Kaguya-hime no Monogatari ★Online Free★

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Writed by - Isao Takahata, Riko Sakaguchi. rating - 30785 Votes. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTcwODI0MzEwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjkyNTEwMTE@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg). Country - Japan. director - Isao Takahata. runtime - 2 Hour, 17minute. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 4.
“A princess’s crime and punishment” An ancient Japanise legend tell us about a bamboo cutter and his wife. They couldn’t have children. One day he found a little girl into a bamboo stem. They reared the girl and she grew very fast. Soon she became a beautiful and manterful. A lot of men tryed marry with her but she didn’t belong to this planet, she belonged to the moon and one day she had to come back there. Ghibli Studies have made a new animation film. The director, Isao Takahata (“Heidi, Girl of the Alps”, “3000 Leagues in Search of Mother” and “Anne of Green Gables”) and Kazou Oga’s brilliant art direction, we can enjoy with this movie. Technically this film covers from the Manga to etching through the watercolor. All in the service to the old story that would make no sense if undertaken with so modern and cool digital animation techniques. The charming of the Japanese animation reside in the idea about the line and calligraphy like arts. Both taught by Chinese people. The lines are flexible, waving and very marked and they are the true protagonist the colour is only a support. It is gently uniformaly applied. The soundtrack is as subtle, elegant and delicate as all movie. The sonds take us to the ancient Japan. The film is like a laquer ceramic and subtle Japanese vase. It has an special beauty, this hypnotize us with each frame. Traducido por: Iulia García.
YouTube. AniMats review of The Wind Rises that is so favourable that he gave it the Seal of Approval. Jambareeqis review of The Wind Rises that made him be all like “Ill tell you the flaws in the movie youre not seeing”. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari free. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 8.

Who cares if this didn't win the Oscar? LOL The Oscars have been a joke for years. I never watch it. An Oscar means nothing nowadays. Just a bunch of film critics who gather together and decide which film should win which award. Beautiful sing and phrasing. Also enjoying the ambient echo. Your voice sounds like a Japanese flute in this. 0:51 to push dat booty. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari download. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari games. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 2. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari sub.

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Incrível, musica linda.

Download Kaguya-hime no monogatari

Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 3. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 1. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari movie. Studio Ghilbi is a quality seal?in and of itself. I don't remember a single bad (or even anything I'd consider mediocore) comming from them, it's amazing. I love Studio Ghibi, it really makes the anime industry stand out. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari game. Kaguya-hime no monogatari download legendado. Totally! Kana Hanazawa is like the perfect voice ever. I'm so glad, this is another reason (of the other 1000 other reasons) I wanna watch this movie so badly. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari episode 1. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 9. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 6. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari full. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 7. Does anyone know what the singing style at 0:33 is called? it's like a shrine maiden/traditional kinda style. i really love it. kinda like Japanese Enka, i really love it. it's so haunting and peaceful. If anyone knows, please let me know.
Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 5. THIS FILM BROKE MY HEART IN ALL LEVELS. Christian B. I see what you did there lol. A whole collection of Studio Ghibli films would be a dream come true. An elderly peasant couple finds a tiny girl inside a bamboo plant and decides to adopt her as if she were their daughter. After a few years, she becomes a beautiful woman courted by many powerful men. The story is based on The bamboo cutter, an anonymous Japanese folk tale from the 9th century. AÑO: 2013 DIRECCIÓN: Isao Takahata GUIÓN: Isao Takahata, Riko Sakaguchi FOTOGRAFÍA: Keisuke Nakamura MÚSICA: Joe Hisaishi MONTAJE: Toshihiko Kojima DIR. ARTÍSTICA: Kazuo Oga PRODUCCIÓN: Yoshiaki Nishimura, Toshio Suzuki, Seiichirou Ujiie PRODUCTORA: Studio Ghibli, GNDHDDTK, NTV, Hata Office, Dentsu Walt Disney Studios Home Entertaiment Hakuhodo, D-rights, KDDI, Tōhō DISTRIBUIDORA: Tōhō, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertaiment DURACIÓN: 137' PAÍS: Japan.
Download kaguya-hime no monogatari 10. Hisaishi is a God. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari lyrics. My nephew loves this show. Kahgooya heh. It is an amazing film though. Absolutely beautiful. Download kaguya-hime no monogatari watch order. Watching this movie made me realize how ungrateful i was to my mom as that Ame.
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Kaguya hime no monogatari soundtrack download

The animation masterpiece of the decade. Takahata is going out on top. The fabled north American distribution deal between Disney and Studio Ghibli (apparently) applies only to the works of Myazaki; north American distribution of this is being handled by GKIDS. So the heavyweight marketing of Pixar/Disney isn't behind it. But don't be fooled by its "art-house" distribution or its relative obscurity - this is a really big deal.
It's an "epic" having taken eight years to produce and clocking in at well over two hours. I haven't seen the words "production committee" in credits since 'Akira. that means it was too big for any one normal producer, so several companies had to form a "consortium" Studio Ghibli itself, a TV network, a foreign corporation, a movie studio, and three others. And the animation work itself was so large that parts of it were farmed out to _nine_ other studios. There are two versions: an English dub of the soundtrack with most things written in English characters (although in general dubs suck, animation is often an exception) and a Japanese soundtrack with written English subtitles and most things (including virtually all the credits) written in Japanese characters. If the names of the voice actors you hear sound vaguely familiar, that's the English dub version. In fact, if you're viewing this in a theater, unless the theater is pretty sophisticated, you won't even have a choice - you'll see only the English dub version. And that's okay. You get what you're used to from Studio Ghibli: powerful and independent women characters, a strong bond with the natural world, seamless switches back and forth between reality and fantasy, rootedness in tradition and folklore, and the music of Joe Hisaishi. Add to that some themes I associate specifically with Takahata: portrayals of "reality" even when it's quite sad, nostalgia, an acceptance and open portrayal of the concept of the "cycle of life" and ambivalence toward tradition and especially patriarchy (respecting and illustrating the good, while at the same time poking fun at the bad. Finally add a new twist I haven't seen in animation before: whole scenes where all the dialog, the visuals, and even the music, point to one interpretation. only to recast the whole thing in a different light at the end to reach a totally unexpected conclusion. The animation is 2D and very intricate, but still appears hand-drawn. Outlines vary in thickness and density, and colored areas don't always reach exactly to an outline. It could be computer-drawn (as many apparently hand-drawn animations actually are these days) only if the computer made an awful lot of "mistakes. Interestingly, the figures and the backgrounds look exactly the same (not different styles of animation as is often the case. It's all colored with pastels. The end result looks somewhat as though 'My Neighbors the Yamadas' had been used as starting sketches which were then finished. I thought my evaluation of "hand drawn" was vindicated when a whole screenful of the end credits was occupied with the names of all the in-betweeners. But then just a bit later the whole screen was again filled with one category of names, this time all the digital ink and painters. Sometimes what you'd expect to be computer-generated is in fact clearly hand drawn, as when shadows move just a bit awkwardly between the beginning and the end of a scene. Other times the effect really seems computer-generated, as when a character is seen in a side closeup crashing through vegetation with lots and lots of branches flying much faster than anyone could draw them, or as when there's a cross-fade between scenes. I could never even guess though how it had been done when occasionally I could see what was behind a bit of translucent cloth.
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