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And Then We Danced is a movie starring Levan Gelbakhiani, Bachi Valishvili, and Ana Javakishvili. A passionate coming-of-age tale set amidst the conservative confines of modern Tbilisi, the film follows Merab, a competitive dancer; Duration 1 H 53 Minute; Giorgi Tsereteli; Levan Akin; average ratings 8,9 / 10; &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) Tveni dedebi movtyan. Als wir tanzen download full free. Als wir tanzten Download full article on foot. Another gay film lul. Als wir tanzen download full site. Als wir tanzten Download full review. I love this band, Faun, Rammestein and Berlin. After brexit bollocks I think I will sell up, learn German and move over there. Which will be no problem asI am Irish living in England.

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If you want a different, warm, gripping and engaging drama - this is the movie! This heartwarming story from Georgia is a charmbomb. Incredibly well filmed with the storytelling taking place in Tiblisi. We follow a young man's encounter with his first love, in unfamiliar surroundings (at least for me. Great performances by these young actors make it both poignant and believable. I think the protagonist of the film clearly manages to show the challenges of being gay, in an environment that is clearly not ready for it. The film's message of what love and sorrow does to us is universal, but the place and surroundings this takes place in this film, lift it up and make it a special and touching experience in the cinema. Thanks to the Oslo Fusion Film Festival setting up this one, I hope it gets wide release worldwide. A warm recommendation from me.
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