

**THROW を用いた文
&fukidashi(http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/c/s/cocone-extra-lessons/89fc0e1ef51a4159.png,right){英文を考えてから + をクリックしてみよう}
[+] 彼は仕事に没頭した。
He threw himself into his work.
[+] ドアをさっと開け放つ
throw the door open
[+] 彼は私を抱擁しようと両手をさっと広げた。
He threw open his arms to give me a hug.
**THROW のコア(続)
&fukidashi(http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/c/s/cocone-extra-lessons/89fc0e1ef51a4159.png,right){throw のコアは「すばやくサッと投げる」というものです。~~ ~~「彼は石を池にさっと投げた」だと~~He threw a stone into the pond. と言います。~~投げるといっても「すばやく」「さっと」という感じがあり、~~「腕のすばやい動き」が感じられます。~~ ~~「ペンを投げて」だと~~Throw me a pen. でOKです。~~ ~~She threw her arms around her boyfriend. だと~~「彼女は恋人に抱きついた」ということですが、~~腕をさっと投げるという感じが生かされています。~~ ~~ピッチャーは三球連続ストライクを投げただと、~~The pitcher threw three consecutive strikes. と表現します。~~ ~~I took the test and failed. That threw me off. といえば、~~試験を受けて失敗したことが、ぼくを驚かせた、ということです。~~投げ飛ばすほど驚かすという感じですね。~~ ~~&ref(https://image02.seesaawiki.jp/c/x/cocone-annex/9bb5c5b16e91f63b.png,100%)}

*[[昼's な英作文(ToT)>>昼's な英作文(ToT)]] 答え合わせ
彼は彼女がその答えを知っていると言わなかった。~~ → He didn't say she knew the answer.
・質問や感想は [[Twitter>>https://twitter.com/8lizzard/with_replies]] に書き込んでください。
*ステルスキャット 37 階の復習(2/10)

&fukidashi(https://image02.seesaawiki.jp/t/a/terakoya/783a1b0e50cb2904.png,right){&align(left){&size(16){文章を完成させてね!~~ ~~【ココネヒルズ】People once thought that the (   ) was flat.~~ ~~【スカイタワー】She came to my (   ).~~ ~~【心音寺】The dispute ended in a (   ).~~ ~~【ココネキャッスル】The baby is fast asleep in its (   ).}}}

*ステルスキャット 37 階の復習(9/10)
&fukidashi(https://image02.seesaawiki.jp/t/a/terakoya/783a1b0e50cb2904.png,right){&align(left){&size(16){文章を完成させてね!~~ ~~【ココネヒルズ】This (   ) is too bitter for me.~~ ~~【スカイタワー】I guessed the meaning of the word from the (   ).~~ ~~【心音寺】He is one of the Japanese (   ) to the UN.~~ ~~【ココネキャッスル】These piano keys are made of (   ).}}}

[+] ← 解答例はここをクリック!

&size(16){【ココネヒルズ】 This chocolate is too bitter for me.}
&size(16){【ココネヒルズ】People once thought that the earth was flat.}

&size(16){【スカイタワー】I guessed the meaning of the word from the context.}
&size(16){【スカイタワー】She came to my aid.}

&size(16){【心音寺】He is one of the Japanese delegates to the UN.}
&size(16){【心音寺】The dispute ended in a compromise.}

&size(16){【ココネキャッスル】These piano keys are made of ivory.}
&size(16){【ココネキャッスル】The baby is fast asleep in its cradle.}

