Ch.28e: Endgame: Ancient Oath 28e-02
終章 古代の誓い 02
Curses ! We've been backed into a corner ! First Zoe leaves, then Virgil dies, and now these fiends show up out of nowhere ?! Why ?! Why is all of this happening to us ?!
くそっ! 追い詰められたぞ! まずゾエが出て行って次にヴァージルが死んで、今度は何処からともなく悪魔が現れた?!
Don't worry, Seymour ! I opened the gate to the city ! Once they wander outside, we can close it tot keep them out !
混乱しないでシーモア! 街の北門を開けました! 外に出て門を閉めて 逃げましょう!
It doesn't look like any of them want to leave. They just want our heads !
街の怪物たちは街から出て行かず ワシ達を追ってきている!
What about that large one over there, with the bow ? It looks like he's going right for the exit.
あそこにいる弓を持った大柄な人物は何なの? 彼だけ出口に向かっています。
Well, good ! That's one less enemy I have to worry about.
Look alive, Seymour ! More enemies are coming at us !
見てシーモア! 敵が迫ってきている!
Gah ! Alright, just keep me healed up, Janice. I'll protect you ! ( Dammit, Zoe, where are you ?! )
わかったジャニス! 私があなたを守る。あなたは私を回復してくれ!
( なんてことだ。ゾエ、お前は何処にいるんだ?! )
The power of the Royal Weapons... Can we really stand up to that ?
What, you think we can't win this after everything we've been through ? We don't need some stupid Royal Weapons to do this !
勝つことに王家の武器は必要ない! 自分の力を信じるだけだ!
Walter is right. Perhaps we have become too reliant on such relics... But now we have no need for them !
And while we mustn't forget our past, we have to look forward.
Teodros is in so much agony... We have to help him !
next→Endgame: Ancient Oath 終章 古代の誓い 28E‐03
index→FE four Kings
終章 古代の誓い 02
Curses ! We've been backed into a corner ! First Zoe leaves, then Virgil dies, and now these fiends show up out of nowhere ?! Why ?! Why is all of this happening to us ?!
くそっ! 追い詰められたぞ! まずゾエが出て行って次にヴァージルが死んで、今度は何処からともなく悪魔が現れた?!
Don't worry, Seymour ! I opened the gate to the city ! Once they wander outside, we can close it tot keep them out !
混乱しないでシーモア! 街の北門を開けました! 外に出て門を閉めて 逃げましょう!
It doesn't look like any of them want to leave. They just want our heads !
街の怪物たちは街から出て行かず ワシ達を追ってきている!
What about that large one over there, with the bow ? It looks like he's going right for the exit.
あそこにいる弓を持った大柄な人物は何なの? 彼だけ出口に向かっています。
Well, good ! That's one less enemy I have to worry about.
Look alive, Seymour ! More enemies are coming at us !
見てシーモア! 敵が迫ってきている!
Gah ! Alright, just keep me healed up, Janice. I'll protect you ! ( Dammit, Zoe, where are you ?! )
わかったジャニス! 私があなたを守る。あなたは私を回復してくれ!
( なんてことだ。ゾエ、お前は何処にいるんだ?! )
The power of the Royal Weapons... Can we really stand up to that ?
What, you think we can't win this after everything we've been through ? We don't need some stupid Royal Weapons to do this !
勝つことに王家の武器は必要ない! 自分の力を信じるだけだ!
Walter is right. Perhaps we have become too reliant on such relics... But now we have no need for them !
And while we mustn't forget our past, we have to look forward.
Teodros is in so much agony... We have to help him !
next→Endgame: Ancient Oath 終章 古代の誓い 28E‐03
index→FE four Kings