
ボーフロンの練習帳 (3言語版)

I. Substantivi. – Genro e nombro.

I.Substantives-Gender and Number.

I.名詞 −性と数

La hom-o nask-as infanto, diven-as puer-o (de 7 til 15 yari), adolecanto, adulto.
Man is born an infant, becomes a child, an adolescent, an adult.
La speco “homo” es-as, per la sexu-o, sive hom-ul-o, sive hom-in-o.
The species "homo" is, by sex, either male (homo, man) or female (homino, woman).
Homulo divenas vir-o cirkum su-a 20 yar-i.
A man becomes fully developed (viro, a male, adult human being) at about his 20th year.
Famili-o konten-as du spozi (spoz-ul-o e spoz-in-o) kun li-a fili-i (fli-ul-i e fili-in-i), qui esas reciprok-e frat-i (frat-ul-i e frat-in-i).
A family consists of (contains) two married persons (husband and wife) with their children (sons and daughters), who are reciprocally(flati) brothers and/or sisters.
La filii dev-as respekt-ar ed am-ar su-a ge-patr-i (la patr ul-o e la patr-in-o). [gepatri = genitori = patrulo e patrino]*1
Children should respect and love their (own) parents (gepairi, both sexes conjointly).
Vu-a onkl-o (onkl-ul-o od onkl-in-o) esas la frato di vu-a patr-o (patr-ul-o o patr-in-o). [patrulo =patro; patrino =matro]
Your uncle (re1ationship without sex, uncle or aunt) is the brother (or sister) of your parent (father or mother.)
La filii di vu-a onklo esas vua kuz-i (kuz-ul-i o kuz-in-i).
The children of your uncle are your cousins (cousins, male or female.)
La ge-patri [genitori] di vua gepatri [genitori] esas vua av-i. Singl-u hav-as du av-ul-i e du av-in-i, di qui lu esas la nepot-o (nepot-ul-o o nepot-in-o).
The parents of your parenti are your grandparents.Each (each one) ha5 two grandfathers and two grandmothers, of whom he (or she) is the grandchild (grandson or granddaughter.)
Inter la rej-i di Anglia exist-is eminent-a rej-in-i; ma Francia hav-is nur rej-ul-i.
Among the sovereigns of Enlgland existed (there were) eminent queens ; but France has had only kings.
Letr-o komenc-as per: Sior-ul-o, o per: Sior-in-o.
A letter commences with (by means of) : Sir, or with (by means of) : Madam.
Sior-i, dic-as oratoro a la sioruli ed a la siorini qui askoltas lu.
"Siori," says an orator to the gentleman and ladies who listen to him (or to her).
Me vid-as ge-siori M…
I see Mr. and Mrs. M.
Me-a fratulo esas profesoro, e mea fratino esas sekretario di advokat-in-o.
My brother is a professor and my sister is secretary to (of) an advocate (barrister ; advokatino, lady ativocate).
Inter la besti-i on disting-as maskul-i e femin-i. Exempl-e bov-ul-i e bov-in-i; ma ordinar-e on union-as li per la nom-o komun-a “bov-i”.
Among beasts one dis-tinguishes males and females, for example, bulls and cows ; but, ordinarily, one combines them under (by means of) the common name "cattle".
La nomo “femino” ne konven-as por homino, on uz-as lu nur por besti-o femin-a.
The name femino is not suitable for a woman; one uses (employs) it only for (in the case of) female beasts.
Homino divenas muliero cirkum sua 18 yar-i.*2
On uz-as –ul e –in nur se to esas absolut-e neces-a por indikar la sexuo di bestio o persono. Nam esas ordinar-e tre komod-a parol-ar, mem pri homi, sen distingar la sexui, exempl-e pri su-a frati, pri sua profesori, pri sua amiki, qui povas esar homuli o homini.
One uses(we use) -ul- and -in- only if it (that) is absolutely necessary to indicate the sex of beast or person. Because it is, ordinarily, very convenient to speak, even of people, without distingishing the sexes, for example, of one's brothers and/or sisters (without reference tosex), of one's professors, of one's friends, who may be menor women.






