- 2014年 7月 4日 発表のロボテック新作企画「アカデミー」はキックスターターで資金を募る。
- 超時空騎団サザンクロスより
- サイフリート・ヴァイスサイフリート、正確にはその母体「ゾア・デリルダ」
- ロルフ・エマーソン
- ロボテック:アカデミー公式キック・スターターWebサイト
- <翻訳要約>
- <期限>
- <後援者への報酬>
- 訓練生(1ドル以上):『ロボテック・アカデミー』の公式電子番組ガイドへの名前の記載とともにオフィシャルからの謝辞。
- 士官候補生(5ドル以上):上記のデジタル・コピーの提供。
- 二等兵(10ドル以上):上記に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』の台本のデジタル・コピーの提供。
- 上等兵(20ドル以上)先着250名:上記に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版のデジタル・コピーの提供。
- 上級曹長(35ドル以上)先着250名:上記に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版のDVDの提供。
- 伍長(35ドル以上)
- 上等兵(20ドル以上)先着250名と同等。
- 軍曹(50ドル以上)
- 上級曹長(35ドル以上):先着250名と同等。
- 中尉(70ドル以上)先着250名:上記に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版のBlu-rayの提供。
- 少尉(80ドル以上)先着250名:上記と同等。ただし、100ドルを寄付すれば、新規の特典が発生する度にそちらを選択可能なオプションが付与される。
- 大尉(100ドル以上)
- 中尉(70ドル以上)先着250名と同等
- 少佐(300ドル以上)先着225名:上記に加え、ハーモニーゴールド劇場でのプレミア上映会への招待。
- 中佐(1,000ドル以上)先着10名 :上記に加え、プレミア上映会の翌日、キャスト、クルー、制作チームとの特別なプライベート昼食会への招待。
- 大佐(2000ドル以上)先着10名 :大尉(100ドル以上)の特典に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版のキャラクターに本人、家族、友人のいずれかの名前を名付けられる。 キャラクターの名前は製品版で発表される。
- 准将(3,000ドル以上)先着10名:大尉(100ドル以上)の特典に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版にあなたに似たモブキャラ、またはイメージが登場する権利。
- 中将(5,000ドル以上)先着5名:大尉(100ドル以上)の特典に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版にあなたに似たモブキャラが登場する権利。そのキャラクターはある程度の時間動き、あなたはスクリーンを指して友人に教えることができる。
- 提督(7500ドル以上)先着10名:大尉(100ドル以上)の特典に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版に製作者の仲間として名前がクレジットされる権利。
- 元帥(10,000ドル以上)先着3名:大尉(100ドル以上)の特典に加え、『ロボテック・アカデミー』パイロット版の収録に参加できる権利 あなたは対等な立場で音響効果に参加できる。
(株)シーエムズコーポレーション(TDB企業コード:981484996、資本金5千万円、所在地:東京都千代田区西神田2-3-4、代表取締役「中鉢 和子」、従業員5名)は、2014年3月3日(月曜)に東京地裁へ自己破産を申請した。
申請代理人は「森 公任」弁護士(東京都中央区新川2-15-3、電話03-3553-5916)。
国内玩具店向けに販売する一方、アジア諸国へも輸出し、ピーク時の 2007年2月期には年売上高 約6億5,900万円を計上していた。
その後も「東日本大震災」発生後の需要減少もあり、2013年2月期の年間売上高は、約1億 7,200万円に留まっていた。
- クリックにて原寸 760 pixel X 450 pixel に復帰します。

- クリックにて原寸 760 pixel X 520 pixel に復帰します。

シークレットの 芸名「イエロー・ベルモント」 
CM's corporation Ltd. bankruptcy (TDB company Code: 981484996, 50 million-yen capital ,address: Nishikanda 2-3-4,Chiyoda-ku Tokyo,president "Ms.Kazuko Chubachi", 5 employees ) is , to March 3 filed for bankruptcy to the Tokyo District Court .
Application delegate lawyer "Kounin Mori"(office:Shinkawa 2-15-3, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, phone 03-3553-5916 ) .
Their company, founded in March 2003.
Developed Anime Figures and robot , the alloy is a character model and animation.
In a manner that depends on the sub-contractor in China , manufacturing and DVD game software mainly alloy model of the original " BRAVE alloy", synthetic resin model " GuttoKuru Figure Collection", "Mecha Action Series " and the "Rally Car Collection" series OEM products also manufacture as an appendix.
While sales in the domestic toy retailers , and also exported to Asian countries, it was accounted for approximately 600 million and 59 million yen year net sales in the fiscal year ended February 28, 2007 peak .
However, domestic sales tended to decrease around the robot figure , among dis-advantaged also hit, also February 31, 2011 are no longer able to develop new items at the disposal of dead stock , such as "Rally Car Collection Series" year sales down to about 100 million and 62 million yen there .
This has been a debt exceeded state recorded an overall deficit of more than 100 million yen .
There is also a demand decrease of the Great East Japan Earthquake after then , sales of the year ending February 2013 was only about 100 million and 72 million yen.
For this reason, they were shelved, such as re-scheduling of principal repayment to the financial institutions financing is tight , it became this measure .
Debt is expected to be about 400 million yen.
Application delegate lawyer "Kounin Mori"(office:Shinkawa 2-15-3, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, phone 03-3553-5916 ) .
Their company, founded in March 2003.
Developed Anime Figures and robot , the alloy is a character model and animation.
In a manner that depends on the sub-contractor in China , manufacturing and DVD game software mainly alloy model of the original " BRAVE alloy", synthetic resin model " GuttoKuru Figure Collection", "Mecha Action Series " and the "Rally Car Collection" series OEM products also manufacture as an appendix.
While sales in the domestic toy retailers , and also exported to Asian countries, it was accounted for approximately 600 million and 59 million yen year net sales in the fiscal year ended February 28, 2007 peak .
However, domestic sales tended to decrease around the robot figure , among dis-advantaged also hit, also February 31, 2011 are no longer able to develop new items at the disposal of dead stock , such as "Rally Car Collection Series" year sales down to about 100 million and 62 million yen there .
This has been a debt exceeded state recorded an overall deficit of more than 100 million yen .
There is also a demand decrease of the Great East Japan Earthquake after then , sales of the year ending February 2013 was only about 100 million and 72 million yen.
For this reason, they were shelved, such as re-scheduling of principal repayment to the financial institutions financing is tight , it became this measure .
Debt is expected to be about 400 million yen.
BigBadToyStore.com Search
- Robotech 30th Anniversary 1/100 Scale Transformable Figure Series 01 - Set of 4 By Toynami $99.99 (PREORDER)
- Robotech 30th Anniversary Super Deformed Blind Box Figure - Case of 12 By Toynami $114.99 (PREORDER)
- Robotech 30th Anniversary Super Deformed Blind Box Figure - Random Single By Toynami $10.99 (PREORDER)
- Robotech 30th Anniversary 1/100 Scale Transformable Figure Series 01 - VF-1S Roy FokkerVeritech By Toynami $29.99 (PREORDER)
- Robotech 30th Anniversary 1/100 Scale Transformable Figure Series 01 - VF-1J Rick HunterVeritech By Toynami $29.99 (PREORDER)
- Robotech 30th Anniversary 1/100 Scale Transformable Figure Series 01 - VF-1A Max Sterling Veritech By Toynami $29.99 (PREORDER)
- Robotech 30th Anniversary 1/100 Scale Transformable Figure Series 01 - VF-1J Miriya Veritech By Toynami $29.99 (PREORDER)

In order to raise motivation with the consideration about the structure of the shoulder, the detail of the arm part and the leg and also gunarms were added.
Although it is the fighter configuration which uploaded image in the state where modification of the arm part has not finished last time, since a rotor portion is not back lowered any more in case of the present structure, it differs from the position of an original picture greatly.
The portion which progressed from last time
In order to make intelligible interference condition of shoulder Armagh and a near block, it is an opening about the inner side of shoulder Armagh.
Both how it has overlapped having verified .
It gave it a try and the problem came out what is necessary is just to place the near block beside the body as it is in the case of the modification to Battlroid configuration each vehicle configuration.
However, I have to move the arm part to a transverse direction.
I have to store the mechanism for moving an arm part in either the shoulder or the side (or both).
Is it sufficient for move width or not ?
After carrying out lateral motion of the arm part block, between the side and the shoulders may be emasculated and intensity may be insufficient.
- Create arms.
Although it thought that the panel-like part to which the arms currently attached to the forearm part are moved was a system without the breakdown completed before attaching arms, it becomes clear that it does not function in the actually performed present state.
This is a method shown in a picture and it solved it once.
- Add the detail of a forearm cover.
I suffered troubles in order to keep this forearm cover from interfering with the occupancy capacity of a fist.
- Creation of the fist
Did the part on 2days start only with the fist?
The detail of the part appropriate for the cover of the back of a hand is not started now.
- The detail of the whole leg
The detail of the cover of an instep
The part about which it worried most this time.
Making it not interfere with the part of the hexagon of the ankle at the time of the fighter & gyro-copter form, it had to consider so that structure might not be emasculated at the time of Battleroid.
The parts and heel portion of the hexagon of an ankle are in the present form in piles about compromise so that each part may not interfere, since there is no telling how change at the time of a fighter & gyro-copter.
The difficulties required when were glanced from the visitor, and it was judged like simple form and 3DCG was actually manufactured are sorry about not understanding, unless it says to you.
The first debut camera angle about battroid configuration.
I expected the development of the artwork of this time to the future, and become easily create of the head.
I conscious of the pause and angle nearthe picture to refer to the original image in 1980's.
From now on, manufacture of the detail of a head thought whether build, and to crowd and become easy of the details which become easy.
I expected your reviews my own 3DCG artwork in this stage not has been advanced to the last artwork stage so much, although I adjustment of the transformation system was started ,since the time whose holiday of my job still settled was secured.
Because I seemed to become busy from after today (March 11 2014), it was half-done for artwork process, but I decided that I uploaded images of the work in progress to Webserver.
Eventually, there was the point where adjustment was difficult to bring balance and the shape of each part to a conclusion only with a document disclosed under the present conditions initially when I did not transform it in a configuration except battroid either and, as easy, comfortable work, was going to finish it in transformation by the recombination of simple parts, but decided to build finally tidy transformation system.

The parts balance is based on battroid configuration, may it become the shape balance that I got of the balance than I thought ?
Even if the tail by tail particularly 3DCG coordinates it with the nose how, I shorten than the length of the tail of an original drawing.
In the meantime, the transformation of each part, a lot of points that perform "the movement of each part" if I express it in other words can trouble me.
In continuation of small adjustment, I was troubled by a headache how much you made the length of the arm for parts movement where you put the axis of therotor.
I judged it to but expand and contract, in the base of the rotor, is slide & really good in this ?
In the form of a helicopter and both fighters, the adjustment of the parts of a shoulder and the side which I am unified, and become one lump does not still complete it.
It is such situation, but does a continuance if I can secure artwork time again.
I think that the following two difficult subjects lie about transformable 3DCG of AGACS.
1. With VF-1 Valkyrie
The head functions as a turret, each legs functions as an engine part of aircraft, and a dead weight as fighter aircraft serves as only an each arms purely.
However, AGACS it adds to the each arm and the each leg is also a dead weight (on a function anyway visually negative points).
Since it becomes, in helicopter and a fighter configuration, if possible, it is small and it necessary to operate orthopedically in the lump of one streamline.
However, this selection carries out conflict with adjustment of the balance of the body in battroid configuration.
2. If it does not consider so that two and tail which supports a fold away vertical tail may establish an elastic mechanism and it can be shortened battroid configuration completely it will on grounded like "the animal's tail" or "the 3rd leg" !
I expected your reviews my own 3DCG artwork in this stage not has been advanced to the last artwork stage so much, although I adjustment of the transformation system was started ,since the time whose holiday of my job still settled was secured.
Because I seemed to become busy from after today (March 11 2014), it was half-done for artwork process, but I decided that I uploaded images of the work in progress to Webserver.
Eventually, there was the point where adjustment was difficult to bring balance and the shape of each part to a conclusion only with a document disclosed under the present conditions initially when I did not transform it in a configuration except battroid either and, as easy, comfortable work, was going to finish it in transformation by the recombination of simple parts, but decided to build finally tidy transformation system.
- バラバラの部品の集合体。より正確には、バトロイドから、ヘリコプターへの変形の途上です。
- The aggregate of scattered parts. It is the halfway of the transformation from battroid to the helicopter more exactly.

- ヘリコプターとファイターです。
- This image shows helicopter and fighter each configuration.

The parts balance is based on battroid configuration, may it become the shape balance that I got of the balance than I thought ?
Even if the tail by tail particularly 3DCG coordinates it with the nose how, I shorten than the length of the tail of an original drawing.
In the meantime, the transformation of each part, a lot of points that perform "the movement of each part" if I express it in other words can trouble me.
In continuation of small adjustment, I was troubled by a headache how much you made the length of the arm for parts movement where you put the axis of therotor.
I judged it to but expand and contract, in the base of the rotor, is slide & really good in this ?
In the form of a helicopter and both fighters, the adjustment of the parts of a shoulder and the side which I am unified, and become one lump does not still complete it.
It is such situation, but does a continuance if I can secure artwork time again.
I think that the following two difficult subjects lie about transformable 3DCG of AGACS.
1. With VF-1 Valkyrie
The head functions as a turret, each legs functions as an engine part of aircraft, and a dead weight as fighter aircraft serves as only an each arms purely.
However, AGACS it adds to the each arm and the each leg is also a dead weight (on a function anyway visually negative points).
Since it becomes, in helicopter and a fighter configuration, if possible, it is small and it necessary to operate orthopedically in the lump of one streamline.
However, this selection carries out conflict with adjustment of the balance of the body in battroid configuration.
2. If it does not consider so that two and tail which supports a fold away vertical tail may establish an elastic mechanism and it can be shortened battroid configuration completely it will on grounded like "the animal's tail" or "the 3rd leg" !

あとはやっぱり頭。 前回と比べてだいぶ似てきたものの、今回の画像とは別のアングルからでは、とてもお見せできない形になってしまってます。
Since I have a little free time to my job days,I got a chance to use the free artwork time.
The real artwork quantity is 4-hours.
By placing the setting original lineart to the camera over the perspective, while wearing a pose to trace it, I tried to balance the adjustment of each part.
Original lineart drawing has inconsistency peculiar to two dimensions, and although 3DCGI does not become the same form at all, it has resembled the considerably original lineart.
Design on the original block of the groin is long, sorry to show in the short leg anyway.
The head after all the rest, have been quite similar in comparison with the previous one, than from another angle, I ended up in a way that I can not show you the very image of this time.
I want to restart the free time I could also, in such circumstances.
In fact, initially planning does not assume the transformation, but after all, I am bogged down for the first time charged with transformation.
The legs aside, the length of the tail of Coaxial rotor and fixed wing at the time of issue, the introduction to Battroid at the time of its length, groin block will be long enough to be seen in almost three-legged.
I think to be able to show you the progress of the next in the near future.
I was not aware at all 29th. anniversary such as 30th. anniversary.
Did you passed time so much more!
I admire to fans' vitality and momentum of everyone overseas.
Circumstances of the problem Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko to Bigwest is solved,I guess the products of Southern Cross-related flooded ?
Like fun.
The real artwork quantity is 4-hours.
By placing the setting original lineart to the camera over the perspective, while wearing a pose to trace it, I tried to balance the adjustment of each part.
Original lineart drawing has inconsistency peculiar to two dimensions, and although 3DCGI does not become the same form at all, it has resembled the considerably original lineart.
Design on the original block of the groin is long, sorry to show in the short leg anyway.
The head after all the rest, have been quite similar in comparison with the previous one, than from another angle, I ended up in a way that I can not show you the very image of this time.
I want to restart the free time I could also, in such circumstances.
In fact, initially planning does not assume the transformation, but after all, I am bogged down for the first time charged with transformation.
The legs aside, the length of the tail of Coaxial rotor and fixed wing at the time of issue, the introduction to Battroid at the time of its length, groin block will be long enough to be seen in almost three-legged.
I think to be able to show you the progress of the next in the near future.
I was not aware at all 29th. anniversary such as 30th. anniversary.
Did you passed time so much more!
I admire to fans' vitality and momentum of everyone overseas.
Circumstances of the problem Harmony Gold and Tatsunoko to Bigwest is solved,I guess the products of Southern Cross-related flooded ?
Like fun.