To pour the water off (it is warmish and sticky) without committing a nuisance is to lift the cover off Ça Pue. I did. Thus leaving beans and cabbage-slivers. Which I ate hurryingly, fearing a ventral misgiving. I pass a lot of time cursing myself about the pencil, looking at my walls, my unique interior. Suddenly I realize the indisputable grip of natures's humorous hand. One evidently stands on Ça Pue in such cases. Having finished, panting with stink, I stumble on the bed and consider my next move. The straw will do. Ouch, but it's Dirty. ??Several hours elapse... Stepsandfumble. Klang. Repetition of promise to Mon- sieur Savy, etc. Turnkeyish and turnkeyish. Identical expression. One body collapses sufficiently to deposit a hunk of bread and a piece of water. 'Give your bowl. ' I gave it, smile and said: 'Well, how about that pencil? ' 'Pencil? ' T-c looked at T-c. They recited then the following word: 'To-morrow. ' Klangandfootsteps. So I took matches, burnt, and with just 60 of them wrote the first stanza of a ballad. To-morrow I will write the second. Day after to-morrow the third. Next day the refrain. After ??oh, well. My whistling of Pétrouchka brought no response this evening. So I climbed on Ça Pue, whom I now regarded with complete friendliness; the new moon was unclosing sticky wings in dusk, a far noise from near things. I sang a song the 'dirty Frenchmen' taught us, mon ami et moi. The song says Bon soir, Madame de la Lune.... I did not sing out loud, simply because the moon was like a mademoiselle, and I did not want to offend the moon. My friends: the silhouette and la lune, not counting Ça Pue, whom I regarded almost as part of me. Then I lay down, and heard (but could not see) the silhouette eat something or somebody... and saw, but could not hear, the incense of Ça Pue mount gingerly upon the taking air of twilight. The next day. ??Promise to M. Savy. Whang. 'My pencil? '??'You don't need any pencil, you're going away. ' ??'When? '??'Directly. '??'How directly? '??'In an hour or two: your friend has already gone before. Get ready. ' Klangandsteps. Every one sore about me. Je m'en fous pas mal, however. One hour I guess. Steps. Sudden throwing of door open. Pause. 'Come out, American. ' As I came out, toting bed and bed-roll, I remarked: 'I'm sorry to leave you, ' which made T-c furiously to masticate his unsignificant moustache. Escorted to bureau, when I am turned over to a very fat gendarme. 'This is the American. ' The v-f-g eyed me, and I read my sins in his pork-like orbs. 'Hurry, we have to walk, ' he ventured sullenly and commandingly. Himself stooped puffingly to pick up the segregated sack. And I placed my bed, bed-roll, blankets, and ample pelisse under one arm, my 150-odd lb. duffle-bag under the other; then I paused. Then I said, 'Where's my cane? ' The v-f-g hereat had a sort of fit, which perfectly became him. I repeated gently: 'When I came to the bureau I had a cane. ' "Je m'en fous de la canne, ' burbled my new captor frothily, his pink evil eyes swelling with wrath. 'I'm staying, ' I replied calmly, and sat down on a curb, in the midst of my ponderous trinkets. A foule of gendarmes gathered. One didn't take a cane with one to prison (I was glad to know where I was bound, and thanked this communicative gent
Vraiment stylé ! En plus y'a mes cosplayeurs favoris <3. Merci pour tout bande annonce. Ghadii diR succès haDii ???.

Hello Anaïs ! J'ai eu exactement le même ressenti avec Riverdale, j'ai arrêté depuis quelques mois, peut être que je devrais m'y remettre alors. Sinon j'ai adoré aussi le Bazar de la charité, je trouve que ça change vachement de ce qu'on a l'habitude de voir sur TF1 et ça fait du bien. Les acteurs étaient top aussi. Bon dimanche ?.
Merci pour tout in french. Tu me fait trop rire ?????. English version follows zenzizi convie les journalistes pour un dernier point de presse dans une véritable salle de cinéma au La Capsule Bistro Cinéma à Sherbrooke (). Pour détendre l'atmosphère il y a d'abord projection sur écran géant du film humoristique Just Watch Me () qui se moque ouvertement du vide abyssal de la gouvernance fédéraliste des Libéraux. On y projette également pendant tout le discours de zenzizi une série de cartes du Canada () qui démontrent clairement les profondes différences d'opinion entre le Québec et le reste du Canada. ?Mes amis il me fait grand plaisir de vous voir ici ce soir après ces 6 jours de campagne qui furent on ne peut plus productifs. Il est pathétique de voir que mon adversaire n'ait pris la peine d'apparaître qu'une seule fois dans notre région (). On me dit qu'il est occupé ailleurs sur la planète à je ne sais quelles autres tâches. Mais clairement il n'a jamais eu à coeur de servir convenablement la population de Sherbrooke-St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Alors que l'on tente de tout faire pour combattre le cynisme de nos concitoyens face à ces gouvernements fédéraux qui ont prodigieusement échoué récemment à offrir les services et le leadership nécessaires auxquels on s'attend de la part de nos élus. Je pense qu'il est clair pour tous que l'opportunisme crasse de Leafy Emerald qui doit-on le rappeler portait encore il y a une semaine à peine les couleurs de notre vénéré parti le Bloc Québécois je pense donc qu'il est clair pour tous qu'il fait partie du problème et non de la solution! On le sait tous la solution définitive est de nous donner enfin un pays. Il est évident en regardant les cartes du Canada qui défilent derrière moi () à quel point nos deux peuples ne se ressemblent en rien. Sur presque chaque sujet de société nous avons des sensibilités et des résolutions différentes. Même Stephen Harper a eu la décence de reconnaître que le Québec est une nation à part entière. Il est temps de donner à notre peuple tous les leviers nécessaires à son plein épanouissement c'est à dire ses lois ses impôts et la chance de pouvoir négocier ses propres traités internationaux comme il l'entend. Un exemple très simple on a vu récemment en 2015 à la conférence de Paris sur le climat le Québec avec ses solutions innovatrices en matière d'énergies vertes et de transport électrique ne pouvait prendre sa place et être complètement occulté derrière le Canada et ses plans pétroliers. Cette année verra enfin l'indépendance être portée par un parti en campagne électorale c'est-à-dire par Québec solidaire suite à sa fusion avec Option nationale (). Est-ce que vous réalisez que ça fait maintenant 24 ans que le Parti québécois ne vous a pas offert un engagement clair à réaliser l'indépendance dans le mandat? Enfin nous relancerons le débat dans les chaumières et nous savons tous que le camp du Non n'a aucun argument pour nous convaincre de demeurer dans cette cage fédéraliste. Je ne saurais prétendre que nous pourrons réaliser la sécession dès cette année mais nous irons dans la bonne direction et il est primordial plus que jamais d'envoyer des indépendantistes nous représenter à Ottawa afin de profiter de tous nos budgets et de toute la place médiatique possibles pour faire avancer la cause et pour préparer les négociations à venir. Un merci immense à tous mes bénévoles qui ont fait un travail formidable dans tous les coins de notre belle région! Merci également à mon chef Emass100 pour la détermination et la grande intégrité qu'il a démontré à chaque jour de cette campagne! Bravo à tous mes collègues du Bloc Québécois pour une campagne exemplaire à travers le Québec entier! Et merci à tous nos partisans ne sous-estimez jamais la valeur de votre bouche à oreille militant dans votre entourage! Le 10 janvier on doit envoyer le Bloc Québécois à Ottawa pour un Québec pour Tous! Le 10 janvier on vote zenzizi dans Sherbrooke-St-Jean-sur-Richelieu! Vive la liberté! Et vive l'indépendance! ? zenzizi quitte la salle devenue hystérique suite à ces appels au vote avec le coeur en liesse et l'esprit tranquille d'avoir rempli sa mission patriotique. zenzizi invites reporters for a last press briefing in a real movie theater at La Capsule Bistro Cinéma in Sherbrooke (). To relax the atmosphere there is first projection on giant screen of a humorous film Just Watch Me () which laughs openly at the abyssal emptiness of federalist governance of the Liberals. During the entire zenzizi speech, a series of maps of Canada () are also projected that clearly demonstrate the profound differences of opinion between Quebec and the rest of Canada. ?My friends it gives me great pleasure to see you here tonight after these 6 days of campaign that could not be more productive. It is pathetic to see that my opponent has bothered to appear only once in our riding (). I am told that he is busy elsewhere on the planet with I do not know what other tasks. But clearly he never had the heart to properly serve the population of Sherbrooke-St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. While we try to do everything we can to combat the cynicism of our fellow citizens in the face of these federal governments that have failed tremendously recently to provide the necessary services and leadership that we expect from our elected officials. I think it's clear to everyone that Leafy Emerald's filthy opportunism, who we should recall, was just a week ago sporting the colours of our revered Bloc Québécois party so I think it's clear for all that he is part of the problem and not the solution! We all know the definitive solution is to finally give us a country. It is obvious by looking at the maps of Canada that are scrolling behind me () how different our two peoples are from each other. On almost every topic of society we have different sensitivities and resolutions. Even Stephen Harper has had the decency to recognize that Quebec is a nation in its own right. It is time to give our people all the levers necessary for their full development, ie their laws, their taxes and the chance to negotiate their own international treaties as they see fit. A very simple example we saw recently in 2015 at the Paris climate conference Quebec with its innovative solutions for green energy and electric transport could not take its place and was completely hidden behind Canada and its oil plans. This year will finally see the independence be carried by a party campaign that is to say by Quebec Solidaire following its merger with Option nationale (). Do you realize that it has been 24 years since the Parti Québécois gave you a clear commitment to achieving independence in the mandate? Finally we will revive the debate in our homes and we all know that the No camp has no argument to convince us to remain in this federalist cage. I can not pretend that we can achieve secession this year but we will go in the right direction and it is more important than ever to send secessionnists to represent us in Ottawa in order to take advantage of all our budgets and all the possible media space to advance the cause and prepare for future negotiations. A huge thank you to all my volunteers who have done a great job in every corner of our beautiful region! Thanks also to my chief Emass100 for the determination and the great integrity he has demonstrated every day of this campaign! Congratulations to all my colleagues from the Bloc Québécois for an exemplary campaign throughout Quebec! And thanks to all our supporters, never underestimate the value of your militant word of mouth in your surroundings! On January 10, we must send the Bloc Québécois to Ottawa for a Quebec for All! On January 10, we vote zenzizi in Sherbrooke-St-Jean-sur-Richelieu! Long live freedom! And long live independence! ? zenzizi leaves the room which became hysterical following these calls to vote with a jubilant heart and peace of mind having fulfilled his patriotic mission.
Merci pour tout film trailer.
Merci pour tout a la prochaine. Merci pour tout le support. Merci pour tout le poisson.
Merci pour tout mon amour. Oh damn. Merci pour tout critique. Merci pour tout. Merci pour tout charles. ??? ????? ??? ???? ????. Merci pour tout reviews. Amis depuis 20 ans, Stéphane Benhamou et Daoud Tatou, lun juif, lautre musulman, sont à la tête dassociations qui prennent en charge des autistes. Pour eux, ils organisent des temps de loisirs.?Une histoire ?VRAI.
Hexakill le RAPGOD. Je vous conseille de voir avec la même actrice principale Charlotte de Turckheim un dimanche chez ma mère. très bon film car très marrant. Merci pour tout trailer. C'est dommage J'avais passé de super moment avec vous mais malgré ca vous resterez dans nos cœurs bonne continuation. Un hymne est par définition un chant, voire un cantique qui toujours pour fonction de clamer la félicité la joie ou quelque forme de lyrisme. On peut difficilement qualifier un rap d'hymne. Tant par l'absence de chant que par l'agressivité des paroles.
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Merci pour ce film magnifique histoire et bravo. Merci pour tout translation. Merci pour tout movie. A quand un son Hexakil feat Coro ? ?. Men busta eske materyèl yo poko vini pou polisye yo toujou. Merci pour tout ton aide. Rab heh amine 31 khoya toujours magnifique ?. Merci pour tous (2019. Merci pour tout poeme. C'est très beau, merci de tout coeur, bisous <3. Merci pour toute ton aide. Merci pour tout en chinois. Très belles chonson ???.
Merci pour tout ce grand amour ansy derose. Merci pour tout ou tous. Merci pour tout ce que vous faites. Mon émission préférer va s'arrêter ?? mes pourquoi. tout ces personnes seront au chômage. bonne continuation a tous. dommage ???. JUNINHO. LISANDRO. Merci pour tout png. 12:52 ??vous savez que jadore marché?? dit il a alors que la dernière fois il a prit un Uber pour 5 min de marche. Jma3a dirouli abonne nraje3ha. Merci pour tout vos messages. Merci pour tout. Merci pour tout musique.
Merci pour tout les efforts que tu. Merci pour tout vos voeux. Merci pour tout en italien. Merci pour tout amine 31. Merci pour tout ce grand amour ansy derose lyrics. Merci pour tout film bande annonce. Merci pour tout synopsis. Merci pour tout imdb. Moi aussi n. Merci hkouya ? amine 31 ?. Merci pour tout ce que tu as fait.
Bravo à toi. t'es vidéos sont super et tu mérites encore plus. continue. Merci pour tout papa merci beaucoup. ?Discord.









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