ファイアーエムブレム 海外改造翻訳wiki - FE four Kings 07-01
FE four Kings 07-01

Ch.7: A Test of Trust 07-01
 チャプター7 信頼のテスト 07−01 

The group passed through the Behanzin mountains,
thwarthing some bandits along the way.
They drew closer to the western plains, where the capital was located...

Man, these mountains just seem to blend together... Feels like we're going nowhere !

We'll arrive at the capital soon. Just be patient.

We'll actually be out of these mountains in a day or so. From there, it'll be an easy trip straight to the capital.

What will we have to deal with once we exit the mountains ?

Nothing. The western edge of Behanzin is pretty peaceful, and beautiful too ! I only went there once, but the rolling plains and meadows are gorgeous.

Sounds nice. Funny how the most beautiful place in the country is behind mountains, deserts, jungles, and bandits.

That just makes it all the more satisfying when you get there.
It wouldn't seem half as nice if you didn't have to work for it.
 それだけそこに到達した満足感がありますね。 山賊退治をしなかったらこの満足感もありません。 

Heh, good point.

Hey. I got some news. There's a collapsed traveler up ahead.

What ? We gotta help them !
 なんだと? 助けに行こう

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