

Actors - Pearl Mackie, Peter Capaldi
Runtime - 45 min
Tomatometers - 8,9 of 10
This entire video shows why I love the 11th doctor. Central park. No Doctor does speeches like 12. 11 is my favourite, but 12 is a close second and my god was Peter phenomenal in the role. Doctor who fanfiction. The doctor is very depressed person. The master is on ER'TH. The opening was confusing and the Doctor hasnt developed any relationships and her own character is confused, cold and scatter brained. Doctor who news. I really felt engaged with tonight's episode (7: Can You Hear Me. In hindsight, it was a bit crazily fantasized and such (especially those fingers) but I liked the overall theme of fear and how ultimately tied to the message of speaking up about mental health- I think it will resonate with pretty much everybody, and it nicely showed that if they have bottled up feelings or problems in their lives, they're not alone. There's someone they can turn to. Like, keepbritaintalking #PeopleTalking. It felt real, and the reality factored into Ryan's contemplation that the Team's been travelling alot, away from their friends and family. Will it be that forever? Those Gods, Zellin and * were Parasites. Like Rings of Ahketen, they fed on the negative feelings, and theirs essentially made them gone ablaze ??? But anyway, yes, tonight was a oddly great resonating story ??.
Enemies. Absolutely superb, best piece of fan content Ive ever seen honestly ??????. When I say run run. Just came here to say I absolutely love Jodie as the Doctor! The show has always had it's ups and downs, but I have enjoyed every "new who" doctor.
Now the show has caught up to the times, treating people decently and equally the way they should be treated, and some viewers just don't feel like they should be subjected to such "political messages" whatever that means. I really am so sad that people will hate the show for such reasons, but to me that is even more reason to keep up the positive messages! We need more shows like this and I am so thankful to take a break from the hatred in this world to watch something in which every species, gender, and creature is treated with decency and respect.
Quick question to all the Brits, apart from Graham are there any STRAIGHT WHITE MALES in Great Britain, I just ask because apparently Chibs and The BBC seem to think not in fact by the way stories have been written almost the entire population seems to be LGBTQ, not that I have a problem at all. But it seems straight white males are now almost?excluded from Doctor Who. Great work Chibs? your on a roll just keep destroying this show to score?points with blue cheek markers at twitter. No.
I'm sorry, this resurrection was. is. one of the worst mistakes I have seen in TV. I watched the first 3 episodes with growing dismay. I thought "Surely they must get better! Except they didn't. Dr Who was NOT a mishmash of the worst aspects of Star Trek (TV) and Monty Python (TV. But this parody is. It doesn't even have the intelligence and care those wonderful programs incorporated, let alone the commitment to quality the original Dr. Who serials showed. I won't catalog all the wrongs in the 3 episodes, because 1,000 words is not enough. If the makers of this disaster wish to be remembered favourably, they should immediately and permanently remove the series from the air and apologise to all the viewers. 1 out of ten.
Season 4. Tonight, on a special episode of Doctor Who, the Doctor faces mental health issues. This rottentomatoes is so reliable that it says that Bill and Nardole are still part of the cast. Doctor who series 12.

Doctor.wholesale. I still miss The Brig. Doctorwho. Jodie looked so good in Peter Capaldi's outfit. Doctor who series 13. Don't forget Patrons get exclusive access to my Father's Day review! Sign up today for as little as a 1/month. The space platform ship wherer the tardis materializes looks a whole lot like the Odysseus in the Ulysse 31 animated series from the 80s. Anyone knows if there is a like between the two. The visuals do look better than S11, i'll give them credit for that. I really hated season 11 as a whole, thought it failed on many fronts, especially compared to S9 which i loved, and s10 which i liked.
Last words are always don't worry, its a trap. Doctor who cast.
Doctor who episodes. “Somethings coming for me. I can feel it.” “An amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature, somewhere between your twelfth and final incarnation.”. Karen Gillian bellybutton test tomorrow morning.
We've always been at war with, 1984 is not a warning to the leftist 's a manual. Not the most flattering lens to use for a close up. Now we need the barn speech from Day of the Doctor, 11's pre-regeneration speech, the phone call from Deep Breath, I am not a good man, the speech before forgetting Clara, breaking the wall and basic every scene from Heaven Sent, fighting the cybermen, lonely battlefield, the Doctor speaking to Davros, the laws of time are mine, I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks, the Doctor getting mad in The Beast Below, the ending scene from The Beast Below, I could do so much more, lonely Doctor from Girl in the Fireplace, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, what don't you put in a trap? the Doctor speaking to young Amy after resetting the universe, the Doctor vs the atraxi, River talking to the Doctor at the end of A Good Man Goes to War, Colonel Runaway, Coward or Killer, Do I have the right, old Amy locked outside the TARDIS, Idris dying, unlimited rice pudding, 6th Doctor arguing with the time lords, Doctor talking to Donna at the end of The Runaway Bride, 9's pre-regeneration speech and turn of the Earth. I was only gonna say a few but then I kept thinking of more and more speeches lol.

Doctor Who is both a television show and a global multimedia franchise created and controlled by the BBC ( British Broadcasting Corporation). It centres on a time traveller called " the Doctor ", who comes from a race of beings known as Time Lords. They travel through space and time in a time machine they call the TARDIS. This ship ? which looks like a small, London police box on the outside ? has nearly infinite dimensions on the inside. It has become such an iconic shape in British culture that it is currently the intellectual property of the BBC rather than its actual makers, the Metropolitan Police Service. Since Doctor Who 's revival in 2005, its production has been primarily based in Wales by BBC Wales, with its soundtrack regularly performed by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales since 2006. In order to accommodate cast changes, the narrative allows the Doctor to regenerate into an essentially new person on occasion. The cast is rounded out by one or more " companions ", often females. On average, the main cast completely changes once every three or four years ? a significant factor in the longevity of the programme. It has had two ? some argue three ? major production periods. The original run of the programme was from 1963 to 1989, and is often called the "classic series" or "classic Doctor Who ". A failed revival, in the form of a Universal -BBC co-production, came in 1996 ? but the resulting one-off tele movie is often considered a part of the classic series. The current form of the programme ? sometimes called the "new series" ? has been produced by BBC Wales and aired on BBC One since 2005. Though the classic series is fondly remembered by fans of a certain age, the new series has been far more consistently popular with the British public, [ source needed] and is usually the highest-rated scripted drama ? outside of perennially popular soap operas ? in the weeks that it is on the air. The franchise spawned by the main television programmes includes dozens of distinct ranges of spinoffs in televised, audio and print media. History of Doctor Who Edit Origin Edit Several individuals share credit for establishing Doctor Who in 1963, but it is generally accepted that the original impetus for the series, as well as the establishment of certain aspects, such as the concept of the TARDIS, the basic character of the Doctor and the title Doctor Who itself belong to Canadian -born Sydney Newman, who is also credited with creating another iconic series, The Avengers. Others involved in piecing together the puzzle that became the series include Head of Serials Donald Wilson, writer C. E. Webber, script editor David Whitaker and the show's first producer, Verity Lambert, the first woman to hold such a position in the drama department at the BBC. Junkyard set and police box for An Unearthly Child. Two other notable participants in the birth of the series were Anthony Coburn and Waris Hussein, the writer and director, respectively, of the first four-part serial, An Unearthly Child, the first episode of which aired on 23 November 1963. The version of the first episode that was broadcast was in fact the second mounting of that episode; an earlier version (called " The Pilot Episode " by fans), was taped some weeks before, but rejected for several issues. The BBC allowed a second mounting of the pilot to proceed. The first episode aired the day after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and had to be rebroadcast a week later when power failures disrupted the first broadcast. Also important to creating the atmosphere of the early series were composers Ron Grainer and Delia Derbyshire. Grainer wrote the basic melody of the Doctor Who theme, and Derbyshire, with the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, transformed it into a pioneering piece of electronica music. There have been several arrangements used of the theme, but the basic melody has remained unchanged throughout the show's history. No new piece of music has ever been commissioned as a theme, making it one of the longest-serving signature tunes in television history. An Unearthly Child introduced the first incarnation of the Doctor, played by character actor William Hartnell. Supporting him were William Russell and Jacqueline Hill as Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, respectively, and Carole Ann Ford as the Doctor's granddaughter, Susan Foreman. These four would form the core cast of the series throughout its first season and into the second. From very early on, the television show spawned a sub-genre of the franchise in the form of short stories in various shapes and forms from small one-paper issues to short novels to even telling a story on a set of cards. This genre has developed throughout the years into massive shorts and anthologies and is still holding up in the 21st century. The Daleks Edit After the first episode introduced the characters and concept, the remaining three episodes of An Unearthly Child encompassed a modest storyline involving a group of cavemen in prehistoric times. The series began to find its voice as a science fiction series with the second serial, The Daleks by Terry Nation. It introduced the Daleks, the single most iconic reoccurring enemy of the franchise. The series began to really take off in popularity with this serial, which helped launch " Dalekmania " in the UK, leading to toys, the first novelisation Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks, the movie adaptation Dr. Who and the Daleks, and many televised sequels, beginning with The Dalek Invasion of Earth. Early cast changes Edit The Dalek Invasion of Earth was also notable for featuring the series' first cast change. Carole Ann Ford left the series. She was replaced the following week by Maureen O'Brien as Vicki, establishing the pattern of the Doctor's companions changing. The other original actors, William Russell and Jacqueline Hill, left the series a few months later at the conclusion of The Chase, making way for another new companion, Steven Taylor, played by Peter Purves. Over the decades, the length of service of different companions has ranged from as little as a few weeks (with some being considered companions after appearing in only a single episode), up to several years. Some actors have returned to reprise their roles years and even decades later (most notably Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith). A change of identity Edit The next major turning point in the series occurred in 1966 when the actor playing the First Doctor, William Hartnell, left the series. Rather than introduce a new leading character, replace Hartnell with no explanation or simply cancel the series, the producers, with input from Sydney Newman, chose to establish the Doctor's ability to regenerate into a new person when injured or near death. This led to the dramatic ? and successful ? transition to Patrick Troughton as the Second Doctor at the conclusion of The Tenth Planet, a serial that was in itself notable for introducing the franchise's second most popular recurring villains, the Cybermen. The intro for the 1967 serial The Macra Terror was iconic for incorporating the current Doctor's face to the sequence as a permanent installment. The Doctor's race was not established as being Time Lords until the last of Troughton's stories, The War Games in 1969. This story also featured the Doctor's home planet for the first time. The experiment of regenerating the Doctor occurred again in 1970 with the introduction of one-time comic actor Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor, a move that also coincided with the series changing to colour production. Once again, this was successful and Doctor Who continued to establish itself as a British TV institution, although it remained virtually unknown in American markets. The term "regeneration", however wasn't coined until the ending of Pertwee's era, Planet of the Spiders in 1974. The story also revealed the name of the Doctor's home planet Gallifrey. Target Books Edit In 1973, Target Books reissued a trilogy of novelisations from the mid-1960s, and in 1974 began to issue its own adaptations of televised episodes. In a time before home video recorders and commercial release of TV series on tape and DVD and when rebroadcasts were rare and many old episodes were thought lost, the Target line became a popular and valued aspect of the growing Doctor Who franchise; the books would be published into the mid-1990s. A unique feature of the Target line (in fact dating back to the first novelisations published by Frederick Muller) is that many of the books were written by either the original scriptwriters or by individuals with strong behind-the-scenes connections to the series, such as Barry Letts, Terrance Dicks, David Whitaker, etc., all of whom worked in script editing or producing capacities on the series. In the late 70s, about a dozen of the Target novels were reprinted in American editions by Pinnacle Books, with introductions by noted science fiction author Harlan Ellison, who added to the franchise's prestige by placing it higher in his estimation than Star Trek. The Tom Baker years Edit The series continued through the 1970s, with Tom Baker taking on the role of the Fourth Doctor in 1974. Baker became the most iconic, and arguably most popular actor of the classic series. This was due in part to the frequent rebroadcasts of his episodes in the United Kingdom, which began during his tenure. He was the first "young" Doctor and played the role for more seasons (seven) than any actor to date. Other actors have been considered the "current" Doctor for longer, but without regular television appearances. Near the end of the Tom Baker era, the BBC attempted a spin-off series, K9 and Company, but it never went beyond a pilot episode, A Girl's Best Friend. The US broadcasts of Doctor Who were initially poorly done, with some broadcasters airing a version with narration explaining the plot. By the late 1970s, however, the series was firmly entrenched in the Public Br
Doctor who. It seems an amazing coincidence that in the timeless child flashbacks the child appears to be black & female -surely this has to tie into Jos Doctor as a grown up timeless child (with whatever extra powers the timeless child has). I don't want to go. 10th Doctor,I let you go. 12th Wibbly-Wobbly. Van gogh sunflowers for amy. Doctor who ratings. Doctor who season 12. As a Whovian who is actively boycotting Series 12, I think your videos are more entertaining than the show itself at the moment. It was a confused mess. Makes Fear Her look like a classic.
  1. Creator: Lord Slarr
  2. Bio: I am a 21 year old Doctor Who fan with a YouTube channel of the same name! I'm also a general bastard and old TV fanatic.









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