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西暦2044年7月24日(水曜/ 艦隊時間)。


TINAMI - [イラスト]VFマスターファイル別冊 銀河の艦船 SDF-1 級

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目次 【Index】


SDF-3 パイオニア の発展拡大型で、同艦級の「双胴形式」から、パイオニア主艦体を流用拡大 + 1門に減らした代わりに幾分出力を増したシンクロ・キャノン砲内蔵の主船体と、左右に割った推進機関用の副船体の、いわゆる三胴形式が採用され、この構成の根底思想には VF-4 ライトニング の三胴形式がある。





【SDF-4 Liberator】


出雲(イズモ)級【 Izumo , Initial ship name 】 


記事冒頭【名称の意味】 の項目に記載したとおり、インビッドナチズムの置き換え)の支配から地球を解放するという意味(象徴的存在)としての政治的効果を狙って、ハイドニットより提供を受けたシャドウ技術と、シンクロ・キャノンの導入による設計変更を受けて改称。

レフレックス・ポイントが北米大陸にあることから、軍閥、或いは政治家内でそれぞれの出身地域である西欧系の米国、カナダ、ヨーロッパ系 と 東欧ロシア系、日本、中国などのアジア系との間でより政治的宣伝に適した「出雲(イズモ)から解放者(リベレーター)」改名への確執があったとの後世歴史家の説があるが、公式には否定されている。


改マクロス級より続く、「超時空要塞」【Super Dimension Fortress / SDF】機能をもった旗艦の4代目。

S型中性子超時空戦略核ミサイル 【"Neutron S Type Super Dimensional Strategic Nuclear Missile"】ミサイルの統合指揮誘導装置を始め、各種戦略級の兵器を格納可能な他、強力な力場シールドや多数の艦載機を格納している。








超時空要塞艦・第四艦級(後にシャドウ技術により「影時空要塞」と別称される。)UES 解放者
2044年に軍籍に任命。 2066年現在。遠征艦隊軍基幹艦隊で就役中。

Names and dispositionSDF-04 UES Liberator
Commissioned in2044. In service, Home Fleet.


SDF-05UES 蠍座建造中 2044年に58%完成状態で工事中断。(その後遅いペースで再開し2066年現在も工程98%にて「建造中)

SDF-05UES Scorpio Under construction  Suspended 2044, 58% complete.
SDF-06< no name assigned > Planned.


  • 生命維持限界は完全な戦闘定員と約14万の臨時乗船者(合計 150,000名まで)の為のもの。
  • 注意:8,400名の乗組員のみが、通常のこの艦船の乗組員定数。

Ship's complement:Ships' crew & task force staff (5,000 men)
Air group (3,400 men)
Life support limits are for a full combat complement and about 140,000 supernumaries (~150,000 men total).
Note:normally, only 8,400 men crew these vessels.


全長1,305 m
全高628 m
全幅575 m
慣性質量54,000,000 t(5,400万t)作戦運用上の典型例

Dimensions: 54,000,000 metric tons, operational (typical).


最大(典型例) 610万 t。
Fuel Mass: 6,100,000 metric tons, maximum (typical).


Propulsion systems:


主機関RRG Mk.15 プロトカルチャー (資源)供給反射炉集束体
  • 過熱による自動停止装置が動作を開始までの94分間、リベレーター級の動力装置は、最大出力 96.7 Petawattsを供給可能。

Main power system:
RRG mk 15 protoculture-fueledReflex furnace cluster.
The powerplant of the Liberator-class vessel can deliver up to96.7 Petawatts of power, and canoperate for ninty-four minutes atmaximum power before overheatinitiates autoshutdown.


核融合融合プラズマ反応・反動推進機関集合体(クラスター)/ (24基)中央船体と両側面の各々の副船体の艦首上面前方と船腹の角、船体下側の後部の角と船腹前方、中央船体と両側面の各々の副船体の接続部分の上弦と下弦の表面(各方向の側面に2基)、中央船体の各々の側面に2基と、両側面の各々の左右副船体の外側のみにそれぞれ2基。

Maneuvering Thrusters (24):
Fusion-plasma reaction thrusterclusters mounted on the forwarddorsal and ventral corners of thecentral and side bodies, ventral forward and aft corners of the lower body, dorsal and ventral surfaces of the connective sections between central and side bodies (two per side per orientation), two per side of thecentral body, and two per outerside of the side bodies.


プロトカルチャー (資源)【protoculture】出力発生装置(エナジャイザー)付きのロールス・ロイス plc ペリグリン【 Peregrine】 Mk8 核融合プラズマ反応・反動推進機関。

  • 註記:多数の主反動推進機関の為、どのような副次反動推進機関もこれらの艦船に導入されていない。

Reaction-mass Thrusters (62):Rolls-Royce Peregrine Mk8 Fusion-Plasma Reaction Thrusters withprotoculture energizer.
These engines are mounted in eleven clusters.
Thrusting aft are 38 engines;one cluster of eight engines and two of six in the stern of the central and side bodies,augmented by one cluster of six engines in the upper aft body and one in the lower body, and two triple clusters in the lower sidebodies.
Thrusting forward for deceleration are 24 engines;two clusters of six, one in the lower central body and one in thelower body, and two clusters of six in the side bodies.
  • Due to the large number of primary thrusters, no secondary thrusters are installed intothese vessels.





Notes on the engine system:
The lower body engine clusters (forward and aft) are too far off-center to be used unless the main aft thruster clusters are also used in an off-centerline burn to retain stability.

The other off-center engines aft(upper central and lower sidebody clusters) must be used inconjunction with one another orwith off-centerline firing mainclusters lest the ship destabilizes.
The central upper aft engine cluster fires its exhaust along the control tower stem, which is armored specifically against the abuse.
The central lower forward clusterfires against the forward part ofthe central hull, which is also specially treated against this.
However, these thruster clustersmust burn at lower temperatures and efficiency regardless to prevent burn damage to the ship.


RRG サイクロプス 反重力ポッド76基の集合体(クラスター)を1基装備

Anti-gravity System (1):76 RRG Cyclops anti-gravity pods.


省略語表記の注記RRG = 統合ロボット工学 ROBOTECH-nology Research Group】調査研究局

RRG Mk12 空間フォールド機関このシステムは、球体のフォールド球を発生可能で、フォールド半径内の管腔下の 30〜40隻の光速以下の【Subluminal:slower-than-light】*2艦船を輸送可能。

Space Fold (1):
RRG 【Robotech Research Group】Mk12 spacefold.
This system can generate aspherical fold bubble and cantransport 30 to 40 subluminal ships in its fold radius.








Planetary Capabilities:
The Liberator-class has minimal atmospheric capabilities through its reaction thrusters and anti-gravity system.

However, maximum speed and maneuverability are extremely low and extreme care must be taken not to overstress the hull structure.

The ships' lower body has insufficient strength to let the ship land on it.
Because of this, a 'cold' landing is not possible on open ground without crushing this section.

While landed, the battlefortress must operate her antigravs at -99% local g at all times to prevent damage to the lower body.
With the lower body detached, a 'cold' landing can be made, given a sufficiently hard underground (such as granite).

As the ship will float, an oceanic landing is the preferred landing method, though the lower body will be inaccessible save through the central section of the ship.

The lower body is detachable and capable of supporting its own weight on a planetary surface.



艦載生命維持と再生システムはSDF-1 マクロス級のシステムの二重の導入に基づいていて、非常に大規模な再生施設は、単に付帯的な生物体量(バイオマス)損失だけが、補給される必要であるのを確実にする。


リベレーター級は、その生命維持能力の限界に2066年までのこれまで一度も到達したことがなく、本級のプロトカルチャー (資源)供給の持続期間中、艦内の通常の乗組員(8,400名)は、その動力源供給の不足に悩むことは無かった。

  • Endurance and mobility limits:

The dry stores endurance is limited to about 12 years with a full crew complement, assuming no mining and subsequent replenishment, which the Liberator is capable of doing.
The on-board life support and recycling system is based on a double installation of the Macross-class systems, and the very extensive recycling installations ensure that only incidental biomass losses need to be replenished.
Water stores are recycled almost completely.

The hydroponics installations on board provide the crew with a steady supply of fresh foods, and much is exported to smaller ships in the fleet.

The Liberator has never been strained to the limits of her life support capabilities, and the normal crew on board (8,400 men) could have been supplied for the duration of the Liberators protoculture supplies.




The heavy ship launched missiles have magazines designed to last for two major battles or numerous smaller skirmishes.

The mecha consumables supplies (mainly missiles) are very extensive, and can sustain continuous combat operations for over forty days against the Invid by the ships' own forces.


十分なプロトカルチャー (資源)の供給が利用可能であるなら、エナジャイザー(出力発生源)の再生が必要になる前に、正常な使用水準に従い、40年間反射炉は機能可能である。

全力で、主推進力システムは、最小の反応量効率プロフィール推力で最高 1.32 Tera-newtons 、または最大効率セッティング推力で最小 46.2 Giga-newtons 出力可能。より低い出力水準では、これらの推進力は相応により小さい。

全力でリベレーター級は、0.1 G の巡航加速で最大 209 kpsデルタ-vを達成可能、1.0 G の戦闘加速で最大 41.6 kpsのデルタ-v、そして、2.5 G の船腹加速の最大 11.6 kpsのデルタ-vを実行可能。 より低い出力水準では、これらの範囲は相応により小さい。

フォールド・システムは、1回で 10 キロ・パーセクを越える跳躍航行を実行することを設計上想定していない。



最大滞空限界時間は反重力システム上のプロトカルチャー (資源)供給と整備保守要求のみによって制限される。



船が海洋環境で下部船体を接水する場合、船体下部と中心船体間の潮流差が 5ノットを越えないようにしなければならない。

この理由で、通常この状態においては、水深の深い内陸の湖で「水面平衡式着水」【 Hydronic landings 】をする。


船体下部が取り外されている状態で、中央船体と両側面はどんな方向に対しても最大 10ノットの潮流の圧力に耐えることが可能。


The Reflex furnace can function for about 40 years at normal usage levels before an energizer rebuild is necessary, provided sufficient protoculture is available.

At full power, the main propulsion systems can produce up to 1.32 Teranewtons of thrust at a minimal reaction mass efficiency profile, or as little as 46.2 Giganewtons of thrust at a maximum efficiency setting.
At lower power levels, these thrusts are commensurately smaller.

At full power, the Liberator-class can achieve a maximum delta-v of 209 kps at the cruising acceleration of 0.1 gees, a maximum delta-v of 41.6 kps at the battle acceleration of 1.0 gees, and a delta-v of at most 11.6 kps at the flank acceleration of 2.5 gees.

At lower power levels, these ranges are commensurately smaller.

The fold system is not navigationally guaranteed for any single jump beyond 10 kiloparsecs.
If longer voyages are required, the ships must conduct multiple successive fold jumps.

The maximum sustained atmospheric speed is limited to subsonic values.

During a re-entry, the Liberator-class must reduce its speed to subsonic velocities well in the stratosphere, or risk destabilization by its own supersonic shock wave in the lower atmosphere.

The maximum hover time on the anti-gravity systems is limited only by the protoculture supplies and maintenance requirements.
However, large atmospheric environmental stresses may cause warping of inter-hull connections and should be avoided whenever possible.

If the ship touches down in an oceanic environment with the lower body attached, care must be taken that the current differential between the lower and central bodies does not exceed 5 knots.

Otherwise, stresses may cause warping of the hull connections.
For this reason, hydronic landings in this condition are usually made in deep inland lakes.

This does of course limit the number of possible touchdown sites, as the lower body has a very deep draft and few lakes on any world qualify.

With the lower body detached, the central and side bodies can withstand current pressures of up to 10 knots in any direction.

Should the environment exceed these limits, the ship must be laid stern-on to the current.


省略語表記の注記RRG = 統合ロボット工学 ROBOTECH-nology Research Group】調査研究局
RRG シンクロ・キャノン Mk.3(1門)この重火器には、15万kmの有効距離がある。全力で 20 MT の核融合爆弾の有効な利回りがある。
ゼントラーディ砲艦【Quiltra-Quelamitz / Rineunadou-Lojmeuean】、マクロス級要塞艦やそれらの派生級と異なって、最も最新のハイドニット【Haydonite】技術に基づくこの兵器は、砲身の代用となる 『艦首分割の船体構造』 を必要としない。
この火砲は中央船体前方の開口部に位置している。 発射率は機密扱いのままだが、反射砲(レフレックス・キャノン)よりかなり速い。
ボフォース【Bofors】 RL39 三連加粒子砲塔 (28基)リベレーター級はまた、ガーフィッシュ【Garfish】級軽巡洋艦に設置された重RL36砲塔の完全密閉版を設置します。
これらの優れた兵器システムは、一斉射撃単位で1砲塔当たり粒子エネルギーの 6,000 MJ を届けます。それらは上側の中央船体に8基、2基の砲塔を2つの組み分けとして船体の両端、つまり各々の側面に設置(2×2=4基)。
Mk.410 重ミサイル発射筒
リベレーター級の重ミサイル発射砲塔は側面副船体上側に設置され、8本の格納筒を三列、それらの下部に4本の格納筒を備えた三列。発射筒は実際には重スカイロード【Skylord】ミサイル兵器を含む標準遠征艦隊軍【UEEF / 旧称:REF】対艦ミサイルのいずれも発射可能。

PL-2db 二連個艦防御砲塔
側面副船体の甲板の縁(16基)、下部船体(4基)、および中央船体の甲板の縁(24基)に設置され、これらの標準の遠征艦隊軍 【UEEF / 旧称:REF】兵器は1秒に4回のパルス発振(脈動的)に送られた粒子エネルギーの132MJを発火可能。

Weapon systems:
RRG Synchro Cannon Mk.3 (1):
This heavy weapon has an effective range of 150,000 km;at full power it has the effective yield of a 20 MT fusion weapon.
Unlike the Zentraedi Monitor, or the Macross battlefortresses and their derivatives, this weapon, based upon the most up-to-date Haydonite technologies, does not require a split-boom hull construction.
The weapon is located in an aperture in the central forward body.

The actual rate of fire remains classified but is significantly faster than a Reflex Cannon, leading to a higher delivered megatonnage despite the lower intensity of each salvo.

The Liberator carries a fully enclosed version of the heavy RL36 turret also mounted on the Garfish class light cruisers.
These excellent weapons deliver 6000 MJ of particle energy per turret per salvo.
They are mounted on the upper central hull (8), two groupings of two turrets to either side, and on top of the side bodies (8 each), in a same grouping.
Additionaly, an additional 8 turrets are carried under the central hull, in retractable housings arranged in a pattern like the upper gun turrets.
The cannons can fire once every three seconds at their maximum discharge rate.

Mk.410 heavy missile tube (72).The Liberator's heavy missile batteries are mounted on the upper side bodies, in three rows of eight tubes with three rows of four tubes below those.

The tubes can launch virtually any of the standard REF anti-ship missiles, including the heavy Skylord weapons.
Apart from the 72 ready missiles, magazines with sufficient space for 144 skylord missiles or a smaller number of smaller missiles are located inboard of the launchers.

PL-2db double barrelled Point Defense turrets (46):
Mounted on the deck edges of the side bodies (16), lower body (4) and the central body (24), these standard REF weapons can fire 132 MJ of pulsed particle energy four times per second.


  1. 総計650機 の VFA-6 アルファ 可変戦闘攻撃機 / VQ-6 アサヴァン 無人可変戦闘機 (*)
  2. 総数230機の VFB-9/VE-12 トレッド(ベータ)
  3. 総数24機の EWAR/ELINT/偵察用: VE-6E イージス(Aegis/ギリシャ語:『Αιγίς 』)
  4. 総数24機の EC-32 エイリー【Eyrie】EWACSシャトル
  5. 総数10機の SC-32 ゴッサマー【Gossamer】重人員&貨物輸送シャトル。
  6. 総数50機の RC-4 ラビット 軽人員&貨物輸送シャトル。

Air group and mecha complement:
  1. Approx. 650 VF-6 Alphas/VQ-6S ASAVANs(*),
  2. Approx. 230 VFB-9/VE-12 Betas,
  3. Approx. 24 Elint Legioss Recon planes,
  4. Approx. 24 EC-32 Eyrie EWACS shuttles,
  5. Approx. 10 SC-32 Gossamer heavy personnel and cargo shuttles,
  6. Approx. 50 RC-4 Rabbit light personnel and cargo shuttles.



2044年の第三次地球奪還作戦への出発前には、リベレーター級のアルファーとベータの定数には、VF-6X系アルファ(レギオス)、VF-12X系ベータ(トレッド)とVQ-6X系 アサヴァン【ASAVAN】の、いわゆるシャドウ・ファイターを一部に配備し始めていた。


The Liberator class, like the Macross-class before them, has a large and voluminous cargo capacity and is capable of carrying thousands of additional mecha and troops in its cavernous storage bays.
However these forces are basically passengers and will require some preparation before they can be launched from the battlefortress.

In 2044, The Liberators' Alpha and Beta complements were partially equipped with VF-6X Alpha Shadow Fighters
,VF-12X Beta Shadow Fighters and VQ-6X ASAVAN Shadow Drones prior to her departure for Earth.
The Cyclone number includes mecha pilot emergency Cyclones, any ground forces aboard and reserves.


  • Electronics:

しかし、フィールドから転じられることができない過剰なエネルギーは、高い能力コンデンサに保存される。貯蔵ワット数は、DS-2型( トクガワ級に搭載の )より高いが無限ではない。

そして、バリアの力場が過負荷(オーバーロード)の際には、保存されたエネルギー粒子を放出する。この解放には、低産出高(45MT 以上)の水素爆弾並の力がある。

DS-3 Barrier Defense System: An advanced forcefield system which covers the full four pi steradians around the ship with a yellow-greenish forcefield (or if desired, only part of the ship). This field will stop all solids and directed energy weapons (except lasers through a narrow band). However, excess energy which cannot be shunted from the field will be stored in high-capacity capacitators. The storage wattage is not as high as in Reflex-cannon armed vessels, and when the barrier overloads the field will discharge the stored energy particles. This discharge will have the force of a low-yield (less than 1 MT) fusion bomb. However, as the discharged energetic particles' vectors will be away from the field and its generating vessel, it will survive, though it will suffer severe damage to its internal electronics and power systems, and will not be battleworthy until repairs are made.

DS-1 ピンポイント・バリアー【PPB】防御システム4枚の艦の表面外皮に沿って可動する力場幕を備える比較的小さなシステムで、短光子魚雷又はエネルギービーム発火を撃退する。

DS-1 Pinpoint Barrier Defense System:Uses four movable disks of force field, conformal to the ship's surface, to repel light torpedo attacks, or particle beam fire.
It serves as a back up to the DS-3 system.


(It is not yet clear whether it will be removed during refits or whether new ships of this class will mount them at all.)

この級に導入された巨大なプロトカルチャー (資源)・探知器は、20天文単位Astronomical unit / AU】の距離に於いてインビッド【Invid】エナジャイザー(動力発生装置)の構成を識別可能である。


The class was fitted with a Shadow stealth device, however, due to recent events, the status of this system on board the Libetrator is not known.

A large Protoculture detector, capable of detecting and identifying Invid energizer configurations at distances of over 20 AU was installed in this class.

The distributed antenna are mounted in blisters on the forward halves of all hull sections.



船本体は、全長基準線上の大半において、2つの小区分に分割可能な「煉瓦(レンガ)の側面」形を保有する。: 中央機関部と司令塔を設置する為の狭小で、船尾中央区画、および拡大して高められた前部の艦載砲区画。











各々の側面船体には、2箇所の大型のホリゾント V格納庫が、まさしく各側面船体の船尾機関区画の前方に位置する。

それらは、上甲板で大きい台形のシャッター扉によって閉鎖され、往還連絡艇(シャトル)の高往復時間率【high turn-around rate】を可能とする。

Design notes: The Liberator design is distantly by the philosophy that yielded the Ikazuchi-class large cruisers.
The main body of the vessel retains the 'brick on its side' shape for much of its length, though it can be divided into two sub-sections:

A narrow, aft central section containing the central engines and anchoring the command tower, and an enlarged and heightened forward cannon section.

In addition, three additional modules are attached;two connecting by a long plane to the two sides of the central body, directly to the central engine block, and one to the keel. 
At the front of the central body the syncro cannon is mounted.

In addition, the forward subsection of the main body shields much of the vessel from return fire, and the side bodies shield the aft main body from flanking maneuvers.

At normal battle attitudes (nose on), the Liberator's vital aft central body is usually only exposed on its top and bottom sides, and only in a very limited way forward of the engine blocks.
This all combines (because of the ships' attitude) to make the central section the least vulnerable section of the ship.

The lower body contains the hangars, as well as many cargo bays, to facilitate unloading.

Any troops being transported are quartered in other sections of the vessel, and the lower section has an independent anti-gravity engine block to enable it to make planetary landings, although to date this has not been used as such.
The command citadel is located on top of a tower that rises above the main hull, above the aft central engines.
The Flag Bridge is located in this citadel.

Hangar decks and crew spaces are distributed through the central and side bodies as well, though most fighter mecha are launched from the side bodies.

This includes no less than sixteen (in eight double housings) versions of the quick-launch bays first used on the Ikazuchi.

There are two large Horizont bays located in the side bodies, just forward of the side aft engine sections.
They are closed by large trapezoidal shutter door in the upper deck, and capable of a high turn-around rate on the shuttles.


「リベレーター」【Liberator】級・要塞艦の起源は、遠征艦隊軍【United Earth Expeditionary Forces】がマスターズの来襲とインビッド【Invid】の地球侵略攻撃の緒戦への援軍として最初に現役の戦闘部隊の大半を派遣した後の西暦2034年まで遡る。

それらの出来事の間、殆どの主力艦船が破壊されるか大破し、従って巨大な SDF-4 リベレーター【Liberator】級、新型要塞艦級が地球奪還艦隊の旗艦として就役叙任した。

本級は、主砲の為に出力を発生させるには機関出力が小さ過ぎることなどの、既に知られている幾つかの弱点を持っていた SDF-3 パイオニア【Pioneer】設計の発展改良型(フォローアップ)と考えられた。

新級が知られている「ティロリアン」艦船級に従う必要はなかったので、艦船設計者たちに艦載火砲設計への自由を与え、5年間の設計作業(デザインワーク)の後の最終的な結果は、殆ど最初の3隻の超時空要塞艦船(SDF-1 マクロス、SDF-2 オデッセイ、SDF-3 パイオニア)との類似を結実しなかった。

初期には本級は、SDF-1 マクロスと SDF-3 パイオニア【Pioneer】のように予め巨大な反射砲(レフレックス・キャノン)を備えることになっていて、級の1番艦(或いは「ネームシップ」)は、2036年に「出雲」(イズモ)【Izumo】と命名されることを制定される運命(さだめ)だった。






建造期間を節約する為にシンクロ・キャノン砲は 反射砲(レフレックス・キャノン)が旧設計上の設置されるべき場所にそのまま差し替えで艤装され、容積の節約により解放された容積には他の用途を与えられたが、これらの措置は島風【Shimakaze】級巡宙戦艦への設置艤装の結果が後で示すように、これは真にこれらの革命的艦載砲技術(シンクロ・キャノン)による有効容積拡大と高発射率を必要とした大型主力艦にはうってつけだった。

さらに、大口貨物要件と同様に副火砲とミサイルの重兵装は、最も重くて今まで地球力によって造られた中で最も大きい船をもたらしました、体積と質量でゼンットラーディ【Zentraedi】の「スヴァール・サラン」【Thuverl Salan】級戦艦に匹敵して。


西暦2042年の不運な「火星基地師団の攻撃」(第二次降下作戦)に参戦するには余りに遅きに失し、西暦2044年に完成した SDF-4「リベレーター」【Liberator】。 彼女は第三次降下作戦というインビッド【Invid】戦争の最終決戦に参加した。

インビッド地球退去の出発の後に出来事に続いて、工事が中断したとき、この級の第2番目の船 SDF-5「蠍座」(スコーピオン)は建設が中断された時点で丁度半分以上建造が完了していた。

本級の3番目の船に関しては未だ「無名」のまま、多数の建造期間が長い製品【long lead construction items 】を遠征艦隊軍【UEEF、旧称:REF】は発注したが「それがより危殆化 【Compromise】*4無しで、かつ妥協の無い技術革新による再設計の可能性確保まで中止」された時点で生産はまだ正式に始まっていなかった。

The origin of the Liberator class Battlefortress lies in 2034, after the Expeditionary Forces had send most of their active combat units first to reinforce Earth against the Robotech Masters, then against the initial Invid attack.

During those events, most large capital ships were destroyed or heavily damaged, and a new battlefortress type was , the large SDF-4 Liberator class.

The class was seen as the follow-up to the SDF-3 Pioneer design, which had several known weak points, such as too little generating power for its main armament.

Since the new class did not have to conform to a known Tirolian ship class, the designers were given a free hand, and after five years of design work, the final result beared little resemblance to the first three RDF battlefortresses.

Initially the class was to be equipped with a large reflex cannon up front like the SDF-1 and SDF-3 Pioneer, and the first of the class, to be named Izumo, was to be laid down in 2036.

However, resource bottlenecks lead to a delay and by the time there was enough room in the construction program for the new class, the Haydonites had made Syncro cannon technology available.

This new main gun technology gave less powerfull individual salvos, but could fire much faster than the large Reflex cannon the REF was used to.

This setup was better suited for anti-ship attack as both cannons had sufficient power to destroy any conceivable ship and thus the Syncro cannon's higher firing rate could take out multiple targets where a Reflex cannon could fire only once.

An additional advantage was the more compact Syncro cannon installation, which did not require the entire forward hull to open up for firing, simplifying construction.

At the same time as the main armament redesign was taking place, the class was renamed the Liberator class.

To save time, the Syncro cannon was fitted in the place where the Reflex cannon would have been, and the freed space was given other uses, but this resulted in a larger ship than would have been strictly necessary for the armament, as the Shimakaze class battlecruisers would later show.

In addition, the heavy secondary and missile armament as well as large cargo requirements resulted in the heaviest and largest ship yet built by Earth forces, rivaling the Zentraedi Thuverl Salan cruiser in volume and mass.

The construction of the first of the class, the Liberator, began in late 2041 in the Tirolian shipyards, with the next vessel, the Scorpio, following one year later.

The SDF-4 Liberator completed in 2044, too late to join the ill-fated Mars Division attack of 2042.

She participated in the final battle of the Third Robotech War.
The second ship of the class, the SDF-5 Scorpio, was just over half way complete when construction was suspended following the events after the Invid departure.

For the third vessel of the class, as yet unnamed, numerous long lead construction items were ordered, but production had not yet officially begun when it was suspended pending a possible redesign to less compromised technologies.





  • バンシー級・超時空駆逐艦【Banshee-class Super-dimensionalDestroyer (SDD)】
  • グレムリン級・超時空誘導ミサイル駆逐艦【Gremlin-class Guided Missile Destroyer (SDG)】
  • ジュネーヴ級・超時空誘導ミサイル巡洋艦【Geneva-class Super-dimensional Guided Missile Cruiser (SCG)】
  • バトル級・超時空重巡洋艦【Battle-class Super-dimensional HeavyCruiser (SCA)】
  • ディフェンダー級・超時空巡洋戦艦
【Defender-class Super-dimensional Battlecruiser (SBC)】 【Argonaut-class Super-dimensional HeavyBattle cruiser (SBH)】



  • トクガワ級・超時空空母/揚陸艦【Tokugawa-class Super-dimensional Carrier/Landing Ship】


【Montgolfier-class Super Dimensional Factory Ship/Tender】 【Valivarre-class Super Dimensional Battleship】
  • パイオニア級・超時空要塞艦【Pioneer-class Super Dimensional Fortress】


Late REF Naval Vessels Capital Vessels


  • ガーフィッシュ級・超時空・斥候軽巡洋艦
  • 【 Garfish-class Super Dimensional Scout Cruiser (SCS)】
  • シレイラ級・超時空軽巡洋艦
  • 【 Shillelagh class Super Dimensional Light Cruiser (SCL)】
  • アナコンダ級・超時空強襲(突撃)輸送艦
  • 【 Anaconda class Super Dimensional Assault Transport (SLA)】


  • 雷(イカヅチ)級・超時空大型戦艦
  • 【 Ikazuchi-class Super Dimensional Large Cruiser,SCB】
  • 島風級・超時空巡宙戦艦
  • 【 Shimakaze-class Super Dimensional Battle cruiser】

  • リベレーター級【SDF-4】超時空要塞(旧称:出雲 級)
  • 【 Liberator-class Super Dimensional Battlefortress (Battleship / Carrier)】
