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Gary Lundgren USA Release Year=2019 writer=Gary Lundgren Liked It=41 votes
It& x2019;s titled & x2018;Phoenix, Oregon. x2019; but movie shot in K Falls, Mail Tribune. First up was The Hate U Give as a white, middle-class male, i know i am far from the demographic of this movie. but, it still looked like an interesting social commentary for a very topical issue that still exists today. i just hope it doesn't turn into another Black Panther situation, in which most people said "you can't see this movie if you're white. Starr Carter (Amandla Stenberg) is constantly switching between two worlds: the poor, mostly black neighborhood where she lives and the wealthy, mostly white prep school that she attends. the uneasy balance between these worlds is soon shattered when she witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend at the hands of a police officer. facing pressure from all sides of the community, Starr must find her voice and decide to stand up for what's right. in the beginning, you get a good impression of the certain personalities and lifestyles that take place in this neighborhood. it's mainly run by a group of gang members. the top dog, King (Anthony Mackie) has a particular connection to the main girl's family. he has some good intentions by trying to keep her safe, but at the same time, he wishes nothing but the worst for her father. the two of them apparently had a troubled past, which makes it easy for him to lash out. almost to the point of getting the family in serious trouble. moving on to the teen characters, the main girl has an incredibly strong amount of pride. not only for herself, but for those around her. we're given just enough insight into the relationship between her and the childhood friend, Kahlil. after witnessing the traumatic incident involving a police officer, she tries her best to stand up for her community. their struggles range from drive by shootings, to brutal riots in the streets, to setting the father's local store on fire. in the meantime, her family is conflicted on whether or not she should speak up in court and stand up for her friend's unnecessary death. this is a lot of shit for one young person to go through. and Amandla Stenberg brought an exceptional performance, showing a mixture of emptiness and confidence all throughout this long, troubled aspect of her life. as you would expect, the antagonists are primarily white. the biggest villain being the officer who shot the kid because he thought a hairbrush was a weapon. there's also an acquaintance of the main character who states her opinion on the matter, saying that the cop's life matters, too. she says so after seeing a news report talking about the punishment that the cop will be receiving. is it racist? or is she just trying to sympathize with both sides? you be the judge. yeah, it's no doubt that a story like this will be a stone cold bummer. but, in the midst of all the drama, they find the right moments to bring some lighthearted humor. like in one instance, where the kids are having a playful argument on whether Mac n Cheese is a side dish or a full meal. or the scenes that involve the family goofing around and having some laughs. in the end, i thought it was pretty good. for a movie with such a powerful message, i feel like i'm kinda underselling it by saying it's just "good" but maybe that's the white privilege talking. if this seems interesting to you, check it out. next up was The Sisters Brothers i didn't hear much about this going in other than the glowing reviews and the cast that was involved. the title alone seemed like a joke, so i was expecting a really fun and hilarious western. in 1851, Charlie and Eli Sisters (Joaquin Phoenix, John C. Reilly) are both brothers and assassins, boys grown to men in a savage and hostile world. the Sisters brothers find themselves on a journey through the Northwest, bringing them to the mountains of Oregon, a dangerous brothel in the small town of Mayfield, and eventually, the gold rush land of California: an adventure that tests the deadly family ties that bind. let me just tell you right now, i'm going to have a lot of trouble talking about this. i mean, i went in expecting to have fun, and i the first half. but other than that, i got nothing. Joaquin Pheonix and John C. Reilly were definitely great in their roles, and the dynamic betwen the two was pretty enjoyable to watch. like the pointless arguments they have, or the very weird practical jokes that they play on each other. they're also given two completely different mindsets. Pheonix being the drunken loudmouth, and Reilly being the more uptight straightman. their main goal is to kill some guy named Hermann Warm since he stole something from them. as we follow them through the huntdown, it introduces us to Jake Gyllenhaal, who plays a man named John Morris. he happens to be tracking Warm because of his involvement in the California gold rush. the two begin a "friendship" and it's later revealed what Morris' real intentions are, which sets up his rendezvous with the Sisters brothers. that's really all i could gather about this plot. the more it went on, the less i cared. it might be because i was a little bit tired while watching this, but it felt way too goddamn long. it's not a good sign when you're sitting there asking yourself "shouldn't this be wrapping up right about now. or constantly checking your watch, trying to make a rough estimate of what time the movie is going to end by doing the math of the time it started + the full runtime. the thing is, there's no way you can even tell when the movie is even close to being done. after a certain point, scenes just begin to feel unlinear and randomly placed together. the first act seemed way more energetic compared to the last two. it was still a nice movie to look at, and the acting never got stale, but man, this was too much of a slow burn. even for me. sorry guys, but i really don't have much on this. i might give it a second watch some day when i'm in a better mindset, but as it is right now, i can't suggest sitting through this in theaters. Got to catch Phoenix, Oregon when it screened in SF recently. What a delightful movie. The acting is great, the storyline is heart-felt without being too sentimental, and there are a cast of unexpected characters that are funny and believable. Go see it in theatre or catch it when it comes to Netflix.
Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives. PREVIOUS YEARS ARCHIVE: 1991 ? 1992 ? 1993 ? 1994 ? 1995 ? 1996 ? 1997 ? 1998 ? 1999 1-3-2000 1-10-2000 1-17-2000 1-24-2000 1-31-2000 2-7-2000 2-14-2000 2-21-2000 2-28-2000 3-6-2000 More controversy over Beyond The Mat this week after USA and UPN both pulled advertisements for the film after pressure from the WWF. Vince McMahon has a strong "with us or against us" philosophy and has made it clear that the movie is not "with them" so has decided to use his power over the networks that carry WWF programming to force them to ban the ads. The ban is 24/7 on those channels, not just during WWF shows. Dave talks about how much power Vince wields over the networks now (especially since he's playing them all against each other in negotiations for WWF's next TV deal. Dave talks about a similar incident recently where NBC wouldn't air trailers for the movie Dirty Work, starring Norm MacDonald, who had recently been fired from SNL in an ugly feud with NBC executive Don Ohlmeyer. In retaliation for comments MacDonald made about him after the firing, Ohlmeyer banned ads for MacDonald's movie from airing on NBC. In an interview with a newspaper in Memphis, Jerry Lawler called Beyond The Mat director Barry Blaustein a jerk and trashed the movie. Film executives have begun airing ads on other channels, calling Beyond The Mat, the film Vince McMahon doesn't want you to see. It also won the Best Documentary award at the Cinequest Film Festival. Ads are still airing during WCW and ECW shows (even though WCW has no role in the film whatsoever) but obviously the biggest wrestling audience are WWF fans and not being able to promote the film directly to them during WWF shows is a pretty big blow. The New York Daily News published a big 3-part story about the plague of early deaths in the wrestling industry that featured a lot of new information. The story discussed Brian Pillman, with quotes from his wife Melanie talking about his use of steroids, HGH, and painkillers and focusing heavily on Pillman's doctor, Dr. Hackett, who also prescribed drugs to Louie Spicolli and paints him as a dangerous and irresponsible doctor. Vince McMahon was quoted in the story saying that Pillman had passed a drug test before his death. Dave says the opposite, saying that the test actually showed nandralone (a steroid) in Pillman's system which he claimed was left over from a long time ago (apparently nandralone can be detected in your system for an extremely long time after use. Pillman was livid about the test because he felt he was being singled out and had talked about how Shawn Michaels was never tested despite going on TV high out of his mind repeatedly, and how Hawk had lost consciousness on an airplane due to drugs but was also never tested afterward. At the time, Pillman was so pissed he wanted to quit the company but Jim Ross had ordered the test because Pillman's behavior had gotten increasingly erratic. A month later he was dead. The story talked about Ahmed Johnson being prescribed painkillers and steroids by the same doctor, although Ahmed told the reporter that he had since found god and cleaned up his drug problems. It noted that The Patriot (Del Wilkes) had obtained large quantities of drugs from Hackett, who knew that Wilkes was distributing them illegally to other wrestlers (Wilkes was arrested in both 1998 and 99 for forging hydrocodone prescriptions. Dr. Hackett refused to talk to the newspaper but had his lawyer give a statement that basically blamed the WWF. The statement said the doctor had alerted the WWF to certain wrestlers abusing drugs and that WWF banned the doctor from being backstage at WWF shows in response. But several WWF wrestlers went around the ban, continuing to get Hackett free tickets and flew him out to shows so they could get stuff from him. A week after Louie Spicolli's death, a major WCW star (unnamed) flew Hackett out to a show in San Francisco. This guy basically sounds like another Dr. Zahorian waiting to happen. The story was also the first to address the real cause of Rick Rude's death, which was triggered by an accidental overdose of painkillers and sedatives. Oxycodone, diazepam, midazolam and citalopram were all found in his system. In fact, the amount oxycodone in Rude's system alone was enough to be fatal. Vince McMahon claimed in the story that WWF dropped its rigorous drug testing program in 1996 because of high costs and the company was struggling financially and losing to WCW at the time. However, the doctor in charge of WWF's drug testing in the early 90s claimed that McMahon stopped the testing because the wrestlers "didn't have the physiques the public wanted to see. This leads to discussion about the drug issue in wrestling and how it's not specific to WWF. Both WCW and ECW have the same problems in their locker rooms as well. In the story, McMahon claimed that WWF has nothing to hide, but considering both WWF and WCW continue to avoid running shows in Oregon (the only state that requires annual drug screenings to run shows) proves otherwise. WCW argued that they do random drug screenings, but WCW's testing is a known joke. X-Pac, who had a well-known history of drug issues (it was the whole reason he was fired from WWF in the first place) claims he was never tested once during his WCW tenure. The story also talked about the lack of health regulation, using the death of Gary Albright as an example. Albright died from a heart issue that almost certainly would have been detected ahead of time if he had ever had a routine. Wade Keller, of the Pro Wrestling Torch newsletter, was quoted in the story talking about the dangers of chairshots to the head and concussions and talked about the noticeable mental deterioration of wrestlers he knows who have spent their careers getting hit in the head, which Dave also vouches for. The rest of the story was all about the usual questions of whether or not wrestling is appropriate for kids (here's the 3-part story) READ: Accidents & lack of rules make ring life a danger READ: Ring fan doc prescribed illegally, says complaint READ: Painkillers brought down Flyin' Brian, wife says Ratings news: LOLRAWWINS. ECW also did its all-time highest rating on TNN so far, a 1. 28. Inch by inch, ECW's ratings are sloooooowly growing. Dave always lists poll results that they do online. I usually ignore them because they're usually boring but there's 2 good ones here. The first was about the XFL and whether it will succeed. 8% said it will be a big success. 19% say it will make it eventually but it will struggle at first. 28% say it will start strong by then fade. 18% say it will be a flop from the start. And 27% say it will never even happen. The second question is about Mick Foley's retirement. 11% believe he will never wrestle again. 20% think he'll have one more match. An overwhelming 62% think he'll continue to wrestle sporadically. And 7% think he'll return full time. The masses were correct on both. NJPW still has their working agreement with WCW. They're doing an angle where Keiji Muto, using his Great Muta gimmick, has signed a deal with WCW and is going there to bring back some WCW wrestlers to go against Masahiro Chono's Team 2000 group. NJPW held a poll on who from WCW they'd like to see and the top 2 were Goldberg and Bret Hart. Unfortunately, neither of them will be healthy in time for next month's Tokyo Dome show so that won't be happening. In the case of Hart, his WCW contract doesn't allow the company to book him for NJPW, so if they want Hart, they have to book him directly themselves and negotiate a deal with him. And it's believed Hart would want Hogan-like money (100, 000+ to work a match for NJPW and they don't think he's worth that much. Barry Blaustein, Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, and Terry Funk will all appear on Larry King Live this week to discuss Beyond The Mat. Dave thinks it's a bad lineup, since neither Hogan or Piper have reportedly even seen the movie and have no part in it. Funk is one of the stars so he'll probably be good. Hogan is always good at being Hulk Hogan on talk shows, but he probably won't bad-mouth Vince McMahon since he's almost assuredly looking to return to WWF when his WCW contract expires. And Piper has been an embarrassment on every talk show he's been on recently, still acting like a 70s guy who is trying to protect the business and being halfway in-character during media appearances. Considering this movie does nothing but expose the business, Piper probably won't have anything nice to say about it. Larry King's people tried to get Vince McMahon and Mick Foley for the interview but were of course turned down. Dave once again ponders why WCW is sending their oldest, most washed up guys for big media appearances like this, saying once again that they need to put the focus on young stars and that Goldberg would have been much better suited for this. ECW star Justin Credible will be working an upcoming TWA show, which is the promotion Shawn Michaels runs. Paul Heyman is hoping to leverage this into Michaels making an appearance for ECW, but that's all up to Vince McMahon since Shawn is still under WWF contract. Sabu is seemingly done with ECW for good. He came back briefly and worked 2 house shows last week. Sabu showed up at the next TV taping in the ECW Arena and was given a script by Paul Heyman (scripts are something they usually never do in ECW) which laid out plans for Sabu to put over Super Crazy in a TV title tournament match. Sabu took one look at that and walked out of the arena, saying he wasn't going to do the job. Heyman reportedly knew Sabu wouldn't agree to do the job and in fact, the reason he wrote it out in a script was so that he would have tangible evidence in case Sabu decides to g
It's a darn good movie. No chase scenes or special effects, just a good plot, great character actors, and an interesting setting. The movie offers a believable story, a message that is not trite, and more than a few good laughs along the way. I suspect we will hear much more about this movie as it gets exposure, but go and see it as soon as you get a chance.
Sure, some team names make perfect sense for their location (Pistons, Hornets, Nuggets, Celtics) while some team names require a historian to explain (Lakers, Jazz, Grizzlies. And then some teams are just lame weather reports (Heat, Suns, Thunder) while others are entertainment industry advertisements (Magic, Raptors, 76ers. And then there are all dum animal names that are completely interchangeable. The point is each franchise has to move and not just swap names but take their entire organization with them, players and all. Judging criteria is simple: Clearly a better fitting name for the city. Should be inspirational for what the city wants to be perceived as. Or, lets be honest, most of these will not make any sense at all. Im just chasing a perfect loop here. Lets start this one off with 2020 Champs: Lakers! LAKERS. Sure, it would make sense to send this team back to Minnesota where they have more lakes than black people, but there is another place where “lake” is literally in their official city motto. “Mistake by the Lake” CLEVELAND LAKERS (sorry Bron) CAVALIERS. This team name is a weird reference to a bunch of US presidents being born in Ohio. But when we think of Ohio, do we think of failed rust belt cities, unemployment and poverty, urban decay, opioid crisis, or do we think of the POTUS? Come on! WASHINGTON CAVALIERS WIZARDS. The whole nerd lore of wizards and spells and trolls and magic is of European origin dating back to illiterate medieval surfs being afraid of wooded areas. Make up your own fables US! New Orleans voodoo? Now thats some proper spicy home brewed shit! NEW ORLEANS WIZARDS PELICANS. Sure, thats Louisianas state bird, but these flying rodents are all over the gulf region. And some of the Louisiana ones are brown but lots of them are white as toilet paper. Thats not very NBA. You have to go east to find the true urban pelicans-of-color: MIAMI PELICANS HEAT Vikings intentionally swapped names of Greenland and Iceland in a brilliant real estate marketing ploy. It didnt work out of course, but maybe it worked on just enough ‘right people. Toronto doesnt need to fool all players into thinking Toronto is not literally located on the north pole. Just enough of them to fill a roster that is not an all-scrubs-team. Also Toronto actually does have really beautiful summers. All 6 weeks of them! TORONTO HEAT RAPTORS. Dinosaurs have always been a major point of contention for all western religions. Their existence really spoil the plot of “THE GOD” S1E 1. When Mormons ended up settling in what is now modern day Utah, they ended up in a region with one of the richest fossil deposits in the world. Look to the ground and dinosaur bones everywhere! So, what is LDS Churchs take on dinos? “Uhh it is not important that they existed or not uhh like, thats not the main plotline anyways, can we talk about something else? ” lol UTAH RAPTORS JAZZ Jazz originates in New Orleans, no doubt about that one. But! Jazz is such a quintessential American style of music that spread like wildfire across the nation. LA-Chicago-NYC. Truly the original hip hop where you didnt need no words to cuss at the world. But it was Chicago Daily Tribune who first ever coined the word Jazz back in 1915. Also, best Jazz I have personally seen was in Chicago. Makes all other Jazz sound like Drake. CHICAGO JAZZ BULLS If I was literally a bull, I would probably move to Wall Street NY where they already have a statue of me. Or just maybe, move to a place that has a lot of cows. Apparently Texas has 11 million cows. That is more cows than human population of 43 individual US states. And if I was a bull moving to Texas, I would probably go where all The Cowboys are. That place must have a lot of big juicy cows DALLAS BULLS MAVERICKS The only Maverick I know of is former US senator from Arizona, John McCain. He was on his death bed, yet the only republican brave enough to talk smack to Trump. Now thats brevity that should be immortalized. Especially since this state has nothing else of cultural significance going on PHOENIX MAVERICKS SUNS. If you ever want to feel the full effect of Seasonal Effective Disorder, move to Pacific Northwest. The darkness and dampness will awake an inner serial killer in you in no time. But best kept secret in PNW is that they have amazing summers! Best in the country! Literally 18 hours of sunlight with dry heat blowing from the Pacific Ocean. This only lasts for 6 weeks, but it gives you something to look forward for the rest of the year and to not revert back to killing people. Since NBA being in Seattle is a moronic proposal, PDX it is: PORTLAND SUNS BLAZERS Name of this team is an old timey reference that goes back all the way to 1971 and Oregon Trail video game. But in modern lexicon, a blazer is someone who is high as a kite most of the day, and a trailbrazer is someone who also learned to make millions from their hobby. Washington state is the first one to go legal with the green stuff, but NBA in Seattle sounds silly. So second state that made it legal gets this one. Bonus points: Denver is literally called the mile high city DENVER BLAZERS NUGGETS My wife is a Kentucky Wildcats bandwagon fan, and otherwise doesnt care for basketball. But one day she made a profound observation about the game that was on the TV: “Nuggets. What a weird name for a team. I get that its a reference to gold, but to me nuggets means poop”. I fully agree! And if you had to name a city that has streets literally covered in feces, then you would say San Francisco. Its really not fair to other cities who try to compete for this title. Sadly, the poop reference will be lost since SF was founded as a gold rush town, and gold is literally referenced in the team and state name. But we all know better! Poop! GOLDEN STATE NUGGETS WARRIORS Warriors come out to plaaaayayayaaaaay! You have not met “a real New Yorker” until youve met one who fondly remembers how much better everything was when city was nearly bankrupt, each street had its own gang, and taking the subway was a death wish. This cartoonish romanticism was perfectly captured in a 1979 cult classic “The Warriors”. Plus, who doesnt want to see Steph and Clay play in leather vests with no undershirts BROOKLYN WARRIORS NETS This is one of most generic names in all of major league sports. Its like a team name from 90s video game that did not have funds to secure NBA branding. “Basket League Finals! Utah Zone vs. Chicago Dunks! Watch Mail Person take on Air Jason! ”. Yet, it is such a fitting name for a 2nd fiddle forgotten franchise in the same city. I am not convinced Nets actually have any fans. But they do have their own arena, which a lot more than you can say for another ugly stepchild team out in the west who have to practice in the parking lot (probably) and whose early logo was a rip off from Lakers Logo: LOS ANGELES NETS CLIPPERS It is a well-known fact that Steve Ballmer bought this team because it sounds like (Microsoft) Clippy. It would make perfect sense for this team to move to Seattle, but idea of Seattle having an NBA team is ridiculous. Even if they were to move there, they would probably leave right away to most random place probably not deserving of an NBA team either: OKLAHOMA CITY CLIPPERS. THUNDER “Alice Cooper: Yes, Pete, it is. Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land. Waynes World. I had to double check this one carefully not to come across as stereotyping fool, but thunder actually plays a significant part of Algonquin peoples mythology. MILWAUKEE THUNDER BUCKS How did US paper money all end up being green? And why do we call US dollars bucks? And how can Downtown Manhattan hold entire global economy hostage so easily? NEW YORK BUCKS KNICKS This team was named after a type of a wide and comfy pantaloon (knickerbockers) that was popular in NYC at the turn of 20th century. Weird, right? But root of the name goes back to British term “Knickers” which is basically granny panties. And great thing about grannie panties is they are (unlike Victoria Secret) accommodating for any sized of big ol butt SAN ANTONIO KNICKS SPURS. I absolutely love sports rivalries. Especially ones that are regional and have fans dangerously close to each other. I also love seeing people of Texas feel super confused, conflicted, and triggered with something: HOUSTON SPURS. ROCKETS First rocket to space (Sputnik 1 1957) is closer to first ever produced Ford car (1902) than we in current time are to Sputnik! Time sure flies. Anyways, where does one go to see an amazing rocket offblast into space? Not Houston! Christ. ORLANDO ROCKETS MAGIC Naming a franchise after Disney amusement park is pretty lame, but at least its not ‘Magics, so Raptors claim to worst name in the league is still safe. If Disney World stands for magic, fun, family, happiness, toons and princesses, then what would be the complete opposite place from that? If you said Downtown Detroit, then Id fully agree with you. Boy, that place could use some magic for sure DETROIT MAGIC. PISTONS Car industry literally made and destroyed Detroit. Maybe time to move on, since we are still in the “destroyed” era. When I think of engine parts designed in Detroit, I think of big ass V8 engines, and even bigger ass cars that go fast in straight line and have issues turning or breaking. I also think of these cars mindlessly racing in literal circles, and bunch of people coming out just to see everyone eventually crash. INDIANA PISTONS PACERS This team name is a reference to a wheeled contraption common in both horse and car racing. It is basically a thing that appears to be in the lead, but is not even intended to compete. What kind of a fan base would cheer for a team that gets way ahead of the competition only to crash and burn at the end, as intended? All of Atlanta sports fanbase, is who ATLANTA PACERS HA
My wife, 16 year old son and I very much enjoyed the movie. The acting was very natural leaving me feel as if I lived the story in the movie rather than just having watched it. Great job by everyone! The producers told me that the "R" rating was for the use of the "f" word 1x. I don't even remember hearing it. Hahaha.
Well I throw a little Hamas and Hezbollah in there- throw them all in one basket But this is the Real Brotherhood here He's meeting with George Bush and he has been a fixture or was a fixture with the National Prayer Breakfast since Dwight David Eisenhower You can see I did this over a year ago the show Here he's demonstrating how a Korean boy a young North Korean soldier will chop the head of her his mother off, without any questions if Mao asked him to on a pick on a butcher table He in the same speech to the navigators this is probably 84 it's an old speech actually demonstrates- he talks about Hitler starting with seven people at the table And having a intensely loyal group of people that you start with And then reprisals against anyone who got out of line or didn't have complete loyalty to that group, rather than the United States of America And it's all done through a religious cover He calls it Jesus plus nothing And I have read a lot about Doug Coe and how they would work with different Senators to recruit people in the south, mainly And especially in West Virginia through Senator Byrd So a lot of the members of this of this society come from South Carolina More the old slave states, where there was already secret organizations to maintain a sort of a tacit slavery So this is I'll play a little clip here from over a year ago England this is kind of how she approached India at that time Same way they looked at the folks of India You look at Doug Coe here who runs an organization called "the Brotherhood" Kind of started along with the CIA It's the it's the covert kind of enforcer that's that's out there in all these countries like Africa. As well as the United States, doing all this kind of enforcement of ensuring that the Senators and members of the House are sort of like the chosen people You've got elected to the House, and you've gotten elected to the Senate So now you are kind of a chosen person Or if you're a general, or if you're at the World Bank, or if you're at the Council of Foreign Relations, you'd be kind of become a member of this kind of the court There's the king, and then there's the court And Doug Coe has these Tuesday night supper meetings with Senators And he talks he's basically a go-between between him and this enforcement network So I can use Doug Coe to go after my enemies, if I have enemies Let's say I'm John McCain I could use it to go after an enemy in the press in Arizona Or I could use John Doug Coe in New Mexico If I'm Jeff Epstein and I'm running a kind of a sex ranch for Sinaloa cartel, I can get rid of assistant district attorneys like Myron May that I don't like, through a system of contractors okay So the Doug Coe convinces the leaders that their chosen ones And as I mentioned yesterday, he's now is his I think I might have misspelled Mao and Hitler are the two people he talks about in this video And their ability needed for he quotes a young red guard here chopping them ahead of his mother off without a second thought on OK so you can see it's a nasty organization and especially in Africa These folks go to Africa a lot of more CIA agents they teach the different Boko Haram and different folks how to just commit tremendous atrocities And I'm I'm talking rape pillage and plunder doesn't begin to describe it Now here is a place called "The Cedars" here If you don't know where we are think Theresa Gravenstein right here on the water at Deloitte Touche which a lot of old Arthur Andersen accounts they're from the old from the old DynCorp days, as well as the Enron days So here's that bridge- Francis Scott Key Bridge- going across the two There's your Ukranian embassy This is this is John Podesta row here in Georgetown And of course Georgetown University up Here others the nice Exorcist steps oh that's nice to have that But then the Cedars is over here And this is where Senators go if they make a they get caught in an affair or anything and this is where they go to repent at this Cedars place I've read all about this organization Spooky spooky spooky is all I could say Not just intimidation, but also murder And that's how a president who served in 1984 and established a drug network down in Anacostia can still rule the roost here 30 how many years later 35 years later 34 years later? So this this is dark the dark Washington DC And this is how I mean if you go down to the Department of Energy, where we've shot a lot of Department of Transportation Which were typically- that was a slave pen in Washington DC And this organization, along with Navy Masons before this But Cedar's kind of became this dark outgrowth of kind of this Navy Mason thinking of the slave trade, where they were using them as slave finders. But they've made very sure that this whole area is just filled with monuments to- Albert Pike, and these this very dark kind of slave catching history So and I'm serious as a heart attack and these people will torture before death is standard So this is what Senators are always having to look over their shoulder And this is this is the real Washington DC I call the dark Washington DC that needs to be addressed And it's all these Masonic temples And all these guys who- brought back- slave girls from the south And it perpetuates itself to this day I'm not exactly sure where in southeast I'll go over in Southeast where that girl was- they haven't released the girl's name that I talked about last night from the lead school But here's our favorite K Street You got a love K Street- pay-to-play K Street And then if you haven't been in the International Spy Museum, get over there: glorifies all of what I'm talking about And then the Union Station Now interestingly enough about Union Station is: Robert Mueller has a place right there by Union Station, looking down in Union Station If you go just down the hill just on the steps that's the SEC and Melissa Hodgman So just kind of an interesting thing But if you go out toward the Armory, which is going toward the Anacostia River, you'll get here in this area And you'll you'll start seeing all kinds of crimes that they happen along this way, near Congressional cemetery So this is the old RFK Stadium here Here's the stadium armory exit And this thinking in this this spooky area is right in here The prison all the halfway houses All the SEIU janitors, kind of looking at your children kind of funny Very interesting So I'm not saying that people I'm not saying the Awans go here anything like that But this does cast this organization- the Brotherhood- casts a dark pall of intimidation on Washington And they would use an organization like the Awan brothers I'm not saying Andy McCabe knew Doug Coe and was a proponent of George Bush, and went to meetings here I'm not saying that John Brennan did- well maybe John Brennan did But if you're going to find a secret dark Washington, you start looking in the places that are the darkest, and you follow the dead bodies If you end up in the Potomac, you start here we start looking here.

Edit Phoenix, Oregon (2019) See agents for this cast & crew Directed by Gary Lundgren Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Cast (in credits order) James Le Gros... Bobby Jesse Borrego... Carlos Lisa Edelstein... Tanya Diedrich Bader... Kyle Kevin Corrigan... Al Reynaldo Gallegos... Mario Luis Rodriguez... Rudy Jai Bugarin... Blade Angie Sanchez... Marie Dave Boner... Joe Rest of cast listed alphabetically: Barret O'Brien... Food Critic Greg K. Sorenson... Banker Mig Windows... Bingo's Server Produced by Gary Kout... co-executive producer Molly Kreuzman... co-producer Anne Lundgren... producer Ryan Niemi... executive producer Christine Sheaks... Music by John Askew Cinematography by Patrick Neary Film Editing by Production Design by Dave Marshall Art Direction by Maddy LaMontagne Costume Design by Claudia Everett Makeup Department Marian Pelaez... key hair stylist / key makeup artist Second Unit Director or Assistant Director first assistant director Courtney Williams... second assistant director Art Department Peter Niemi... props Sound Department Xoe Baird... sound effects editor Kurt Godwin... mix assistant Jason Lawrence... dialogue editor David Raines... re-recording mixer / supervising sound editor Kent Romney... sound mixer Visual Effects by visual effects Camera and Electrical Department Patrick Blevins... gaffer Rocky Garrotto... Camera Operator: Second Unit / first assistant camera Ron Huffstutter... best boy Kirk McKenzie... key grip Todd Wilson... second assistant camera Costume and Wardrobe Department Elizabeth Kelly... wardrobe assistant Editorial Department Robert Crosby... colorist Thanks Brian Keith Ellis... special thanks See also Release Dates, Official Sites Company Credits Filming & Production Technical Specs Getting Started Contributor Zone ?? Contribute to This Page Details Full Cast and Crew Storyline Taglines Plot Summary Synopsis Plot Keywords Parents Guide Did You Know? Trivia Goofs Crazy Credits Quotes Alternate Versions Connections Soundtracks Photo & Video Photo Gallery Trailers and Videos Opinion Awards FAQ User Reviews User Ratings External Reviews Metacritic Reviews TV TV Schedule Related Items News Showtimes External Sites Explore More Show Less Create a list ?? User Lists Related lists from IMDb users Coming Soon a list of 5492 titles created 06?Oct?2012 Coming soon a list of 418 titles created 26?Jan?2019 Short Listed a list of 3836 titles created 03?Jun?2018 Radarr a list of 9998 titles created 2?months?ago See all related lists ??.









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