

**HOLD を用いた文
**THROW を用いた文
&fukidashi(http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/c/s/cocone-extra-lessons/89fc0e1ef51a4159.png,right){英文を考えてから + をクリックしてみよう}
[+] 来週の火曜日にスタッフの会合を開く予定だ。
We're planning to hold a staff meeting next Tuesday.
[+] 彼は失業した。
He was thrown out of work.
[+] 経済がすぐ上向くだろうという見解を彼は抱いている。
He holds the view that our economy will soon pick up.
[+] 彼女は君と同じくらい遠くへ投げられる。
She can throw as far as you can.

*ステルスキャット 37 階の復習(6/10)

&fukidashi(https://image02.seesaawiki.jp/t/a/terakoya/783a1b0e50cb2904.png,right){&align(center){&size(16){□の中に入るアルファベットを考えてね~~ ~~&ref(https://image01.seesaawiki.jp/c/s/cocone-extra-lessons/sQrOww1iU0.29.54.png,100%)~~ ~~I made some~~con□□n□□on□□~~remarks.}}}
&fukidashi(https://image02.seesaawiki.jp/t/a/terakoya/783a1b0e50cb2904.png,right){&align(left){&size(16){文章を完成させてね!~~ ~~【ココネヒルズ】Her favorite (   ) is purple.~~ ~~【スカイタワー】His honesty is a (   ) in his success.~~ ~~【心音寺】His (   ) was due yesterday.~~ ~~【ココネキャッスル】The (   ) was half the size of a regular person.}}}

[+] ← 解答例はここをクリック!

&size(18){I made some conventional remarks.}
&size(16){【ココネヒルズ】 Her favorite color is purple.}

&size(16){【スカイタワー】His honesty is a factor in his success.}

&size(16){【心音寺】His assignment was due yesterday.}


&size(16){【ココネキャッスル】The dwarf was half the size of a regular person.}

