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Duration: 105 M
year: 2020
Directed by: Brent Gudgel
countries: USA
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There is no more courageous an act than to lay down your life to save another. My deepest condolences on the death of Zau Seng, Ranger.

Free Burma ranger les. Free burma rangers founder. Tl;dr; Pilots & aircraft needed for humanitarian evacuation in Syria **now** David Eubank is the leader of The Free Burma Rangers? (FBR), whose mission mission is to provide hope, help and love to internally displaced people inside Burma, Sudan, Kurdistan, Iraq and Syria regardless of ethnicity or religion. Here's their website. Here's a podcast he recently was interviewed on. Below is an email that David just sent out. --------------------- 7 October, 2019 Sari Kani, Syria Dear friends, We are near Sari Kani, north of Tel Tamir, where hundreds of wounded people are trapped; a ceasefire has been announced and if it holds we are planning to use this opportunity to evacuate wounded people trapped by the Turkish and FSA assault. Sari Kari has a hospital but it is surrounded and has been damaged by airstrikes and shelling. We don’t know how many patients and staff are there. Right now, what is needed is a humanitarian air corridor as soon as possible to save lives. Please read our statistics below. I am up at the front and we cannot get further through the Turkish airstrikes. Numbers for this area near Sari Kani, north of Tal Tamir: Wounded: 653 (including 35 wounded children) Many of the injured are trapped?by Turkish airstrikes and cannot move to aid. Killed by airstrikes and shelling: 218 civilians (18 children) Displaced People: 150, 000 people have fled the Sari Kani area 150, 000 have fled Tel Abyad 60, 000 have fled Kobani 5 SDF medics have been killed, 1 in an airstrike, 4 captured on the road and executed; 5 have been wounded 4 ambulances have been hit by air strikes. The Casualty Collection Point (CCP) 15 kilometers north of Tel Tamir was destroyed by an airstrike on 12 October. There are still civilians in Sari Kani. In Tal Tamir there is a hospital with 50 staff, including 7 doctors. Patients are treated and sent to Hassaka and Qamishli?for better care. There is no other outside assistance or medical care. The front line here is 35 kms north of Tal Tamir at Sari Kani and west of Tel Tamir 20 kilometers in Aleaa. The Turks and FSA are attacking from the north and west. FBR is providing relief and medical care for the wounded and IDPs and will help evacuate wounded and civilians if the ceasefire holds. Thank you and God bless you, David Eubank Free Burma Rangers --------------------- I'm sure that there are a lot on this sub who have the type of flying experience and skill necessary to land in these conditions. And I'm sure there are aircraft available somewhere in the region. There are an incredible amount of dangers and unknowns, but asking the question can't hurt. I believe in a God who can accomplish anything. You don't have to be part of that, but be part of an effort to save some lives. The way forward: volunteer an aircraft or yourself. Looking for aircraft with unimproved field capability and the space to carry 20+ ambulatory pax.
I hope work with u sr?? and isof. Free burma rangers documentary. Free burma rangers movie trailer. Free burma rangers dvd release. &ref( Free burma rangers watch. He was shot as they were leaving. Sir You're the man of jesus still being alive in war held most ruthless Muslim countries. Free burma rangers. Anyone else see it? If you remember the guy who ran out from behind the tank in Iraq to rescue the little girl from a pile of dead people, the movie is about him and his family. His organization is the Free Burma Rangers. They provide medical care and aide to oppressed groups in Burma, Iraq and now Syria. Francis Chan is one of the producers. The faith and commitment of Dave Eubanks, his wife and now three kids is amazing. It is a documentary about their call to Burma and then Iraq to help people. Their motivation to go to these terrible war zones is to fight evil with the love of Jesus. It is not boring at all. My teens and I were blown away by them and inspired to follow Christ better. It is playing for one more night - Tuesday - if you haven’t seen it. A warning though - You will want to sell everything and follow Jesus boldly when it is over. It is also super intense and bloody at times as they are in war zones. Edit - I am not associated with this movie or organization in any way. Just thought it was something that other Christians would enjoy as much as we did. Second edit - enjoy is the wrong word as the movie is super intense with war footage and much pain and loss. “Appreciate and be inspired by” is probably better. Third Edit - Thanks for the Gold, kind stranger! I followed this post by writing a review of the movie for my blog, if you are interested in more information.
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Reporter: Aunt BB 笆笆拉
Bio: ??????????????Twitter banned both my @booannhammer @BabetteMartel accounts in a little over a year.









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