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Genre=Thriller. User ratings=7,7 of 10. Runtime=1 hours 25 minute. Matthew Pope. 30 votes. year=2019. David Dastmalchian was in The Dark Knight, Belko Experiment, Prisoners, Bird Box and Gotham. He is type cast to play unhinged, psychologically unstable, criminally insane characters which he does expertly. I look forward to seeing his talent in more varied performances with characters hopefully outside his usual template. This country is sad. I get paid everyday. And laid when I want.
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- Creator: Molly Henery
- Biography: Avid horror lover. Contributing writer at @Nightmar1sh, @GhastlyGrinning, @1428_Elm, and @CodaReviews. Tomatometer approved critic. Instagram: blogging.banshee
Genre=Thriller. User ratings=7,7 of 10. Runtime=1 hours 25 minute. Matthew Pope. 30 votes. year=2019. David Dastmalchian was in The Dark Knight, Belko Experiment, Prisoners, Bird Box and Gotham. He is type cast to play unhinged, psychologically unstable, criminally insane characters which he does expertly. I look forward to seeing his talent in more varied performances with characters hopefully outside his usual template. This country is sad. I get paid everyday. And laid when I want.
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