Xavier Ruffins - Free Full Just One More Kiss putlocker9 Streaming Online gostream
Just One More Kiss - by Ruffins Xavier,
February 15, 2020

4.8/ 5stars

Free Full Just One More Kiss putlocker9 Streaming Online gostream


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1 hour, 40 minutes
info=Just One More Kiss is a movie starring Patrick Zeller, Faleena Hopkins, and Frances Mitchell. "Til death do us part" wasn't nearly long enough for Max and Abby as his ghost returns to help her get over him. But with a second chance

Free Full Just One More kiss of life. Free full just one more kiss movie. Hi everyone! My name is Qyune, and some of you may know me from my 12-Class All-The-Things Challenge, where I try to get everything in the game on all 12 classes. The last time I posted, it was Day 46 of our Brutosaur Challenge, and we had made 1. 15M gold mainly through herbalism and mining at that time. I wanted to make a follow-up post to that progress to provide you a with a bit of an update since we have hit the halfway point in this challenge! I know this post is well on its way to turn into a small book, but hopefully someone finds this post helpful, insightful, and / or the very least encouraging in their own personal Brutosaur Challenge. We still have many months before the mount is moved to the Black Market Auction House in 9. 0. Just as a reminder, the purpose of the Brutosaur Challenge is very simple: It is to present a low-entry level means of earning the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur in way that would otherwise take a decent amount of knowledge and / or skill (depending on the gold-making method. I believe a large portion of the playerbase work 40+ hours a week, go to school full time, balance their gametime with other games or activities, and etc. So, that activity may prevent those players from being able to put in the time and effort to be knowledgeable about the Auction House or to be skilled with the use of TSM. I want to provide a basis for players wanting to get their goblin toes wet in the gold-making community. The following quoted portion comes from the original post, and it provides the guidelines for myself as I go through conduct this challenge. These guidelines / restrictions are not intended to make the challenge unnecessarily tough, but instead to inspire others to consider giving themselves a chance at getting the mount. My goal is for someone to see my challenge in March or April and think, “OK, he was able to earn the mount with only one character playing 2 hours a day. However, I have 3 hours available” or “I have a gatherer and 2 other alts with crafting professions, so I can do what he did, but with less time. ” So, lets get into the Brutosaur Challenge details! First and foremost, I have a few self-imposed restrictions in order to simulate someone hoping to get the mount, but they do not have all the available resources to do so. So, here are my following restrictions: Starting from Level 1. So, I made a Goblin Hunter on November 1st 2019, and that is when the challenge started. I figured this would be the best way to go about clearing the slate and starting at zero. No Usage of Alts. Again, I think there are still a lot of players who only have 1 character that they focus on during their gameplay. So, the lack of available alts helps simulate that. For example, if I get a ton of runecloth, I cannot send it any of my alts to make into valuable transmog or whatever. No Vendor Sales. Another restriction I will place on myself is the removal of the ability to hunt those items that one can buy from a vendor for less than 5 gold, then turn around and make several hundred gold on the Auction House. I feel a more inexperienced player would not know about these items (or tactic in general) so I will not do it. 2 Hours Per Day Farming. I do not know what the average amount of time a player puts into the game per day, but I have settled on 2 hours per day for now. Why 2 hours? In short and personally, I feel like 2 hours per day is enough time to build reasonable data. This should give us a means of extrapolating and interpolating data such that if someone had less time, they could figure out roughly whether or not this would work for them (or if they would need to supplement with WoW Tokens, more time, better methods, and etc. So, those are the hard lines in the sand that I have drawn for myself. Keep in mind, these are my own self-imposed restrictions, so if you happen to have alts, more time, 120s, and multiple accounts, then your time needed to farm should only go down from here. However, to bridge the gap, there are a few things I am allowing myself to do. Flipping. This will be very, very restricted. Time-wise, flipping can be one of the most efficient means of making gold in WoW, but I want to make sure to keep this challenge relatable. So, I may go and purchase a few stacks of items with the intent of relisting them if they are priced extremely low. However that will be the extent of it. I will not be looking to find things like the Glorious Leggings for 10, 000 gold with the intent of reselling for more than that. Farms. As of now, I have not done any ‘farms in this challenge, but I am leaving that as an option in the future. For example, if I have a stock of herbs and ore and nothing has sold, or I am getting tired of gathering in general, then I may just grind on elementals for a few hours for Volatile Water or Primal Fire or other crafting goods. I will never do a transmog farm in this challenge. Times. So, I mentioned that I am restricting myself to 2 hours per day. That is an average. In other words, if I do not farm for 2 days, then I will make up those 4 hours in the following days. Similarly, if I know Patch 8. 3 is dropping on January 14, 2020, then maybe I will farm a little extra that week and relax the following week. For those familiar with my play style, I try to never make myself feel forced to do something in game. If I do it, it is because I enjoy it. Also, this is farmed time, I dont include listing / Auction House time since that will vary from person to person dramatically. Professions. When it comes to professions, I am using mining and herbalism for this challenge. However, I am not opposed to making trades with other people. For example, instead of buying Monel-Hardened Stirrups for 500 gold each, I will have someone craft them with the ore I have farmed tipping them 500 to 1000 gold depending on the stack size. This time I want to give you a little bit of a deeper breakdown of what I did on a day-by-day basis so there is more an understanding of my thought process behind my actions. Also, I want to mention here that if you start this challenge, and you dont seem to being seeing much success, give it a little bit of time. Every time I have started this challenge, I have been behind what I needed to make on a daily basis for 1 or 2 weeks. So, lets start with the first week, and go from there! Day 1 to Day 10 (22 hours; 94, 463 gold) Day 1 we created our character on a random realm - a brand new level 1 goblin (of course) Much of the first couple of hours was simply questing our way out of the starting zone. There is not much to mention here except for the fact that we are in one of the most important stages of the gold farming. During this week and many of the following weeks, we are leveling and gathering every single herb and ore that we come across. Copper, Iron, Mithril, Thorium, Silverleaf, Kingsblood, Sungrass, Purple Lotus. If there was a yellow dot on the mini map, we went for it! The reason this is so important is that we have absolutely no idea what sells on this server, and the best way to find this out is to get out there and start gathering. Sure, we could always go to The Undermine Journal, and there is a lot of wisdom in doing so, but sometimes, it is good to just get out there and see what happens. I didnt go through and keep up with my levels each day, so I am guessing we are somewhere in the neighborhood of level 60 or 70 on Day 10. So, some of the 94, 463 gold came from quests, but the overwhelming majority of it came from simply gathering materials. No flipping of materials the first month. Now this section is probably going to be one of the most important sections, because as a new goblin you may be asking “What did you sell to get that much gold? Nearly 100k gold seems a bit high for a level 60 or 70. ” The reason this question is misleading is because it assumes the same material works the same way on each server. If I tell you I sold Purple Lotus or Iron Ore, then the immediate instinctive response is to go out and farm that material and throw it on your servers Auction House. The reason this response doesnt work all the time is because maybe there are not a lot of people leveling professions on your server, maybe there is someone farming that item on your server, or it could be an extremely slow sell. The key to gold making is find your niche on the market ? think of it has hunting for demands. This is what I will explain in the next paragraph. So at this point, I am a young goblin with a bag full of various herbs and ores. What do I do? List them on the Auction House. Thats it. The action is simple, but there is more to the thought process. At this point in time, I have no idea what sells well on this server, and I need to find some level of direction as far as where to quest next (since scaling allows me to level mostly anywhere except starting zones. So, I am going to let the Auction House tell me where to go next. As I check the mail the next day, I see that 10 Copper sold for 4g per ore, Tin did not sell, and all my Iron sold for 20g per ore. OK, at this point I know I need to go somewhere and quest where there is Iron ore ? and lots of it. So, now I have some direction (and I may be able to find some more Copper later as well) Alright, so the Iron has been selling, but in all fairness, it sells a little slow. I have had 600 Iron ore on the Auction House for a few days now. Some has sold here and there, but I need to work on something else while waiting for that to sell. Well, lets take a look at Mithril ore as we quest in the Badlands. From what I see on my Auction House, it looks like it goes for potentially 40g per ore, but I dont know how often it sales. As I am questing and gathering, I come across an area of Badlands that only spawns Dragonstooth. What is this herb used for? Doesnt matter, lets pick up a bit, and see if anyone buys it on the
Free Full Just One More kisskissbankbank. Omg hell yes girly! you got the good Jamz! keep em comin. Songs om nooit te vergeten Thanks. Free full just one more kiss meme. It knew I was coming. The radio cut out a few miles from the house, giving me several long seconds to contemplate the empty road. “Turn back, ” a voice came slithering out of the speaker, deep and static-choked. I clicked off the radio. “Nope. ” For nearly a minute I continued on in silence. Then a rising shriek began peeling from the dead radio. Before it got loud enough to hurt, I pulled noise cancelling headphones from my glove-box. It wasnt unusual for a job to catch wind of me coming and to reach out to say hello. But most jobs could only affect a few hundred yards from the client. Something that could stretch out from miles away? That was new and shitty. The rest of the drive was quiet and fine. Midwinter sunshine fell easy on the fields and forests of Maryland as I passed. I was the only car on the road. Every now and then I would catch a glimpse of a shadowy figure in my back seat. I ignored it. No matter how big the job, I knew there wasnt much it could do to me this far out. When I started to see familiar faces in the silhouette I turned my rear-view mirror up towards the ceiling. Whatever it was, it knew I was coming, it had a hell of a reach, and it was kind of a dick. I parked on the street next to the Hoffs' house. They lived in a tidy rancher, blue siding, willows in the yard, gravel drive, the whole nines. It was a lovely acre in a lovely neighborhood and I couldnt look at the house without feeling nauseous. I slipped off one headphone to make sure the screaming had stopped. Quiet, so I stepped outside and took it all in. Then I took the flask of Wild Turkey from my jacket pocket. As I raised the bourbon to take a pull, I felt the dirty chill of a jobs attention. The bottle shattered in my hand. This thing was absolutely a dick. I walked up to the Hoffs pretty blue door and tried my best to look presentable. My denim jacket was frayed and old, I was wearing a band shirt from a show Id never been to, and I hadn't shaved in a weeks worth of Sundays. I did brush my teeth that morning, though, so I was feeling crisp. I knocked my most professional knock and waited. A noticed a little bourbon was dripping down my pants and soaking into my socks. It was a banner day, already. A couple opened the door. The wife was short and had skin like new caramel. She wore red flannel and jeans and was shockingly pretty. The husband was tall, paler than me, broad-shouldered but a little soft in the gut. Ms. Hoff seemed slightly out of his league but its entirely possible he was funny or something. I pegged them both as late-30s, a few years older than me, though I probably looked at least ten years their senior. My hair was already rivered with grey and I carried a perpetual hangover with me like my own personal ball and chain. Neither of the pair looked like theyd slept more than a few hours in the last week. I recognized their burnout, a reflection Id seen many times. “Im Eric, ” I said. “How ya doin? ” They told me their names, which Im redacting for privacy and because I forgot them. “Not great, ” Ms. Hoff said as they moved to let me in the door. “Kinda at the end of our rope, ” Mr. Hoff added. I nodded and tried to drag up a smile. “Its funny how quick rope runs out. Life gets tight. Why dont you show me the job-sorry, I mean your son? ” As we walked through the house I got a snapshot of the Hoffs' world. Family pictures dotted the walls: the couple, smiling, baby photos of a boy and a girl, school portraits, vacations, all the normal signs of a lovely life. One large group shot hung in a place of pride in the den. It was the Hoffs and two children, a boy of about 13 and a girl maybe half that age. All four of them were posed on the beach wearing matching white shirts and blue shorts. The whole effect was cheesy and sweet and their smiles were wide and warm. I had to fight down a sudden daydream about Jen and me on the beach. Would we have taken silly photos in matching shirts if wed had kids? Jen probably would have loved that and I would have pretended to protest but gone along anyway because… Ms. Hoff stopped at the start of the hall and turned to me, snapping me back to real life. “I have to ask, ” she said, worrying at the nails of one hand with the other. “This s really been a nightmare Mr. -” “Erics fine, ” I said. She nodded. “Eric. Its been, ” Ms. Hoff threw up her hands. “I dont even know how to tell you. Im so scared for our son. ” “Weve taken John to every doctor in the area, ” Mr. Hoff said. “Weve taken him to three psychologists, one up all the way in Baltimore. We even asked our priest to take a look, the same one who baptized John and his sister. Nothing seems to help. ” Mr. Hoff ran a big hand through thinning blond hair. “Theres something deeply, viciously wrong with John. When I look him in the eyes, I just. I swear its not my son looking back at me. The eyes are his but theyre not. I know that doesnt make sense. None of this makes-” “We need to know, ” Ms. Hoff jumped it, “we have to know that youre on the level. I hope you can forgive us for being a little skeptical. I dont think its every day you find a professional exorcist through social media. ” I fished in my jacket pocket for a business card. “Amateur exorcist. I like to stress that. ” I handed the couple some cards. “To the best of my knowledge there isnt really a licensing committee for exorcists, so Im reluctant to call myself a pro. Maybe semi-professional. The Vatican has its own accreditation process but its not like they offer it online. And Im not exactly seminary material. So think of me as more of eelance consultant. ” “Are you bullshit? ” Ms. Hoff asked me point-blank. “No, ” I told her. “I know exactly how it sounds. And I know Im the clean-cut edge of professionalism here. But Im real. The genuine article. Its pretty fucking weird but if you found me Im guessing youve seen miles and miles of weird already. ” I heard the knuckles pop as Mr. Hoff made a fist. “Something took him, something is in there with John. Its hurting him. I know it. I just dont know how to help. ” The last part came out choked. He was determined and he was steady but he clearly had no ideas, no options for how to take the pain from his son. I understood that frustration, feeling the need to move mountains with nothing but a shovel. Hoffs mouth was pressed in a thin line, her jaw tight. “Are you ready? ” she asked me. “Yeah. Lets go see John. ”. The smell hit me through the door. I coughed. “Oh Christ, ” Mr. Hoff muttered. “Im sorry about that. The last few days its been worse. Hes been making messes. ” I pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose when Mr. Hoff opened the door. Johns room was dim, illuminated by a single desk lamp that split shadows from wall-to-wall. His father tried the light switch by the door but nothing changed. The boy was sitting on his bed. I guessed he was right around 13 or 14 years old. John wore jeans but no shirt or shoes. He was scratching violently at his bare, skinny torso leaving open angry red lines all across his chest. “John, ” Ms. Hoff yelled running to him and grabbing his arms. “Stop. Please stop scratching, we talked about this. Youre hurting yourself. Hoff went over to squeeze his sons shoulder and then briefly stepped out of the room. He came back with rags and cleaning supplies and moved to the corner John had used as a bathroom. Mr. Hoff began to tidy up. The boy was staring at me, lips threatening a smile. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck and arms rise. Looking at him was like putting my hand close to an exposed live-wire. The wrongness was written all over and through him from the set of his shoulders to the twitch in his hand. Even his breathing seemed out of rhythm. Johns eyes were the worst part, empty as fresh graves waiting for a funeral. But if I looked long enough, I could see the faintest sign of something under the emptiness, swimming around inside of the boy, a shadow in deep water. “Hi, ” John said to me. His voice was young, normal, but carried an old note hidden under the rest. I ignored the thing pretending to be the boy. “We can go. ”. It smiled as we left. Once we were back in the Hoffs dining room, I dropped into a chair. We probably spent less than ninety seconds in Johns room but I felt tired already. The whole experience left me feeling dirty and depressed. I noticed the Hoffs were still standing, staring at me. “Do you have anything to drink? ” I asked. Hoff walked into the kitchen. “I think weve got some Coke, water, of course, or I could put on coffee, or-” “No, ” I interrupted. “Anything to drink. Hoff looked confused but Ms. Hoff was already stepping around him. She opened a cabinet next to the fridge. “Weve got some Malibu leftover from Christmas, ” Ms. Hoff said, rummaging. “And I think some vodka thats been in here long enough its turning back into potatoes. ” I rubbed my eyes. “Mr. Hoff, please put that coffee on. Hoff, Id appreciate you forever if you could bring that vodka and three mugs to the table. ” “I dont drink, ” Mr. I looked back at Johns room. Even though I couldnt see the thing, I knew it was glaring at me through the wall. “Nows a great time to start, Mr. Hoff, ” I said. Once the coffee was finished, the three of us sat at the dining room table and drank. I put two fingers of vodka in each mug, then another fingers worth in mine after my first few gulps. “Has anything traumatic, unusual, violent or otherwise exceptionally shitty happened to John recently? ” I asked. The couple shared a look. “His sister passed away over the summer, ” Mr. “There was an accident. ” “Car crash? ” I asked. Hoff shook her head. “Um, drowned. We were at the beach. John and Alice went out a little too far and got caught in a ri
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Free full just one more kiss song. Free full just one more kiss video. Free Full Just One More. Free full just one more kiss full. Apologies for formatting. Old man doing this on a mobile. And long. My first anxiety attack happened back in August or September. I took my wife and son to see KISS on their farewell tour. Over the years they have always had a special place with me. They were MY first band. We are all having a great time and about half way thru the show, Paul Stanley is talking to the crowd, and he mentions that the show is sold out and there are 20, 000 people in attendance. I have NEVER had an issue with crowds or large groups of people, but as soon as I heard that, it kind of cut right thru everything else that was going on, and it felt like I was punched in the gut. Then the panic set in. We were in the middle of a row of seats and I almost walked my way out to Center aisle. For some reason, focusing on the security guys in yellow vests seemed to calm me down. I kept having this recurring thought that if something happened to me ( heart attack or choking) no one would notice or no one would be able to get to me. My wife noticed that something was wrong and asked, so I explained what was going on. That almost immediately made me feel a little better, I was still anxious but no longer freaking the fuck out. Until Paul gets on like a swing that takes him out over the crowd about 30 above us, and then gets stuck. Hes up there above us, stuck, cool as a cucumber and bam, Im freaking out again. At that point i told my wife that I had to get out of there. As a parent, I will always view that night as a HUGE FAILURE. For months Id been telling my son about how awesome the finale of a KISS show is, and because of my weakness, he wasnt able to see it. I dont remember having any other occurrences until this January. We spent New Years Eve and a couple days after at a cabin in a rural area in the forest with some friends. First couple days I was doing well, I had what I would consider “normal” anxiety brought on by having to drive thru a pretty bad snow storm, in the woods, looking for the cabin. But I got over that pretty quickly. The friends we stayed with have some friends who live in another cabin about a mile from theirs. They were hosting lunch on New Years Day and we had all planned on walking over for lunch. My wife was going to help with some prep work so her and I left before anyone else. Now, while this is a cabin in the woods in a National Forest, I should mention its also in a private community. There are quite a few occupied cabins between where we were at and where we were going, as well as plowed roads. About a third of the way in, I can feel the anxiety settling in. I start talking to my wife about it and that helps some. Then we get to a place where the road goes under a canopy of trees and there are no more cabins anywhere to be seen. And I just stop, I feel like if I take one more step, something awful will happen. My wife tries to talk me down, but it isnt working. Long story short, my wife walks the rest of the way alone. Turns out we were less than half a mile away. And she sends someone to pick me up on a snowmobile. Embarrassing. Less than a week after we get home, I wind up in the hospital with the flu and a staph infection that turns into pneumonia in both lungs. Six days later Im sent home and Ive been dealing with some level of anxiety on a daily basis. The first week home I was so weak, I was afraid to get out of bed, but I would force myself up and into the living room and kitchen. I also had some fear of taking a shower with no one else home. my wife works full time so I was alone during the day) but again, with the exception of my second day home, I forced myself in and got it done. My second week home I had some follow up appointments with my Doctors and my anxiety seemed to center on a fear of getting in the car and going somewhere alone. I had to do it, so I did. The more trips I took, the easier things became, and the anxiety seemed to be slipping away. Now, this past week has been crazy, Ive gone from feeling absolutely fine with no sign of anxiety to just being gripped by it, then fine again an hour later. I took our old dog out for his walk this morning and about 2/3 of the way thru at the top of a pretty steep uphill, I had to stop and breathe deep to calm myself. At that point, I was maybe a 1/4 mile from our house. We started going downhill towards the house and things got better, but until I started typing this, I couldnt shake that lingering feeling of anxiety that Ive had all morning. So, I feel pretty good right now, gonna take a shower and go get lunch for the fam. Ive been out of work for a month and Im looking forward to going back next week. For my part, when I get back to work Im going to talk with our EAP Coordinator and find someone I can talk to. My employers plan offers six free sessions with a therapist, so Im gonna take advantage of that benefit before this thing gets out of control. If youve gotten this far, I thank you, it really does make me feel better to talk about it. If you have any questions for me, or any tips for dealing with anxiety, please leave a comment. Thanks ? I.
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The last time I saw Oscar Isaac was in Annihilation so I'm glad to see that he's recovered from. being an alien. Free full just one more kiss youtube. Legends. . Free full just one more kiss cast. Free full just one more kiss 2. Well been a while since I did one of these. And since the day of love and romance is upon us, how about one of romantic dating fun? Sadly Alois and Gilbert will be sitting this one out since those two are married with children. Even if one is a filthy deadbeat who spends his days just being depressing. Also we're sticking with timeskip versions. Just to keep Hansen off my ass. Anyways on with the show! Black Eagles Edelgard: The two of you go to an amusement park, sadly when She's called too short to get on one of the rides she proceeds to order her troops to occupy the park so that she can ignore that rule. Kinda a mood killer but hey no lines for any of the rides. Sadly she does not give a good night kiss. Bernie: You show up to the date on time, but she seems utterly convinced that you two arranging the date was actually some kind of dream of hers and that you are actually some figment of her imagination or kidnapper out to end her existence. You try for about an hour and totally miss the movie you were going to see before she finally sheepishly opens the door to see if you left, and after discovering the truth tries to reschedule for the next week. This process shall repeat itself. Mention of a good night kiss also made her faint standing up, prompting an eye roll from Hubert as he passes by. Hubert (speaking of) You go to a goth slam poetry bar. It's very gloomy and depressing. Also the bartender seems to have been poisoned and is now dead. The cops show up and find the poison in your pocket and Hubert nowhere to be found. He visits you about 4 months into your now life sentence to tell you he had a fun time. No kiss of course, for some reason you're upset with him. Lindhardt: You were late to the concert because he was still sleeping and hadn't got ready yet, so you missed the opening act, then he slept through the main act as well. And through a series of antics while he napped is now crowned "King of the Crowdsurf. No kiss on this one either since he was tired after such a long date. Ferdinand Von Aiger: You go to an arcade since he wants to get in touch with the commoner side. Then he sees Edelgard has the high score in Pac-Sothis, he then abandons the date on the grounds that he cannot let such an affront stand. You go home defeated cause he's gonna be there a long while. Caspar: He wants to go see a hockey game, interesting idea. When a fight breaks out on the ice he gets too excited and jumps into the fray, dragging you along with him. Sure you both spend the night in jail but it was pretty fun when you got a nice right hook on the smug ass forward on the other team. You actually get a kiss off this time. Dorothea: Actually a normal date where nothing goes wrong. Go to dinner, movie, and the park, nothing bad happened, you had a lot to talk over. It would have been perfect except how she seemed to draw the conversation off to the horrors of war with a thousand yard stare so frequently. You do get a good night kiss. But it's a quick peck on the cheek. Petra: It seems there is a tradition in Brigid that a first date is a "test" to see if you're tough enough to start a relationship. She'll tell you the results of the evaluation. You know once you get out of the full body cast she put you in. Blue Lions Dimitri: Despite several attempts to tell him it's not on the menu. He constantly demands vengence whenever the waiter asks for his order. Eventually you just go to hiding behind your menu as he goes off on a tangent over what he's going to do to Edelgard. He admits he had fun on the date. Dedue: He takes you out for a simple date to go people watching. The person you watch is Dimitri and you spend the night ghosting him to make sure he didn't get in trouble. That part of teh date sucked but he cooked dinner for you after and that part was GREAT. He winds up too stoic to offer a kiss though. Felix: You ever hang out with that one friend who complains about literally EVERYTHING? Yeah that's a Felix date. You'll wind up grumpy like him after it's all over. Ashe: He's very gentlemanly during the date, though a bit awkward. Takes you to see a movie about knights. Pays for everything. Cool dude would date again. Mercedes: You go to church for choir practice, then work at a soup kitchen, go entertain orphans, and clean up trash off the highway. You'd call her out on how this is totally not date stuff, but refrain from doing so out of fear that you will anger some deity and get smote or something. Ingrid: Takes you to one of those Medieval Times shows. And gorges on mutton. She also gets chosen to participate in the audience joust and wins hard. Despite her trying to stay stoic you can clearly tell she wants to bounce around and squee like a pre-teen girl who just had a member of a boy band she loves wink at her. Annette: You two go to a karaoke bar expecting a simple night of singing. You end the night questioning how someone that small and dainty could pull off a full Cannibal Corpse album perfectly. The date wound up being a mixture of enjoyment and raw fear Sylvain: Congratulations. A picture from your date is the new "distracted girlfriend" meme. You clearly regret your decision. Golden Deer Claude: You spend the night pulling various pranks all over the town, but unfortunately you get caught by Seteth leaving a bag of burning pegasus blessings on his doorstep. Seems you're never too old to be stuck cleaning erasers after class. Hilda: Clearly a wild night, you go shopping, go to a fancy restraunt, go clubbing after. Fun stuff. Shame you're gonna have to work triple shifts after this one to get the rent paid on time. Oh well c'est la vie. Lysithia: She requests to go to the opera, but as you drive there you can see her longingly staring out the window at a Chuck E Cheese. The date won't go well if you choose either path, so try a middle ground and go to a Dave and Busters or something so she gets to due fun youthful stuff while still not being treated like a child. Leonie: Date starts well, go to the bar for drinks. You wake up the next morning, your head is pounding, you notice you're in Grondor field, you have a weird tattoo of Sothis on your forehead, Leonie's sleeping next to you without pants on, everything's on fire, oh yeah and you two are apparently married now, congratulations. Raphael: You go to an all you can eat buffet. Raph brought his own giant spoon and puts the buffet out of business. He also took the last stuffed shrimp. The jerk. Ignatz: He takes you to an art gallery. You would succumb to boredom there. But the raw excitement coming from Ignatz is enough to keep you going so as to not break it. He turns meek again when he takes you home though and goes without a good night kiss. Lorenz: he takes you back to his house, shows you a slideshow off all the great things he's done, lets you paint him, and he talks constantly about being the future of his family. You don't know why you agreed to this date. Marianne: You two go to the petting zoo, she comes up with a name for every animal and spends more time talking to them over you. You however care little about this as the look of her smiling as she plays with the critters has already stopped your heart. Don't worry someone called an ambulance. Church of Seiros Seteth: he's come up with a full itinerary for the date and intends to stay to the schedule at all costs. He planned it out for maximum fun. He wants it to go off without a hitch because Flayn got overwhelmingly excited over the prospect of not being in a single parent household anymore. Flayn: You go to a lot of places, but she insists on leaving very quickly to somewhere else every time. You do note that your waiter, the movie usher, the goldfish toss stand owner, that merman you fished up, that statue in the park, and that chicken at the petting zoo all mysteriously looked like the same person. You offer a good night kiss but she declines and says it's "for your own safety" Cyril: His idea of a date seems to be cleaning the whole monastary alongside you. He talks about how happy this will make Rhea. You however are not happy about this. The Gatekeeper: He declines your offer for a date. For he already has a true love in Cel. The gate. Catherine: Takes you drinking at the bar, it devolves into a brawl very quickly and she started it. She got a little too heated though and broke your nose. But hey she paid for the drinks (and the hospital bill) so that's nice. Shamir: you two go to the carnival, she won a giant stuffed bear from the shooting gallery. She converted said bear into a suit so that she could sneak up on her foes easier. Overall though it went pretty well even though she insisted on wearing the giant stuffed bear suit for the rest of the date to test its effectiveness. Hanneman: He takes you to the museum of crestology, you vanish about 2 hours into a 6 hour seminar on crest pigmentation and are never heard from again. Some say you simply died of boredom, others say you faded away and became one with the exhibit. Nobody knows for sure though. Manuella: You quickly learn why she can't hold a boyfriend. She takes you home to a pigsty, gets heavily drunk, and spends the night complaining about everything while crying. The night could lead to a one night stand, but be warned if you aren't out the door by the time she wakes up you're stuck with her forever. Byleth: You go fishing. He/she finds that watch you lost 3 years ago as well, and several socks, he/she always seems to know the right things to say to you, but it always feels like deja vu when he does. Anna: Fantastic date, you go to a new amusement park, have lots of fun, get all the rides, she even pays for everything. How nice. You later learn that she had been taking photos and used them for a
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Free full just one more kiss online. Free full just one more kiss songs. I should not have cast Real Magic (Part 1) My Future is looking Dark (Part 2) Real Magic Harms more than it Heals (Part 3) My Days of Freedom are Over (Part 4) I am in the strangest prison (Part 5) I witnessed Order succumb to Chaos (Part 6) There are two Voices of God (Part 7) My Sins have caught up with Me (Part 8) I last left off where I thought it was the end… but it wasnt. It got so much worse. The massive amalgamation of flesh and plant loomed over us, the angry face of Jacob glared down at me, a fit of burning anger in his eyes. No longer were the earthen spirits in him benign, now corrupted and twisted, they seethed with hate and malicious intent. Something dark had empowered them. “I-Im sorry everyone…” I stuttered as I backed away. “Zithero, do something! ” Tasha shouted, “you have the tools to make this right, do so! ” I froze in fear, I could barely think, just realizing that this was the end. My life was about to end, justly, by one I had wronged so thoroughly. Jacob stomped towards me, lifting a massive trunk-sized leg ready to crush me where I stood. I closed my eyes tightly, preparing for the inevitable. “Mine! ” Zepherina shouted excitedly as I heard creaking wood. I opened my eyes to see that Zepherina standing firm before me, both her hands held high over her head, pushing the giant trunk-like foot up higher into the air. Zepherina growled, “Are you even trying? ” Jacob growled in frustration, “Move! This doesnt concern you, girl! ” I flinched, as I could feel a pulse of anger swell from Zepherina. “Do not call me girl, boy! ” with that announcement, Zepherina pushed forward, heaving Jacob backward, forcing him to topple to the ground. I stared in disbelief at the spectacle before me. Zepherina had just toppled the massive creature with a single push. With urgency, I rushed over to fallen Jacob, who struggled to get back to his feet. Zepherina placed her foot on Jacobs neck, her eyes burning with anger as she glared at him. Tasha rushed over, “Zepherina, do not kill him! ” Zepherinas lip quivered, and she pressed on Jacobs throat. Jacob stopped struggling, his face now pleading. “Pathetic, ” Zepherina growled, lifting her foot, and turning from him, “fix him already so we can move on. ” She crossed her arms over her chest. I knelt by him, looking over his body, trying to figure out a way to save him, if there was any. “Thank you, Zeph. ” I turned to her, “You saved my life. ” Zepherina huffed, “. it was nothing. ” Tasha frowned, kneeling on the other side of Jacobs massive wooden chest. She placed her gloved hand on his, “so much pain…” Jacob growled, “thanks to you! ” he spat at me. I moved my staff over his body, trying to coax the spirits inside to move as I wanted. My attempts to get them to rebuild his body, to heal his wounds, only met with a great deal of resistance. Something dark was empowering the spirits, and worse yet, that darkness was surging from inside the prison. “Theres a powerful darkness preventing me from healing him, ” I announced. Tasha nodded to me, “I feel it too. ” Zepherina turned to us, her interest peaked, “Is it another demon? ” Tasha got to her feet, “We need to call Jason… God charged him with protecting this area. ” “He has Boston! ” Zepherina protested, “Were outside of the Boston area! ” Zepherina stormed into the prison, walking past Jacob. I closed my eyes and empowered the stone around Jacob to hold him tightly, yet firmly. I stood, and looked down at him, “Im not leaving you again, I promise. ” Jacob struggled against the stone, but they held firm, empowered by my ring and staff. “I hate you! ” Tasha frowned, “I hate to do this but…” she leaned over him, and kissed Jacob softly on the lips. My eyes went wide as Tasha did this, but to my shock, Jacobs body went slack. Tasha had cast a spell from her lips to his, and it wrapped tightly around his mind. “Calm your mind. Rest and sleep. Dream of better times, ” Tasha soothed. Jacobs eyes looked hazy and distant as his body relaxed as his eyes slid shut. “What did you do to him? ” I asked. Tasha got to her feet, walking after Zepherina, “something I am ashamed of. ” I frowned as I followed her. It must have been some kind of power only a succubus possessed, thus why she was not keen having to use it. Zepherina forced her way inside the prison, pushing a pair of doors open. She gasped in shock. Tasha and I followed, and my eyes went wide at the sight before me. Every prison cell appeared locked, yet blood dripped from every one of them, every single floor blood stained the edges and streams of blood ran down hallways in slow-flowing streams. All leading to what would be a drain on the floor. Instead of a drain, however, four hulking inmates stood around a massive circle. One more inmate, smaller than the others, stood at the center of a massive pentagram drawn on the floor in blood. Standing inside the pentagram was the witch, Bella, and another man I hadnt noticed until now. He stood a good few centimeters taller than Bella and had a long beard tied off into four sections. A smart suit and expensive-looking shoes matched Bellas own taste for expensive fashion. Now, however, Bella wore an outfit that was synthetic, no jewelry on her was natural either. She had even gone as far as to not wear make-up which could have any kind of mineral in it. Tasha let out a scream, and I turned to see her fall to her knees, her staff clattering to the floor. “Lady Tasha! ” I shouted as I rushed to her. Tashas eye was wide as she looked around at the blood running down the walls, “W-what have you done! ” “What I needed! ” the man called out, “to finally surpass my master! To finally call forth a beast of proper power! ” The fifth inmate growled now, “get on with it you hack! ” The inmate had a thick Bostonian accent and had a few symbols of hate groups tattooed on his fingers. “I wanna pluck this little birdies feathers off one by one while his little buddies watch! ” the man laughed. “Sanders…” another mans voice croaked from somewhere above us, a similar accent as the inmate, “you will not win this one either…” I looked up to see a man tied upside down to a make-shift cross, also upside down. Several thick, heavy chains bound him firmly to the cross, suspended a good ten meters above the floor. “Jason? ” Zepherina shouted at the man hanging. “Hey, Zeph…” Jason, the man, grunted, struggling against his chains. It was then I noticed the massive wings, also covered in multiple chains. His wings struggled against them, but they were too thick to break. “Im afraid youre too late to rescue anyone, ” the summoner taunted, “for now I shall bring back honor to the title of Immunda! I will be fully realized, for the master summoner whose name my Master had bestowed upon me! ” Bella stood by, glaring at us, “Let us leave nothing to chance Andy, sick the dogs on these three! ” The man at the head, who must have been Andy, grinned, “You heard the pretty lady, boys! ” The four men all turned to him, their eyes dull, their breathing labored. “Tear our guests apart! ” Andy shouted. Tasha quickly transformed into her succubus form, flying into the air, “you two handle the thugs, Ill help Jason down! ” Zepherina grinned wide, “oh fuck-the-hell-yes! ” I swallowed hard, moving behind Zepherina. Zepherina grinned to me, giving me a wink, “Dont worry Zith - I got you covered! ” Tasha met Jason in the air, and struck her staff against the chains, breaking them. She then helped Jason down from the cross, chanting the Lords prayer as she did. I watched as the pair of them descended, holy magic swirling around Jason, healing his wounds, and restoring his strength. Jasons body now resonated with a similar power that surrounded Sofia. The power with Jason was different, however, it was less ordered but dedicated. As if the holy spirits within him had a dedicated, joint purpose, in line with his will, rather than forced against it. As Tasha broke the chains and healed Jason, I heard something I didnt expect. “Succubus! ” Bella screamed, enraged, “How dare you! ” Tasha stood, holding her staff at the ready. “How dare I what? ” “You! ” Bella growled, her hands clenched into fists so tight I swear I could see blood dripping from them, “How dare you, a demoness, follow God! ” Bella glared daggers at Tasha. Zepherina gave a firm punch to the first thug who rushed us, another whipped around her flank towards me, “watch out! ” a third grabbed her, and she hurled him rather effortlessly over her shoulder. I tried to move back from him before Jason rushed to my side, punching the guy in the gut, and shoving a massive pistol in his mouth. “In nomine Patris, et Filii et, Spiritus Sancti! ” he said as he pulled the trigger. The instant he did, a surge of holy power blasted through Jason, surging through his body, and focusing out the end of the pistol, blasting the mans head clean off. “Jason! ” Tasha gasped. Jason turned to us, pulling the silver and white pistol up with his other hand, “these guys are corpses infested with demon spirits… They arent even human anymore. Immunda gave them some kind of dose of demon blood before we put them on death row. ” Zepherina laughed, “So theyre fair game! ” with this she grabbed a man she was grappling with, and gave a quick twist of his head, breaking his neck. To my shock, the man didnt go down, but stumbled backward, his head reversed. He grinned, his head slowly turning around. My stomach turned, I glanced at Tasha, to see she had turned away. “These guys arent the big fish! ” Jason shouted, “Immundas trying to channel Asmodai into Sanders! ” The man who stood with Immunda and Bella now cackled, “Trying? ” his eyes were now glowing green, his voice deepening, and resonating through the halls, “there is no trying…” Immense
I met her at a party my friend Matt organized last year. Although the party was big with lots of people there, she stood out from the crowd immediately. Red hair, blue eyes, full lips, voluptuous figure. She was mesmerizing in an otherworldly manner which I cannot explain. I couldnt take my eyes off her and soon, she noticed my voracious glances and returned them. At the time, I hadnt even thought about approaching her. With her amazing looks, she had a lot of wooers around her, but seemed bemused by every single one of them. Thats why when I grabbed a beer and turned around to see her standing right in front of me, I was so startled I almost spilled my beer all over myself. “Hi. ” She said with a curious smile, ignoring my clumsiness. “Hi back. ” I said, trying my best not to stare at her cleavage. “Youre a friend of Matts? I havent seen you before. ” “I am. My names Jake. ” “Maria. ” She replied and we shook hands. At the time, the only thing I could think was ? what in the whole hell was wrong with her, that she decided to talk to me of all people at the party? “You want a drink? ” I gestured to the plethora of booze on the table. “No, I dont drink. I will take that coke zero, though. ” She jovially said, as she bent forward unnaturally to reach the coke can on the table, making her breasts even more prominent in that position. I remember wondering at that point if she did that on purpose to tease me, or if she was completely oblivious to the sight she was displaying. My bet was on the first one and it invigorated me to strike up a conversation with her further. “So, what about you? How do you know Matt? ” I asked, my brain desperately trying to conjure up some smooth lines, but only sputtering out the most basic sentences. “He and I used to be neighbors when we were kids and played together almost every day during summer. We just kinda stayed in touch over the years, as improbable as it sounds. ” “Wow, I cant believe hes never told me about you all these years. ” I tried to be more daring, the beer taking more control than I was. Now, Matt and I used to hang out a lot more frequently before, but he never told me about Maria. He did have a lot of friends though, and its not like we sat around talking about his friends all day. She smiled and took a sip of her coke, maintaining eye contact with me the whole time. Just then, a new song started playing and Maria gasped with a grin on her face. “I love this song! Wanna dance? ” She winked, gesturing with her head for me to follow. My testosterone was already out of control by then from being in the proximity of a woman of such appearance, so I didnt need to be asked twice. I grabbed her by the hand and took her to the middle of the room, among the other drunken guests. Maria and I danced for hours, which says a lot about me, because I absolutely hate dancing. I remember in my intoxicated state seeing Matt giving me a weird glance with his eyebrows raised, when he saw me there with her. After a while, things got heated and Maria and I began making out and grinding on the dance floor. I continued drinking along the way and with my lack of self-control over booze, I blacked out at some point. I woke up in the morning with a throbbing headache, the sunlight coming through the window blinding me. I grunted and opened my eyes with great difficulty, observing my surroundings. I was in the bedroom of my apartment. There was a note on the nightstand, written with almost perfect handwriting. See you soon. Maria There was a lipstick imprint in the shape of lips under that. I flipped the note over, hoping for a number or a way to contact her, but there was nothing else. I cursed loudly for not remembering anything about the fiery last night I probably had with Maria or having a way to contact her back, but at the time, my biggest concern was my throbbing head. I spent most of that day laying in bed and at around 4 pm I got a call from an unknown number. “Hello? ” I answered, expecting a call from a marketing or insurance agency. “Hey Jake! ” A playful female voice resounded on the other side. “Uh, hi? ” I said, trying not to give away my confusion. “Its Maria. Remember me? ” She asked playfully again. “Maria, hi! Of course I remember you! How was… the party for you? ” “The party was okay. But after-party was amazing. ” She giggled. I laughed awkwardly. “Say, did Matt give you my number? ” I asked. “Oh, I got it myself. While you were sleeping, I used your phone to call myself. ” “Oh, okay. ” I wish I could say that this raised some red flags, but the part of me which was into Maria decided to ignore such a creepy fact. More so, I was glad she called me. “Hey, Jake? Do you wanna go out somewhere tonight? ” She asked. “Out? Tonight? ” I was taken aback by this, but it was still a pleasant surprise. “Yeah, sure. How about we go to a quieter place tonight? ” “Thats a great idea! ” I could hear the excitement in her voice over the phone “Boss Café, 8 pm? ” “Sure. Do you want me to pick you up somewhere, or…” “No, its okay. See you soon, Jakey! Cant wait! ” I dressed up fancier than last night and put on an expensive perfume, to make up for the intoxicated state I was in at the party. Maria was already seated at a table in the restaurant, looking even more enthralling than last night. She wore a tight, fancy red dress that matched her hair and brought her bodily features to expression. I felt my temperature going up right away and it wasnt from the restaurants heating. She and I hit it off right pretty well from the start and after just a few minutes of talking, I realized she wasnt just a pretty face and a hot body, but also a font of knowledge that possessed the intellect of someone who could put a scholar to shame. I honestly started to feel a bit intimidated by this point. She was a psychologist in high school, who planned to start her own business and in her spare time she enjoyed painting, joining book club meetings and going to acting classes twice a week. And then there was me; a half-ambitious accountant, whose only goal was to make it to Friday so I could go drinking. She didnt seem to mind my lack of hobbies though, and was genuinely interested in everything I had to say, gleefully hanging on to every word I uttered. After dinner we went back to my place and when things started getting heated, she stopped me. She seemed genuinely worried, so when I asked her what was wrong, she told me that shes not the kind of person to sleep around, but that she likes me and wants to try something more serious with me. Most of my thinking capabilities were by then drained from staring at her exposed breasts, but I used my remaining brainpower to tell her I understand what she meant and that the feeling was mutual. At that, she seemed relieved and we took things further in the bedroom. Luckily, this time I remembered every single detail. We officially started dating after that and things went smoothly for a while. We saw each other every day and often shed sleep over. Frankly, I was beginning to think that she was the one and I had already started picturing our future together, even though we had been dating only for a month. And then one day, everything changed. We were on a date in Boss Café and she was telling me about her day. I carefully listened and agreed with her that the 15 year old girl from school that she was talking to was spoiled. My phone vibrated and I unlocked it. “Oh, crap. I forgot that I gotta meet up with Federica later. ” I said. “Who? ” Maria asked as she took a sip of her coffee. “My friend Federica. She and I agreed to catch up this week. ” “Excuse me? ” Marias face contorted into a grimace of anger. I had never seen her make this facial expression, so I instantly assumed this was bad. “Yeah, I mean. Federica and I have known each other over ten years. ” “So? Its not right for someone in a relationship to have any lady friends, Jake. I dont have any guy friends, either. ” “What? Come on, Federica is like a sister to me. And I mean, you hang out with Matt too, right? ” “No, I dont. I blocked him on all my social media when you and I started dating. Men and women cant be friends, theres always a chance for something more to happen between them. ” “Are you serious? Look, Im not forbidding you from hanging out with guys, its perfectly normal to have friends of the opposite sex, as long as youre just friends. ” “I dont agree with you. ” She crossed her arms, fuming “Im sorry Jake, but youre going to have to choose. Me or her. ” “Maria, come on. Dont be like this. Federica is just a friend! Im not going to cut off a friend Ive known for ten years, over someone Ive known for one month, so please dont make me choose. ” “If you wont cut her off, then I want to be with you every time you hang out with her. ” “No. ” I said sternly “Youll get to meet her, but I cant drag you to every-“ Before I managed to finish my sentence, Maria stood up and threw her coffee in my face. The nearby guests of the restaurant glanced in our direction, as Maria stormed out, furiously stomping her feet. I wiped my face and shirt futilely with a napkin, trying to pretend like everything was okay. I asked for the check from the waiter - who tried to keep a straight face ? and politely excused myself out of there. I would probably not be going back there any time soon. An hour later, I was at Federicas place and we were catching up, talking about old times, when my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and saw that I got a message from Maria. It said: How can you be so selfish? I replied: Im sorry if I hurt you, but try to understand my side. Well talk a bit later about it. I continued chatting with Federica, when my phone buzzed again. It was Maria again. No, we will not. I wont change my stance on this. “Is everything okay? ” Federica asked, possibly noticing my frustrated facial expression. “Yeah, every

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