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Les misérables ?Without Signing Up?

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Reporter: Désert des Tartares
Info: Caserne imaginaire dans un désert qui n'existe pas; le berger Andalou est à la recherche de l'Alchimiste pour connaitre son destin, je suis ses pas !
Brigadier Stéphane Ruiz is a young and light-heartened cop who moves to Paris to be closer of his little son after the divorce of his wife. Working in the impoverished suburb of Montfermeil, in the 93th district, where Victor Hugo wrote his famous 1862's novel "The Miserables", Ruiz joins the local Anti-Crime Brigade, being paired with veterans but unscrupulous colleagues Chris and Gwada, who are charged with the task to train Ruiz about the way Montfermeil's works and the people to meet. However, his first day in Montfermeil twists in bad way when the owner of a circus and his men meet where drug-lord Le Maire ("The Mayor") claiming for a stolen baby lion a few hours ago, blaming him by the theft. Avoiding a fight between Le Maire and circus' owner, the three cops patrol the hood looking for the animal, learning that a troubled kid named Issa is the thief, who stolen to have it as pet. But when Ruiz, Chris and Gwada locate Issa to recover the baby lion, Issa's friends attempt to liberate him from the cops. With the situation out of control, Gwada shots a rubber ball just when Issa tried to escape and hits him in the face, just in the moment that all they realize that a drone of a boy named Buzz recorded all the incident. Patrolling around, Chris and Gwada locate Buzz and start a prosecution to catch him after to learn that drone's card is gone. Hiding in a downstairs, Buzz escapes from Chris and runs to ask refuge to Salah, a Kebab's owner and leader of the each time more powerful Muslim brotherhood in the hood. While Issa's friends run to advise Le Maire about the drone and the record, Ruiz, Chris and Gwada moves where Le Pince ("The Clamp"), a bar's owner in addition to Le Maire's rival and Chris' partner in business, looking for help, at the same time that Ruiz goes to a pharmacy to heal Issa's hurts. But when a confident alerts about Buzz's location, Le Maire, the cops and Le Pince meet at the same time at Salah's local claiming by the card, not measuring the consequences of their acts director - Ladj Ly &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTZkYTBkY2MtMzRmNS00NjM3LWFiMzItZmJjNzNhMjgyYzczXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk4OTc3MTY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) release date - 2019 Liked It - 4530 votes duration - 104 min.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here is scrawled in blood red lettering on the side of the Chemical Bank near the corner of Eleventh and First and is in print large enough to be seen from the backseat of the cab as it lurches forward in the traffic leaving Wall Street and just as Timothy Price notices the words a bus pulls up, the advertisement for Les Misérables on its side blocking his view, but Price who is with Pierce & Pierce and twenty-six doesn’t seem to care because he tells the driver he will give him five dollars to turn up the radio, “Be My Baby” on WYNN, and the driver, black, not American, does so. “I’m resourceful, ” Price is saying. “I’m creative, I’m young, unscrupulous, highly motivated, highly skilled. In essence what I’m saying is that society cannot afford to lose me. I’m an asset. ” Price calms down, continues to stare out the cab’s dirty window, probably at the word FEAR sprayed in red graffiti on the side of a McDonald’s on Fourth and Seventh. “I mean the fact remains that no one gives a shit about their work, everybody hates their job, I hate my job, you’ve told me you hate yours. What do I do? Go back to Los Angeles? Not an alternative. I didn’t transfer from UCLA to Stanford to put up with this. I mean am I alone in thinking we’re not making enough money? ” Like in a movie another bus appears, another poster for Les Misérables replaces the word?not the same bus because someone has written the word DYKE over Eponine’s face. Tim blurts out, “I have a co-op here. I have a place in the Hamptons, for Christ sakes. ” “Parents’, guy. It’s the parents’. ” “I’m buying it from them. Will you fucking turn this up? ” he snaps but distractedly at the driver, the Crystals still blaring from the radio. “It don’t go up no higher, ” maybe the driver says. Timothy ignores him and irritably continues. “I could stay living in this city if they just installed Blaupunkts in the cabs. Maybe the ODM III or ORC II dynamic tuning systems? ” His voice softens here. “Either one. Hip my friend, very hip. ” He takes off the expensive-looking Walkman from around his neck, still complaining. “I hate to complain?I really do?about the trash, the garbage, the disease, about how filthy this city really is and you know and I know that it is a sty …” He continues talking as he opens his new Tumi calfskin attaché case he bought at D. F. Sanders. He places the Walkman in the case alongside a Panasonic wallet-size cordless portable folding Easa-phone (he used to own the NEC 9000 Porta portable) and pulls out today’s newspaper. “In one issue?in one issue?let’s see here… strangled models, babies thrown from tenement rooftops, kids killed in the subway, a Communist rally, Mafia boss wiped out, Nazis”?he flips through the pages excitedly?“baseball players with AIDS, more Mafia shit, gridlock, the homeless, various maniacs, faggots dropping like flies in the streets, surrogate mothers, the cancellation of a soap opera, kids who broke into a zoo and tortured and burned various animals alive, more Nazis… and the joke is, the punch line is, it’s all in this city?nowhere else, just here, it sucks, whoa wait, more Nazis, gridlock, gridlock, baby-sellers, black-market babies, AIDS babies, baby junkies, building collapses on baby, maniac baby, gridlock, bridge collapses?” His voice stops, he takes in a breath and then quietly says, his eyes fixed on a beggar at the corner of Second and Fifth, “That’s the twenty-fourth one I’ve seen today. I’ve kept count. ” Then asks without looking over, “Why aren’t you wearing the worsted navy blue blazer with the gray pants? ” Price is wearing a six-button wool and silk suit by Ermenegildo Zegna, a cotton shirt with French cuffs by Ike Behar, a Ralph Lauren silk tie and leather wing tips by Fratelli Rossetti. Pan down to the Post. There is a moderately interesting story concerning two people who disappeared at a party aboard the yacht of a semi-noted New York socialite while the boat was circling the island. A residue of spattered blood and three smashed champagne glasses are the only clues. Foul play is suspected and police think that perhaps a machete was the killer’s weapon because of certain grooves and indentations found on the deck. No bodies have been found. There are no suspects. Price began his spiel today over lunch and then brought it up again during the squash game and continued ranting over drinks at Harry’s where he had gone on, over three J&Bs and water, much more interestingly about the Fisher account that Paul Owen is handling. Price will not shut up. “Diseases! ” he exclaims, his face tense with pain. “There’s this theory out now that if you can catch the AIDS virus through having sex with someone whois infected then you can also catch any thing, whether it’s a virus per se or not?Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, leukemia, anorexia, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, dyslexia, for Christ sakes?you can get dyslexia from pussy ?” “I’m not sure, guy, but I don’t think dyslexia is a virus. ” “Oh, who knows? They don’t know that. Prove it. ” Outside this cab, on the sidewalks, black and bloated pigeons fight over scraps of hot dogs in front of a Gray’s Papaya while transvestites idly look on and a police car cruises silently the wrong way down a one-way street and the sky is low and gray and in a cab that’s stopped in traffic across from this one, a guy who looks a lot like Luis Carruthers waves over at Timothy and when Timothy doesn’t return the wave the guy?slickedback hair, suspenders, horn-rimmed glasses?realizes it’s not who he thought it was and looks back at his copy of USA Today. Panning down to the sidewalk there’s an ugly old homeless bag lady holding a whip and she cracks it at the pigeons who ignore it as they continue to peck and fight hungrily over the remains of the hot dogs and the police car disappears into an underground parking lot. “But then, when you’ve just come to the point when your reaction to the times is one of total and sheer acceptance, when your body has become somehow tuned into the insanity and you reach that point where it all makes sense, when it clicks, we get some crazy fucking homeless nigger who actually wants ?listen to me, Bateman?wants to be out on the streets, this, those streets, see, those ”?he points?“and we have a mayor who won’t listen to her, a mayor who won’t let the bitch have her way?Holy Christ?let the fucking bitch freeze to death, put her out of her own goddamn self-made misery, and look, you’re back where you started, confused, fucked… Number twentyfour, nope, twenty-five… Who’s going to be at Evelyn’s? Wait, let me guess. ” He holds up a hand attached to an impeccable manicure. “Ashley, Courtney, Muldwyn, Marina, Charles?am I right so far? Maybe one of Evelyn’s ‘artiste’ friends from ohmygod the ‘East’ Village. You know the type?the ones who ask Evelyn if she has a nice dry white chardonnay?” He slaps a hand over his forehead and shuts his eyes and now he mutters, jaw clenched, “I’m leaving. I’m dumping Meredith. She’s essentially daring me to like her. I’m gone. Why did it take me so long to realize that she has all the personality of a goddamn game-show host? … Twenty-six, twenty-seven… I mean I tell her I’m sensitive. I told her I was freaked out by the Challenger accident?what more does she want? I’m ethical, tolerant, I mean I’m extremely satisfied with my life, I’m optimistic about the future?I mean, aren’t you? ” “Sure, but?” “And all I get is shit from her… Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, holy shit it’s a goddamn cluster of bums. I tell you?” He stops suddenly, as if exhausted, and turning away from another advertisement for Les Misérables, remembering something important, asks, “Did you read about the host from that game show on TV? He killed two teenage boys? Depraved faggot. Droll, really droll. ” Price waits for a reaction. There is none. Suddenly: Upper West Side. He tells the driver to stop on the corner of Eighty-first and Riverside since the street doesn’t go the right way. “Don’t bother going arou?” Price begins. “Maybe I go other way around, ” the cabdriver says. “Do not bother. ” Then barely an aside, teeth gritted, unsmiling: “Fucking nitwit. ” The driver brings the cab to a stop. Two cabs behind this cab both blare their horns then move on. “Should we bring flowers? ” “Nah. Hell, you’re banging her, Bateman. Why should we get Evelyn flowers? You better have change for a fifty, ” he warns the driver, squinting at the red numbers on the meter. “Damnit. Steroids. Sorry I’m tense. ” “Thought you were off them. ” “I was getting acne on my legs and arms and the UVA bath wasn’t fixing it, so I started going to a tanning salon instead and got rid of it. Jesus, Bateman, you should see how ripped my stomach is. The definition. Completely buffed out…, ” he says in a distant, odd way, while waiting for the driver to hand him the change. “Ripped. ” He stiffs the driver on the tip but the driver is genuinely thankful anyway. “So long, Shlomo, ” Price winks. “Damn, damn, damned, ” Price says as he opens the door. Coming out of the cab he eyes a beggar on the street?“Bingo: thirty ”?wearing some sort of weird, tacky, filthy green jump suit, unshaven, dirty hair greased back, and jokingly Price holds the cab’s door open for him. The bum, confused and mumbling, eyes locked shamefully on the pavement, holds an empty Styrofoam coffee cup out to us, clutched in a tentative hand. “I suppose he doesn’t want the cab, ” Price snickers, slamming the cab door. “Ask him if he takes American Express. ” “Do you take Am Ex? ” The bum nods yes and moves away, shuffling slowly. It’s cold for April and Price walks briskly down the street toward Evelyn’s brownstone, whistling “If I Were a Rich Man, ” the heat from his
Ya pas en streaming. I walked into the theater to see Les Miserables late this afternoon with no expectations.
Maybe a thought that this was a modern 'woke' version of Hugo's classic. It isn't. It's a gritty, fast paced, police procedural set in the banlieues of Paris. Unflinching about what the police find there, and how the police act and react to a Paris that tourists never see. Sobering and revolutionary. A stunning find and a great movie.
Movie Watch Die Wütenden - les misérables. Movie Watch Die Wütenden - Les misérables les. Movie Watch Die WÃ?tenden - Les misÃrambles and rants. Qu'ils sont chiants avec leur gros plans gênants...

Thumbs up for this-the worst film ever

Co nie chce tkwić w niewoli znów 2:49 Van al die mensen die verdommen. Pauvre blanche marabouter. Lea Salonga is my favorite Eponine. Ever <3 I've seen this musical 18 different times between 1996 and now and nobody compares to her. She's just incredible <3. Movie Watch Die Wütenden - Les misérables. Thanks guys! There goes my heartstrings. I can go to heaven now. ?. Imagine how good this would have been with someone who could sing instead of Russell Crowe. Proves the old saying~ “Never judge a book by its cover” STUNNING Performance!??. Well folks, it's that time of year again! This thread is for announcement of screeners that have been made available as the season progresses. This thread will be regularly edited between now and the ceremony. Obviously linking to pirated content is against Reddit's TOS so we'll just be posting the titles of the screeners which one can use to search for the files by their own means. Please feel free to comment below or message myself with the titles of any predicted nominations you are aware of or sources where they can be legitimately streamed (Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, etc). For now the list is sparse and messy so bear with us. If you notice we have the title of a particular screener that you had problems with or you've found a superior copy of please let us know. Aladdin, Amazon, Sept 10 Alantique, Netflix, Nov 29 American Factory, Netflix, Aug 21 Apollo 11, Hulu, May 14 Avengers Endgame, Amazon (VOD rent), Aug 13 Booksmart, Amazon (VOD rent), Aug 20 Dolemite is My Name, Netflix, Oct 25 [EtHD] is available. Honey Boy, Amazon, TBD (Theaters on Nov 8) Honeyland, Amazon (VOD rental) Knock Down the House, Netflix, May 1 Late Night, Amazon (VOD rent), Sept 6 Marriage Story, Netflix, Dec 6 Midsommar, Amazon (VOD rent), Oct 8 Portrait Of A Lady On Fire 2019 DVDSCR XviD AC3-EVO Tell Me Who I Am, Netflix, Oct 18 The Banker, Apple, Dec 1 The Irishman, Netflix, Nov 27 The King, Netflix, Nov 1 The Last Black Man in San Francisco, Amazon (VOD rent), Aug 27 The Laundromat, Netflix, Sept 27 The Lion King, Amazon (VOD rent), Oct 22 The Report, Amazon, Nov 29 The Two Popes, Netflix, Dec 20 Toy Story 4, Amazon (VOD rent), Oct 8 Uncut-Gems-2019-DVDScr-x264-AAC Us, Amazon (VOD rent), June 1? Obviously we'd all prefer to be able to have access to see movies in the cinema where they are meant to be seen, but due to members of this sub around the globe who don't get films made available to them, we think this resources is very important. If you have the opportunity to support the films you love please do. DOCUMENTARY FEATURE Advocate: (with Swedish subtitles & requires Swedish geolocation) American Factory - **Netflix / ** The Apollo - HBO/Amazon / Apollo 11 - Amazon/Apple/google (to rent) / Aquarela -** ** The Biggest Little Farm - available to rent from most online places / ** ** The Cave - tbc The Edge of Democracy - ** Netflix / ** For Sama: (requires USA geolocation - use US VPN)/ ** **(requires USA geolocation - use US VPN) TV cuts The Great Hack - **Netflix / ** Honeyland - [] Knock Down the House - Netflix / Knock Down the House 2019 NF WebDL Multi Audio 1080p AVC DDp Maiden - Amazon/Apple/google (to rent) / Midnight Family - tbc One Child Nation - Amazon / **DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT ** After Maria - Netflix / Fire in Paradise - **Netflix / ** Ghosts of Sugar Land - Netflix In the Absence - Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If You’re a Girl) - tbc Life Overtakes Me - Netflix / The Nightcrawlers - St. Louis Superman - tbc Stay Close - Walk Run Cha-Cha - **INTERNATIONAL FEATURE FILM ** The Painted Bird Truth and Justice - Truth and Justice [2019] 4 Les Misérables Those Who Remained Honeyland - Corpus Christi Beanpole - Atlantics - Netflix / Parasite - Pain and Glory - **Netflix (Spain) / ** **ANIMATED SHORT FILM ** Dcera (Daughter) Hair Love - He Can’t Live without Cosmos Hors Piste - Kitbull - Disney+ / Memorable - ** (Moviestar+ only? ) ** Mind My Mind - Kanopy (requires library card) The Physics of Sorrow Sister - Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days - ? **LIVE ACTION SHORT FILM ** Brotherhood - The Christmas Gift Little Hands - Miller & Son - Nefta Football Club - The Neighbors’ Window - Refugee Saria - A Sister Sometimes, I Think about Dying -.
I'm not a romance reader. I've read Les Misérables, The Count of Monte Cristo, and a couple others, but romance novels just isn't something that interests me, especially those in British nobility settings. I'll be honest- this book shocked me. First, I was expecting a more antique English language used in the writing, so I was pleasantly surprised that Jane Eyre reads almost like a modern English book. It was a surprisingly easy read, and I had no difficulty keeping my attention focused on the page, without my mind wandering, and I didn't have read a sentence two or three times to try and figure out what on earth the author was trying to say. However, I wasn't keen on the French and German without an accompanying English translation. This book is much more Gothic and dark than I was anticipating. It's Gothic in the complex family histories, the disturbing secrets, and the elements of Christianity mixed in with the supernatural. It's dark in that this book is anything but sunshine, flowers, and birds singing sweetly in the trees while Jane and Mr. Rochester take walks by the brook, and picnics in the heather. Charlotte Brontë did such an amazing job of telling a hardship, and not only Jane's, but others. Not everything goes to plan all the time, and it's the tragedies that kept me glued to its pages. Further, I loved that I felt like I was always trying to predict what would happen next. Already knowing the spoiler going into it having watched a movie adaption of the book some decade or so prior, I obviously had an advantage. However, there were some holes that weren't filled by the film, and my memory was fuzzy on many details, so it was still like experiencing a story for the first time. Some things I predicted correctly, but mostly I was wrong, and that makes books all the better for me. Every time Charlotte Brontë presented a decision, where outcomes were positive or negative, of course I wanted the positive outcome, and sometimes I got it, but when the negative outcome came out instead, I was immediately presented with another guessing game as to how the characters would deal with their new situation. Well done. Of course, the crowning story in the book is the romance between Jane and Edward. It's a complicated romance, that they both struggle with, and just like the rest of the book, ends in a partial tragedy. I know that every girl is probably swooning over the chapter when Jane hears Edward call her name. "Jane! Jane! Jane! ". Even now, after having completed the book, recalling that part gives me goose bumps. How they met back up, as a friend of my says, is Romance, with a capital "R". SPOILER: I didn't care for how it ended in the very last chapter, however. I was fine with Edward being almost totally blind, so I felt it was a bit unfortunate that Charlotte felt she needed to restore Edward's eyesight just enough to make out Jane. Also, I don't like how the very last sentence of the book ended on the bland, cold, boring St. John. I'm off to read Jane Austin, Emily Brontë, Charles Dickens and some others next, but I feel I've been spoiled with a fantastic read, and I have a feeling I'll be holding the upcoming books to the Golden Standard that is Jane Eyre.
Movie Watch Die Wütenden - les misérables les. Ever since that moment we call this the Susan Boyle song. Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there. y'all seen him in Sweeney Todd. Why they gotta do my boy like that ?. Chile 2020. Me: Finishes soundtrack Me: Okay maybe I should actually do something productive. Replay button: Come on. press me. you know you want to. Me: Sighs Me: Listens to soundtrack again.
Det er ein song frå arge menn. Movie Watch Die Wütenden - Les miserables. The sad part of this song is enjolras (and the other students, but him particularly) was SO SURE that the people will rise to help them. Movie Watch Die WÃ?tenden - Les misÃrables.

Probably my fave broadway couple. This song is so popular in China now. (Posting this to avoid government surveillance. Movie Watch Die Wütenden - les miserables. Oh, SANTA. View Trailer Share on: Share via Facebook Share via Twitter 4. 5 / 5 stars 79% 69% Read Less Released Year: 2012 Cast & Crew Jean Valjean Inspector Javert Fantine Cosette Marius Pontmercy Madame Thénardier Thénardier Éponine Enjolras Gavroche Young Cosette Young Éponine Bishop of Digne Gillnormande Montparnasse Madame Baptistine Madame Magloire Fauchelevent Bamatabois Brevet Director Producer Information for Parents Excellent film adaptation of gritty, heartbreaking musical. Read More.
I wish this was a real life thing here. Good looking guys having a motivational and fun conversation, singing. I mean, the actor's did this live, so technically they had a nice little singing conversation face to face. What a cool experience.









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