VHYes ∫Mojo


2019. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTg3YThjOWUtMGExNi00NzYyLTkwY2MtYmI1YTFiNjVlNDhjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQ0NzcxNjM@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg). directed by Jack Henry Robbins. Movie info VHYes is a movie starring Kerri Kenney, Thomas Lennon, and Mark Proksch. This bizarre retro comedy, shot entirely on VHS and Beta, follows 12-year-old Ralph as he accidentally records home videos and his favorite late night shows. Star Mark Proksch. Genres Comedy.
Vhyes movie watch 2017. Dear Movie Trailer, What are they saying. Kind Regards, A South African.

VHYes Movie watch now. Wait it comes out on Valentines Day. Drafthouse News. VHYes Movie watching. Damien: mentioned a bunch of movies Tom has been in Me: he played Ned in 17 again with Zac Efron it's all I know ?. Well if its anything like the greasy strangler Ill love it. VHYes Movie watches. VHYes Movie. They nailed Ron xD. Interesting. Hey could anyone be kind enough to tell me the song that plays in the background. * explosion. that's the wrong building. Made me perk up my eyebrows and listen multiple times. Good shit, people! Keep it up.

Vhyes movie watch now. Vhyes movie watch list. VHYes Movie watch video. ???????????????????????. Give Sean a golden award because he kickass as Ron. If they make a sequel, I would definitely want it to be about him. That and I want him to battle his arch foe Monkey Fist. Vhyes movie watch english. Vhyes movie watch free. VHYes Movie watch. 2019 trailers love using that clicking ticking theme. Vhyes movie watch online. Vhyes movie watch full. Vhyes movie watch online free. VHYes Movie watch the trailer. VHYes Movie watchers. 14:53 i thought shane was coughing to the beat xD. I have seen the movie and it is worth catching. This is a well done film in every respect: script, direction, photography, acting, etc. about a fjord that is subject to periodic landslides resulting in local tsunamis every century or so. The scenario is well explained and makes one wonder why this village hasn't already been relocated to higher ground since it was destroyed in a similar incident in 1905. One of the better disaster films of recent years because it is very believable. Thanks for making this available.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll eBay a VCR. It’s going to be difficult to accurately explain what’s going on in VHYes. While entirely fictional, the film eschews typical narrative presentation in favor of an experimental approach that marries form and function. It’s brilliant, but it’s also kind of a “you have to see it” situation at the same time. Like a lot of youngsters at the time (specifically 1987), a young boy named Ralph gets a VHS camcorder for Christmas. Over the next several days he records his life and basically every television show he watches using the first VHS tape he finds, which happens to be the home of his parents’ wedding footage. Most of the film is dedicated to Ralph’s recorded television diet as he haphazardly flips back and forth through a series of television shows. All are heightened but hilarious parodies of late-‘80s cable staples - Bob Ross, QVC, Skinemax softcore porn. These parodies threaten to push VHYes into kitchie Adult Swim absurdity, but that’s not the film’s aim at all. While really funny, there’s a deeper point to all this. Between long bouts of recorded channel flipping, Ralph also records his day to day life and in doing so, accidentally captures the likely first signs of his parents’ impending divorce. It doesn’t dramatically change the film’s narrative, but adds a melancholy cloud that covers the youthful innocence on display with inevitable sadness, making VHYes feel more like a full meal than a simple, novel snack. These television parodies are the real star of the show, however, featuring recognizable faces like Kerri Kenney, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Thomas Lennon, Charlyne Yi and Mark Proksch. The constant channel-flipping is a punchline-generator that also keeps any of these bits from going stale. You never see too much of one thing in VHYes, helping to ensure it remains engaging from start to finish. At the center of it all is Mason McNulty as Ralph and Rahm Braslaw as his little buddy Josh. The candid, home-recorded nature of the film calls for a particular form of acting from these two children and they both nail it, feeling truly authentic and real rather than rehearsed or stiff. You totally buy that they were actual kids in 1987 whose antics are just now getting to us over 30 years later. Child actors are always a gamble. For one movie to have not one but two of them of this quality is pretty remarkable. There is a last little twist to VHYes that ramps the film up to a conclusion, saving it from just abruptly ending once its novel structure runs out of gas. Some people may have issues with this last little bit, but for me it elevates the film. The comedy here is high enough that simply being funny would have been enough, but VHYes strives for meaning as well, which is what makes the film such a special delight. Evan Saathoff Senior Editor Evan has been smartassing-up the Internet since 2008. His passions include dumb action movies, not-dumb action movies, Shakespeare, and Tyler Perry. While he claims to understand that people don't always get what they want, he nevertheless believes it would be “cool” if he could become more like Danny DeVito with age.
VHYes Movie watch online. Movies | ‘VHYes’ Review: Channel Surfing and Self-Soothing This visually exhausting parody of 1980s late-night television offers little more than a collage of meaningless nostalgia. Credit... Oscilloscope VHYes Directed by Jack Henry Robbins Comedy 1h 12m “VHYes” is barely 72 minutes long, but that’s just one reason this outlandish picture barely qualifies as a feature. For one thing, it’s almost halfway through before anything approximating a story emerges; even then, it’s such a pale, sickly thing you’d be forgiven for thinking you had imagined it. Set at the tail end of 1987 and shot entirely on VHS and Betamax tape ? a gimmick your eyeballs are unlikely to appreciate ? this rough, at times sophomoric comedy from Jack Henry Robbins shoots for satire and lands mostly on inanity. Unfolding as a series of fragmented sketches apparently strung together at random, the movie forces us to watch as 12-year-old Ralph (Mason McNulty) uses his new camcorder ? and his parents’ wedding video ? to tape his late-night channel surfing. Absent any clear through line, these rapid-fire, faux-retro vignettes are visually exhausting and, after a time, deeply aggravating. Their authentic ugliness cannot be overstated (as those who recall this chaotic period in after-hours television will attest), and their jokes mostly lack punch or punch lines. Spoofs of sitcoms, infomercials and true-crime shows crash into one another, buffered by forlorn snippets of the original wedding tape and clips of Ralph’s interactions with his best friend, Josh (Rahm Braslaw). Occasionally, a parody is given time to land. A riff on “Antiques Roadshow, ” featuring Mark Proksch as its spectacularly ignorant host, is amusingly dumb; and a segment with Charlyne Yi as a geeky music fan, broadcasting shows from her parents’ basement, perfectly nails the twin public-access vibes of enthusiasm and ineptness. Mostly, though, the movie feels like an excuse to recycle material from Robbins’s earlier comedy shorts: “Hot Winter” ? a pornographic look at climate science ? and the charmingly weird “Painting With Joan, ” featuring the divine Kerry Kenney as a P. B. S. -style artist with Dennis-Rodman-related sexual fantasies. Even when the ghost of a point materializes ? that recording ephemera can be a self-soothing behavior ? “VHYes” is too unsophisticated to develop it. Instead, it offers agonizingly derivative social commentary from an author (played by Mona Lee Wylde) who views our relentless taping as precipitating mankind’s demise. Her predictions veer from the preposterous (crops will remain untended while farmers film their cows) to the clichéd (a celebrity will be president). None of them are funny. Little more than a collage of meaningless nostalgia, “VHYes” makes you wonder how it found its way into a movie theater. Though I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact that two of its actors, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, are also the director’s parents. VHYes Not rated. Running time: 1 hour 12 minutes.
This film and Zoeys whole vibe reminds me of Ellen Page as Juno in Juno. I'm watching it. I loved Tom Lennon back when he was in Mtv's The State. I think it was 1993. Did he seriously just say I have to take a crap. This is probably because I'm 14 but Courtney's hella cute.
??????????. Ayyyyy Buffalo. Dr Smith came here too... I have one question: why is this mans plan not tattooed to his body. Vhyes movie watch download. I love Courtneys new hair tho Like is u agree. VHYes Movie watch tv. The attempt at the South African accents are. interesting ?. VHYes Movie watch dogs. The Lighthouse is so different here...
VHYes movie watch.
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