Spider-Man: Far from Home Shudder

Release date: 2019 USA audience score: 285201 votes &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMGZlNTY1ZWUtYTMzNC00ZjUyLWE0MjQtMTMxN2E3ODYxMWVmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDM2NDM2MQ@@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) Writer: Steve Ditko director: Jon Watts
zdf mediathek life
If you love Spider-Man Homecoming then you'll probably love this one. I didn't like the last one much, i gave it a 5/10, was to much of a kids movie for me. This one is still a teen romance with action and tactical conversation scattered throughout. I gave it one star more than Homecoming because of a couple of action scenes being good. It feels a lot like the Captain Marvel film, a significant but insignificant entry into the Universe. Significant just because they said-so, like they did with Captain Marvel, worth making but didn't turn out to be necessary like they made out. The end credits weren't as interesting as they made out either. It's ones that you could youtube or be told and not miss anything, visually. Peter Parker, Ned and Mysterio do their part real well as expected. Nick Fury is too much of a caricature now, compared to everyone else on the screen, who seem grounded. He needs to be replaced as the leader of the Avengers now, with someone younger and who can contribute to the action and pace of these movies. he has co-starred in the worst single-character Marvel movies, Iron Man 2, Captain Marvel and now this. Not the amazing movie that i've been led to believe, a poorer entry in the MCU, not that good especially for the final film in this Phase. Should have ended with Avengers: Endgame. This is the X-Men: Dark Phoenix of Marvel Phase 3. 6.5/10. "Spider-Man: Far from Home" 2019) directed by Jon Watts is a the last film in Phase Three of the MCU's Infinity Saga. Decent staging to the premise of the film, with lots of adventurous locations and set designs. Tom Holland is absolutely brilliant as Spider-Man. Jake Gyllenhaal I thought was excellent as Mysterio. while Zendaya Coleman was good as M.J. in the supporting cast. Other than that, the plot seemed a bit vague to me, and not very impressive. As an action flick, however, it did not disappoint me. Works well for what it is - box office entertainment bait for the masses.
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