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I'm your number one fan in Brazil ?. José watch. Hay Molyneux is a failed cult leader and a plagiarist philosopher. I also want to know how Lauren can sit there and say how she isn't a racist and doesn't think that brown people are less then her. and then freely associate herself with Molyneux and the other Lauren, noted racists that do say that POC are lesser in one way or another. And pimping out her documentary to there audiences, made of racists. So the TL;DR is that she isn't a racists she's just capitalizing on a open untapped market. of racist content. Yes people I brought this back to Capitalism, when I was growing up nazi was a dirty word, when they died in mass in film and fiction we were suppose to cheer, now when one of these fuckers gets a milkshake to the face the left has gone to far.
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Each IQ point represented a massive difference in outcome it. doesn't. thats not how they work at all. Also if everyone is poor, what standard are you using to measure poverty. This is just another way the right wing finances its propaganda. They write a crap book which is then bought by the box load by think tanks, churches etc and then given away. Thats why you see books by barely literate authors regularly hitting the bestseller lists.
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  1. Publisher - José Manuel
  2. Biography: Mi año, primero Dios