初めてのイド語 - exercaro_006

VI Pasiva konjugado. – Formi analizala e sintezala.

VI Passive Voice - Analytical and Synthetic Forms.
VI 受動態 -分析的かつ総合的形態

Me nun esas punisata (punis-es-as) pro kulpo quan me ne facis.
I am now being punished for an offence which I did not commit.

Esez quieta, nam hike tu esas amata (am-es-as) da omni habitanti.
Be calm, for you (familiar) are beloved by all the inhabitants here.

Il esas omna-foy-e honor-iz-ata per longa aklami.
He is always (every time) honoured with (by) prolonged cheers.

Ni esis laudata (laudesis) da la multa asistanti.
We were praised by the numerous persons present.

Ta libro esas editita en Amsterdam.
That book was edited in Amsterdam.

Vu esos rekompensata o punisata mem en vua vivo.
You will be rewarded or punished even in your life (time).

Esez maledikata da omni vivanti, hipokrito!
May you be cursed by all living, you hypocrite!

Me tre dezirus, ke la kozo esez des-kovrata (des-kovresez) en omna detali, por ke vu esez judikata (judikesez) segun vua meriti.
I much desire that the thing may be exposed in all its details, so that you may be judged according to your merits.

Yes, ni pensas esar plu amata (plu amesar) kam eli.
Yes, we think our-selves more beloved than they (fern.)

El opinionas esir sat rekompensata (sat rekompensesir).
She thinks herself to have been sufficiently recompensed.

Me esis felica, nam me esis amata da mea gepatri [genitori] e da mea instrukt-er-i.
I was happy, for I was beloved by my parents and by my teachers.

Il laboris tante male, ke il esis sempre punisata.
He worked so badly that he was always being punished.

Quik kande me facis maxim mikra kulpo, me esis batata.
When I had committed the slightest offence I was immediately beaten.

Kad vu ja esis reprochata da nia mastrulo?
Have you yet been reproved by our master(masc.)?

Se vu olim ne mentiabus (esus mentiinta), vu ne esus kondamnita.
Had you not (should you not have) pre-viously lied you would not have been condemned.

Esas necesa, ke ta debaji esez balde pagata.
It is necessary that those debts should soon be paid(should be paid soon-- esez,*1 subjunctive mood).

Kande ni esis punisata, il konsolacis ni tam dolce kam matro.
When we had been punished he consoled us as gently as a mother.

Batata (batate) da sua fratulo, la puer-in-o kriis e ploris bitre.
Beaten by her brother, the girl cried (out) and wept bitterly.

Klozita (klozite) en la matino, la pordo restas klozita til la mezo di la jorno.
Having been closed in the morning the door remains closed until the middle of the day.

Amata (amate) da la benigni e timata (timate) da la maligni vu havas la influo necesa por ito.
Loved by the kindly (well-disposed) and feared by the ill-disposed, you have the influence necessary for that.

Kad la konstrukt-ot-a palaco kustos multa pekunio?
Will the palace about to be built cost much money?

No, ol kustos nur poka pekunio, nam on uzos la materiaro di la incendiita.
No, it will cost but a small sum, as the material from the one burnt down will be made use of.

Ta ri-nov-ig-it-a atesto augmentos lia forteso kontre lia enemiki.
That renewed attestation will increase their strength against their enemies.

Vere, kad la posedo di ruinita kastelo igas lu tante richa?
Does the possession of a ruined castle really make him (or her) so rich?

La arest-it-o esas nun questionata (nun questionesas), ed il esos balde punisata (balde punisesos).
The person arrested is now being questioned (interrogated) and he will soon be punished.