
Ch.28e: Endgame: Ancient Oath 28e-16
 終章 古代の誓い 16

Jeremy, Regretlful Tactician
Jeremy worked tirelessly to rebuild Askia after the war. He tried to atone for his contributions to the rebellion for the rest of his life.
 ジェレミー 後悔し続ける戦術家

Sarah. Vigorous Knight
Sarah joined the Askian Army to make up for her role in the rebellion. She was known for being a particularly brutal fighter in battle.
 サラ 前向きな騎士 

Candace, Curious Blade
Candace traveled for a time, but eventually settled down and started a school for swordplay. Her students could never quite capture her unique style.
 好奇心旺盛な剣士 カンデゥース 

Cindy, Bow of Teodros
With the deaths of both Virgil and Dante, Cindy was left to rebuild the Teodros Army She became its general, and the army flourished.
 シンディ テオドロスの弓 

Emily. Great Expectations
Emily returned home safely. much to the delight of her grandmother. However, she soon went right back out to join the Mansan Army. she frequently sent letters home, at least.
 エミリー 大いなる成長をとげる者

Harriet, Confident Fighter
Harriet gravitated towards Behanzin, wanting to test her fighting skills further. She even went toe to toe with Ladon at one point, but lost in the end. She was livid.
 ハリエット 自信家の戦士 

Wilson, Guardian of Musca
Wilson went back to Musca Island and was never seen again. Some speculated he could talk to the insects there, hence why he never got any bug bites.
 ウィルソン ムスカの守護者 

Jack, Frontier Juggernaut
Jack worked with Lacon to rebuild Behanzin He frequently hunted wyverns in the Lupus Mountains, and would return to the capital with the meat for Nicole to cook.
 ジャック フロンティアの巨人 

Colt, The Right Hand
Colt was pivotal in rebuilding Askia, encouraging Terril in every decision he made. However, outside of his job, his life was rather dull.
 コルト テリル王の右腕 

Hoff. The Left Hand
Hoff was pivotal in rebuilding Askia, cautioning Terril in every decision he made. However, outside of his job, his life was rather dull.
 ホフ テリル王の左腕 

Terril, Courageous King
Terril returned to Askia and worked to bridge the gap between nobility and commoners. He dismantled the monarchy and stepped down as king. creating Ibril's first democracy.

Marvin, Reformed Bandit
Marvin worked for the Teodros government, settling bandit disputes in the countryside At Ava's wedding. he bawled his eyes out.

Terry and the Pirates
At Lionel's request, Terry and his crew set sail for new lands. It was either go exploring or get arrested for piracy. so he chose the former.

Regis, The Explorer
Regis joined Lionel on his journey across the sea, eager to explore the world and discover new land. He always had a flash of alcohol on him.
 レジス 探検家 

Lionel, Wayward Prince
WhenIbril was stable once more, Lionel set sail for parts unknown on a journey of discovery.
 気まぐれな王子 ライオネル 

Zoe, Newfound Independence
ゾエ 新たな世界を切り開く者

Vin. Silent Blade
 ヴィン 静かなる刃

Zoe and Vin traveled Ibril together, healing the sick and defending the weak wherever they went. They eventually had a daughter, whom they named Lily.
 ゾエとヴィンはイブリール大陸中を共に旅し、行く先々で病人を癒し、ヴィンは弱者を守った。やがて二人は娘を授かり リリーと名付けた。

Ava, Queen of the People
 エヴァ 人民を愛する女王 

Walter. New Warrior King
 ウォルター 新しい戦士の王 

Ava became the new Queen of Teodros, and Walter was her champion. Though wary about being a monarch, with the help of Walter. Zachary, and Teodros, her rule became known as a golden age.

Once saved, the next map is Trial Map Hub.
セーブすると 次はTrial Map Hub マップ

next→Endgame: Trial Map Hub 01 トライアルマップ01

index→FE four Kings






FE devourer of worlds
FE devourer of worlds cloud ff7
FE Blood lines
FE The road to ruin
FE Dream of Five
FE gheb saga
FE Death or Glory

FE Devourer of Time
FE Elivian Nights
FE gorilla gadek SG
FE Book of Eden
FE Yuri's sidestory
FE Carcino's Civil war
FE Clash of Fates
FE Crossover
FE sacred dawn dx
FE Will of Good and Evil
FE sun gods challenge
FE Fallen King
FE Inheritors of the Crusade
FE nintendolord sage
FE The Blade's Legacy
FE The Grand Aechipelago
FE Void's Blitzarre Adventure


