Os Miseráveis [Watch Here]


Publisher - madu ribas
Info: café, gatinhos e beatles @KertichkaNeko
Directed by: Ladj Ly. user rating: 8,6 of 10. Release year: 2019. genre: Crime. resume: Brigadier Stéphane Ruiz is a young and light-heartened cop who moves to Paris to be closer of his little son after the divorce of his wife. Working in the impoverished suburb of Montfermeil, in the 93th district, where Victor Hugo wrote his famous 1862's novel "The Miserables", Ruiz joins the local Anti-Crime Brigade, being paired with veterans but unscrupulous colleagues Chris and Gwada, who are charged with the task to train Ruiz about the way Montfermeil's works and the people to meet. However, his first day in Montfermeil twists in bad way when the owner of a circus and his men meet where drug-lord Le Maire ("The Mayor") claiming for a stolen baby lion a few hours ago, blaming him by the theft. Avoiding a fight between Le Maire and circus' owner, the three cops patrol the hood looking for the animal, learning that a troubled kid named Issa is the thief, who stolen to have it as pet. But when Ruiz, Chris and Gwada locate Issa to recover the baby lion, Issa's friends attempt to liberate him from the cops. With the situation out of control, Gwada shots a rubber ball just when Issa tried to escape and hits him in the face, just in the moment that all they realize that a drone of a boy named Buzz recorded all the incident. Patrolling around, Chris and Gwada locate Buzz and start a prosecution to catch him after to learn that drone's card is gone. Hiding in a downstairs, Buzz escapes from Chris and runs to ask refuge to Salah, a Kebab's owner and leader of the each time more powerful Muslim brotherhood in the hood. While Issa's friends run to advise Le Maire about the drone and the record, Ruiz, Chris and Gwada moves where Le Pince ("The Clamp"), a bar's owner in addition to Le Maire's rival and Chris' partner in business, looking for help, at the same time that Ruiz goes to a pharmacy to heal Issa's hurts. But when a confident alerts about Buzz's location, Le Maire, the cops and Le Pince meet at the same time at Salah's local claiming by the card, not measuring the consequences of their acts. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTZkYTBkY2MtMzRmNS00NjM3LWFiMzItZmJjNzNhMjgyYzczXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODk4OTc3MTY@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg)
Belíssima cena, linda, emocionante, perfeita. Mas não só a cena, o filme todo é belíssimo. Anne Hatway impecável. 5 estrelas. 天氣之子 gimy. Que coisa mais linda senhor Deus. Palavras me faltam...

Maravilhoso. E6 8e 8c e4 b8 8a e4 b8 89%e5 9b bd 12. Perfect. ムーラン ツムツム. Eu assisti hoje é muito legal. 天氣之子 琴譜. Q intérprete maravilhosa. Gosto muito de uma orquestra, Mas parabenizo a esta por, sua boa e esplendorosa composição Parabéns. Eu vou ter amanhã tb, mas vc fez ano passado, me deseje sorte ae kkk.
Simplesmente LINDO, dramático e PERFECT' D.
ドリトル 名古屋. Perto um do outro. E3 83%89 e3 83%aa e3 83%88 e3 83%ab game. Estou sem palavras isso foi simplesmente lindo. The first 90 minutes of this film is a quite impressive multiple viewpoint drama showing the difficult interactions in a rundown Paris immigrant neighborhood between an ethically challenged three member police unit, the impoverished immigrant residents (largely Moslem and African) and assorted adolescents. The presentation is quite realistic. I was moved. If the movie had ended there, I might rate it a 9. Unfortunately it did not. Instead the film is marred by its violent not credible ending. Hence my rating of 7. On one day, while investigating a case concerning the theft of a lion cub, the three policemen are set upon by the adolescent thief's teen age friends. The children threaten the police. They throw rocks. The police overreact, seriously injuring the thief as he tries to escape. Various consequences ensue, but in the end a level of calm is apparently restored. Alas, in revenge the next day the three police and several other adults are ambushed by a highly organized gang of young men wearing black hoodies. Garbage cans and shopping carts are thrown at the police down flights of stairs. Flares and fireworks are shot at the police. The police behave stupidly. Rather than wait for back-up, they put themselves into a situation of extreme life-threatening danger. The adolescents, instead of behaving as a disorganized gang of delinquents, suddenly show an almost military level of tactics and organization and a lethal rage. Frightening and as disturbing as this violence is, intellectually I simply could not buy into it. Sorry, but a group of socially marginalized boys cannot be transformed in a single day into an almost military level combat unit.
悲慘世界電影線上看. Também presiso, amanhã prova sobre o livro. Flw, bora estuda... 爆炸新? 下?. E3 83%95 e3 83%ac e3 83%b3 e3 82%ba online. E6 82%b2 e6 85%98 e4 b8 96%e7 95%8c 7. Vi esse filme a primeira vez ontem! o Obrigado, Nova Acrópole. AGRADECO A DEUS E A TODO UNIVERSO COSMICO POR HAVER ENCONTRADO VCS. NAMASTE.

17:32 é a música que mais me emociona tanto no filme quanto no concerto. Ç??ç?¸a.e.f. Amei o vídeo!?. Åå??å?3.4. E6 9d b1 e4 ba ac e6 95 99 e7 88 b6 ms. A outra temporada foi muito melhor A Luz dessa vez está ruim Moving Light em movimento nada haver. キャッツ・アイ. 變身特務 線上看.
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