Jeremy Moore - Countries Sweden Midsommar

Countries Sweden Midsommar

Rating - 147177 vote Runtime - 2h 28 min Ratings - 7,7 / 10 star genres - Thriller Vilhelm Blomgren country - USA
ニコニコ 動画 daigo
You know someones young when their definition of Autumn is merely “when things start to decline“. ? Thats it. Forget the beauty of harvest time, its just prepping for death. BTW, Summer begins at the end of June, not May. Mid summer is around 21 June does not fall in the middle of Summertime as we know it. May Queens were (and are) traditionally about 14 years old, not 28. The age of a medieval pride, not the age of her mother. But, if the story was about a 14 year old it wouldnt really work would it.
Jokes aside, he actually explains this very well. And it kinda makes sense how people get roped into cults. I am glad he got out. The BFs face when he gets the answer to what was in his meat tart pie is priceless lmao like he's not even disgusted xD. Heriditary was amazing. Midsommer had a cool concept, but I thought it was mediocre at best. I still have dreams that Im stranded and walk through the forest to find this place and they are all nice but I know Im doomed. This movie sticks with you. I thought it was Courtney love in the thumbnail??. Its not that the characters were dumb. they were just that selfish and shitty of friends not to care.
7:49 Im pretty sure the elderly people are to the side. I can't watch horror films, because they are too scary for me. But, the clips I have scene look amazing. I love how everyone says Pelle when its suppose To be pronounced PellE, the E is not silent. This is a rare occasion. Usually, when it comes to horror films Chris is right on the money, but here I think he missed a mark1. Midsommar is a masterpiece. I've got hereditary vibes from this. Better keep this off the #1 spot on the 2019 best film list watchmojo.
2 possible underlying themes, 1. Crazy in a family is a serious red flag, cut your losses quickly. 2. If you have a guy's holiday planned, don't bring your girlfriend. Something I think you may have missed, but I think the elder lady who jumped from the cliff looks very similar to how I would have imagined an elderly Florence Pugh to look. WTF did I just watch - The Movie No seriously, I just watched it and I have many questions, but I am not sure if I want to know the answers. this is my summary of it. I loved every moment of this movie. The colors, the uneasy feelings, the horror, and Florence Pugh did an incredible job. Cant wait to see what Aster does next. SO SMOOTH, SO NATURAL. ARI ASTER YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING.
Watched this movie with my family and I regretted it. 7:16 thanks a lot buddy you just made me laugh so hard i had a coughing fit ??. Nice cinematography but I have a huge problem with storytelling. This is more like trip or dream than a story, especially dramatic one. There is a lot of problems, especially:
How the cult hides the murders in the long term? Well even if you consider Sweden to be the Third world country, there are still foreigners missing, which will be searched for. They traveled via plane so it is easy to track them. The students even do study folklore and one of them is directly from the place so even average policeman must track them. There is no psychology of village people. None, nil, nada. Even the hot ginger girl is treated more like a thing or an alien from outer space than real human being. They seem to be reasonable people from the start, they even know English but in the end they are just completely bonkers. Reactions of students do not have a sense. Only two want to leave after the suicide scene (by the way it is illegal just to burn bodies without some formal investigation in modern society. When the others start to disappear, everyone is just like meh, no problem or even "we did not stole your book. No one seems to worry even a little, they just eat everything and drink everything - this is not normal at all. There is absolutely no explanation of the cult whatsoever. Only the love spell is somehow explained, but thats about it. They are declared to have a contacts with outside like selling products, but we see no proof it at all. Even David Koresh had a lot of interactions with people of Waco. The village people behave like lets burn thus building, no problem, public suicide, lots of corpses - no problem, probably no one ever goes here or something. Psychology of the key relationship has no sense. The girl is dependent on guy not the otherwise. There are not any signs that she would suspect cheating - and even if, she sees only once and as a part of ritual. She should be pissed of to the villagers not to the guy! He wants to dump her but she really does not know that and there is not a single debate about that. On the contrary he is supportive to her even if he thinks he wants to dump her. So her hateful reaction is more like she would actually know je wants to dump her but we have no clue if she knows or even suspects that. There are parts that are simply not connected to anything at all. Murder-suicide of girls family - is it somehow related to cult or the visions are just random? Is she also bipolar like her sister? Why the villagers seem to behave like hive mind? Why the students are competing about the dissertation? Why there is even the saint inbred motive? Is the sex ritual connected to the murders? It is like one sex per summer per village or how it works? If so - how is it possible that there are multiple people of the same age in the village? If the cult requires reciprocity - how it came they kill eight people and add only two (if the redhead is really pregnant) For such a long movie there is simply not enough explanation and scenes seem just to be placed here and there without much sense. It looks nice but story does not actually to explain anything. What is even worse I do suspect the author does not any theory how the cult works either, he seems just to collect some random motives from scandinavian folklore, add some extra and that all folks. This is more like visual poetry than horror movie and if you have a smoke or mushrooms it probably works on emotional level, but I have problem with the story that prevents me to actually enjoy it.

Even though this movie is insane the cinematography is great. TOP 10 SONGS FROM PHINEAS AND FERB. Spoiler: The whole conclussion with Dani smiling at the last shot is her finally overcoming the toxic relationship with Christian and the tragedy happened with her parents and her sister. She lost a family and found a new one which is fully accepting her in their ranks. I really liked it when you added the suicide hotline number into the video. Its nice to know you care. Not many people would add that. ???.
Paimon symbol on the ceiling where they sleep. I will be forever disturbed after seeing this movie.



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