Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker ??Tubi TV?

Release Year: 2019 / &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) / Rating: 309079 Votes / tomatometer: 7,2 / 10 / Genre: Adventure / USA

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This last chapter delivered surprises I didn't see coming. Note that I never watch trailers or read reviews for this very simple reason. I keep an open mind because ultimately I want to enjoy the experience. Let's keep it in perspective. There are no midichlorians and 'Sand is coarse, not like you, dialoge. It was the best of the three. All of the main character's had more emotional range to explore. Oscar is a better actor than this but he did a solid job as did John. Adam and Daisy are the real standouts. Their scenes are very strong. The casting in this series was top notch. Domnhall Gleeson was very good, all things considered and Richard E. Grant carried a authoritative presence. It was quite clever what they managed with Carrie Fisher. Wonderful to see the four others for the last time too, No spoilers. Because my expectations was so low (Solo? going in, I kept waiting to be disappointed. But honestly, within half an hour, it was obvious that they were on the right path. There were your typical Star Wars battle scenes that may be a little stale now but they did what they could to keep it fresh. Emotionally it certainly delivered more so than previous entries. It even brought a tear to my eye more than once and I've never done that with any Star Wars film. And I've seen every film in it's original theatrical run since the beginning. Thank you Kathleen Kennedy and co. It was a thrilling ride. We love it passionately but it is only entertainment after all. Hopefully next time, and let's hope they do wait awhile now, they can be more original. We've seen their identification. Now, let's see some of that strange stuff that Han Solo was talking about, from one side of the Galaxy to the other...
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