ロボテック・クロニクル - 雑記帳 3

田宮模型:シムラークルム宮国 飛行・護衛空母「メッシス」整備兵&船舶兵セット

  • 1/35 Military-Minitures Messis-crew set (All 8-number figures contains.)
Tamiya: Simuraclan's simoun air-ship career "Messis" crew set

1/144 scaled "simile Simoun"

1/144 scale: Simile Simoun Reconnaissance or solo - flight trainer .
This model kit has no mini-figure " Anubituf "
( Voiced by: Ms.Reiko Kiuchi )

Anubituf is the captain of the Arcus-Prima.
He is a responsible, determined warrior and a wise commander.
He and Guragief were Sibyllae together before they went to the Spring, and the two have remained close ever since.

Chor Tempest , the six wings configration

Simoun (シムーン) are fictional aircraft featured in the eponymous anime series by Studio Deen and its manga adaptations.
The Simoun are considered sacred objects in the Tempus-Spatium faith because of their ability to conjure powerful magical spells known as "Ri Majons" by flying in predefined patterns in the air.
Simulacrum is defended by advanced airships known as "Simoun."

A Simoun is a two-seater aircraft propelled by two helical motors, based on technology left over from the fallen ancientcivilization.

The exact operation of the helical motor is not well understood by Simulacran technicians,but one of the two rotors apparently controls the Simoun's position in space, and the other affects the flow of time.

According to their religion, two priestesses descended from heaven and explained to the people how to operate the Simouns, after they were found in excavations or had just been abandoned.

These same priestesses are credited for teaching the people anew about Tempus-Spatium and renewing the faith and religion.
A Simoun requires two crew members to fly.
The two crew members have separate cockpits, each with its own independent flight controls and instrumentation.

The crew member in the forward cockpit, known as "the auriga" ,actually flies the Simoun, while the crew member in the aft cockpit, known as "the sagitta" , acts as a navigator and controls the Simoun's weapons and other accessories (however, at times in theseries it seems the sagitta affects the flying of the craft as well).

In episode-5, the Simoun flown by Morinas and Aerflies off-course during the Bell Ri-Majon.

The fault is attributed to Morinas, even though she is the sagitta.
Simulacrum also possesses one-and two-seater training aircraft similar to the Simoun, known as "Simile Simoun" (シミレ・シムーン), which are based on a less-advanced design with one somewhatsimpler helical motor.
The list of the detail is here
Chor Tempest A :Venustus or Ventus
(ウェヌストゥス / ウェントス)
The fuselage is piloted by sibyllae Aeru and Neviril .
Chor Tempest B :Procella or Vinculum
The fuselage is piloted bysibyllae Dominura and Rimone .
Chor Tempest C :Turbo or Cometes
The fuselage is piloted by sibyllae Paraietta and Kaim .
Chor Tempest D :Vertex or Auxilium
The fuselage is piloted by sibyllae Rodoreamon and Morinas .
Chor Tempest E :Nimbus or Superbus
The fuselage is piloted by sibyllae Yun and Mamiina .
Chor Tempest F :Turbo or Cometes
The fuselage is piloted bysibyllae Floe and Alty .
The caption of that image
The translationAs for "Simoun" which the shrine maidens ”sibyllae”of the corduroyplague ride, each fuselage is named. Did you know?
"I did not know! ! " ,for those who are said, I introduce atonce.
Or that you also get used to theauthority of the Dr. Simoun now ! ?
Original Japanese languageコールテンペストの巫女様たちが騎乗するシムーンは、それぞれに名前がつけられているんですよ。皆さんご存知でしたか?
シムーン・シビュラ(コール/1飛行分隊は6機6組=12名で構成)-クリックにて原寸 887 pixel x 826 pixel に復帰します。


シムーンで ガンバスター(日本語表題:トップをねらえ!)+トップガン ・・・っていいなあ!

西村純二監督:シムーンは「神の乗機」【Simoun are divine aircraft!】零戦(零式艦上戦闘機)、シミレ・シムーンが九六式艦上戦闘機。礁国の飛行機は グラマン F4F ワイルドキャット 後半の双発双胴機は ロッキード P-38 ライトニング、或いは ノースロップ P-61 ブラックウイドウ----
  • クリックにて原寸 704 pixel × 396 pixel に復帰します。

  1. シムーン≒ゼロ戦 シムラークルム宮国……それは、かつて神の国とされたニッポンを彷彿とさせます。
  2. シムーンと零戦、神の乗機の不敗神話の崩壊
  3. 零戦は神の乗機ではない。ただの機械だ」米軍のエンジニアたちは、きっとそう言ったことと思います。無敵で不敗の伝説を背負ったシムーンも、同じ運命を辿ったと言えるでしょう
  4. ラフベリー・サークルを描くシムーン(零式艦上戦闘機)を落せ!礁国の新型双発双胴機 p-38 ライトニングの挑戦!



アーエル・ウィビス・フィスタの破天荒な生き方と戦後の凋落振りは赤松 貞明(あかまつ さだあき)がヒントになっているかも?


プロジェクトX 〜挑戦者たち〜










  • 画像はリボルテック山口のVF-1S変形過程の連続写真。






